I am SO sorry I haven't updated in such a long time! I know you guys must be super angry at me, but I just have not had any free time to do anything. I've been focusing on school a lot, and I let myself forget about Fanfiction (which was a mistake on my part). I just finished finals, so I'll have a lot more time to focus on writing. I'm super sorry about the delay and I will definitely try to get back to regularly updating my stories.

1 Week Later

"Momma, WAKE UP!" Kentaro started jumping on the bed, attempting to wake me up. I opened my eyes and pulled him down into my arms and under the covers before closing my eyes again.

Sesshomaru walked into the bedroom a few minutes later and lifted Kentaro out of the bed, I opened one eye and saw him put Ken onto the floor and tell him to go to the kitchen.

"Rin, are you okay?" Sesshomaru kneeled down next to the bed and I shrugged and pouted. Sesshy knew how uncomfortable I was lately. The babies were getting quite big and I had been to the doctor twice this week because of intense abdominal cramps.

"I'm sore and tired, I want these babies out of me." I sighed and pouted some more. Sesshomaru slightly pulled the covers off me and rubbed my large belly. It was gigantic right now.

I reached up my hand and Sesshomaru took it and helped me sit up and get off the bed. I waddled to the bathroom to pee and then came back into the bedroom and changed into a comfortable pair of pants and one of Sesshomaru's shirts.

Sesshomaru helped me downstairs because he was worried I would trip and fall down the stairs. I mean, I'm already clumsy, you can imagine how much clumsier I am when I can't even see my feet. Kentaro was patiently waiting in the kitchen and Sesshomaru picked him up and put him into his high chair.

"Ken, what do you want to eat?" I asked, running my fingers through his messy hair. He giggled and smiled at me.

"Eggs?" I nodded and Kentaro smiled again. I wasn't really in the mood to eat anything, but I knew Sesshomaru would force feed me if I didn't eat. Eggs were still one of the few things that didn't make me feel sick.

I sat down in a chair and lazily stroked my belly while Sesshomaru grabbed the eggs from the fridge and quickly began whisking them and making scrambled eggs. I was so happy that I was with a man that could cook; it was such a relief for me and my swollen ankles. I can't even stand up for more than a minute without feeling ankle pain.

I relaxed in my chair and a few seconds later I felt a painful pressure. Oh god…that felt like a contraction. I slowly got off my chair and got some water from the fridge. I was about to take a sip and I felt more pain. I groaned and put the water bottle on the counter.

I felt a small gush of fluid in between my legs and squeaked. Sesshomaru immediately turned to me with wide eyes and I suddenly realized that this was the first time he was going through this. He doesn't know how terrible labor is. Oh god.

"Sesshomaru, stay calm, but my water just broke and we have to go to the hospital. Please call someone to come over and watch Kentaro. I'm going to go upstairs and change." I said calmly, before walking out of the kitchen. I went upstairs and quickly took off my clothes and quickly rinsed myself off and slipped on some loose fitting clothes.

When I went downstairs Kentaro was sitting at his high chair and eating some scrambled eggs. Sesshomaru was on the phone and I saw that he already got the hospital bag from our bedroom. He disconnected the phone and glanced up at me.

"Alright, I called Sango, she and Miroku are coming over with Aki." I nodded and patted my belly when the babies kicked gently. I went to the living room and plopped down on the couch. Labor with Kentaro took quite a while; hopefully this would be a bit quicker.

I heard the doorbell ring and got off the couch with a groan. Sesshomaru beat me to the door and I made a face at him. Sango walked in without saying anything and walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"AH! Go have those babies, we'll watch Kentaro, don't worry about anything." Sango gave me a big smile and Miroku walked inside the house holding Aki. I gave Sango a tired smile back and patted my belly. Sesshomaru grabbed the hospital bag and we went out to the car.

"You okay?" I turned Sesshomaru's face to mine when we were sitting in the car. He nodded and pulled out of the driveway before heading to the hospital. I could tell he was a little nervous. Sesshomaru is so cute sometimes. I leaned against the seat and wiggled around a bit until I was comfortable.

I decided to call Izayoi to tell her that I had gone into labor. I grabbed my phone from my purse, which Sesshomaru had grabbed before we left the house, and dialed the number.

"Hi Rin, how are you sweetheart?" Ah, Izayoi was always so cheerful and happy when I spoke to her. It made me smile.

"I'm great, I just called to tell you that I went into labor about half an hour ago, Sango and Miroku are watching Kentaro. Sesshomaru and I are headed to the hospital; do you want to meet us there?" I got a contraction and tightly grabbed the armrest of the seat. Sesshomaru noticed and took my hand. I smiled at him and the contraction stopped.

"Of course! We'll be there as soon as possible!" She disconnected before I could say anything. This was funny, it seemed like everyone was worried about me except myself. The contractions weren't that hard. This is probably going to be easy.



I had been at the hospital for two hours now and I was only 4 centimeters dilated. I got another contraction and let out a low growl and grasped Sesshomaru's arm. He stroked my back soothingly and I glared at him and he stopped. This was not comforting; I kept getting annoyed whenever anyone touched me.

Izayoi walked into the room with a cup of ice chips and handed it to me. I started crunching on a big piece of ice when Dr. Asari walked into the room. She saw me angrily chewing on ice and she chuckled and walked over to me.

"I see these little ones don't want to come out just yet." She patted my arm and checked my dilation. "Well here's some good news, you're six centimeters dilated, only four centimeters to go." I actually felt relieved when she said that. At least this was starting to speed up.

I closed my eyes and continued chewing the ice. I found it incredibly stupid that they wouldn't let me eat or drink anything else. Sesshomaru had been standing next to me holding my hand and letting me take my anger out on him. He was going to be a father to two more children. I could tell it was stressing him out a bit.

"Relax, okay?" I mumbled, patting his hand gently. He gave me this slightly startled expression and I realized just how frazzled he really was right now. He usually doesn't let any emotions show in his face. Sesshy was majorly out of character right now.

"I'm fine; you're the one I'm worried about." He leaned over and kissed my forehead. I lazily smiled at him and patted his face before kissing him gently. He pulled away before I could deepen the kiss and I pouted.

"Rin now is not the time to suddenly make out with me." Sesshomaru laughed and my pout turned into a frown. I made a sound of displeasure and started chewing my ice again. I wanted these babies out of me!

I gave my cup of ice to Sesshomaru and got my earphones from my purse. I got my phone and plugged my earphones in. Maybe some music would calm me down. The first song that played was the Daft Punk remix by Pentatonic (I have been majorly obsessed with them lately).

I closed my eyes and relaxed. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

I was shaken awake a while later and I groaned and sat up slightly. Sesshomaru was standing next to me and I smiled at him and then made a sound that resembled the cry of a dying whale when I got a contraction. I relaxed and a few seconds later Inutaisho, Izayoi, Kagome, and Inuyasha all walked into the room. Izayoi immediately started fussing over me and asking me if I was comfortable.

"I'm fine, the contractions are pretty bad, but I've been sleeping for a little while." I waved her off and she smiled at me. Dr. Asari walked into the room a few moments later and checked how dilated I was.

"Nine centimeters, the babies are going to be coming out soon! Aren't you excited?" I gave her a look and she just smiled at me. Sesshomaru looked a little bit terrified and it kind of made me want to laugh.

He glanced at me and I giggled and patted his cheek before kissing him gently. I really wanted to sleep some more, and then see Kentaro...being away from him for more than an hour was tough.

I got another contraction and clutched onto Sesshomaru's hand tightly. He started stroking my hair and I smacked his hand away. It wasn't comforting, it was just annoying. He looked like a kicked puppy afterwards though, so I smiled at him.

Dr. Asari walked in a couple seconds later and checked how dilated I was again.

"Alright, that's ten centimeters, everybody out except for Izayoi and Sesshomaru. Rin get ready to push!" I groaned and held onto Sesshomaru's hand with a tighter grip, Izayoi went to my other side and took my other hand. I took a deep breath and pushed as hard as possible when my next contraction came. I screamed loudly and Sesshomaru winced, but didn't let go of my hand.

"Oh god this is so much more painful than I remember." I growled taking a few shallow breaths before pushing once more. I screamed out a chain of expletives and Izayoi smiled at me reassuringly and patted rubbed my hand.

"His head is out!" I closed my eyes for a moment and pushed again. I let out a groan and tightened my grip on both Sesshomaru and Izayoi's hands. I felt like I was injuring both of them. I took another deep breath and pushed as hard as I possibly could.

"Sesshomaru, do you want to see?" Dr. Asari asked, glancing up at Sesshy. He looked down at me questioningly and I nodded and gestured for him to go look.

He let go of my hand and walked over to where Dr. Asari was and just stared with slightly widened eyes. He actually looked a bit fascinated.

"How does he look?" I asked tiredly, before pushing again. I was sure Kanou and Kaito would be as furry and tiny as Kentaro was when he was a newborn pup.

"He's so small, and very fluffy looking." Sesshomaru blinked a few times before walking back to my side and taking my hand in his again. I smiled at him and he kissed my hand gently and I exhaled and pushed with a growl.

"It's a boy!" Dr. Asari announced happily. I heard some squeaks and squeals and a few moments later a wiggly little pup was placed onto my chest. I laughed and stroked his little head and he nuzzled against my hand.

"I feel like he should be Kaito." Sesshomaru said silently. I smiled and nodded, continuing to stroke Kaito's head. A few moments later Sesshomaru lifted Kaito from my chest and started licking him. It didn't look as weird as it sounded, and Dr. Asari had told me during my first pregnancy that full inuyoukai demons, male or female, often cleaned their own newborn child after birth, so I was kind of expecting it.

I soon felt the urge to push again and followed my instincts and stopped watching Sesshomaru. I pushed with a long, loud groan of pain. It was starting to feel less painful though, which was good.

I relaxed for about thirty seconds and then pushed again. I was really starting to feel a bit tired and out of it. I just wanted Kanou out of me and then I wanted to sleep for a little while.

"Head is out, keep pushing." Dr. Asari urged. I groaned and pushed again, clenching my eyes shut. I relaxed a bit and took a few deep breaths. I opened my eyes after a moment and grasped Izayoi's hand as tightly as I possibly could before pushing with all the strength I had left. I screamed as I pushed and soon enough the pressure was gone and Kanou was placed onto my chest.

Sesshomaru proceeded to lift him up and begin cleaning him as well. I collapsed against the pillows and closed my eyes. Dr. Asari told me to push again and the placenta slid out. Finally, it's over. Izayoi gently wiped the sweat off my face and I smiled at her tiredly. Dr. Asari cleaned me up and then told me that I could rest now and I closed my eyes and got comfortable.

Sesshomaru finally handed off the twins to a nurse and walked over to me and gave me a small, quick smile. Both of the little pups were wiggling around in the hospital bassinet they were placed in. I smiled and glanced up at Sesshomaru.

"Look at what we did, they're so cute." I cooed, Sesshomaru laughed and pushed my hair out of my face. I sighed and put my hand over my newly flattened belly.

"They're beautiful. You should rest now."

"Okay. Oh, and call Sango and Miroku and tell them they can come to the hospital with Kentaro. I want him to meet his brothers." I smiled up at Sesshomaru. I couldn't even believe that the babies were finally here. I suddenly remembered about the fact that I still had to plan Kentaro's birthday party. Izayoi would definitely help me with the last minute planning.

Sesshomaru left the room to go call Sango and Miroku, after telling me to sleep again. I rolled my eyes but followed his orders and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


When I woke up the pups were asleep in the hospital bassinet and Sesshomaru was asleep in one of the uncomfortable looking chairs in the room. I guess he was pretty worn out as well.

"Sesshomaru, wake up." I whisper yelled, not wanting to wake up my little newborn fluffy bundles of joy. Sesshomaru opened his eyes and yawned before standing up and stretching.

"Sango and Miroku are in the waiting room with Aki and Kentaro." Sesshomaru said before smiling at me and walking over to give me a kiss. I giggled and put my arms around his neck. Sesshomaru went over to the bassinet a few minutes later and lifted Kaito and Kanou up before walking back over to me and gently placing them down on the bed.

Kanou woke up and started squealing and wiggling around. Both of the pups were probably hungry. Sesshomaru helped me get one side of my body out of the hospital gown I was currently wearing and I helped Kanou find my breast. He latched on quickly and happily started eating. I smiled and stroked his fuzzy paw.

"I can't believe they're here." I couldn't seem to keep the smile off my face. I was so happy to finally see my little cuties. I finished feeding Kanou and fed Kaito before telling Sesshomaru that he could let everyone in to meet the twins.

Both the pups were asleep in my lap right now. So I just let them stay there and sleep. It must be so tiring to be born. Sesshomaru walked back in with Kentaro in his arms and Ken was just staring at the twins on the bed.

"They're tiny." Kentaro announced, resting his head against Sesshomaru's shoulder. I chuckled at his words and took them as a sign of approval. I was wondering how Kentaro would react to being a big brother. I think he'll hate not having all the attention to himself; he's just so used to being the center of attention.

Everybody else walked in and stood in a half circle around the bed. Kaito woke up and let out a cute little yawn and nuzzled into me. I giggled and stroked his back with my hand. Inutaisho just looked so proud and happy; he had the same face when he first met Kentaro.

"They're so sweet." Kagome commented, smiling brightly at me. Inuyasha was looking at the babies with this look on his face. Inuyasha loved babies, even if he wouldn't admit it to anyone. I had always known that about him.

"This is Kaito, and this is Kanou," I announced, gesturing to them as I said their names. I lifted Kanou out of my lap and gently handed him to Inutaisho, and gave Kaito to Izayoi. They looked really proud, and way too young to be grandparents. I imagine that Sesshomaru looked very similar to Kaito and Kanou when he was a baby.

Miroku and Sango were giving each other this look and I glanced back and forth between them for a moment before my jaw dropped and I just stared at them. Sango noticed me and raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sango asked, continuing to give me that questioning look.

"You, you're pregnant aren't you!" Sango's face turned slightly red and I pointed at her and waved my finger around a little. "I knew it! This is so exciting!" I clapped my hands and Sango just laughed and shrugged.

"You just gave birth, why don't we obsess over your children before discussing my pregnancy?" I rolled my eyes, but nodded anyways. The pups were passed around the room and finally ended back up on the bed with me. Sesshomaru made Kentaro wash his hands before placing him onto the hospital bed with me. Kentaro reached out a hand and started stroking Kanou's fur. He giggled and continued stroking him.

"You looked exactly like this when you were a baby." I pushed Kentaro's hair out of his face and he laughed and shook his head.

"No I wasn't momma, I'm big." I smiled at him and shook my head. I actually think he might've been smaller than both Kaito and Kanou when he was a baby. He was so cute and sweet back then, and he wasn't very fussy either.

Kanou started squealing and wiggling around unhappily and started letting out these heartbreaking puppy cries. Kaito, noticing his brother's unhappiness, followed suit and started puppy crying as well. Kentaro looked like he had just been whacked in the face.

"Don't worry Ken, the pups are just tired. They love you." I smoothed down his hair and Sesshomaru lifted him off the bed and everyone left the room to give us some space. The pups stopped crying and fell asleep after a couple moments. I smiled and kissed both of them on the head before we placed them back into the hospital bassinet.

Sesshomaru put Kentaro in my lap and I put my arms around my little boy.

"Sweetheart, are you excited about being a big brother?" I asked, kissing his head and leaning back against the pillows on the bed. I felt kinda gross, maybe I should take a shower soon.

"Yeah, I'm big. I'll protect them." Kentaro said, giggling. I chuckled and tickled his sides. He let out a loud shriek of a laugh and I smiled and rocked him side to side in my arms. Sesshomaru sat down on the side of the bed and smiled at me before taking one of my hands into his. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Nothing could possibly ruin this moment.

That was a really stupid way to end the chapter, I know, I know! Anyways…I feel like I owe you guys a bit of an explanation. I haven't updated this story since May 2013 and that is not acceptable. It has been more than half a year since my last update, and I'm really sorry! School was just a lot more complicated than I thought it would be and I went through a lot of bad phases. I also had to go through a really terrible breakup (the guy led me on, told me he loved me, and then broke up with me to date my best friend, now ex-best friend). The drama level was just so high and I didn't have any desire to write. I didn't want to give you crappy chapters, so I kind of just stopped writing all of my fanfictions. I don't want to promise anything I can't do, but I will say that I'll try to update at least every other month, I'll try my hardest not to make you wait too long for a chapter. I love all of my readers, and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! :)