A/N: Hello Eclare fans! :D Back with the next chapter. I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you guys enjoy it too. Sorry for not updating in a while, I've had a lot of school work to deal with.
Hope you guys enjoy this!
Gender- 5 Months
"So do you think that's a good idea Adam?" Clare stirred in bed when she heard her husband's voice speaking in a hushed tone. She turned and saw Eli talking on his cell, his back facing her.
"Yeah. This afternoon. After the appointment." Clare raised an eyebrow. What could he be talking about?
"Okay. Yeah. No. Yeah, I'll let you know how it goes. Okay, bye." Eli hung up and placed his Blackberry back on the nightstand table, sliding back under the covers.
"Good morning Eli." Clare's husband jumped, sighing when he realized it was just her.
"When did you get up?" He leaned closer to her and gave her a sweet kiss, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his body, his hands finding their way to her a-bit-more-than-slightly-rounded stomach.
"You woke me up when you were talking on the phone with Adam."
"Oh," he answered simply, lowering his lips to her neck and kissing it gently. She giggled and shrugged him off.
"Stop trying to distract me with kisses. What were you talking about?"
"You'll find out later." Eli placed another kiss on his wife's neck, tightening his hold on her slightly as well. His hands slipped under her t-shirt and rubbed the soft skin of her stomach. She sighed and leaned back into her husband's embrace, enjoying the attention he was giving her body.
"Hm?" She closed her eyes and placed her own hands over Eli's.
"I have to go out this morning before the appointment."
"When?" Eli peeked over Clare's shoulder at the digital clock resting on their nightstand. Their appointment was at noon and it was ten o' clock right now.
"I'll have to leave now in order to get all of it done. Sorry." She let out a whine and frowned.
"Why now?" She unhooked Eli's arms from around her and turned to face him, her arm draped across his side.
"I'm sorry, I can't tell you. But it's important." He smiled softly at her and gave her another kiss before slipping out of bed and standing up, his blue boxers peeking out of his white pajama pants. "Unless…" He brought his hand up to his chin and tapped it thoughtfully.
"Unless what?" Clare asked, sitting up in bed and tucking an auburn curl behind her ear.
"Unless you want to have some morning sex before I leave." He smirked devilishly and Clare rolled her eyes, shooing him away.
"Just go. Get whatever you need and do it fast. Then maybe I'll think about it." Eli grinned and disappeared into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.
Clare frowned and crossed her arms across her chest. She had been working on her romance novel while she waited for Eli to come back, and reached the point in her novel where she had to write in the love scene.
She now wished that she had skipped over that part and come back to it later.
After writing the steamy scene, she was all hot and bothered, and without her husband to satisfy her needs. Though she could have done it herself, it almost always was better when Eli was doing it.
She stared at the computer in front of her, sitting on the dining room table. Her deadline was in about a month, and she was only half way through her novel. Her target was 120,000 words, and she was only at about 65,000. Maybe if she hadn't been fooling around with Eli when she should've been working, she'd have more work done.
"Clare? I'm back." Eli entered the dining room from the opposite side of the house, the side where the garage was, and immediately Clare jumped out of her chair and greeted him with a kiss. Surprised at first, her husband soon melted into the kiss, his arms moving to wrap around her waist and pull her closer to his body.
Because of the desperate need for oxygen, Eli pulled back, his cheeks a bit pink, and smiled at his wife.
"Morning sex?" He asked her, his eyes twinkling.
"Yes please." He grinned and picked her up bridal style, carrying her up to his room and closing the door behind them.
"Hi Dr. Ryan." Eli and Clare greeted their doctor simultaneously and laughed, making him smile in response.
"How are you two?" He asked them while grabbing the cold gel from the cabinet and readying the ultrasound machine.
"Good," Eli replied, winking at his wife. Her cheeks flushed and she hid her face in her hands, making her husband laugh.
"Clare, have you still been taking those vitamins?" He asked her, his back still turned away from the couple. Clare nodded, soon realizing that he couldn't see her.
"Yes, I am. I'm still trying to eat healthy as well."
"Good, good," he murmured, switching on the ultrasound machine and smearing the gel onto Clare's stomach. "Well Clare, you're about five and a half months along now. We should be able to find out the gender of your baby today."
"Yay!" She squealed, grinning. Both men smiled, and Dr. Ryan placed the transducer on her stomach, sliding it around and looking for the fetus.
"Let's see. Well, as I told you last time, the baby teeth have formed, and right now, permanent teeth are already starting to form behind those. Pads of the fingers and toes are forming now as well, fingerprints coming along with them. Clare, have you felt any movement from the little one?" Clare paused as she thought about the question, her fingers drumming softly on her upper stomach.
"No, I haven't."
"Well, that's normal for first pregnancies. The baby is moving some now, and loud noises may startle it. Right now, its weight is about 10 ounces, and it's nearly 10 inches in length. Now, let's see if we can figure out the gender." He slid around the transducer some more, looking for genitals, his eyes fixed on the screen. The room was completely silent as he did so, both Clare and Eli unconsciously holding their breaths.
"Congratulations Eli and Clare." Dr. Ryan grinned. "It's a girl!"
"Told you that our baby would be a girl Clare." Eli pulled out of the parking lot of the doctor's office and turned briefly to grin at Clare.
"Would you shut up already?"
"Hm, let me think about that one…nah." She folded her arms across her chest and directed her gaze out of the window, making Eli laugh. When he turned down a street different from the usual way they took home, Clare turned to look at him.
"Where are we going?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Eli remained quiet and continued to drive. After another five minutes, they stopped in front of the community park, and Eli pulled into a space, cutting the engine to their car. He unlocked the doors and motioned for her to follow him after pulling a small cooler from the back of the car.
They walked through the park, small children running around them, and made their way over to a picnic table. Clare sat down at the table and watched as Eli took ice cream and a small round container of cake out as well, the slight breeze blowing his hair into his face. He sat down across from her and smiled.
"Eli…" Clare trailed off, looking at the sweets in front of them. "What is all this?" Eli took her hand and absentmindedly drew circles into her palm with his thumb.
"Clare, you are beautiful, smart, and so so sexy." She blushed and he continued. "You are the most amazing wife, despite your little hormone fits. I love you so much, and would never pick anyone else to have this baby girl with." By now, tears were sliding down Clare's cheeks, and Eli wiped them away gently. "And because you've been working so hard to take care of our girl and make sure she's healthy, I think you deserve a treat. I got your favorite: German chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream." Eli smiled at her, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly. "I love you Clare." She sniffled and wiped another tear away.
"I love you too Eli." They smiled at each other and leaned across the table, and their lips connected, sending a shock through both of them.
With that kiss, they both knew that their love was forever.
Eclare was endgame.
Leave me a review letting me know what you think! :D