Darren's Pokémon Adventure: The Wailord Cruise ship

Intro/Chapter 1 -To the Sea, To the Sea!-

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon

My name is Darren Surge. I am 19 years old and an experienced Pokémon trainer. I've won many battles and acquired numerous gym badges over my 10 years of Pokémon battling, yet the Elite Four has always remained elusive to me. Furthermore, because of how concentrated I've been on my goal, there is another thing that I have yet to experience - true love, or any love for that matter. Now I'm not a kissless virgin or anything, but I'm close enough.

Anyway it's not easy being the nephew of Vermillion City Gym leader Lieutenant Surge. By now I was already expected to have my own gym, or even serve in the National Kanto Army to follow in his footsteps. Not to mention that my dirty blondish hair of my childhood has been replaced by a dark brown-gray, and that my frame is a mere 5'7 140 pounds (Uncle Surge is 6'3 225 lbs).

My family would have practically disowned me by now if I hadn't graduated from one of the top 100 Pokeschools in the country.

Well, summer was approaching and I was in the Unova region embarking on a new journey. This new area seemed pretty cool, but I wasn't as dedicated here as I had been when I journeyed the Kanto and Hoenn regions. I was actually feeling pretty depressed at the time, doing nothing every day except sitting in a hotel in Castelia city. I hadn't even let my Pokémon out of their Pokeballs in over a month.

Most of the time I just fantasized about murdering Burgh, the hipster down the street, joining Team Plasma in their quest, or thinking about the girl of my dreams, Misty Waterflower of Cerulean gym.

I've had a crush on her since I first laid eyes on her when I was about 9 years old. I spotted her during sunset at her famous dating spot taking a walk on the beach with her Psyduck. My dad and I were spending an afternoon fishing on a small boat for Horsea and Goldeen.I was awestruck- pale skin, red hair, cute nose and face, sparkling blue eyes...

When my peers and I used to discuss who we liked in school I didn't pick anyone from our school. I honestly told them Misty, in which laughter unsurprisingly ensued. They told me there was no way I could ever get with her, that she was practically an imaginary figure for all intents and purposes. From then on I kept my secret to myself, but my desire to meet her never wavered.

So there I was watching Unova football on television, when an ad came up. There was a new luxury cruiser going out to sea. The ad described it as a vacation cruise, but also a trip where some of the best battlers of the world would gather, in addition to holding many other attractions. It was a hefty $100000 pokedollars to join, yet I could hardly wait to purchase my ticket over the PC. This was just what I needed to refuel my battling tank, hone up my skills, and the possibility of meeting new people and girls for that matter intrigued me.

Two weeks later, it was the day of boarding the cruise liner. I got a haircut, packed my suitcases, and then decided on which Pokémon to bring with me. The majority of my high level Pokémon I had left with Professor Birch when I made my trip to Unova. I chose my Treecko (Skogen) who is one of the spawn of my Sceptile (Geicko). My next pick was my Houndour (Cerebrus) who is the puppy born from my loyal Houndoom (Lucifer). And finally I chose my young Huntail who I had caught in Hoenn but never had the time to train, and with that I completed a Water, Fire, Grass trio of "starters" so to speak.

As I made my way to the dock I was met with a massive slab of boat. This ship aptly named "The Wailord" was larger than any I had seen in my time traveling the world; the S.S Anne could have been one if it's lifeboats. There was an enormous line to the opening gate and I played a small game of ball with Houndour to abstain from boredom while waiting.

Looking around to see if there was anyone I knew, I spotted Whitney, the pretty Gym Leader that agonizingly kept me in Goldenrod for an extra week, in trying to defeat her hambeast Miltank. She was wearing her trademark white blouse with red trim, complete with dangerously short white shorts that displayed quite a bit of cameltoe.

This time I threw the ball a little further towards where she was standing so I could chase Houndour down to get closer to her and say hi. As Cerebrus was sprinting towards the ball, about to pounce on it, her Snubbull leaped from her side to snatch it away. She looked behind her to pet Cerebrus and retrieve the ball from Snubbull when she spotted me.

"Hey! What's up Nurse Joy?" I sarcastically remarked in light of her appearance. "Oh shush up Darren" she replied with a bright smile on her face. "So...What are you doing here? Don't you have a gym to be running?"

She adjusted her shirt by pulling on the bottom half of it. Her breasts protruded towards me and I noticed that they had gotten noticeably larger from the last time I had seen her. 'Must be all the milk she's been drinking from Miltank,' I thought to myself.

"No I got bored of that...When the Pokémon fad died out I left the gym to be run by my girls...Anyway once I heard that everyone was going on this cruise I said to myself why not?" Noticing that she hasn't changed one bit in her ways of following the crowd I said "Well nice seeing you again. I'm sure I'll see you around." She replied similarly and gave me a wink as I tore Cerebrus away from roughhousing with Snubbull and walked back to my place in line.

After an hour or so, I finally boarded the ship. I met up with Ash Ketchum, a consistent rival and friend of mine and we decided that we would room together. The boat was every bit as large as it looked from the dock. There were in-ground pools on the deck, an extravagant dining hall, a battling arena, a battling dome, every type of sporting court you can think of, a concert hall, smoking and leisure rooms, spas, gymnasiums, an arcade, 5 star living quarters, and much more.

Ash and I decided to hit up the pools to get some color and exercise. As we were walking to the pool discussing battle strategies I noticed from the corner of my eye the water goddess herself, Misty Waterflower. I stopped in my tracks, dropped my towel, lifted up my sunglasses and stared. I felt like I was in a dream; finally seeing her again after what felt like an eternity was unreal to me. Fully grown up at 18 years of age, Misty was more beautiful then I could imagine. She was strolling towards the lifeguard stand in the same yellow tank top and blue jean shorts that everyone knows her for. Only this time, her bust under the yellow tank top was hypnotically hotter. Like an apple falling to the ground because of the force of gravity, my eyes were drawn to the force of her magnificent round tits. I would say she had a high C cup possibly D's, but what made them even moreso alluring was the fact that she retained her Olympian-esque flat stomach and frame. Her perfect tits were just begging to be released by the shackles of that tight, skimpy top, invoking a sense of wonder in how the article of clothing did not burst and rip into two. Her bottom jean shorts were unbuttoned, revealing a red lifeguard bikini underneath. Misty then proceeded to take off her yellow tank revealing a red lifeguard bikini top, and in doing so put on a display of well-oiled, jiggling, bouncy tits which glistened in the stark sunlight. Finally she turned around to mount the lifeguard stand revealing an exquisite bottom, cute and not overly large, yet enough to engulf your fingers like a Sarlacc if you ever became the lucky sonovabitch to ever grasp it in your hands.

I stood there for a pretty long time lost in these thoughts, drooling. Ash with a smirk shook me back into consciousness, and I politely told him that I needed to be excused and would meet up with him later. He perfectly understood.