Symphony of Ash

Chapter 1:


By: Light of the Firefly

AN: A friend of mine made this suggestion, of 100 word ficlets, and I must admit, it's HARD to stay in the 100 word guidelines. So much has to be cut out, sentences have to be reworded. So, we will see how it goes. There will be frequent updates, as it is so easy to get a chapter this short out. Enjoy ^_^

Her cries had quieted a bit.

Sounding broken.

Gin had only glimpsed the girl briefly. She was a kid, maybe a bit younger than himself.

She didn't deserve this.

He felt sick, laying in the dirt, hiding under brushes, skin clammy. He wanted to run from this, but would be seen.

Jaw clenched, hands fisting tighter to suppress the urge to do something. To help.

He would give anything just to stop the sounds behind him.

He didn't stand a chance against the death gods.

He was helpless…too weak...

Something deep inside of him snapped then, and burned white hot.