Title: Angst and Almonds
Author: ABeliever
Rated: G
Genre: Twilight/BtVS Crossover
Disclaimer: I own nothing except a large stack of bills and a pair of socks with holes in them. Any similarities to any other story are purely coincidental.
Additional disclaimer: Anyone who can come up with a better title please let me know. Grad school is killing my creativity.
In the middle of a crowded bar, two men stared at each other in silence as the crowd watched in stunned amazement.
Both were hauntingly beautiful.
Both possessed an unnatural stillness that revealed a less than human heritage.
Both had hair that defied the laws of gravity.
And both were brooding.
At a nearby table, a twenty-something woman and a teenage girl watched the scene as they snacked on a bowl of almonds.
"See? I told you this would happen. It's been over an hour already, and they're not going to stop anytime soon."
"But Buffy, I really did think the two of them would get along."
"Bella, I know that you've known about vampires for a while now, but you just became a slayer. You don't know the full history of the slayer line yet. I told you that introducing Angel and Edward would be a bad idea."
The sudden entrance of Xander Harris would be remembered for years to come.
Upon seeing the two brooding men, his only comment was:
"I could smell the angst and hair gel from a mile away. Stupid hyena senses. Whose brilliant idea was it to introduce the two most angst ridden vampires in existence?"
The End