Disclaimer I do not own Hetalia or pokemon.
It was a peaceful day in pallet town. Prof. Oak had just given out the three starters and given out his squrtle to his grandson and given a Pikachu to a boy named Ash who was exceptionally late.
However he didn't know that a fifth person was going to start on a journey. Alfred sat on the front deck of a boat looking out on the upcoming town. In the last meeting of the nations they discovered a group of small islands in the pacific ocean and wanted to send someone to investigate it and explore it. For this expedition they gave them self's human names in order to blend in.
Japan discovered that the main sport on these islands is battling with strange creature in order to win fame in some sort of competition. After America heard this he volunteered to explore mostly for the fame part. Japan designed a ball like the ones they use on the islands for one of the other nations to be disguised as one of these creatures and travel inside it.
China was chosen to go with America and investigate as his creature (he had taken special training for this task). Alfred was told that the others would meet up with him on the island.
The boat docked and Alfred walked off and saw a sign labeled Pallet town. He looked down on a piece of paper he had and it showed an old man in his sixties in a lab coat. "All right to get started I'm supposed to meet this guy." America put the paper in the pocket of his jacket and tapped the red and white ball on his belt.
"How ya doing in there China?"There was a bright flash from the ball and China appeared in front of him.
"Pretty good Aru. Japan made them roomy and stocked them with food and water and I can hear what's going on the outside. I'm ready for any of these fights Aru.""
"Good now lets go see this professor guy." China nodded his head and the light came out of the ball and sucked him back .
Prof. Oak was in his lab at his desk when the door was suddenly thrust open.
He turned around to see a young man in glasses standing there.
"Who are you?"
"My names Alfred Jones and I'm here to get my journey of fame started."
"Well I'm sorry but your to late all the other starter pokemon are gone." Said Oak rather irritated.
Pokemon so that's what there called thought Alfred.
"Well that's okay I have my own pokemon!" Said Alfred triumphantly. He threw his poke ball in the air and shouted "Go China!" China materialized in front and shouted "Aru."
Professor. Oak jumped back in surprise at this."T-That's not a pokemon."
"Of course he is and you can't prove otherwise."
"Oh yeah ." Prof. Oaktook out a red game boy like device.
"This is the pokedex it has information on every pokemon in existence and if that's really a pokemon it will have data on it."
Oh crap I hope China in convincing enough to trick that machine. Thought Alfred. Prof .Oak opened up the pokedex and pointed it at china. The screen lit up and surprisingly gave information on him.
China The industrial Pokemon. Type Steel/Poison. Abllity Bootleg- China might use the other pokemon's item. This pokemon is said to have been around for four thousand years. It uses cooking utensil to fight against enemies. It also uses poison based attacks to hurt it's enemies in battle. Since it's been around so long some have claimed it to be immortal. Attacks Wok Smash-Steel, Smog-Poison, Karate Chop-Fighting, Manufacturing-Steel
Oak then put the pokedex away.
"all right. Sorry I didn't believe you it's just that I've never seen a pokemon like this before and I'm the leading authority on pokemon but there's many things we yet to learn."
"Yeah yeah whatever can we just get on with it please." Alfred said. Prof. Oak a little annoyed handed Alfred a trainer license and a pokedex and poke balls.
"The nearest gym is up in the north at pewter city I suggest you go there."
"Thanks man. Now to fame and fortune!" Alfred pointed dramatically up in the air and China returned to his poke ball. He walked out of the lab and torward route one
America/Alfreds first battle is in the next chapter and more nations will appear as pokemon.