A/N: This story was thought of last month, but it still needed work and now, here it is. Hope you guys like it. Please read and review, and as always, flames will be ignored.

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters, Akira Toryama does.


At first, it started out as any other day for the Cold family. King Cold was in a meeting for the Planet Trade Organization, ten-year-old Cooler was training, six-year-old Frieza was running around causing trouble, as always.

...In the training room...

Cooler smirked as he checked his progress. His speed and strength had both increased twice as much since his last training session. He was stronger than his brother, Frieza, and the ten-year-old Ice-Jin was determined to keep it that way.

He just the tracker again, his score had raised up to 2,000,486. (Think of the tracker score as like that of a video game)

Suddenly, Cooler heard an annoying giggle. He turned to see Frieza grinning up at him.

"What do you want?" the older Ice-Jin snapped.

"I just thought you'd be happy to know I reset your score for you", Frieza smirked.

Cooler turned back to the tracker and realized his little brother was right.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Cooler snarled, raising his fist.

"DADDY!" Frieza yelled, shielding his face with his hands.

King Cold came racing into the room.

"Cooler!" the Ice-Jin king boomed. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Frieza erased my score, that was the highest I'd ever gotten it!" Cooler complained.

"So you thought that gave you a right to hit him?" his father demanded.

"Well...", Cooler said, looking away.

"COOLER!" King Cold shouted.

"What?" Cooler asked.

"Apologize to your little brother", King Cold ordered.

Cooler looked down at the floor.

"Cooler, I mean it", his father growled.

"I'm sorry, Frieza", Cooler grumbled.

"For?" Frieza smirked, knowing his father wouldn't do or say anything.

"For trying to hit you", Cooler groaned.

"All right, now this had better stop, understand?" King Cold asked his oldest son.

"Yes, Father", Cooler answered, trying to keep from rolling his eyes.

King Cold nodded. "Good, now I have to get back to the meeting".

Halfway down the hall, the Ice-Jin king turned around.

"No...more...attacking your brother, Cooler", he warned. "Frieza's younger than you and you need to set a good example".

"Yes, Sir", Cooler said.

With that, King Cold turned around and disappeared down the hall.

...The next day...

Cooler woke up to find himself lying in a wet bed.

"Morning, Stupid", Frieza said, standing next to the bed.

"What the-? You-!" Cooler barely had a chance to say anything before Frieza dumped a bucket of cold water on his older brother.

After that, the younger Ice-Jin ran giggling from the room.

Cooler grabbed one of his father's swords that hung on the wall and ran into the hallway after his brother.

"DADDY!" Freiza screamed when he saw the sword.

King Cold came racing into the hallway.

"Cooler! Have you gone mad? You could have seriously hurt your brother with that!" King Cold shouted.

"That's the idea", Cooler growled.

"COOLER!" his father roared.

Cooler froze. (Cold joke, couldn't resist XD )

"Put the sword down", his father ordered.

Cooler reluctantly dropped the sword.

"Now apologize", his father said.

"No", Cooler said.

"What did you say?" King Cold demanded.

"I said NO! I hate the stupid little brat! HE'S RUINING MY LIFE!" the ten-year-old Ice-Jin screamed.

"That's it. Cooler, I didn't want it to have to come to this, but I have no choice but to send you to Planet 421", King Cold said.

"Fine, I don't care. Whatever gets me a way from that stupid brat", Cooler snapped.

King Cold sighed and shook his head. Why couldn't Cooler be more like Frieza?



So, how was it? Let me know guys.

Review =)