AN: Sorry about the wait! Prepare yourself for an excessive amount of fluff and corniness. :)

It had been Blaine's idea to move in without any help. I don't want to share this with anyone, nobody but you, he had explained and although Kurt rolled his eyes and insisted his boyfriend was both cheesy and insane, Blaine's methods of persuasion were quite effective and Kurt reluctantly agreed. It wasn't until weeks later when they were lugging six million boxes up the stairs to their new apartment, cursing the out of order lift, that Blaine realised it maybe hadn't been the best idea.

"I told you so," Kurt sang for the tenth time that afternoon as Blaine collapsed on the ground, a grin in place as his eyes scanned their now filled apartment. None of the furniture was in the right spot and boxes were absolutely everywhere, but they were officially moved in and that alone made their day's effort worth it.

"It's ours," Blaine said with a lopsided smile, his eyes meeting Kurt's a moment later, "This place is ours."

Kurt grinned, sinking to the floor to place a quick kiss to Blaine's mouth, "I know."

They were both exhausted, slightly sweaty and ready for a good night's sleep but their tired eyes still held a sparkle because they were home. Sure, half the rooms were currently empty and the walls didn't yet hold memories of their life together but this was the place they knew they'd raise their kids one day. It was where they'd host their first Thanksgiving feast and where, in a few months, Kurt would pop open a bottle of champagne and beg for Blaine's autograph on the brand new copy of his first book.

Unlike Kurt's apartment in London and Blaine's house back in Ohio, this actually felt like their home and they were both glad they'd finally decided to move to New York. Blaine was looking forward to the stability this change would bring; he'd moved around a lot the past year and couldn't wait to finally settle down for good.

For the first month and a half after getting back together, he'd stayed in Ohio to finish off work and sort out the house. He waited until Wes' wedding was over before leaving for London and although it was hard saying goodbye to his friends and family, in a way it had felt right. Ohio wasn't his home anymore, and if he was honest, it hadn't been for a while, not since Kurt had stumbled into his life all those months ago.

For the most part, life in London was uneventful, though there were still times where things were less than ideal. Blaine remembered too many days where he'd spend hours on end frustrated at the words on his page for not phrasing properly, where he'd snap at Kurt and then regret it instantly, rushing to apologise profusely and hold Kurt's waist from behind until he managed to get his boyfriend to smile again. Equally often they would bicker over the silliest trivialities when Kurt was so tired that he couldn't help the things that came out of his mouth. They always pulled through though.

Blaine finished the first draft of his novel faster than he expected, it was edited even quicker and the fact that he would soon be a published author was something he knew he'd still struggle to comprehend years from now. Almost daily Kurt told him how proud he was, not only of what Blaine had done but also of him and who he was. When asked, Blaine didn't have to think twice about who to dedicate his first novel to.

Kurt continued to excel at performing, giving everything to each show of My Fair Lady knowing it could very well be his last. When the night of his final performance came, Kurt tried hard not to cry. It was stupid, he'd been in so many different musicals before but each held a special place in his heart and he knew he'd miss this one especially. Blaine sat front row and centre, standing up and applauding louder than he ever had when it came to Kurt's curtain call. As Kurt took his final bow, the audience went crazy and he locked eyes with Blaine, both of them teary-eyed as he mouthed an obvious love you. Blaine was so proud he thought he might burst.

Then began the month-long hunt for an apartment that was decent-sized and close to Times Square but not too far from the train station for when Burt and Carole wanted to visit. They must have looked at hundreds of places before they came across the one and here they were, Blaine star-fished in the middle of the floor with Kurt curled into his side, chests rising and falling in perfect unison. The wooden floorboards beneath them were starting to hurt but neither could bring themselves to care, not when everything felt so perfect.

"I am so in love with you," Blaine said after a while, propping himself up on one elbow and hovering over Kurt, leaning down to drop a kiss to his nose before drawing back and losing himself in his boyfriend's eyes. This was it, he decided, this was the moment and he surreptitiously slipped a hand into his pocket, fingers tightening around the small box there.

He took a deep breath, tried to still the rapid beating of his heart and began, "Kurt, the day I met you I was nothing. I had lost my job, my parents hated me and I felt…worthless. Without even trying you picked me up and put me back on my feet, only to sweep me off them hours later."

Kurt smiled, eyes already shining with unshed tears as he listened intently.

"I went to London needing an escape, something to take away the negativity threatening to completely take over my life. What I found was something – someone - so much better… Kurt, I couldn't have imagined someone like you ever entering my life, I couldn't have even hoped for it. But by some stroke of luck you're here and you're everything I want and need, and God that sounds lame but it's true. We could be living in Antarctica, completely cut off from the world and dying of pneumonia and I would still count myself lucky to be able to cuddle with you."

Kurt giggled, reaching up to press a kiss to the underside of Blaine's jaw. "You're so adorable it hurts."

Blaine grinned, feeling his heartbeat begin to rise again as he got closer to the four words he couldn't wait to ask. Kurt's gaze was unwavering as he waited for Blaine to continue, sensing he wasn't finished yet, and with a slightly shaky voice Blaine went on.

"What I'm trying to say is as long as I have you I know I'll be happy. I think of us raising kids and growing old together and there's literally nothing else I want more than that. I-I just want you, for as long as you'll have me and even longer still."

Laughing at himself, Blaine quickly wiped away the tears trickling down his cheeks. He manoeuvred himself onto one knee, steadied his shaky hand and brought out the ring box that had felt heavier in his pocket with every word. Opening it to reveal a white gold band he'd seen Kurt admiring months ago, Blaine's smile couldn't have been wider, "Kurt Hummel, will you marry me?"

A beat of silence passed between them and then –

"Motherfucker," Kurt swore, a tear slipping down his cheek and Blaine's face fell until Kurt pulled out a ring box of his own, the one that had been in his pocket all day just waiting for the right moment. "Damn it, Blaine, I wanted to - I planned to tonight, but you beat me to it…"

Blaine didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Grinning like an idiot, he settled for bringing a hand to the back of Kurt's neck and pulling him into a kiss. Kurt's arms coiled around his waist and they both melted into the embrace, high on the knowledge that this was forever.

"So can I take that as a yes?" Blaine asked, lips ghosting over Kurt's before delving in for another kiss.

"Nah, I just carry this old thing around for show," Kurt deadpanned, grinning when Blaine rolled his eyes playfully. "Yes, Blaine, I will marry you."

The pure joy taking over Blaine's face was enough to prove to anyone just how much he really, truly loved Kurt and they met in the middle for another long kiss. "Fiancé," Blaine murmured, testing the word out on his tongue with the biggest of smiles. He wasn't going to get sick of saying that anytime soon.

"Wait, can I still propose too? Please?" Kurt asked, eyes hopeful and there was no way Blaine could say no to that even if he'd wanted to.

"Of course." Blaine laughed at the endearing little grin spreading across Kurt's face in triumph, and it suddenly hit him that he would get to see that smile for the rest of his life. He wondered how he'd gotten so lucky.

"Okay, so I've always been the kind to worry about the future," Kurt admitted, getting down on one knee too. Blaine grinned but stayed silent, offering Kurt his full attention. "Even when I was younger I could never be sure of anything. When Mum passed away…it was like I learnt that nothing is permanent, nothing lasts forever and that terrified me…I never expected to make it big on Broadway, I was lucky -"

"You were good," Blaine corrected.

Kurt smiled, "I was great. Either way, I didn't know for sure I'd be successful in New York at all. When I was, though, it just made me worry more. I was scared of what might happen when my light faded, what I'd be left with when nobody wanted to hear me sing anymore… All my life I've been scared of the unknown but I'm not afraid of the future anymore, not now because I know you'll be right by my side no matter what comes our way."

Blinking back tears, Kurt reached for one of Blaine's wrists and placed a kiss to the backs of his fingers, not breaking eye contact once.

"Blaine, you are incredible. All my friends fell in love with you within a few hours of meeting you, you had Carole and Dad smitten within minutes and I think I fell the second I first saw you looking for your seat almost two years ago. You make me want to be the best that I can, not just for myself but for you, for us. Nobody has ever made me feel this happy or loved and there's no-one I would rather spend every second of forever with but you."

"Yes," Blaine said automatically. It was the only answer to a lifetime with Kurt and he was so excited to finally be able to say it.

"Let me ask the question first!" Kurt cried seriously and they both had tears in their eyes as they burst out laughing. Bringing a hand to Blaine's waist to steady himself, Kurt took a deep breath, smiled and spoke the words he'd somehow held back for months now. "Blaine Anderson, will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, yes…" Blaine repeated over and over, punctuating each affirmative with a kiss to Kurt's neck or cheek or lips. They exchanged rings and cried some more with whispered I love you's. They ordered pizza and drank wine and slow danced around the walls of boxes before christening their new bedroom and although their entire bodies ached with fatigue, they were both certain they'd never felt this happy.

The paparazzi was something Blaine never thought he would have to take into account when planning his wedding. He almost laughed when Kurt explained how secretive they had to be about every little detail, down to the style of the centrepieces at the reception. It seemed a bit like overkill, but Blaine was assured that any detail of the wedding would be a huge scoop and the last thing Kurt wanted was the most important day of their lives splashed across page 6.

"I'm just saying be careful who you talk to," Kurt said as he flipped through his fifth wedding magazine of the morning, sipping on a tea as he dog-eared more pages. "I know we can trust all our friends, but the last thing we want is info getting back to anyone it shouldn't, and by that I mean whore-faced swine."

Blaine laughed, loud and unashamed like he always did when their nickname for Sebastian came up. They didn't discuss the ex-warbler very often, but he was occasionally thrown into the conversation and Blaine secretly loved how sassy and possessive Kurt would get. Taking one of the discarded magazines piled high on their dining table, Blaine began to look through it, marking out a few extra pages with different ideas to suggest to Kurt later. After a moment lost in thought, he sighed, "I just can't believe how serious we have to be about security. These people are like vultures, why can't they just respect our privacy and let us get married in peace?!"

Blaine's tone was slightly harsher than intended and as soon as he saw Kurt's face he regretted his words.

"You still have time to back out," Kurt said quietly, eyes suddenly glued to the floor. The tiny doubts that always hid away in his sub conscience were suddenly congregating at the front of his mind and he couldn't help the words that were spilling out of his mouth. "You don't have to marry into all this…I can't promise they'll ever completely leave us alone."

Instantly Blaine was up out of his chair and leaning over Kurt's, their faces inches apart. He brought a hand to Kurt's chin and tilted it up until their eyes locked. "I want you," Blaine said softly, his eyes wide with sincerity, "Till death do us part, and I don't care that your fame comes with it…I'm just frustrated at the situation - not at you though, never at you."

He moved his hand to cup Kurt's cheek and leant in for a soft kiss that Kurt gladly returned. Eyes fluttered shut and lips moved against each other until Kurt gently pulled back. "I'm sorry," he apologised, resting their foreheads together, "I guess I'm just stressed about the wedding…"

"It's okay," Blaine assured with a fond smile, "I am too. But in all this craziness just remember that I love you and I want to be your husband no matter what, okay? Please don't ever doubt that."

Kurt grinned and pressed a light kiss to Blaine's mouth, "Okay, as long as you know I want the exact same thing." Blaine nodded. "And I love you too."

Smiling from ear to ear, Blaine kissed his fiancé once more before returning to his seat to mull over more wedding magazines. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Kurt flip past image after image, eyes bright with excitement, and Blaine's smile grew. He really couldn't wait to be married to this man. The fact that in less than a year he'd be calling Kurt his husband sent a little thrill of joy down his spine each time he thought about it and he couldn't wait till Kurt was his, completely.

Although he supposed he'd always have to share Kurt; with the public, with the press, with the Broadway world. He didn't really mind, though. What he'd said before was true and he was actually starting to get used to the renown that surrounded Kurt Hummel. He'd been to his fair share of prestigious events now and though it still didn't feel normal, it didn't bother him either. In fact, the first time he'd accompanied Kurt as his date had been exhilarating. The Olivier Awards had the most amazing feel and atmosphere he had ever experienced. Blaine actually got to walk a red carpet and stand next to Kurt, hands linked, whilst he spoke to various reporters and paused for photos! My Fair Lady won Best Musical Revival and despite the fact that Kurt was robbed of the award for Best Actor in a Musical, their evening had been one they'd both remember for some time.

Blaine smiled as he thought back to that night, the breathless feeling he'd gotten when Kurt read his prepared acceptance speech to him as they curled up on the couch in pyjamas, his heart thudding in his chest when he'd heard his name uttered. To my slightly less fabulous half, my better half, Kurt had said and a certainty had bloomed in Blaine's chest, a certitude so strong, so adamant, that it was almost overwhelming. He'd considered it before but he now knew he'd only ever be whole with Kurt by his side.

"How're you feeling, kiddo?" Burt asked, fidgeting with his cufflinks until Kurt reached out to still his hands and fix them himself. At Burt's wedding he'd done the exact same thing and the parallel between the two days almost had Burt choking up.

"Good," Kurt smiled, feeling the excitement in his stomach build, "Really good."

All morning he'd been a bundle of enthusiasm and although his Dad had teased him about it, Burt was undoubtedly and unmistakably glad. When Kurt had come out to him all those years ago his only concern had been the likely possibility that his son would never be treated like everyone else. He'd watched Kurt get taunted for being feminine, had heard his son receive hateful slurs that made his skin crawl, disgusting words that got thrown around like they meant nothing, like Kurt deserved them. Of course Kurt was different, special, and Burt had always known that, but the thought that he would be treated differently broke his heart.

Thankfully the world was changing, moving in a much better direction and the fact that Burt was about to see his son get married, legally, to another man, proved that more than anything.

There were tears welling in Burt's eyes before he could stop them – Kurt had just come so far - and Kurt was quick to reach into his pocket for a handkerchief.

"Oh no, this is my day, turn off the waterworks," Kurt teased fondly and Burt choked out a watery laugh.

"I'm just so happy for you, Kurt." The words were shaky, revealing the raw emotion behind them and they both lunged forward at the same time. Kurt thought of the many times his Dad had done just this, wrapped him up in his arms and held him tight, protecting him from whatever may come his way. Today was different though, and they both felt it. This was the last time Burt needed to protect his little boy from anything and that's what finally made Kurt crack.

"Damn it, Dad, I wasn't supposed to cry until the ceremony!"

They both laughed and clung a little tighter, savouring the moment for as long as they could. When they eventually parted, Burt grabbed Kurt's shoulders and held his son at arm's length, looking into his eyes seriously. "I am so proud of you, kiddo."

Kurt smiled, his heart warming in the same way it did each time he heard those words. "I love you, Dad."

"And I love you. Now, time to get you married! Are you ready?"

"Absolutely," Kurt said without hesitation. Maybe he'd been a bit of a groomszilla in the lead up to the wedding (admittedly, Blaine had been too) but now that the day was here, he just felt…calm. Slightly jittery in the best possible way because today he got to marry the love of his life in front of all his friends and begin this new chapter in their life, but surprisingly calm nonetheless. It wasn't scary like all the movies made it out to be and there were no cold feet or last minute meltdowns. This had felt like a long time coming and he was so ready.

At a young age, Kurt's dream wedding had been elaborate, consisting of grand colour schemes with varying degrees of glitter and shine. Years on, standing across from Blaine as they said their vows, eyes shining with tears, he knew none of it really mattered. They could be standing there in potato sacks in the middle of the desert and it wouldn't have made a difference – though the idea of wearing such scratchy and shoddy material did make Kurt shudder.

The beginning of the ceremony passed quickly in knowing smiles and before they knew it they were slipping rings on with whispered I do's. They recited the traditional wedding vows because it was what Blaine had always wanted and loud cheers erupted from the filled seats of the garden as they kissed for the first time as a married couple.

"Hey hubby," Blaine whispered, grinning and leaning in for another kiss. He felt a little light-headed and more than a bit giddy but he was also so perfectly, deliriously happy and the look on Kurt's face told him the feeling was mutual.

They reluctantly broke apart but kept one hand around the other's waist as they turned to the sea of eager faces ready to congratulate them. Rachel reached them first, squealing and throwing her arms around them both. She had been mildly annoying during the lead up to the wedding, suggesting a little too much and comparing their wedding to hers and Finn's more times than they could count, but they loved her even so and her best wishes were genuine. After her came Mercedes and Wes and then Kurt's Dad, Carole, Blaine's Mum and a hundred more loved ones that they were so glad had made the trip to New York to see them wed.

Just when they thought they'd seen virtually every person they'd ever met, their eyes fell on a man standing away from the crowd, looking slightly uncomfortable as he waited for the opportune moment to approach. Blaine's eyes went wide and he clutched Kurt's hand tighter as his father began to make his way over.

Blaine didn't know what to expect; abuse, disappointment, things he simply did not want to deal with on his wedding day. He wondered why his father had even shown up if his intention was to ruin Blaine's day. He didn't understand why Harold Anderson would waste his precious time flying from Ohio just to shake his head at him again. Kurt sucked in a breath as he felt Blaine's hand tighten around his, painfully so, and he prepared himself for what would no doubt be an awkward conversation.

However Harold surprised them both, first turning to Kurt and offering him his hand.

"Nice to meet you," he said, eyes shifting but still sincere.

I wish I could say the same to you, Kurt thought but held his tongue. There were many things he wanted to say to the man in front of him, many many things, but now was not the time. Today had been perfect, everything he'd ever hoped for and he wasn't about to wreck that, so he swallowed back the profanities and shook the offered hand.

"You too, sir."

Harold almost smiled at the polite tone. From what Lillian had told him, this kid was nice, thought the world of their son and was fantastic son-in-law material. He'd never wanted a son-in-law, had never even considering having one but he supposed a fantastic one was better than the alternative.

Squaring his shoulders and taking a deep breath, Harold turned to face Blaine. He wanted to say he was sorry. He wanted to tell him he was proud of him. He wanted to say so much that he just couldn't. If he did, it meant acknowledging he'd been in the wrong for so many years and that was something he simply could not do. So instead he smiled at his son and lightly clapped him on the back.

"Congratulations," was all he said. And that was enough for Blaine.

"He came," Blaine whispered for the third time a few minutes later, still in complete and utter shock. The smile on his face had been permanent since his father wished them all the best and it didn't seem to be shrinking anytime soon. "My Dad saw me marry you, a man, with a dick and he congratulated me."

Kurt couldn't help the laughter bubbling out of him as he continued to pet Blaine's back, "I know, honey, and I'm really happy for you, but let's not discuss my dick until later, okay? We've still got the reception to get through."

Blaine burst out laughing, his eyes going adorably squinty and he pulled Kurt into a deep kiss, more content than he could ever remember being.

Kurt saw Blaine's Dad leaving a few minutes later and excused himself from a conversation with Blaine and his cousins. Blaine shot him a wide eyed stare at being left alone with such crazy conversationalists but grinned when Kurt blew him an over exaggerated kiss and promised he'd just be a minute.

"Thank-you for coming," Kurt said genuinely and Harold spun around, more than a little shocked to see Kurt addressing him without Blaine by his side. It wasn't that he thought he'd never see the guy again, he really was planning on making an effort to be a better father and that included being nice to spouses, he just didn't expect to speak to him again so soon. "It really meant a lot to Blaine."

Harold nodded, his eyes still refusing to meet Kurt's for more than a few seconds.

"I have to say something though."

He looked at Kurt now, took in the conviction in this man's stare, the way he held himself with a paradox of humbled confidence, and found himself becoming slightly intimidated for the first time in a long time.

"We would love for you to be in our lives but only in a positive way," Kurt stated, feeling braver by the second. "If you're just going to break Blaine all over again, then I don't want you coming near him."

Harold exhaled sharply and scratched the back of his neck, "I'm not going to do that again."

Kurt couldn't help but search his expression for the slightest hint of insincerity, he'd heard enough about this man to not trust him, but he seemed genuine and Kurt let a small smile settle on his lips.

"You're good for Blaine," Harold said quietly, surprising them both, "He needs someone in his life who would do what's best for him always."

It wasn't an apology by any means, but it was acknowledgment that the man standing in front of him loved his son and that it was okay. Kurt knew Blaine had never received so much as the slightest recognition of his sexuality from the person he craved it from the most and he was pleasantly shocked by Harold's words.

"I try," Kurt smiled, "He's good for me too, though. I don't know what I'd do without him."

They shared another smile and Kurt thought he might cry because Blaine was finally getting the acceptance he'd always longed for. Kurt knew it would never be perfect, he had a feeling PDA around the Andersons would be a huge no-no, but Blaine had never wanted that much, just the love of a father and Kurt knew this would mean the world to him - to them both.

The reception went off without a hitch and even if it hadn't, Kurt wouldn't have cared in the slightest. For once he didn't feel the insistent prodding of his inner control-freak and he knew the only reason for the uncharacteristic change was that Blaine was now his husband and this day would feel wonderfully perfect, regardless of any mishaps.

Their first dance was beautiful. Blaine had begged for I Could Have Danced All Night and Kurt had rolled his eyes and vetoed it immediately. "Do you know how many times I had to listen to that song? Around the one hundredth mark it loses its beauty…" They'd agreed on a slower tune instead and they swayed to the beat, bodies close and soft smiles fixed to their faces. Nobody batted an eyelid when their dancing intermingled with kisses and Burt smiled proudly as he watched his boys share the first part of their new lives together.

"You're so beautiful," Blaine murmured, brushing a loose strand of hair behind Kurt's ear and although the words had been repeated many times over the course of the day, they hadn't yet lost their shine.

Kurt smiled, his heart swooping for the thousandth time that night, "So are you." He tugged Blaine a little closer, arms looped around his waist, so he could bring their lips together again and lose himself in the feel of it all.

They weren't exactly worried about the speeches, more concerned as to how many embarrassing moments their families would share. Thankfully the cringe worthy stories were kept to a minimum and instead, they were showered with love. Mercedes and Wes both gave lovely, heartfelt speeches as Maid of Honour and Best Man, as did Rachel who managed to steal the microphone away at some point, and by the time Burt stood up to speak, Kurt already had tears in his eyes and Blaine wasn't far off.

Burt spoke about how glad he was that Kurt had found someone to live for, who would take care of him when he was sick and love him in spite of his fashion-forward ideas. He formally welcomed Blaine into the family and then talked about how much he wished Kurt's Mum had been here to see her son the happiest he'd ever been.

"She'd be so proud, Kurt, she is so proud…" and if anyone in the room was still yet to tear up, that certainly got them going.

With a huge grin on his face, Burt recounted the day Blaine had come to him looking nervous and wringing his hands as he stammered out a request for his permission to marry his son. He'd laughed and pulled him into a hug, explaining that Blaine'd had his permission for over a year now. Blaine buried his face in the crook of Kurt's neck as Burt attempted to re-enact the dance Blaine had done after receiving his approval. It involved fist pumping and an incredibly uncoordinated cartwheel that had the entire room in stitches.

After a few more impromptu speeches, the dancing commenced again and another hour passed in chatting and feet aching from standing up for so long and jaws hurting from smiling so much. As the festivities began to wind down, Blaine snuck up behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his head on Kurt's back. "We're married," he whispered in the general direction of Kurt's ear, nuzzling his cheek against the back of Kurt's shoulder.

"Yes, I believe we are," Kurt laughed, craning his neck to drop a kiss to the top of Blaine's head.

"Today felt like a dream. A really good dream, one I never want to wake up from." Blaine sighed, closing his eyes and reliving the moment Kurt said I do. Nothing would beat that, he could win the lottery, become a famous author and meet Katy Perry and still, nothing would top that moment.

Kurt smiled, humming in agreement. Today had felt surreal. Nobody had asked him for an autograph, no-one asked him to sing or re-enact a scene from a past musical. They weren't hounded by anyone for an exclusive on their relationship - though Rachel did ask a few invasive questions about the honeymoon. Today had been about them, and for the most part, Kurt had forgotten everything else, forgotten the usual hype that came with the name Kurt Hummel as he became Mr Hummel-Anderson.

It was a welcome change, Kurt thought hours later as he fought the urge of sleep, comfortably snuggled against Blaine. He was tucked under strong arms and the way in which they cuddled reminded him of their first few nights back in Ohio, after apologies were said and hearts were mended. They would clutch each other so tight that breathing freely took more effort than usual and Kurt remembered being woken more than once with Blaine's lips near his ear, reassuring him.

"It's okay baby, I'm not going anywhere, never again."

Tonight, however, they held each other so close because they couldn't stand even an inch of space between them. The next day would be filled with last minute packing before they caught their flight to London and began their honeymoon. It had been an easy choice of location; London would always be special to them, it was the city where they first fell in love. But tonight was reserved for them, to let the meaning of today's events sink in as they basked in the beginning of their new life together.

AN: Wow so here we are, at the very end. I can't believe that this is over, it sounds silly but it's been a big part of my life for the past year. I want to thank every single person who has read or reviewed this story, I'm getting sentimental but all the support really warms my heart. This story started off as a tiny idea I got during a boring History class that I wasn't certain whether I'd continue or not and it's turned into a 32 chapter fic. I never even expected anyone to read this and I still can't believe how many of you have followed this story all the way through. I love you all dearly.

My biggest thankyou goes out to itsjustalittlemakeup.You've beta-ed this from start to end, you've put up with my freak outs and crazy plotlines and frustrating writer's block and horrible writing days and I can't thank you enough. You deserve all the puppies and sunshine and love. This fic is dedicated to you.

RainbowSilhouette: I didn't know that sunflowers meant adoration but there you go, what a lovely coincidence :)

Also I'm thinking about writing a few oneshots for this verse if anyone's interested. I need to spend some time dedicated to my other fics but I will hopefully be able to fill a prompt every so often if there's anything anybody really wanted written that wasn't included in the story, I know there's a few things that I had to cut that I'd like to write out fully. Anyway feel free to prompt me, but no promises on how quickly or how many I'll be able to fill.

As always, feedback is appreciated. :) Thanks for joining me on this crazy ride!

Much love