Jane got out of bed and tried desperately not to think of how amazing it felt to be pressed against Maura like that. It just felt…right. Like she was supposed to be there, every morning. Like she was supposed to give Maura a goodmorning kiss, every single day. Jane could feel that her face was flushed, and she could also feel Maura watching her.

"You're blushing." The M.E. said, now being the one who was amused.

"No I'm not, Maura." She said, annoyed that the M.E. had seen it so quickly. She quickly rubbed her face and turned away from Maura.

"Jane, can I ask you something?"

The detective could hear the hesitancy and expectation in her voice, and she felt her stomach start doing flip-flops. There was no way Maura could have known what she was just thinking about it, but it still felt like the M.E. had somehow just read her mind.

"Uh yeah, sure."

Maura swallowed hard. She wanted to ask Jane why she was exhibiting signs of arousal. She wanted to ask her if she would ever consider having a romantic relationship with a woman. She wanted Jane to just grab her and push her against the wall and kiss her. But she was too conflicted. She was far too afraid that Jane would freak out and she would lose the only real friendship she'd ever had. So instead, she just said "Nevermind." and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Hey!" Jane said, following the M.E. out of the bedroom. "Maura, really? You can't just do that!" Jane was following her when the M.E. suddenly stopped and turned around, as the detective kept coming forward. It left them tremendously close to one another, and Jane felt her breath catch in her throat.

Maura stared at Jane intensely, taking note of the detective's heightened arousal.

"Jane," she said, bringing her face closer to the other woman's.

"Yeah?" The detective said quietly, unable to hide the tremor in her voice.

"Would you like me to make some breakfast?"

Maura backed away and moved towards the pantry, leaving Jane completely stunned. She could have sworn that Maura was about to kiss her, then she asks if she wants breakfast!

Maura faced the pantry, her back to Jane, hoping that the detective would say something. Hoping that she'd turn her around by her shoulders and kiss her. Instead, the detective just mumbled, "Yeah, pancakes are fine," and walked over to the couch and flipped on the TV.

Maura cursed internally. She thought for sure that Jane would have said something. She realized that if she wanted to tempt the detective to make a move, she'd have to be a bit more forward in her attempts.

Maura made pancakes and brought them, the plates, the forks, the syrup, and two glasses of orange juice to the coffee table. She felt uncomfortable eating in the living room, but Jane always insisted on it. They both began eating and Maura began trying to think of a way to experiment, to see if Jane was truly attracted to her.

It all came too easily for the M.E.. Jane was pigging out with her pancakes and a stream of syrup dribbled down from her mouth. Before the detective could react, Maura spoke up.

"Stop! Jane, stop. Your hands are covered in syrup. I'll get it."

Instead of reaching for the napkins, Maura reached out and swiped her finger through the syrup and then popped it into her mouth.

"Maura, what the-"

The M.E. just smiled.

"Mmmm, wow. Yummy." She said quietly.

Jane sat back on the couch and let out a deep breath. Maura could see that her skin was a bit flushed, and her breath had quickened. The M.E. licked her finger, while still watching Jane, who had obviously gotten turned on. She immediately turned red and got up from the couch and went to the bathroom.

"Really, Maura? Now my face is all sticky."

Jane winced as she realized her mind was now permanently in the gutter. She closed the bathroom door and put a cold cloth to her face.

Maura was pretty convinced now that Jane was physically attracted to her, but as she sat there, waiting for Jane to come back, she realized that this only further created a problem. Maura had deep feelings for Jane. If there was something sexual between them, and that was all that happened, it could be harmful to their friendship.

"Why the heck did you do that?" Jane asked, coming back over to the couch.

Maura shrugged, unwilling to actually answer.

"Jane, why did you save me?"

The detective sat down and exhaled, thrown by the change of subject.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I have saved you?"

"I just mean, do you care about me, Jane? Do you truly care about me?"

"Maura, of course I do. I killed Hoyt for laying his disgusting hands on you. I would die for you Maura. I-"

The detective stopped herself before she revealed too much. She sighed and took Maura's hands in hers.

"Maura, I care about you very much, okay?"

The M.E. smiled and nodded.

"What's with the 20 questions, Maur? Are you sure everything's okay? First the syrup thing and now this. Are you feeling all right?"

Maura truly wanted to say that she was all right, but in fact, she wasn't. She was overwhelmed and she desperately wanted to kiss Jane. But instead of speaking, or kissing, the M.E. just lunged forward and hugged Jane tightly. They stayed in that position for quite some time, neither of them speaking, just holding onto each other. Finally, Jane pulled back slowly and kissed her on the cheek. The M.E. felt her heart rate quicken and she couldn't help but blush. Jane leaned back a little further, allowing her to see Maura's face. The M.E. stared at her, waiting for her to do something, anything.

Jane had honestly meant for the kiss on the cheek to be innocent. But she could feel the undercurrent between her and Maura, and she knew that they were both feeling what Jane had felt for a long time. The detective urged herself to make a move, to do something before it was too late.

Jane moved to run her fingers through Maura's hair when her phone rang.

"Shit." She cursed under her breath. She reached for her phone and looked at the I.D.. It was her mother. She flipped open the phone and practically screamed into it.

"Really, really Ma? What the hell was so important that you had to call me this early?"

Maura smirked as she realized it was 11:00am. Hardly early. She bit her lip, trying to hold back her smile. Jane had definitely wanted to kiss her.

"Whatever Ma, I just don't have time for this kind of crazy family stuff right now. I'm sorta busy here, okay? I'll call you later."

She hung up the phone and ran her hands through her hair.


Both women sat there on the couch, not sure what to do next. They had been caught up in the moment before, but now they were both aware of what had been happening before Jane's phone had rung. Maura waited for Jane to do something, but after what seemed like an eternity, she realized she should probably just go home. She got up from the couch and Jane almost let out a whimper. She really did want to kiss Maura, badly. She just thought it would be too awkward now, since they had been interrupted.

"I should probably get home to Bass," the M.E. said, heading for the door.

"Maura, wait!" Jane said, jumping up off of the couch.

The M.E. felt as if her heart had momentarily stopped. She heard Jane come up behind her, then felt her grab her shoulders and spin her around, pushing her back to the door.

"You're not leaving." Jane said, smiling just as she pressed her lips to the M.E.'s.

Both women sighed into the kiss, feeling the initial nervousness break, and their passion come forward. Jane grabbed Maura's thighs and lifted her up, wrapping the M.E.'s legs around her waist. Jane found it especially satisfying that Maura was wearing her pajamas instead of some snug, hard to get around dress.

The detective pushed Maura against the door and ran her tongue along the M.E.'s lips, deepened the kiss, and eliciting a moan from Maura.

After neither of them could last any longer without taking a breath, they pulled away simultaneously, Jane resting her forehead on Maura's. She was about to lower the M.E. back to the floor when she spoke up.

"Jane, I don't think that's a very good idea. I'm not sure my legs can support me right now."

The detective smirked and bit her lip.

"How about I just carry you then?"

Jane wanted so badly to go to her bedroom, but she knew once they crossed the threshold, there would be no turning back. She used what very little self-control she had left to carry Maura to the couch and set her down. She sat down beside her, and the M.E. scooted close and snuggled up to Jane's side, wrapping her arms around her waist.

Maura smiled as she felt the warmth radiating from both of their bodies. She raised her head, bringing her face to face with the detective.

"Jane, can I ask you a question?"

Although the detective suddenly became worried about what Maura might ask, she still nodded.

"Can I kiss you now?"

Jane laughed softly.

"Hell yes."

Alrighty, that's it. I hope you guys enjoyed! Please, pretty please with Rizzles on top, review and let me know if you liked it! 3