A/N well everyone another new chapter of Ninja trainers this chapter might be dark guys so I thought that I would give you all a warning beforehand, after all, something terrible has happened to one of our five heroes. Now, who is it, you may ask that is something you will all have to read and find out.

Also would like to thank my good friend EmperorDraco7 for the help on the chapter mainly with some of the excellent ideas that I would have never have thought off so thanks man that has helped me a lot.

Chapter 18 Island of Giant Pokémon

Naruto groaned as he started to wake up shaking and rubbing his head as he looked around to see where he was right now, from what Naruto could tell he was on a beach. However he soon saw both Brock and Ash, yet there was no sign of Misty or Sakura which worried Naruto a little on where they were right now.

He then ran over and shook his friend. "Stupid Team Rocket hey Ash, come on Ash wake up something's happened," Naruto said with a frown knowing that they needed to look for Misty and Sakura.

"Huh...?" Ash got up as he rubbed his head and looked up to Naruto. "Naruto...!" Ash exclaims, seeing his friend beside him.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alright," Naruto said relieved as he looked around the beach some more but still didn't see any sign of Sakura or Misty.

Ash nodded then looked around them. "Hey, how did I end up on the beach?" The boy asked. He then noticed that Brock was lying a few feet from him. Ash and Naruto went over to him and shook them awake.

"Hey, Naruto, where's Sakura and Misty?" Ash asked as he looked over to Naruto as he couldn't see the two girls, and he was worried for them both right now.

Naruto simple shook his head at this and frowned. "I don't know, and that's what worries me," Naruto said as he didn't know just how big this island was. "Hey, Brock, come on! Come on; wake up, man!" Naruto shook the older teen awake.

Before long Brock had finally come to as he was rubbing his head now as well looking around to see where they landed. "How did we get here?" Brock asked as he looked at the two.

"How did we survive that cyclone?" Brock asked, looking around to see just where he and his friends were right now.

"Hey, we were lucky," Ash said smiling before he starts looking around again for any sign of Misty and Sakura however he also saw something else was missing as well, this time for his missing Pokémon. "But, but where did Pikachu go?" he asked. Then he noticed that he was missing some pokéballs on his belt. "Ah! I only have two my Pokémon!" Ash exclaimed.

"What!" Naruto looked in alarmed at Ash, as did Brock as Naruto soon saw that one of his Pokémon was missing as well. "Oh no, my Eevee is missing as well, this is not our week, ya' know."

Sakura meanwhile had also woken up as she was now rubbing her head as she recalled what had happened. "Stupid Team Rocket, we could have all been killed by that cyclone," Sakura said with a groan at the stupid, action that the trio had done on the makeshift raft.

Standing to her feet Sakura brushed the sand off her clothes as she looked around to see where she was which was an island and on a beach as well, but she noticed that her other friends were not here with her. "Where are they then?" Sakura asked with a frown on her face as she continued to rub her head.

With that in mind, she moved into the jungle calling out for her friends, yet she got no answer back as moved on she soon heard a groan not too far from her and rushed over to see that it was Misty on the ground.

Sakura would have smiled that she had found Misty; however, that was not the case as she saw that something very horrible had happened to her good friend, there was a tree branch sticking through Misty's stomach with blood coming out. "No, Misty!" Sakura cried out as she rushed over to her friend as she looked Misty over and heard the girl groan something which Sakura was thankful as it meant she was still alive.

On another part of the island, Jessie and James were unconscious. They were rudely awakened by a Krabby, which soon scuttled away after pinching them awake.

They both landed facing each other in confusion. "Oh," James said as he looked over to Jessie.

"Could it be...?" Jessie started as she looked at James.

"Does this mean..." James followed along.

"We survived again!" they stated together and hugged.

"We're the, completely invincible..." "...unbeatable..." "Team, Rocket!" Jessie and James said, respectively, then together. Then they realized something. "But I don't hear any annoying..." "Complaining..." "Meowth is missing!"

"Oh! I've lost the pokéball with the Ekans I got for my birthday last year," Jessie cried out at seeing she was without a Pokémon.

"Ah! The Poke Ball with the Koffing I got for Christmas is gone too," James said in a frantic tone like Jessie. "And we're broke," he says showing an empty wallet.

"We're penniless and Poke less," Jessie sighs, then falls to her knees. "How will we survive? Time is running out for, the both of us," she says as she picks up some sand and watches it fall back to the ground.

"We could always call for help," James says, pointing at a nearby phone. "Look over there."

"It's a phone booth! Aren't we lucky," she asks rhetorically. "Ha, ha, now we can call someone for help." Jessie delightfully says as she looks over to James.

"But we don't have any change," James said sadly and looked over to Jessie.

"And without any change..." Jessie says sadly as well, then together. "Our luck, sure has changed." The two spoke with a big sigh as they soon walked away.

A little while later, Pikachu came across four pokéballs in the sand near the water, on some other part of the island.

"What's this?" asked Pikachu. As he soon went over and sniffed at the four pokéballs and stood up straight. "These are Ash's pokéballs, and the other one is Naruto's!" Pikachu exclaimed in realization. "Everybody come on out!" he shouted as he tapped each pokéball. The balls opened and released three white lights of their friends.

The four Pokémon that appeared from within the pokéballs were Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. The three of them looked somewhat exhausted. And from Naruto's came Eevee all of them were shocked at what was going on as Pikachu looked at them all.

"Are you all okay?" Pikachu asked, looking at the three Pokémon with concern.

"I'm all right," Charmander said, looking over to Pikachu.

"I've felt better!" Squirtle complained, holding his head.

"I'm just fine!" Bulbasaur announced.

Eevee looked around as well and nodded at Pikachu. "I'm fine as well."

"That's good to hear," Pikachu said to them as he picked up the three pokéballs and placed them in his backpack. "We got separated from Ash and the others. Once you guys have rested, we need to go look for them," the shiny Pokémon said to his teammates.

"Alright, but I have one question, though," Squirtle said.

"And what's that, Squirtle?" Eevee asked, looking over to the water type Pokémon.

"Where are we?" Squirtle asked, looking around.

"Are we lost?" Bulbasaur asks as he too began to look around to see where he and the others were.

"What is this place?" Charmander curiously asked.

"We don't know," Pikachu responded. Then he and Eevee spotted a pink Pokémon lying on a rock near the water. It was a Slowpoke.

Soon both Pikachu and Charmander went over to the Water-type to ask for directions. "Hello!" Pikachu greeted to the Pokémon.

"Could you tell us where we are?" Charmander asked politely.

The Slowpoke just sat there staring straight ahead, and this confused the three Pokémon.

"Can't you hear us?" Charmander asked.

"Hello, we need help." Eevee said, looking at the water Pokémon, they were trying to talk to the Slowpoke.

"Where are we?" Pikachu asked loudly this time.

"Can you help us out?" Charmander asked loudly, as well.

Eevee remained silent now and frowned at the water type as it got up, walk backward, and stuck his tail in the water.

Now utterly confused by this the three Pokémon turn to each other in question at this, while Bulbasaur and Squirtle lounged not too far from them, enjoying the gentle breeze and the warm sun.

"It sure is peaceful here." Squirtle commented with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, it sure is." Bulbasaur agreed with a smile that was on his face.

Sakura was worried as she looked over Misty who was on the ground trying to think on what she should do right now as she looked at Misty with a white face knowing that her friend was not awake which Sakura was thankful for that.

"I just hope I have something that can help her," She said and looked back at Misty and was still out before looking in the bag that she had, hoping to find something, anything really that could help Misty out. "Come on; I have to have something anything!" Sakura cried out in frustration.

Looking at the situation, Sakura knew she needed to free Misty from the tree branch first, and she could see Misty was still losing blood. "But I have no idea if one of her organs was damaged as well," Sakura said with a frown on her face.

Just then she heard a moan and looked as she saw Misty was opening her eyes. "Sakura..." Misty said with a groan of pain in her voice.

Sakura face soon went white as she looked at her friend who had woken up and Sakura knew that this was bad. "No, no, no...!" Sakura thought as she moved closer to Misty whose eyes were fully open now looking around.

"Sakura, what's going on?" Misty asked as she looked up to Sakura, not knowing what had happened to her and soon felt the pain in her stomach. "Sakura, why does my stomach..." Misty said with gasps at the pain and was about to look down.

Sakura saw this and quickly stopped Misty from doing this as she looked at her friend. "No Misty, don't look down!" she cried out, placing her hands on Misty's shoulders.

Misty simple looked into Sakura's eyes and wondered what had happened to her as she could see the worry that was in her eyes right now. However, Misty still knew that something terrible has happened to her as she saw it in her friend's eyes, so she looked down to see what was going on.

As soon as Misty did this, her mouth opened and she wanted to scream at what she was seeing, but she was too horrified over what had happened as panic and fear started to set in. "It hurts..." Misty said her hands were shaking as she looked to Sakura with fear no in Misty's eyes. "I don't want to die."

Sakura just looked at her friend and knew that Misty was not a ninja so she knew she would have fear on what was going on right now, and while Sakura was a ninja and so Sakura was not meant to show any emotion, but Misty was her friend, and right now she was not home. So in her mind, Sakura just pushed that rule aside.

"You won't Misty you just have told hold on okay," Sakura said holding onto Misty's hand and looked into her eyes, doing the best that she could do to make Misty not feel scared at what was going on.

Misty looked up to Sakura as she nodded at what her friend was telling her, but she could still feel the pain in her stomach. And knowing that Sakura, will be doing all that she could to help her but the fear was still in Misty at what would happen to her, she even saw that there was no sight of the others and that worried her too. "Sakura, where are the others?"

Sakura frowned at this as she wishes that she knew this. "I don't know Misty I don't," Sakura said as she gave her friend a frown at her knowing that they could be anywhere right now, but she also knew that Naruto might be with Ash and Brock. "They may even be looking for us right now." Sakura thought with a frown.

"Then..." Misty said gasping trying to ignore the pain she was in right now as Sakura stopped her from moving around too much, knowing that this would cause her more pain.

"Misty, please, you can't move too much, okay. I have no idea how badly hurt you are." Sakura said with worry as Misty nodded at this, but she was also feeling tired as well as she soon closed her eyes while Sakura was calling her name.

Later that night, the group of Pokémon were following Pikachu through the forest. Charmander walked beside him, holding his tail up, in front of them, for light.

"I don't see Ash and the others anywhere," Pikachu said as he looked around trying his best to find his human friends. "I just hope that they're all okay."

"They just disappeared." Charmander comments worriedly.

"You guys shouldn't worry so much." Eevee said, gaining everyone's attention, "We'll find them. If not tonight, then maybe we'll find them tomorrow. Let's hope that they're all in one peace; they could even be looking for us right now."

"Or maybe they all got eaten by wild Pokémon!" Squirtle exclaimed jokingly. He then showed sharp teeth and made biting sounds, as if he was eating on some meat. "Growl, crunch, crunch, crunch!"

However, this caused his teammates to come to a stop and frown at the water-type. "Don't say things like that!" Pikachu chastised his teammate.

"Yeah, cut it out," Charmander said, a bit frightened at the idea of Ash and the others getting eaten.

"Sorry," the water-type apologizes, chuckles nervously, as he rubs the back of his head.

"Maybe, Ash forgot about us," Bulbasaur voiced his negative opinion while looking away from the others.

Everyone looked at him in shock, except for Pikachu. "Y-you think so?" Charmander asked in fear, a bit of sweat on his head.

"Ash would never do that, and neither would the others." Pikachu cried out, looking at the Pokémon, knowing that this; conflicted them.

"Pikachu is right for all we know they could be hurt." Eevee said with a frown and looked around the jungle they were walking through right now.

In the nearby bushes, the Pokémon Meowth along with both Jessie and James Pokémon were looking on at what was going on with Meowth having a smile on his face seeing that this was the chance that he needed to capture them all.

"So, Pikachu and their friends survived? Huh! That means I can finally get my revenge," Meowth sneered. "Alright, Pokémon surrender!" he announces with a smile on his face.

"Alright, Pokémon surrender!" a voice sounded from the dark bushes on top of a ledge.

Pikachu and the group look up at where the voice came from, as Eevee and Charmander looked up curiously, Pikachu frowned at recognizing who it was right away, and Squirtle and Bulbasaur got into position to fight.

"Who's there?" Bulbasaur demands.

"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light, surrender now or prepare to fight!" the voice says. Jumping off the ledge and into the light of Charmander's flame was Meowth of Team Rocket.

"Oh great, what we don't need right now," an annoyed Eevee says frowning at the cat.

"It's just Meowth." a bored Pikachu says with having to see the cat again. The group mirrored this expression. As one they closed their eyes and turned their heads away from the normal-type.

Meowth sighs and falls over from the lack of fear he wasn't getting from the twerp's Pokémon.

"I guess the Team Rocket motto is starting to lose its impact," the cat said with a frown, as Meowth then he sneered at them. "Never mind!" he points to Pikachu's group while looking back at Koffing, and Ekans. "Ok guys! Go get 'em," he orders and turns back smirking at the five Pokémon.

"Huh?" the Scratch Cat Pokémon questioned, then looked back at his team.

He sees that Ekans was laying on the ledge and Koffing floating above and to the right of Ekans. The two didn't move a single muscle as all they did was look at Meowth. "Hey! I said, go get 'em!" Meowth tells them while pointing at Pikachu's team.

Ekans hisses at Meowth. "You not, Master!"

"Right, right! Not Master!" Koffing moves up and down beside his shared teammate.

"What are you talking about!?" Meowth asks, taken aback by this as he looked at the two Pokémon.

Pikachu and the team all blinked in shock at the behavior both Pokémon were showing to Meowth, but none more so then Meowth.

Meowth's jaw fell open at the attitude the two Pokémon were displaying towards him. "I only obey Master!" Ekans hisses, thinking of Jessie winking and giving a victory sign. 'Mm-hmm!'

"Only, Master!" Koffing agreed, thinking of James giving a wave. 'Right!'

"Masters!? I'm twice as smart as those two odd light bulbs you call, Masters!" Meowth shouts angrily at the two Pokémon.

"Master is Master!" Ekans states in a firm voice while lowering its head eyes, still not leaving Meowth.

"Yes, yes!" Koffing agrees again.

Pikachu and his team watched as Meowth started to sweat a bit, at his teammates not doing what he said.

"Come on, guys; we're all bad guys here. We don't need Masters to go out and do bad stuff," Meowth nervously tried to reason with the two Pokémon.

"Pokémon not bad guys!" Ekans said with his hissing looking at Meowth.

"That's right!" Koffing agrees with Ekans.

"There's no such thing as a bad Pokémon!?" a shocked Meowth asks.

"Pokémon do bad things..." Koffing said, looking to Meowth now.

"Because Master is bad!" Ekans, respectively, says ending this conversation.

"It can't be! My Master's not around, and I always seem to act like a rat!" Meowth complains spectacularly.

"All right, Meowth!" "It's up to you!" Squirtle and Bulbasaur said, glaring from one side.

"You sure you want to fight..." "Against all of us?" Eevee and Charmander said from the other side, glaring as well.

"It's not that hard of a decision to make, but you might want to seriously, think about your response first," Pikachu says with his arms crossed.

Meowth then realizes that the twerp's Pokémon surrounded him. "This ain't fair you got me outnumbered," Meowth complains. "Hey, I could use a little help over here!" he calls back to his teammates, only to see the two of them drinking some tea and eating some pastries between them on a table.

Meowth falls to the ground again for the second time that night. "It's no use," he says dejectedly, then crosses his arms in a pout, "Oh well, I guess I'll let you guys off easy, and call it a draw."

Sakura had got a fire going as she looked at Misty who she had gotten free from the tree and had Misty in her side as the pink haired girl tried to work on what would be the best action she should do next. "Okay I broke the branch from the tree so that Misty can rest on her side," Sakura said as she looked at the tree Misty had been up against and saw the blood where Misty had been sitting as well and gave a sigh.

Sakura was still worried as the branch was still in Misty and she was unsure if she should take it out or not, Sakura just wished she had something on her to help Misty. "Damn it!" Sakura yelled as she punched the ground as hard as she could.

"Sakura..." Misty said as she was woken up by what was going on and saw that Sakura had moved, but she still had the branch in her.

"Misty I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you," Sakura said as she moved over to her and looked her over and saw she was white and knew this was not a good sign at all. "I just wish I knew medical ninjutsu to help you or learned how to be a medic and not..."

Misty, using what strength that she had in her just moved her hand and placed it on Sakura face as she soon smiled at her friend as Sakura soon looked at her. "Sakura you need to stop... blaming yourself and what happened in the past," Misty said gasping in pain as she felt like she was going to pass out again. "You can't change what happened in the past none of us can, all we can do is keep moving forward and learn from the mistake we do. That's what my mum told me before she died."

Sakura simple looked at Misty knowing both her parents and while she was unsure to as when they had died, she knew that Misty missed them both very much; Sakura just hoped that Misty wouldn't be joining them. "You're not going to die, Misty, not if I can help it, I will find a way to make sure that this won't happen."

Misty just looked up and into Sakura's green eyes and knew that she was determined to do all in her power to make sure that she didn't die, Misty was just unsure of how what her friend could do with a sharp piece of wood sticking in her.

All Misty could do was nod her head at what Sakura was saying as she had trust in her female friend. "Alright, then Sakura... I trust you." Misty said as she smiled at Sakura a weak one but still a smile.

Sakura also smiled at this as she just wished Ash and the others were here right now as she didn't want to risk moving Misty too much, as for all she knew this would cause Misty even more pain then she was already in; and it worried Sakura. "Misty, how much pain are you in right now?" Sakura asked as she looked at the red headed trainer. "I need to the truth as well."

Misty simple looked at Sakura and knew that she was not going to fool her ninja friend as she gave a winch and a sigh. "Sakura, okay I'm in a lot of pain right now, and I feel so tired right now. Bet I don't look good either right now."

"Well, your face is white Misty," Sakura said as she looked through her bag and found a water bottle and gave a smile. "Here Misty drink this," Sakura said as she handed Misty the water bottle.

Misty took the battle bottle from Sakura and gave her friend a smile as she took a drink, but soon started coughing again, this one, however, was more violent and Sakura could tell that Misty was in pain when this happened. "Naruto, please get here with Ash and Brock soon." Sakura thought as she looked up at the night sky and hoped with everything in her heart that they would find her and Misty soon.

Later that night with Pikachu's team and both Ekans and Koffing from Rocket Pokémon decided to call a truce and were presently sitting around a campfire, on logs or rocks, eating the fruits and berries they had collected from the forest.

They were all sitting on the ground in front of the fire and leaning on a log both the poison type Pokémon were seated next to each other.

On the other side, Pikachu was also on the ground and leaning against the log with Charmander, Eevee, and Squirtle was sitting on it too. He was sitting with Charmander and his left and Eevee and Squirtle on his right. Bulbasaur was sitting on a cut off the trunk of the tree, eating his fruits.

"What were you guys doing, anyway?" Pikachu asked the Rocket Pokémon, but he also had a feeling that they had gotten lost from their trainers as well.

"We were looking for our Masters," Ekans answered, frowning at not having found their humans yet, with Koffing nodding in agreement. "But we have been unable to find them."

"That's awful!" Charmander commented feeling sorry for the two Pokémon knowing what it was like to get abounded.

"Our friends are missing too," Squirtle says looking over at the two. "And we haven't been able to find them."

"Maybe ya, twerp trainer abandoned ya!" sneered the tied to a tree, Meowth. Everybody looked at him and frowned.

"Abandoned?" Ekans looked fearful at that possibility, and turned to Koffing, sweating, "Maybe us too!"

"Abandoned?" Koffing asked, also looking scared.

"You two don't have to worry," Pikachu said, getting the Ekans and Koffing's attention, "I'm positive your humans are looking for you." Eevee and Charmander nod their heads in agreement with their leader.

"Hey guys!" all the Pokémon turn to look at Meowth again. "Ain't ya gonna stop stuffing ya faces and give Meowth something to eat?" the cat yelled out struggling against the rope Pikachu used to tie him to the tree.

Squirtle simple looks over at Pikachu with a hopeful, pleading look Pikachu notices and nods with a grin, this made the water-type beam happily at his leader, and then he turns back to Meowth still having a smile. "Are you sorry for all the bad things you have done to us?" Squirtle asks, smirking at Meowth.

"I don't apologize!" the prisoner shouted to his captors.

"Then no food for the prisoner, Meowth!" Squirtle finishes his statement and pops the last of his fruit into his mouth.

"Stop making fun of me, untie me, and give me something to eat!" Meowth complains loudly then stops as everybody heard a loud sound like giant footsteps coming their way. "Huh?"

Everybody turned to the source and found a giant Pokémon with red eyes towering over the trees. Roaring, all the Pokémon screamed in fear and took off running past Meowth.

"That is one big Pokémon," Meowth comments, then notices he's all alone, "Wait! Somebody come and untie me! Huh?" he looks to his left as he was now free, thanks to Pikachu who had untied him.

Pikachu looked at Meowth and frowned, "Well? Get going!" Pikachu shouts at the cat and points in the direction everybody else has taken. Meowth didn't need to be told twice and ran after the others.

"Stay safe, Ash, wherever you are," Pikachu says looking to the sky, and then runs to catch up to the others.

Ash, Naruto, and Brock were currently running for their lives as well. High above them was a giant flying Pokémon that was discharging bolts of lightning in every direction. The latest bolt of lightning caused the group to fall to the ground to avoid getting hit.

Once the Pokémon left the area, the gang got up as they were shocked by what they had just seen with their very own eyes.

"I've never seen a flying Pokémon like that before," Naruto said in wonderment and a smile too, but he soon looked at his friends knowing they had other things that they were all concerned about right now. "But we also need to find Misty and Sakura as well no matter the danger."

"Ah, me neither. It's one of the most incredible Pokémon I've ever seen." Brock commented in amazement as he looked at Naruto and knew that he was right.

"Ash," Ash turned to his friend his thought still on where Misty and Sakura where. "This place is too dangerous. We really ought to find a safe place to crash for the night," Brock strongly suggested while Ash nods, agreeing with him.

"Besides we can't do much good in helping Misty, and Sakura-Chan is we get eaten," Naruto said with a frown on his face as he remembered being eaten in the Forest of Death and that was something he didn't want to happen again.

"Right," Ash responded as he looked at the night sky. "Please be careful, all of you. Just stick together. Everyone, look after them. I know you will" He thought with worry at what could be going on with both girls and their Pokémon right now.

In another part of the island, Jessie and James were running for their lives too. They were running from a flying Pokémon that had flames around it. It was shooting Flamethrower left and right in the air. Its attacks also made the two Rocket members jump in fear each time.

"What is that thing?" "I don't want to stop to find out!" James asks, and Jessie responds, turning their heads around to look at it, only for the two of them to run into the back of a sign and knocking them out cold.

The Pokémon flew off, and they fell to the ground in a daze, before darkness claimed them for the night.

A little later, the gathered Pokémon were at a restaurant stand, which was owned by a Slowbro, getting a bite to eat and talking.

Koffing and Ekans were crying over something. Pikachu was patting Ekans reassuringly on his cheek, while Charmander was chewing on his kabob and drink in hand.

Bulbasaur was saying something while glaring at a nervous-looking Squirtle. Both had a red blush on their noses. Meowth was asleep during their argument.

Eevee was looking up at the sky still worried about their human friends and what could be going on with them right now, all Eevee could hope was that they were all okay.

The different conversations went on into the night until the Pokémon left to go find a cave to sleep in for the night.

At the same time as the Pokémon were at the restaurant stand, Ash and the others found a cave to stay in, once they made themselves comfortable. "Look I know you both worried about Misty and Sakura but if you go out there then you will be putting yourself in danger and then you won't be able to help either of them," Brock said as he set up a fire for the three.

Naruto looked at Ash both trainers worried for their missing Pokémon but also Misty and Sakura as well. "Where could they be anyway?" Ash said as they had looked most of the day for them, but they had no such luck in finding the missing girls or their Pokémon.

Naruto had a frown too at this as he looked at Ash knowing he was worried for both Misty and Sakura. "I wish I knew that as well Ash," Naruto said as he looked outside knowing that while he wanted to go out there, it would just put him at risk just as Brock said.

Ash still felt worried as they could be anywhere. "I know, but what if they're hurt?" Ash asked, looking to his ninja friend.

However, Naruto looked at Ash and Brock giving a big smile at the two. "Hey we shouldn't worry I know Sakura-Chan, both she and Misty are together and I bet they are looking for us," Naruto said as he gave the two another smile.

Ash nodded weakly, as he knew that Naruto was right, but he still had this feeling in his stomach that either Sakura or Misty, were somehow hurt, badly in the crash. He just hoped that he was wrong on this feeling that he was having right now.

Both Misty and Sakura had also seen the large Pokémon too as Sakura looked over to Misty. "How can there be this many giant Pokémon I mean from the ones I have looked up in the books and my Pokédex none of them should be this big," Sakura said as she remembered the giant Pikachu that she and Misty had seen.

"Who knows...?" Misty said with a weak frown on her face as she turned to look at Sakura gasping a little. "Maybe some... Maybe something makes them grow big here on the island, Sakura."

Sakura simple nodded after all this could be an island that humans have never been to before, but she needed to push that thought away right now as her main concern was Misty and making sure they got her some medical attention.

Misty could see the look on Sakura's face and knew that she was not going to leave. "Sakura, I think you should just leave me and go find the others."

Sakura, however, was now looking at Misty with shock on her face. "What, Misty there's no I can't do that I need to be here in case you get worse or something else happens to you," Sakura said still in shock over what Misty had just told her to do.

Misty only weakly looked at her and knew that her friend needed to go as staying here was not going to do any good either. "Sakura you have to I can feel that I'm getting weaker and weaker, I'm finding it harder to stay awake too," Misty said as she tried a not to close her eyes. "Not to mention the pain I'm in as well."

"All the more reason that I stay here Misty," Sakura said not taking her eyes of Misty knowing that this was something that she couldn't do to her. "Okay so no I'm not going to leave you Misty just rest okay," Sakura told her friend as Misty simple nodded and closed her eyes to get some rest.

Once Sakura knew that Misty was sleeping and then looked up at the night sky and soon brought her hands together, she started to pray to whoever or whatever would listen to her. "Please someone, anyone, Arceus I don't want Misty to die, but I have no idea on how I can help her," Sakura began as she looked up at the moon. "I just want a way to save her," Sakura said with a whisper as she too went to sleep.

It was morning, and Pikachu woke up. He, along with his teammates and Koffing and Meowth, was resting on Ekans' body. He looked around. His ears perked up, and he sat up to looked outside their grass-covered cave, to see it was daylight.

"It's morning," Pikachu says in a quiet voice as he looked at the others knowing they needed to find their friends and fast.

Ash and the others were awake and preparing to move out. "Okay, we have everything, so let's get moving ya' know!" Naruto cried out, knowing that they needed to stop wasting time now and find their missing Pokémon and their lost friends as well.

"Let's go! We've got to find Pikachu, Misty, Sakura, and the others." Ash says, getting a nod from his friends. They left the cave and walked on with hops in finding their lost Pokémon and their two female friends.

Team Rocket had woken up, and after realizing that it was morning, they broke out into a run to look for cover. Jessie then remembered something and led James back to the phone booth.

"But Jessie, we don't have any money." James reminded her.

"There's one number we can always call for free," Jessie smirks at James as she went back to the phone. "Hello Operator, I like to put this call through collect please," she says through the phone.

"Who would accept the charges?" James wondered aloud.

"Hello, Boss," Jessie greets.

"It's the Boss!?" James shouts in shock surprise.

"You fools had better have an excellent reason for calling me this early in the morning," The Boss of Team Rocket says on the other end. Jessie could even hear The Bosses Persian yawning in the background.

Jessie nods. "Yes sir, but first we must do the introduction," she says with a smile on her face.

"What?" The Boss questions, and wonders just what the two were talking about and was growing tired of the two.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: Yes, and make it double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

"You nitwits! How dare you annoy me with your nonsense! Don't ever bother me like this again!" he yells at them, then hangs up, leaving Jessie and James sweat dropping at being yelled at for their motto.

Jessie then puts the phone back on the hook as the two looked at each other and what had just happened. "Well, I suppose we'll have to get off this island ourselves," she states as she frowned.

"The phone didn't help," James says, only to get a smirk out of Jessie.

"But it will," she says smirking as she looked at the cable.

A little later they were pulling on the phone cable, and this made the phone booth move forward in the direction the wire was coming from with them hoping to find help. "But where will this cable lead us?" James asked while pulling.

"It must lead to the phone company. The people there can help us get off the island," Jessie snorted.

"Good point," James nodded.

"And if we stay in the booth the whole way, we'll be safe," Jessie added as she smiled at James.

Pikachu was leading the Pokémon, in the direction he faintly feels Ash was in while the Rocket Pokémon brought up the rear.

"Ash!" Pikachu called out.

"Misty!" Squirtle also shouted into the woods.

"Brock!" Charmander yelled out too.

"Naruto, Sakura..." Eevee cried out, hoping that they would hear their cries.

They all continued to walk ahead of them, with Bulbasaur remaining silent.

"Gone. Gone," Koffing said sadly.

"We'll find them," Ekans says to Koffing.

"Pikachu, Squirtle!" Ash called out into the woods as they continued to walk. "Misty, please say something."

"Eevee Sakura!" called Naruto as he looked around. "Come on and answer us!" Naruto cried out while looking from left to right.

"Charmander! Bulbasaur!" Brock hollered.

"Ugh, where could they all have gone?" Naruto asked, looking at his friends with a frown and was starting to get worried as well for the two girls right now.

"We keep going that way; we'll run into them," Ash stated and got nods from his friends as they kept on walking hoping to find their friends.

Once Sakura had woken up from her night's rest, she looked over to Misty and fear was now on Sakura face as Misty was not moving at all. "NO!" Sakura cried as she rushed to Misty's side seeing her face was white and Sakura saw that Misty was still breathing, but it was very light.

"Come on, Misty wake-up!" Sakura cried out, looking at her, but she got no response from the water trainer.

All she could do was look around with panic; there was still no sign of Naruto or the others, which just caused Sakura to get more worried as she as now not sure what she should do. "Naruto, Ash, Brock, please hurry!" She cries as she holds Misty's hand.

Ash and his friends had come to an immediate stop and look up in surprise at seeing a Giant Charizard which was attacking the three males right now.

"Let's get out of here!" Everyone shouted as they quickly dodged a Flamethrower that was launched at them and hid behind a large rock.

"Yeah, you're telling me!" Naruto yelled at this, trying his best at not get set on fire by the massive fire Pokémon that was attacking them. "But I kind of wish I had a way to capture a Pokémon that big."

"It looks like a Charizard!" Brock exclaimed looking at the large Pokémon that was before him and his friends.

"The final evolved form of Charmander," Ash said wide-eyed.

"Yeah but it's much bigger," Brock commented on its size.

Naruto nodded once more as the three looked at Charizard until they all heard a scream that they all knew who it belonged too. "Oh, no, that's Sakura!" Naruto cried out as they looked over to the direction that it had come from knowing something happened.

All three knew that they had to go and head over to where Sakura had been screaming as they didn't like the way she was now screaming in fear. "Something terrible has happened guys I know it," Naruto said with a frown he was just not sure what it was.

"You think their getting attacked by the giant Pokémon?" Ash asked as there was not a lot they could do to Pokémon of that size after all.

Naruto shook his head at this as he looked over to Ash and Brock. "We have no idea, but we need to hurry, try to keep up you two as I'm going on ahead," Naruto said as he started to go even faster.

"Look at that thing!" Charmander says in awe at the giant turtle looking Pokémon, as he and the other Pokémon hid behind a bush. "Is it a relative of yours, Squirtle?"

"This is Squirtle's evolved form, a Blastoise," Meowth says with his arms crossed and a smile on his face as well.

Pikachu was shocked by this as he looked over to Squirtle. "Go ask for directions," Pikachu tells Squirtle.

"Who? Me?" he looked shocked. "All right... I'll try!" he says determinedly. He walks out of the bushes a few feet. "Yo! Brother!" he shouts to get the Blastoise attention.

Blastoise turned around to look in his direction and looked down at the tiny water Pokémon.

Squirtle got nervous and sweated a little. "Uh... Let's see..." he glances back at the group, then looks back at the giant. "Uh... sure is nice weather isn't it?" he asks with his arms behind his head, smiling nervously.

The rest of the Pokémon fell over at this.

Blastoise then aimed his cannons at them and fired massive blasts of water at them. They all ran as fast as they could away from incoming water.

All three boys ran closer to the scream, and soon, the three saw what had caused Sakura to scream the way she did. They all saw Misty was, badly hurt and maybe dying as well as all three quickly rushed over to Sakura's side. "Sakura, Misty!" Naruto cried out to the two.

Sakura looked over, and she couldn't help but smile as she saw them all, she could do was get up and hug Naruto thankful he was okay. "Naruto thank goodness you're okay," She said as she quickly looked to Brock and Ash. "Guys Misty's hurt badly, and I don't know what to do."

"Misty come on wake up," Ash said alone with Naruto as the both looked her over and just saw how badly she had gotten hurt.

Sakura shook her head at the two and gave them both a frown. "I've already tried that Ash I stopped as much of the bleeding as I can but..."

The three boys now looked to Misty with worried looks on their faces as Ash went down to Misty's side and he was genuinely concerned, about her. "What should we do?" Ash asked as he looked up at them seeing Brock was thinking.

Sakura was still looking at Misty as Naruto came beside her and looked at her, he looked over to see where Misty had first been and knew that Sakura and freed Misty, but had yet to take the branch out due to fear that it would cause more harm than good for Misty. "Sakura-chan...?"

"Naruto, I did everything I could but, but," Sakura said as she looked over to Misty fear that she would lose her friend.

"Sakura, you've done all that you can too..." Naruto tried to say looking at her knowing she was blaming herself right now.

"But it is Naruto," Sakura said as she looked at him and then back to Misty as the pink hair ninja had a frown on her face. "I mean if I never..." Sakura began as he knew what she was going to say, and Naruto stopped her.

"Hey don't say it," Naruto said as he could tell what she was about to say and the look she had on her face.

"But it is Naruto!" Sakura yelled in anger, not at him, but it was at herself. "If I had done my trainer and studied some medical training, then Misty wouldn't be dying right now. But no, I had to look at Sasuke all the time and focus all my time on him, and now look my friend is dying, even Misty from what I told her about Sasuke. Even she knows he was a dick." Sakura said as she looked at Misty's white face. "But not me, I was just too blinded."

Naruto just looked at, and he was not sure what to say to her right now as they both looked over to Misty as Sakura was looking at her as well. "Look what we need to do first is take the branch out of her."

The two ninjas looked over as Brock said this and nodded Sakura didn't want to do this cause she was alone, but with the others here and with Brock here as well it was best to do what he said. "But Brock won't it just cause her more pain?" Ash asked with a frown and was worried.

Naruto looked at this and knew he had to do something and took hold of Sakura hand. "Naruto...?" Sakura asked as she looked at him and saw he had a look in his eyes that he had an idea.

"We need to talk to the Kyuubi Sakura," Naruto said to her with a whisper as Sakura looked at him wondering what he was talking about and wondering just how the Kyuubi was going to help Misty.

Still looking at Naruto as she wonders how she was going to talk to the demon fox as well. "But Naruto how can I go with..." She began as Naruto just looked at her.

"Just don't let go, okay." He said with a whisper making sure that Ash and Brock didn't hear what he was saying to Sakura.

The two soon found themselves in front of the Kyuubi's cell as they both looked at the giant fox that looked back at them. "What is it you want brats?" The Kyuubi asked, looking at the two ninjas that were standing before him.

Naruto looked to Sakura and then towards the Kyuubi. "Look you stupid fox our friend Misty is badly hurt, and we need a way to save her," Naruto said knowing that the Kyuubi must know of a way that could save Misty from death.

All the Kyuubi did was laugh at this, looking at the two humans. "And tell me why I should do this? Why shouldn't I just let her die?" He said, laughing at this as the two looked at anger over what the Kyuubi had just said.

Sakura simple looked on as she held onto Naruto's hand. "Please!" Sakura cried out as she looked at the Kyuubi and gave a frown towards the fox. "Please, there has to be something that you can do; Misty shouldn't die!"

The Kyuubi simple looked down at the two ninjas seeing the looks that they both had on their faces right now as the demon fox snorted them both. He began to think about what to do; both were begging for some help to save the red-headed girl, but he was not going to let them do this for free.

"Okay, I'll help you save the girl," he began as Naruto and Sakura looked at each other with smiles on their faces. "However, there is something that I will want out of this as this is something that will not be for free." The Kyuubi said, looking at the two with a smile.

The two however simple looked at each other and knew that this was not going to be any good after all who knew what it was that the fox wanted or would be planning, but they knew that this was the only option that they had right now. "Okay, then, Kyuubi, what can we do?" Naruto asked not wanting to trust the demon; that had made his life hell.

With a dark laugh that worried the two, the Kyuubi just looked at them. "For now I shall wait to tell you what I want, but I shall inform you on how you can keep the red-headed girl from dying, now here is what you have to do as I will only say this once."

The two just listened to what the Kyuubi told them. "Good, now listen to me since I have had two hosts twice before, so I know, and I've seen some of the Jutsu that they have used before in their lives mainly the medical Jutsu. Now when you go back out, both of you place your hands on her wound and do what I say."

Soon the two were back outside as they rushed over to Misty as Brock started to get ready and pull out the branch and looked to Misty knowing that this was going to be painful for her, so Brock looked at Ash. "Okay, Ash, I'm going to need you to hold her as she is going to struggle as I do this."

Ash just nodded at this and looked to Naruto and Sakura. "Don't worry, we have a way to heal her," Naruto said as he saw Ash look at him.

"We'll tell you later okay Ash, but right now we need to help Misty," Sakura said as she did her best to smile at Ash. "I just hope that the Kyuubi is telling the truth." Sakura thought with a frown on her face.

Hearing this, Ash just nodded his head and placed his hands on Misty's shoulders as he looked down at her. "Hang on, Misty, okay."

"Ash..." Misty said weakly as the others all nodded knowing that the time was now, as Brock grabbed hold of the branch and looked at the others and nodded to them.

With a sigh from Brock, he quickly pulled the branch out of Misty as fast as he could while Misty screamed in pain. "Please stop it hurts; it hurts!"

"Misty, please hold on it will be over soon," Sakura said as she looked at Naruto and both got ready as the Kyuubi was telling them to get prepared as well.

Ash just gave a winch as he heard Misty scream not liking the sound that she was making right now, and while it was true they both fought from time to time he didn't want this to happen to her at all. "Mist, please..." Ash said as he looked over to Brock and saw him pull out the branch which was now, completely covered in Misty's blood.

"Okay, Sakura, now!" Naruto cried as both placed their right hands over Misty's as both Ash and Brock watched. "Let's just hope it works," Naruto said as the two saw an orange cloak forming around Naruto while a green glow was around Sakura's hands.

Both Brock and Ash watched as Misty wound soon was healing up until all that was left was a scar where she had been, hurt as the two ninjas looked at each other, while Naruto heard the Kyuubi speak to him. "There I have healed the girl but she will still be weak and the wound she has shall leave a scar and anything like a hard drop will hurt her too," He said and smiled a little. "Just remember I will ask for something but not yet, Naruto."

Misty opened her us as she looked at everyone and was shocked at how this was happening, she looked down to see that she had been healed and looked at both her ninja friends as did Ash and Brock.

"We know that you want answers but let's go found our Pokémon okay," Sakura said as she was not sure how they would handle that Naruto had a demon inside of him. "Misty, will you be okay?"

Misty just looked at Sakura as Ash helped her to her feet. "My stomach hurts a lot, and my legs feel weak." She said as she looked at Sakura.

Ash looked at her as he helped Misty to her feet as Misty placed her arm around Ash's shoulder as Misty just looked at Ash with a smile on her face. Naruto just gave a weak smile as all five headed off to look for the missing Pokémon and all five knew that they would find them and then leave this island.

A little later, the Pokémon saw another giant Pokémon walking about, and it looked like Bulbasaur only much, bigger in terms of size. "That's a Venusaur the evolved from a Bulbasaur!" Meowth says, from behind the rock they were hiding behind.

"Awesome!" Squirtle says and then turns to their current grass-type. "Talk to it! You guys are like family!" he told it. Bulbasaur looked stunned and sweatdropped.

"Huh!? No way!" he nervously smiles and then turns his head away from them with his eyes now closed. "Well, call me an orphan. I have no family."

Everybody looked at the grass-type with different expressions. Most of the Pokémon looked on as they smirked at the frightened grass-type, Pikachu chuckled a bit, Meowth, Koffing, and Ekans just stared at him.

"Good point!" Charmander smiles, and hold his claws together.

"Hmm, you're just a coward!" Squirtle said as Squirtle soon had his arms behind his head, looking disappointed.

Not too far away Ash, Misty, Naruto, Sakura, and Brock just rounded a mountain running along a rock bridge Ash still helping Misty who was still feeling very weak. But at least was in no danger of dying now she had her arms around Ash for support as well, but all five were shocked as they came across a giant Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" it roars. They were shocked at the giant creature that was now looking at them.

"That's one big Pikachu!" Naruto says looking at the giant Pikachu before his eyes.

"Jumbo sized!" Brock says.

The others all nodded as Sakura looked at the large Pokémon with a frown on her face. "You know the whole giant Pokémon that's coming after us, is starting to get old."

"Huh?" they looked down and spotted a rail cart heading in their direction, dragging a giant Pokémon behind it.

"I wonder what that is?" Ash asked before the bridge beneath them crumbled, and the trainers fell right into the cart.

Misty cried in pain as this happened, holding where she had was hurt as both Ash and Sakura looked at her, both having a concerned look on their faces. "Misty!" Ash cried with worry as he looked at her.

Misty just looked at Ash and saw the looks that she was getting all of them still worried for her right now. "I'm okay guys," Misty said weakly but gave a smile.

The cable attached to the cart caught Pikachu as well, so it along with the other giant Pokémon were getting pulled along with them. Once they realized who was also in the cart with them, Team Ash and Team Rocket shouted and pointed at each other.

"Now we got you just where we want you," Jessie sneers at them.

"Hand over Pikachu," James demanded before he and Jessie looked behind them and then held each other in fright. "Uh! But not that very, big one!" he shouts fearfully.

"Ash look, back there," Naruto points to back, and Ash gasps at seeing all of their Pokémon running from the Giant Pokémon chasing them.

"Pikachu!" Ash shouts as he saw his other Pokémon and that of Team Rocket's as well

"Pikachu! Squirtle! Charmander! Bulbasaur!" Ash calls out to each of them.

"Eevee, they'll all be trampled if you don't do something," Naruto yells at Team Rocket giving the two a frown.

"Stop the car right now!" Ash shouts at them as well with his arm around Misty, wanting to keep her safe as well.

Both adults looked at them and sweatdropped. "We can't do that," Jessie looks away. "We can't stop, the brakes broken," James looked embarrassed over the situation that they were in right now.

"Give me a break," Ash looked annoyed at this development. He looks back at the Pokémon still running. "We just got to help them."

"Ash, up ahead!" Naruto calls out.

"Huh, what is it Naruto?" he asks and sees what's up ahead.

Up ahead, the tracks make a loop like a roller coaster as everyone gave a frown at this and then looked at each other. "This just keeps getting better and better," Ash said with a sigh.

"Prepare for big trouble!" James looked troubled.

"Make that double, and I can't stand roller, coasters!" Jessie says fearfully at what was to come.

"What do we do?" Naruto asks as he looks at the others knowing that he and Sakura could jump off, but they were not going to leave their friends.

"Hold on tight!" Brock states and the trainers all held onto the car, while Jessie screamed.

They went up. "Stop the ride! Stop the ride! I want to get off!" Jessie hollers as they performed the loop. "We're gonna crash!"

Finally, they were back down, but this time, they were closer to the Pokémon, which was just what they needed. "Okay, this will be our only chance, guys!" Sakura cried out.

"Come on! Jump in!" Ash ordered the Pokémon.

They didn't need telling twice, and they all jumped into the arms of the humans in the cart.

Naruto caught Eevee and Squirtle, Brock caught Charmander and Bulbasaur, James caught Koffing, and a dizzy Jessie caught her Ekans. And finally, Ash caught his Pikachu.

"Are you okay, Pikachu?" Ash asked happy to have his Pikachu back in his arms as Pikachu gave a content node but also saw that Misty was hurt. "I'll tell you later, buddy."

As the cart continued to move, everybody was petting the Pokémon they were holding happy that they had saved them and that they were also okay as well. "Wow, we made it! Is everybody here?" Ash asks with a smile on his face.

"Hey, aren't we forgetting someone?" a teary-eyed Jessie asks, rubbing her Ekans head.

"Yeah, the furriest member of our team?" James asks rubbing Koffing's head, as James was holding Koffing in his arms.

"You mean Meowth!" the cat suddenly asks excitedly. "Uh?" The two adults looked embarrassed and then turned to the cat.

"You're saved?" "How did you make it?" they asked in surprise.

"I cat-a-pulted!" Meowth said jokingly, as he gave both humans a smile of his own.

Ash looked behind them and saw a bunch of the giant Pokémon, were now being pulled behind them by the cable, and then made a decision. He put Pikachu down and then returned his three Pokémon to the pokéballs.

Seeing this Naruto did the same for Eevee as well knowing it would be safe for all their Pokémon to be in their pokéballs at least. "Okay, now, what shall we do about them?" Naruto asked as he knew a Rasengan wouldn't do much to something that big.

They all screamed at the giant Pokémon behind them. "They're after us!" Jessie hollered as she looked over to Naruto and grabbed him. "Hey, you're a ninja and can do things am I right? Then use how about you use your ninja whatever to do something about them!" Jessie yelled as she pointed to the giant Pokémon that were behind them.

"Hey hold on a moment neither Sakura, nor I have anything that can take out something like this," Naruto said and while he could try to summon Gamabunta, but he didn't know if it would work or not.

"Well, who knows, maybe our luck will hold out?" Ash says optimistically.

"Well, based on our recent run of luck, I would say the cable should snap," James spoke almost predicting what was going to happen to them.

"That should happen about... now," Jessie says, and the cable snaps.

"Next, we'll get hurled into the air," James states, and they were after shooting up over an upward curved rail.

"Then we'll probably crash into something." Meowth guesses, and sure enough, they crashed into a giant Zapdos, only for them to realize that it was, made out of metal.

"That's weird, looks like that was a mechanical Pokémon!" Brock observes the machine parts around them.

They watched it fall and crashed into the other robotic Pokémon on the ground as Naruto was just as confused as well. "Wait, is this whole island just full of giant robot Pokémon who would build something like this anyway!?"

"And then finally," Jessie says. "We hit the water," James finishes. "From a very, very long drop!" Meowth shouts as they all were falling fast before they all crashed into the sea with a splash.

Later the travelers resumed their journey the gang had arrived at the Town of Porta Vista. They smiled at seeing the white sandy beach, and the glistening blue ocean.

"All right!" they all exclaimed and raced down the hill towards the beach area. All couldn't wait to have a good time after everything that they had been through on that island.

All three looked over to Naruto and Sakura at this and gave a smile. "So then you two how about we talk about how you stopped me from dying after we have a good time at the beach then?" Misty asked as she gave her two ninja friends a smile.

Both Naruto and Sakura nodded at this knowing that they would still want to know what they had both done to save her life, but all of them knew it could wait a little longer, for now however it was time to have some fun and relax in the sun.

Back on the other side of the island at sunset, the same Slowpoke that had his tail still in the water finally stood up on his hind legs and pulled his tail out of the water. He looked back to see a spiral shell with eyes looking at him, attached to his tail.

Slowpoke had evolved into Slowbrow.

A/N whoa what a chapter and damn I'm happy that I've got it done because this was a hard one to do that's for sure, but hey I have got it done, and I hope that you all love it as well. As for the twist that Misty got hurt as well, as come on after what happened in the last chapter and also in the show, one of them would have got hurt very badly.

Hence why I had Misty get hurt, and she and Sakura got separated from Ash, Brock, and Naruto and this did give some growth to them all as well mainly Sakura as she felt that this was her fault when it was Team Rocket's fault, but just a note that this will not be going away. Sakura will be blaming herself for a while that Misty could have died and that Sakura was powerless to do anything about it.

Now I am not a doctor, so the whole leaving the branch in or taking it out was so unknown to me since I have no idea what to do in that situation so for the chapter I just left it in till Brock, Ash, and Naruto showed up to help out.

As for the healing well this was a hard but I was initially going to have Arceus show up to Sakura to give her the medical ninjutsu that she learns but after some think I decided not to do that thinking that it was way too out there to do.

So I decided with some help from my friends that Naruto would use the Kyuubi, plus with Kurama having two hosts before I'm sure that either Kushina or Mito knew medical Jutsu. So in short, he told Naruto and Sakura just what to do with the aid of his chakra as well to save Misty, but as you saw as well, Naruto and Sakura will soon tell them about the Kyuubi.

Anyway, the next part in the story; is beauty and the beach so yeah even the banned episode will be used in this story as well and remember Ash now knows sexy Jutsu. So I will let you all think on what will happen in the next chapter and what fun shall happen as well, not only that but May shall make a Cameo too, so until next time, please review.