I have absolutely nothing to say. Just ContestShipping. . . That's about it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon. What gave you the idea I did?


It has been six long years ever since he left. Now, I'm left working crappy jobs, raising three children and trying to pay bills. Why God? How could you be so cruel?

"Brendan! Can you get me the severing platter from the top shelf?" I called, stretching up on to my toes in a poor attempt to reach the glass plate.

Crashing and thumping came from the living room, and Brendan stumbled into the room, with my twin boys attached to his legs, with my daughter on his back. "Of course! Just get these demons off me!" He said teasingly, and pulled Valarie off his back, setting her on the ground. Fabian immediately let go of Brendan's leg, and flicked a strand of jade green hair away from his eyes. I resisted the urge to flinch. Ever since he had turned seven, he'd been flicking his hair like that.

I laughed, pretending the hair flick hadn't bothered me. Jasper, my second twin, paused a moment before letting go of Brendan's leg. Brendan ruffled Jasper's hair, before walking past me to reach the platter. He passed it to me, and I thanked him with a quick kiss.

"Mommy! Can I help you?" Valarie asked, her brown curls bouncing against her back as she jumped up and down.

I knelt in front of her, "I would love it if you helped me!" She squealed, and the red head band fell off her head.

"Baka," Fabian muttered before picking up the head band and placing it back on her head. I shook my head and said nothing.

"Okay, everyone out! Val and I are finishing dinner!" I shooed them out, and took my daughters hand.


After dinner, and T.V time, I tucked my children in.

Walking into my bedroom, stifling a yawn, Brendan said, "Today was a good day."

"Yeah." I agreed, crawling into the bed after changing into my pjs.

Brendan didn't say a thing, but pulled me to his chest and ran his fingers through my hair.

Did you think Brendan was the father? Well, not biologically, anyway. If you place him next to my sons, and even daughter, you would see no resemblance at all. Fabian and Jasper looked exactly like their father. Another thing you must be thinking. How old am I? I'm twenty-four. I had my twins at seven-teen and daughter at eight-teen. But, the father, ran off with one of my best friends before Valarie was born, so she's only had Brendan as a father, where the twins have faint memories of him.

"Good night." I whispered, wanting the pain of losing him to go.

"Good night." He replied, kissing my forehead. I wasn't sure which of us fell asleep first, but at least in Brendan's arms I was free from nightmares.


"Good bye! Have a great day!" I said from the driver's side of my car. Jasper waved and ran off to play with his friends. Poor little reserved Fabian. He stood off to the side, with Valarie's hand in his protectively. One of her friends called her over, but she stayed put, opting for being with her older brother. I giggled, and waved once again, before pulling out of the lot and I drove to work.

Pulling up in front of the Poké-café, I parked and slid out. I straightened my black and white stripped skirt, and pale pink button up. I grabbed my purse and locked the car, before going in and starting my shift.

"Hey Misty!" I greeted my close friend who was working behind the till.

"May, you're five minutes late! Dawn had to work one of your stations!" Misty scolded, handing a random customer her change.

"Sorry! I was running late after dropping the kids off!" I said, swiftly making my way behind the counter to grab a white apron, and my name tag. Yanking them on, I grabbed a tray with smoothies and a coffee, before heading out to serve people.

Dawn ran past me, tray almost over-flowing with empty glasses and mugs. Not a drop of sweat rolled down her flushed face. No of course, Dawn never sweat.

"Here you go!" I said cheerfully, placing the drinks on the table, "Two strawberry smoothies, one chocolate, one vanilla and a large cup of French Vanilla coffee!" I had pointed to each drink as I said. The group nodded thank yous and I left.

After work, I was running a little late, and I knew Fabian would be mad at me.

"Bye!" I yelled behind me, before launching myself in the car and starting the engine in all the same motion. Pulling messily out of the lot, I drove to the school, probably going over the speed limit by quite a bit.

At the school, I bolted out of the car, and searched the front looking for my kids.

My blouse had come un-tucked and the top few buttons un-done. My hair looked like I had just walked out of a hurricane.

"Mom! Your late!" Fabian scowled, holding Valarie's hand again. Jasper was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Jasper?" I asked, walking closer to them, still slightly out of breath.

"He's at the park." Fabian said simply, pointing at the park crawling with children.

Before I could answer, however, someone behind me said, "May?"

I knew that voice like the back of my hand. I stiffened, and turned around. There he stood. The man who left me six years ago for my used to be best friend.

"Drew?" I was still so surprised. Fabian and Valarie peered around me, to see the father they never knew.

Drew had a little girl in his arms, who looked exactly like my old best friend. "May, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Drew." I said resentfully, not adding an ounce of anything but anger and venom.

He didn't move, just narrowed his emerald green eyes which all my babies had.

"Well, I'm here for my kids. All of them. I demand my custody." Drew stated, as if I would comply and just hand over my children.

I glared at him, "No way in hell!"

Drew's back, Drew's back! And he wants his kids, but he can't have 'em because I won't let him! So, what's Drew's answer? And why does he suddenly want his kids after six years? What's his problem? And who is this supposed ex-best friend? Stay tuned to find out! Review!
