Hey everyone, I'm back. I went to Edmonton for a while and I guess it was pretty boring except for the mall. Here's the next chapter. Thanx for all your suggestions on the new guy.
Leina: Thanks for the name of Laura's ex-boyfriend, you'll be seeing it an awful lot now.
Behold the Void: Wow, what a long review, thanx so much for your suggestions. I've got a lot of reviews saying that Kazu should get a star mace, so…
One more thing…I'm sick of people saying that I should stop using thunder because it refers to sound. I don't care, you get what I'm talking about. Lightning just doesn't have to same effect in the story cuz I can't quite make it sound right.
Chapter 9: Clash of Spells
"Now let's see here," Ryo said, "According to my information, everyone has a weapon except for Kazu and Henry-"
"It's NOT fair!!!!!!!!!" Kazu wailed.
"And," Ryo said patiently, catching a nice smile from Rika, "Only me, Takato, and Juri have the power of Ancient Magic."
Kazu growled.
"What's this all about?" Laura asked, "Ancient Magic, weapons, Kazu groaning…"
"Kazu's always groaning," Rika said, "I'll explain to you." She and Laura had much in common and were beginning to become good friends.
"Henry!" Suzy wailed, "I want to use my pretty mirror, Juri says I can give the bad monsters a makeover."
"Never mind what Juri says," Henry raked his hand through his hair, "It's not such a great idea, you know. The monsters will throttle you, not stand still and let you do their hair."
"And I still can't throw this right," Kenta complained, hitting his boomerang on a nearby rock, "Everytime I throw it out, it ends up whacking me back in the face."
Laura laughed, "What can you expect from a-"
"Ooooooh," Kenta fumed, "Don't say it! Don't say that word or I swear I'll hit you with this boomerang!"
Laura sneered, "Try it, mortal."
"Laura," Ryo said, "Give Kenta a break, would you? He is a mortal, but so are the rest of us."
Laura yawned, "Sure, whatever. Hey Kenta, do us all a favor and stop trying so hard to master your boomerang, if it hits you any harder anymore, we'll have a dead mortal."
"That's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kenta fumed, smashing his boomerang at Laura.
"Hey!" Rika snapped.
"Kenta!" Henry cried, "We shouldn't be using our weapons against each other!"
Laura just laughed and muttered a few words, the boomerang turned and smacked Kenta in the face.
Juri gasped and Takato hurried over and helped his friend up.
"Kenta, are you okay?" Takato asked.
"Well, I have had better days!" Kenta grumbled.
"Laura," Henry scolded, "That's wasn't every nice."
"Well, whatever-your-name-is," Laura said boredly, "It wasn't my fault, he was asking for it. Besides, he's the one who tried to attack me first."
Henry groaned, "Not more of this."
"His name's Henry!" Suzy exclaimed, "Not whatever-your-name-is."
"Yeah, yeah, Henry," Laura yawned again, "I'll try to remember that."
"Can we please stop arguing?" Guilmon pleaded, "It's not getting anywhere."
"Yeah," Terriermon hopped on Henry's head, "And you're supposed to be the sensible one around here."
"I am sensible!" Henry objected.
"That's was really bad Kenta!" Kazu shouted, "If you ever do that again-"
"What?" Kenta shot back, "You'll throttle me? I'm not scared, I have a weapon and you don't!"
Kazu looked really stung, "You'll pay for that remark-"
Ryo, who was standing beside Rika, covered his ears and winced, "Owww, my ears are ringing."
"You know," Laura said, "I have a suggestion, why don't we just bust in Dark Ghost's castle, I know where it is. We can take him by surprise."
Rika was about to reply to that when Kazu butted in.
"Great idea!" Kazu said energetically, "Let's do it."
"Wait," Henry said, dropping Kazu's hopes down the drain, "That's not a very safe idea."
"You'll NEVER win if you always play it safe," Laura shot back, "What was your name again? Oh yeah, Henry."
Henry was getting annoyed now, "It's good to be safe that sorry."
"I think it's a good idea," Rika added, "It's better than sitting on our butts, doing nothing."
"If Rika's in, I am too," Ryo said, nudging her playfully.
Takato stood up, "I don't know…"
"It's a horrible idea," Kenta said spitefully.
"Oh yeah?" Kazu said, "Think of a better one!"
Both of them went face to face in anger.
"I thought Kenta and Kazu were friends, Henry." Suzy said.
"So did I," Henry shook his head.
"Then why are they fighting?" Suzy asked.
"You'll understand when you're a bit older," Henry replied.
"Stop it!" Rika snapped, "You guys are attracting attention!"
"Too late!" Laura said, "Look who's here!"
"You insolent little brats won't get away this time!" Dark Ghost said angrily, "You made me look like a fool in front of my Master, you will pay for your impudence."
"That doesn't sound good," Takato muttered, "Nothing ever does."
"Bring it on!" Ryo said angrily, "I had just about enough of you!"
"Dark Illusion!" Dark Ghost said furiously.
The Tamers' vision of reality was smashed and each started seeing different things.
Laura raised one finger to cease the attack from hitting her and stared anxiously at the others.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In Takato's Illusion…"What happened?" Takato wondered. He looked around and saw himself in a ballroom with bells ringing. Takato glanced down in shock to find that he was wearing a tuxedo. He stared ahead into the eyes of a beautiful young girl. "Juri?"
Juri smiled, "You want to dance Takato?"
"S-sure," Takato stammered as he awkwardly followed his crush on the dance floor. He and Juri started dancing on and on…
In Juri's Illusion…
"Where am I?" Juri wondered, "Takato? Where are you?" Just then a horrible monster scooped down at her.
Juri screamed her lungs out and dashed away, "Eeew! Help, help, someone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"I'll drain your blood," the monster hissed, reaching out his bony claws to grab her.
Juri shrieked and screamed as the monster's claws closed over her.
In Henry's Illusion…"Suzy!" Henry called, "Rika? Where are you guys?"
"Henry," Mr. Wong said, "Guess what, my new invention was a huge success. You should come over and try it out."
"Wow, that's great Dad." Henry said, "I want to be just like you."
"You will be son, you will be," Mr. Wong said.
In Suzy's Illusion…"Lopmon? Henry?" Suzy asked nervously, "Where am I?" In front of her was many bunny rabbits with long floppy ears.
"Wow!" Suzy said," Hundreds of Terriermons and Lopmons. Let's play hide and seek." The young girl ran along with all the rainbow colored bunnies.
"Now let's play dress-up," Suzy said, "Who wants to be Princess Pretty-Pants? I think I'll choose that red Lopmon over there. And this Terriermon can be her Prince. What fun!" Suzy giggled and dressed most of the bunnies in pretty clothes…
In Kazu's Illusion…"And Kazu puts down his last Digimon card and the battle's over, Kazu's victorious once again!" the announcer said.
"Man, I rock!" Kazu cheered, "Am I good or what, no one stands a chance against me, I'm the Digimon King! Ha ha ha ha!"
Many girls crowded around Kazu, asking for his autograph. Kazu played it cool, grinning at all the attention, "Don't fight ladies, there's plenty of me to go around." He sighed dreamily…
In Kenta's Illusion…"MarineAngemon!!!!!!!!!" Kenta called, "Where are yoooooooou?" Then a huge monster with slicing blades and hundreds of fangs snipped down at Kenta.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Kenta cried, "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He gulped as the monster grabbed him, struggling wildly, the helpless boy tried to free himself as the shiny blade came closer and closer to his throat.
"Dinner is served," the monster drooled.
In Rika's Illusion…"Rika, dear," Ms. Nonaka said, "Come and try on these beautiful new dresses."
"Oh yuck!" Rika groaned when she saw all the lace and frills, "No way!"
Rika was helpless at her mom began piling more and more dresses in her arms, "Stop this!"
"Don't be silly," Ms. Nonaka said, "This will be fabulous, I got you a job at the modelling office."
"WHAT?" Rika yelled, "I'm NOT going!"
"I already signed the contract and you're already famous, everyone's dying to see the daughter of a famous model do her work," Ms. Nonaka said, "Oh, here's the reporters."
Rika covered her eyes as cameras went off and people crowded around her, "Get me out of here!"
In Ryo's Illusion…"Rika!!!!!" Ryo yelled, "Monodramon!!!!!!!!!!"
"Ryo, get lost," Rika snapped, "Don't you ever come near me again!"
Ryo helplessly trailed after her, "Rika, what's wrong? What did I do?"
"Nothing," Rika said simply with a sneer, "I found a new boyfriend who ten times better than you'll ever be, sorry sucker."
"Rika, wait," Ryo said, dashing after her as she drifted away, "No! I can't have lost her again! Rika!"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Ridiculous," Laura muttered, "Simply ridiculous." She was staring at Juri and Kenta who were thrashing and struggling at nothing. Ryo and Rika who were running around blindly. Takato seemed to be dancing and Suzy was lying on the ground hugging something. Kazu was jumping up and down like a champion and Henry seemed to be pressing something and looking awfully excited.
"Now that they are weak," Dark Ghost said, "And vulnerable to my attacks, it will be easy to destroy them."
"Not if I can help it," Laura snapped, "You forgot about me and that was a mistake." She held up and spell card, "I use this Spell Card, Resist Magic. It cancels any attack effects I choose and since you only attacked once, it's Dark Illusion!" In a poof, the Tamers seemed to have wakened up.
"What happened?" Kazu asked, "Hey, I was on stage and there were girls cheering me on."
Laura gave him a funny look, "Really, well, take a look again Wonder Boy. You're pretty silly, Kazu."
Kazu blushed, "Aw, gosh, you're embarrassing me."
"What happened?" Kenta demanded, "I knew it, Laura casted a spell on us to make us all into frogs."
Laura rolled her eyes, "Take closer look, mortal, even frogs look better than you."
"What?!" Kenta yelled.
"What happened?" Ryo said, checking to make sure that Rika definitely wasn't talking to another guy.
"Phew, no dresses after all," Rika muttered, "I'm home free."
Takato shook his head, "I thought I was dancing."
Juri was shivering, "That was horrible, just horrible."
"You fool!" Dark Ghost shouted, "Where did you come from?" He pointed straight at Laura, "How could a weak, puny girl like yourself break my powerful magic?"
Laura yawned, "You're not even worth my time. There's no way your magic can go against mine."
"We'll see," Dark Ghost snarled, "Ghosts, attack her!"
A bunch of white wispy ghosts floated towards Laura.
Juri screamed, Rika scowled, "Juri, what are you screaming for? You're not the target."
"Laura, look out!" Kazu shouted.
Laura held up a spell card, "I call on the Light Beacon, now your ghosts are trash. Ghosts can't come near direct light, sucker."
"You shouldn't be able to either," a low voice murmured.
Laura gasped and jumped, spinning around wildly.
"What's wrong?" Kazu asked.
"That voice!" Laura grabbed Kazu's collar and shook the living daylights out of him, "Didn't you hear that voice?!"
Kazu gasped for air and shook his head quickly as Laura dropped him, "What voice?"
"I can't believe you didn't heard that voice," Laura said, her heart jumping.
"Are you okay?" Rika asked.
"Yeah," Laura said, "If you guys didn't hear it…I must be hearing things…"
"Dark Graveyard!" Dark Ghost yelled angrily. A flash of Darkness shook the Tamers' minds as they all fell down, down, down…
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Where are we?" Rika gasped.
Ryo rubbed his head, "At least we're still alive."
"This place is creepy," Juri shivered.
"It looks like a cemetery," Henry remarked. There were rows and rows of gravestones and the sky was a dark as night.
"Yikes!" Kenta shrieked, "We're going to be buried alive!"
"Oh no," Laura said, "Dark Ghost used his Dark Graveyard, everyone keep your guard up!"
"Ha ha ha!" Dark Ghost laughed, "You're doomed now, we're fighting in my home. That means I get home advantage, you don't know what's around the corner."
"He's right," Ryo growled, "The only hope we have is the finish this quickly before it's too late. I doubt anyone of us will last long in this cemetery."
"What do you mean 'last long'?" Henry demanded.
"We're living humans," Laura explained, "We don't belong in the place of the dead. It's only a matter of time before each one of us runs out of energy."
"What?!" Takato exclaimed, "You can't be serious!"
"In this place I have the power to determine your deaths," Dark Ghost laughed, gesturing one creepy claw to a gravestone.
Rika glanced over and read, "Here lies – what!"
"What is it?" Ryo asked, scrambling over.
Rika pointed to the gravestone---- Here lies Rika Nonaka, defeated miserably in a foolish attempt to destroy Dark Ghost.
"Here's my inscription!" Kazu yelled, "It's not fair, I'm not ready to dieeeeeeeeee."
"You're not dead idiot!" Laura snapped, using magic to destroy her own gravestone.
"Everyone of us has a gravestone with the same inscription," Takato remarked.
"That because I need a place to buried your corpses when I'm finished with you foolish Tamers," Dark Ghost sneered.
"Not if I can help it," Ryo leaped up and swung his blade, "THUNDER BLADE!"
"Do I look like I need protection?" Rika grumbled, wondering what she could do to help out. She had no Ancient Magic powers yet.
"FLAMING SPEAR!" Takato yelled.
"LIGHT BEAM!" Juri squealed.
"I can't help!" Kazu shouted, running around in circles.
Dark Ghost laughed as the attacks didn't even faze him, "When will you learn? You're in my facility now, I can't be harmed in my own graveyard."
"It's no use," Ryo gasped, "We aren't even denting him."
"Now, let's start with the youngest first," Dark Ghost floated over to Suzy, "Prepare for your doom."
"Uh-oh," Suzy said.
Henry rushed over, "Leave her alone!"
Dark Ghost swept Henry aside, "Out of my way!"
"Henry!" Takato cried as his friend slammed on the ground.
"DARK GRAVEYARD! Destroy this girl!" Dark Ghost commanded, blasting his attack at Suzy.
"Suzy!" Henry yelled.
Suzy quickly held up her mirror, "Mirror, won't you protect me?"
"Argg!" Dark Ghost yelled, "Where did you get that?!"
The attack reflected of the mirror and hit Dark Ghost instead, "Aaaaaaaaaaah!" Dark Ghost crumpled for an instant, there was a burning hole right through him.
"Ouch," Kenta said, herding Suzy away.
"Henry, are you okay?" Rika asked, helping her friend up.
"Suzy, are you okay?" Henry said urgently.
"I'm fine," Suzy smiled, "Look, my mirror's glowing." It was glowing a pretty pink and suddenly the whole mirror streamed out pink.
"Ancient Magic," Takato said in a hushed voice.
~Suzy, use the power of DEFENSE, for it is yours to command~
"What's defence?" Suzy asked Henry,
"It's protection," Henry replied absent-mindedly.
"Goody, MAGICAL SHIELD," Suzy hollered, yelling quite loudly for someone her age.
Everyone winced.
"Suzy, what are you doing?" Henry demanded as all the Tamer were swept up in a large pink bubble.
"Hey cool," Ryo said, "Suzy must have defence for the Ancient power."
"Good," Henry said in relief, "That's absolutely perfect for her."
"If you think that puny little bubble can protect you, you again. I'm afraid I have to burst your bubble now," Dark Ghost said, slamming the shield forcefully. To his and everyone else's surprise, the bubble didn't even faze.
"What's this?!" Dark Ghost roared, "Impossible. Fine, have it your way." He lengthened his claws and scratched the shield's surface. There was a horrible squealing noise, all the Tamers covered their ears. Then the bubble popped and all of them fell down.
"Sorry Henry, I tried," Suzy said sadly.
Henry pulled her close, "It's okay, we know."
"Hey look what I nearly landed on," Kazu said, picking up a black star mace, "Wicked."
"It's another weapon," Rika said, "And only you and Henry are left, give your Digi-Vices a try."
Henry eyed the mace distastefully, "If I MUST have a weapon, I'll have anything, but that!"
"YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kazu whooped in delight as his orange light streamed into the weapon. Fortunately, the mace only absorbed the light, it didn't turn orange.
"I've got a weapon!" Kazu said happily. All the Tamers were watching, they didn't notice Dark Ghost attack them and sent them all sprawling.
"It's time for your doom," Dark Ghost sneered as he loomed over the fallen Tamers and everything went black.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
At least it went black for two seconds, because the next thing the Tamers knew, they were outside with their Digimon.
"Rika, are you all right?" Renamon asked worriedly, "Where did you disappear to?"
"It's a long story," Rika said, "I'll save it for later, how did you guys do that? Thanks a bunch, you were just in time."
"It wasn't us," Terriermon said.
"You guys all disappeared, then all of a sudden you were here again," Lopmon added.
"Really?" Henry asked, looking confused.
"Teleportation," Ryo said, "That's probably what happened, but who-"
"I did," a low voice replied, stepping out of the shadows.
"A masked man," Kazu said, "Just like in the movies."
"Can it Kazu!" Takato said, "This isn't a horror film!"
"No way," Laura whispered, "No, it can't be."
"Don't you recognize me Laura," the guy jeered.
"Take off your mask!" Laura shrieked, "I order it!"
"Laura, settle down," Rika said, looking alarmed.
"What is it?" Ryo demanded, "Who is this guy? What do you want?"
Laura was shaking in fright, she looked as if she would collapse any minute now.
The boy ripped off his mask and threw it on the ground, "Happy, Laura?"
"It is you," Laura said, "Jared."
"Who? He's that guy you were talking about?" Ryo asked, "But I thought-"
"You're supposed to be dead!" Laura yelled, "I killed you! You were destroyed in front of my own eyes! I saw you, how did you survive?!"
"Your eyes can deceive you," Jared said with a slight sneer, "Don't tell me you actually thought you'd destroy the true Master of Potions that easily."
"I don't like that guy," Rika snarled, "Let me at him and I'll give him a lesson he'll never forget."
"I did save your lives," Jared sniffed, "Remember?"
"He did," Henry admitted, looking like he was torn between two choices.
"Yeah?" Rika demanded, "Well I don't remember asking for it!"
"Hey," Takato said, "Can't we all be friends?"
"Can a lion be friends with a mouse?" Rika snapped, "I say we bust him, old school style."
"Takato, you don't want to be friends with Jared," Laura said, her voice shaking.
"So why would he be friends with you?" Jared asked, "I taught you everything I knew, you're no different from me."
"You're wrong," Laura snarled, "I changed, but you haven't, not one bit!"
"So you think," Jared said smoothly, "But you're wrong, I did change…for the worst."
Laura gasped as the fire seemed to burn behind Jared, "What are you doing?"
"Centuries ago, I casted a spell on you!" Jared said, "I want to know how you broke it!"
"Centuries ago I destroyed you!" Laura shrieked, "I want to know how you escaped!"
"I asked first," Jared said with a slight sneer, "But if you won't tell me, I guess I'll have to force it out of you."
Laura backed up, "What are you talking about?"
"You'll see," Jared laughed, holding a spell card, "I'm going to try out a new spell, Mind Control. Understand?"
Laura quickly snatched out two spell cards, "You're not brainwashing me anymore! Get out of here!"
"Not till I get what I want," Jared said, "Mind Control, activate!"
All the Tamers shielded their eyes as a brilliant flash of light streamed out. Laura held up a card, "Shield of Life!"
Laura gasped as the Mind Control beam shot straight through the Shield of Life and continued its course, "What's going on? My powers aren't working!"
"Oh, they're working all right," Jared said, "But as I suspect you're still too weak to cause any real damage."
Laura gritted her teeth, "Oh yeah, I'll show you! Time for me to try out a new card, Neutralize!"
Jared growled as his attack totally vanished, "You…you…traitor!"
"Look who's talking!" Laura retorted.
"Kazu, what's wrong? Say something!" Takato said worriedly, "Ryo, something's wrong with Henry."
Rika shook him soundly, "Kazu, snap out of it. Come on, this isn't funny! You're freaking me out here!"
Kazu's face was blank and his body was limp, he didn't say a word. His eyes had a faraway look in them.
"Oh no, he's being controlled," Laura said.
"By who?!" Takato demanded.
"Jared, of course," Ryo said, "He must have gotten a portion of the attack when it missed Laura."
"But I neutralized it!" Laura protested.
"Then I guess you were too slow," Jared laughed, "What's his name again? Oh yes, Kazu, is it? Kazu, I want to attack the little girl."
Kazu raised his weapon and charged at Suzy.
"Kazu!" Henry yelled, "Stop!"
Suzy fearfully held up her mirror, "MAGICAL SHIELD!" The bubble swept Suzy up, out of Kazu's reach.
"Suzy!" Henry exclaimed, "Be careful! Kazu, what's wrong with you?! Are you crazy, attacking Suzy?"
"You know, just to make this more interesting…" Jared pondered, "Kazu, I want you to attack those pathetic Tamers and steal their weapons."
Rika clutched her longbow, "He's not getting mine! I'll fight him!"
Ryo just barely dodged Kazu's blows, "We can't, he's one of us."
The Tamers couldn't bring themselves to attack Kazu even though he was sure after them.
"I can't," Rika muttered, "I can't shoot him, no matter what a dim-witted idiot he is."
Jared laughed, "Now this is entertaining. You should be more careful Tamers, one day, someone could be your best friend…and turn into your worst enemy the next day! This is so amusing."
"Turn him back this instant, you creep!" Rika snarled, "I'll teach you a lesson." She fired an arrow with great accuracy.
Jared simply lifted a finger and burned the arrow into crisp.
Rika gasped as Ryo landed down beside her.
"Unreal!" Ryo said.
"Oh, it's very real," Jared said with a yawn, "I'm sure Laura told you about her Elixer, which I taught her how to make. But I've made something even more powerful than Elixer. I call it the Nectar of Life, fancy, isn't it? My magic is so advanced, absolutely nothing can penetrate it, I'm invincible."
Ryo was beyond angry now, "Are you talking to yourself, or is someone we can't see hiding somewhere? We're sure not listening to your bragging."
Jared glared at Ryo, "You insolent fool, you should show some respect for your superiors."
"I'll show you who's superior!" Ryo drew his sword and charged head on.
"Ryo!" Rika called, "Wait!"
Jared pulled out a spell card, "Energy Drain! Fight this, mortal!"
Ryo stopped in his tracks when he felt the light hit him, unknowingly he sank on his knees and moaned.
"Ryo, what's wrong?" Rika demanded, "Are you okay?"
"Stop it!" Laura cried, "They have nothing to do with this! Leave them alone, it's me that you want so why are you picking on them?"
"Simple," Jared shrugged, "I'm terribly bored right now and I need something to pass time with, this happens to amuse me so. Seeing these mortals run around so foolishly without a clue of the power they're facing."
"I'm okay," Ryo gasped, "Just weak, I feel like I lost a lot of energy."
"Well, stop!" Laura ordered, "And change Kazu back, or I'll-"
"Or you'll what?" Jared demanded, "Fight me? Have you forgotten who taught you everything you know? I know every move you'll make before you even make it because I taught you all the spells and I know everyway to counter each one."
"Why are you doing this?" Laura shrieked, "Turn Kazu back this instant!"
"Why should I?" Jared laughed, "Legends say that Ancient Magic weapons possess great powers, I want to see for myself. But it seems that those mortals are too stupid to defend themselves at all."
"You know that's not the reason!" Laura fumed, "Kazu's their friend! They won't turn on their friend no matter how much a creep you make him."
Jared's face darkened, "And tell me, what do you know about friendship? I cast a spell to force you to live in Darkness forever, no friends, no nothing. Friendship is trash, there's no such thing. The very word shouldn't even exist, friendship doesn't play a role when it comes to survival. Believe me I know, when your life's at stake it's everyone for themselves, I doubt you'll even think about those you call friends."
"That's because you never had any friends," Laura snapped.
"Oh?" Jared snarled, "And I suppose you do? You're even more foolish than I thought, you're no different from me Laura. Why don't you stop pretending you care about those fools and rejoin me?'
Laura angrily struck Jared across the face, "I'll never join up with you again. I call upon Resist Magic! I'll stop your nasty spell over Kazu!"
Jared just smirked as the spell card disappeared altogether.
Laura stared, shocked at her empty hand, "M-my spell card…where did it go?"
"I told you I know everything about you," Jared said, "My spell cards are far more advanced than yours. Mind Control cannot be stopped unless I order it. As for your pathetic attempt at my card, your card is gone. I redesigned all my cards to be protected against weaker spells like yours. Everytime my card overrides yours, your pitiable card will vanish forever."
"B-but, that's impossible," Laura stammered, "Resist Magic is one of my favorite and most powerful cards."
"Not powerful enough, wouldn't you say?" Jared jeered, "As I said, I knew I would eventually encounter you again so I made sure I was ready with my own powers. Those Tamers will hardly give me any trouble. I'm done here, let this be a lesson. I'll be watching, soon I'll have everything I need to complete my goal." Jared snapped his fingers and Kazu woke up from the spell.
Jared disappeared in a mist, "So long…Laura. Think about it, and don't be so stupid. If you join up with me, you won't have to suffer. You can rule the world with me…"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So what did you guys think? If anyone has any ideas of Spell Cards, tell me in your reviews. Thanx guys and see ya all! ^_^
Oh, yeah, anyone watch Beyblade? Oooh, I love that show, I don't care it people think it's dumb. If anyone knows any Beyblade sites with a good gallery, tell me okay? Please? I'm totally psyched over that show. Thanx again guys.