Ok, so. This is set after series three but before series four (mainly because it's not out while I'm writing this). Can't wait for series four by the way, though I can imagine you don't really care very much and just want to get on with it. So, after this disclaimer you may do so! Unfortunately, I do not own Merlin. I wish with all my heart that I did but, alas, I do not.

'There are times, Merlin, when you display a sort of, I don't know what it is...Iwant to say...it's not wisdom. But, yes...that's what it is. Don'tlook so pleased. The rest of the time you're a complete idiot!'

Arthur Pendragon


"Merlin? What are you doing?"

The black haired man turned towards the door, his eyes sheepish as he looked up at his mentor. Gaius' eyebrow was raised and his arms folded as he took Merlin in, the boy surrounded by all sorts of herbs and plants with one of the physicians own pots sitting in front of him. The spell book was sat on his pillow, propped open with Merlin sat on his knees on the floor, using his bed as a desk.

"Oh, Gaius! I'm just…"

The warlock trailed off, searching for an excuse as all the while the old man's eyebrow rose higher.

"Just what exactly?" he asked, causing Merlin to look back up at him from where he had turned his eyes back to his bed.

"This isn't what it looks like,"

Gaius looked sceptical, and Merlin winced. There was no way what he was doing wasn't what it looked like and the fact that he was so obviously lying about it would only make the physician more suspicious.

"Are you sure? Because it looks a lot like you're doing some kind of magic to me."

Merlin winced again before sighing. There really was no point trying to lie to Gaius.

"Ok, so it's exactly what it looks like. I'm trying out a new spell that involves a potion, alright?"

Gaius didn't say anything, instead choosing to fix his ward with a disapproving stare. Merlin frowned.

"It could be quite useful if I get it right," he defended, picking up his book and resting in his lap before reading out the words written there. "A spell to protect. After creating the potion on the previous page, drop in a couple of strands of hair from the person you wish to protect and recite the following incantation – I won't right now because it's long – the drinker will be given the sixth sense ability to tell when the person who's hair they used is in any kind of mortal danger."

The warlock looked up at his mentor expectantly, watching the old mans face as his eyebrows furrowed into a thoughtful frown.

"I give you it might be very useful, but that will be a hard spell to pull off. You must be careful. Also, if it had been anyone but me who had walked in just now you would have been in trouble."

Merlin grinned sheepishly.

"I know, I'll be careful."

Gaius only hummed slightly before walking back out the room; closing the door firmly behind him. Merlin grinned at the door for a moment before returning to his book, creating a fire in mid air and suspending the pot above it before filling it manually with water he had in a bucket by his side.

He had been given the day off by Arthur and by god he was going to use it for something he enjoyed. It wasn't often he got a whole day to himself, what with Arthur and Gaius always wanting him for something.

Lately he had found he had more time to himself however, as Gwen had taken to helping out Gaius a lot of the time, now that Morgana was no longer there for her to serve and she refused to do nothing like what was expected of the noble she had become at her brother's knighting. The warlock was still forced to do the things that Gaius would refuse to let the ex-serving girl do though, such as cleaning out the leach tank. In all honesty that wasn't a job Merlin would even think about letting Gwen do, as filthy as it was.

So the manservant created the potion, adding each ingredient when told by the book and following its instructions to the letter. It was mid day by the time he had finished and he hadn't been interrupted once. He had a sneaking suspicion that Gaius had pretended he wasn't in and had gone out for the day. Merlin really owed that man a lot.

The potion in his still hovering bowl was bubbling a kind of white colour as he disbanded the magic fire, spitting out a strange steam that seemed to change colour in mid air. It was strange for Merlin to see something so magical before he had even cast the spell.

Placing it down on the bed he pulled out the strands of Arthur's hair he had taken from the prince's pillow that morning and dropped them gently into the mixture, placing his hand over the bowl and concentrating his magic into the potion. This was the moment the spell either became real or broke, and it was crucial. He had to get it right. Having read the spell many times and feeling confident he knew what it was, he began.

"Wit sāwol dōn þéowwracu innan léodgebyrga ástandan, swā an Mæg fēlan gif þon oðre wesan innan sārnes hwæþer þe gēomerung. Wit sāwol tō cīepan, tō findan helm innan gehwa oðre, ac besēon hwelc gehwa sāwol bēon ymbe andwlita!"

He felt the burning in his eyes that told him they had changed colour, told him the magic had worked and watched as the potion began to bubble harshly again before changing to a deep, royal indigo. Merlin grinned. Once the potion was complete it would become the colour that signified the person whose hair was in it. The deep majestic colour that now filled the bowl fit Arthur perfectly.

He allowed it to cool down slightly before putting the bowl to his lips. He was too excited to tell Gaius he had finished, wanting too much to see what it would be like to drink a potion he created. It looked nice enough, but he knew looks could be deceiving.

It was with this thought however that he cautiously allowed the potion through his gently parted lips. It tasted disgusting but he knew he had to get it down all at once or the potion wouldn't work and he would have to repeat himself.

So he gulped it down quickly, screwing up his face at the taste before throwing the bowl down in disgust when he had finished, wiping his mouth on his sleeve and trying hard not to gag. Coughing slightly, he took in a deep breath, steadying his now shivering body. He felt cold…numb. It was disconcerting and his eyes widened in panic when he though about what could happen to him, and Arthur, if the mixture had been wrong.

Struggling to breath he felt himself become light-headed, seeing the black spots that began to dance in front of his eyes. The last thing he thought before darkness filled his vision was; why is it always me?


Gaius jumped at the crashing sound that came from Merlin's room, staring in shock at the closed door behind which his ward was doing who knows what. He waited for a moment, expecting a shouted apology or Merlin's head to peer around the door, sheepish expression in place. When neither came, he frowned before moving towards the door himself and pulling it open.

"Merlin!" he gasped as he took in the sight.

The warlock was sprawled across the floor, head leaning against his wardrobe. There was a small cut on his forehead from where it seemed he had had hit the piece of furniture on his way down and he was unconscious. All of these facts worried Gaius and he rushed forwards; falling to his knees as fast as his old body would allow.

"Merlin?" he asked, checking the boy's vitals before pulling a stray piece of cloth from the floor around him and putting it to his head. The physician pursed his lips in annoyance and worry, unsure exactly what had caused him to fall but assuming it had something to do with the empty but unclean potions bowl lying on his wards bed.

He knew this potion had been a bad idea. What could have gone wrong he wondered? There was no way he would have feinted from a protection spell.

Moving the boy down slightly so that his head rest against the wood of the floor rather than in the uncomfortable position against the wardrobe, Gaius got back to his feet. He needed some bandages and honey. The wound might have been small and didn't need stitching, but it was still a head wound and would bleed an awful lot. He needed to stop the bleeding. The honey would also help fight the infection, as well as being a good thing to block the blood. The bandages would just help it stay in place.

There was no way the physician would be able to lift the young warlock, no matter how skinny the boy was, so he would have to be prepared to kneel to treat him. Gaius had the feeling he would not be enjoying his legs this evening.


Dear readers,

Well, this is the first chapter of my new story. There isn't a huge basis to the name but hey ho. You know, I'd never realised how much work it is to create the spells. I would tell you what it was but I can't actually remember the exact wording…oh well. I hope you don't mind. If anyone really wants to know what it means I'll try and remember for you. Please review.


Please note no Merlin's where hurt in the making of this fan fic. Oh and all spells are properly translations, at painstaking lengths from Amy
