Disclaimer: I don't own Yuyu Hakusho. I do however own Katalina, Kuwabara's sister. I wanna thank SSJPan779 for her help.

Ch.1: The kidnapping

Hiei stood on the roof of a building. He'd been there before. He was in the same place he stood before he kidnapped Kayko. This time, he had someone else in mind.

"Katalina Kuwabara. Also known as the badass chick of Sarayashiki Junior High. She's Kazuma Kuwabara's little sister. It's said she's the only one that can match Yusuke Urameshi's punches." The demon next to Hiei said.

"I'll wait till tonight to make my move. There's something special about this human. And once I have her under my control, accomplishing my goals will be a piece of cake. Let's see Urameshi stop me this time." Hiei said as he watched a girl pass by under him. She was fifteen and had brunette hair and hazel eyes.

"Come on Kuwabara! I don't have all day!" Katalina yelled as she kept walking. Kuwabara finally caught up with her.

"You could have at least waited a little longer for me." Katalina shrugged.

"Maybe but we still have to meet Yusuke and Botan about another assignment." Kuwabara sighed.

"Another one? Why can't these demons just give us a break for once." Katalina stopped dead in her tracks. She turned around and looked up where Hiei was standing.

'Did she sense me or something?' Hiei thought as he moved to where he could see her but she couldn't see him. Kuwabara stopped when he realized his sister wasn't next to him. He turned back and went to where she was standing.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"I have the strangest feeling we're being watched from up there." She said pointing where Hiei used to be standing. Kuwabara followed her finger with his eyes.

"I think you're just paranoid. I don't see anything. Do you?" Katalina shook her head.

"No but I swear I felt it." She thought for a moment. "Maybe you're right. I think all this demon chasing is getting to me." They turned back and started walking again. Once they turned the corner, Hiei came out of his hiding place.

"Oh yes, a very special human indeed. And with a brother as idiotic as hers, it won't be hard to get her or her mind. Then I'll be able the get the artifacts again. I'll be in complete control. Who knows, I might let her conquer by my side if she does well. Tonight little tiger, you'll be mine, all mine." With that, Hiei left to prepare for the night.

The meeting was long and boring. It wasn't a new assignment or anything. Just more information Koenma had on their current one. It took everything Botan and Keiko had to keep Yusuke and Kuwabara from falling asleep. Kurama had no trouble at all keeping Katalina awake. He just shook her gently when she'd start to nod off against his shoulder. Koenma left when he was finished. Everyone stuck around Botan's apartment. Katalina stood up and walked out to the balcony. Kurama followed her out. She seemed to have something on her mind. It surprised Kurama when she didn't yell at Yusuke for being late like she usually does.

"Lovely afternoon isn't it." Katalina jumped when Kurama spoke.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Katalina smiled weakly at him.

"It's not your fault. I've just got a lot on my mind." She sat up on the ledge.

"Do tell." He said leaning against the ledge.

"Well when Kuwabara and me were on our way here, I felt like something or someone was watching me. But I couldn't see what it was," Katalina looked up in the sky. "Paranoia right?" Kurama shrugged.

"Probably is. The only way you could, would be if you were a demon. But you're not, are you?"

"Not that I know of." Katalina chuckled. She hopped down of the ledge. "Thanks for making me feel better." Kurama smiled and they went back inside. Kuwabara and Katalina left Botan's hours later. It was pretty dark outside. They got home as fast as they could.

"Looks like mom already left." Kuwabara said as they headed for their rooms.

"Typical. She's going to be gone for two months and doesn't even bother writing a note or anything else. Kami forbid she ever did that. Kuwabara, I swear I hate her with a passion. I so wish Shizuru would come back." Katalina was telling the truth. She and Kuwabara both hated their mother for taking them from their father. Sure, he wasn't a great father but he actually showed he cared for her and her brother. And now he's in prison. Shizuru was their older sister who moved out when their father was put in prison. But that was old news now. Kuwabara went into his room while Katalina went into hers. She turned on the lights and dropped her coat on the floor. She didn't notice that her window was open and Hiei was in the tree by it. Katalina started to feel light-headed.

'Why hasn't she passed out yet? I knew I shouldn't have released the gas so soon. I should probably put more in.' Hiei thought. He decided not to because Katalina was looking very drowsy. After about seven minutes of waiting, Hiei saw Katalina pass out on the floor. Hiei smirked at himself and entered her room.

At the same time, Kuwabara got the 'tickle' feeling and heard something fall in his sister's room. He left his room to see what was up. He walked in Katalina's room to see Hiei at the window and his sister on the ground. Kuwabara pulled out his spirit sword when his 'tickle' feeling went through the roof.

"Who are you and what the hell do you want?" Hiei walked forward and stopped in front of Katalina.

"My name is Hiei and I'm taking your sister. He said casually. Kuwabara didn't think. He just attacked. Or tried at least. Kuwabara didn't get very far. Hiei used his speed to get behind Kuwabara and hit him hard in the neck, knocking him out. Hiei chuckled slightly.

"That was way too easy." Hiei turned back and scooped Katalina in his arms. He was out the window in a flash with his little tiger.

There it is. My first chap. Review time!

Note: Hiei isn't the shorty he is in the show. Here he is Yusuke's height.