read and review*** *so sorry for updating late (really really late), just had other ideas for stories and was so unfocused it's CRAZY!*
Chapter 12
lie du loc'h - southeast of Guilvinec
Miss Martian flew silently over the west shore.
She scanned the land below both with her eyes and with her mind.
The team had not been told specifics, just that they were to observe and report.
So far the west was silent.
Not a single noise, physically or mentally.
Everyone on the island must be on other points of the island.
Artemis was on the edge of the island's jungle on the south end of the island.
She was crouching behind a rock formation.
Her eyes were on a giant metallic door that was hidden in the rocks just 200 yards from the water.
The door was hidden, they did not want this to be seen.
Whatever this is.
Artemis made not of the lack of movement at her point.
Kid Flash
They were here to observe.
Not to act.
Kid Flash liked action.
He sat tortuously still on the beach.
Then just when he thought he thought that he would die of boredom.
A door- hidden in the sand opened.
It was massive and out of it came miliatary grade vehicles.
Trucks. jeeps, tanks.
And on them were men.
With guns.
Mind link
'Report kid'
'Aqualad, guns, lots of guns here!'
'Aqualad should we message Batman?'
'No not yet Miss Martian, we are here to observe, we need to see what they are planning. Everyone else report'
'Clear at the southwest point'
'Quiet by the south bay'
'Robin report'
' activity of some kind at the east'
' men with lab coats and lots of crates, men with guns standing perimeter.'
'can you get a look at what they have from your position?'
'No. but it looks bad. I know it's bad.'
okay so here it is!
for everything
love ya
I'm fragile, but review!