A/N: Sorry about the late update this is yet another delayed update….This is a short tale that doesn't belong in the High School Meltdown story. But it's just been out of luck for the actual story cause the creative panther in me has been sleeping in a tree….damn you bagherra! (If you love Disney you might get that)For now though I spiced up my Holmes and wrote this little drabble on Sora and Riku.

Told in odd POVs ^^

Hope you enjoy!

BTW once I finish the next chapter in High.S.M.D I will remove this and put it as its own story. But for now it will be here. XD

Did you just…a possum?

Meet Riku, a young 23 year old photographer. He is about to go home after a long photo shoot with a band called the 'Organization.' Feeling the cool breeze on his cream colored skin, Riku watched as his driver pulled up to the church-like building to drive him to his Destiny flat. But Mr. Hiro politely declined, his reason being… His life was boring.

'A walk home might bring some interest or adventure to my life.'

And so Riku set off on his journey home.


Now we travel down a few blocks or so to a boy named Sora. He attends Island College, well on the path to having a Masters in art, already having earned an Associates Degree in dance. And did I mention that he was 21 years old? Well, Sora Hikaru was on his way back to his apartment after the end of his night class. Irregularly enough, he came across something odd on the street.


'Agh… If I'd known that my flat was this far away I would have taken Jones up on his offer.'

Riku had been walking for well over and hour or so. His feet were damp from the occasional sprinkler he came across and his back was sweaty. He rounded the corner to see a boy kneeling down by the curb. Was he… kissing that thing?!


At the sound of footsteps Sora looked up quickly.

"Ahem, hey kid, you should… OH MY GOD! Did you just kiss a possum?" The man in a long coat gasped, his face utterly appalled, reeking with the thought of 'That is so unsanitary!'

Sora looked him up and down before looking back to the dead possum. He felt his face light up a bit. "Well yes and no." Looking up at the aghast face before him, he spoke quickly. "It's reallllllly not what you think! Honestly! Well I mean it is but not… He was my pet. Well no, he was a regular street possum that my landlord caught. But then I adopted it because it had a broken leg. So yeah...It ran away today when I was going to class. I tried to find him….her. Damn it! I was sad that he died even though I only had him for a few days but I just gave him a bath this morning so I felt that like any other funeral, he deserved a kiss. But it was only on top of her/his head."

Sora found himself breathing rather hard after trying to justify himself. He didn't really understand the need to explain to the dark unknown figure but hey, it was Sora.

The man chuckled, his tone dark and ominous to Sora. After all, a man in a black coat and fedora to top it off was kind of creepy…


Everything made complete sense in a very, very strange way. Who was he to talk? Ater all, he did have an unusual thing living with him, himself…

Riku began to rake his eyes across the boy's body and face. With his jaw like stone and the sunglasses shading his eyes, he searched every nook and cranny of the boy. With his eyes covered he gave nothing away, but behind his shield it was apparent that he was making all types of calculations and conclusions about how gorgeous this kid was. His features were sculpted with perfection and his face was absolutely flawless.

The boy started to fidget under Riku's unyielding gaze.

Riku came to rest on the boy's eyes…they were so bright even under the dark influence of his sunglasses. He could only imagine what they looked like when the light shined on them.

He would look like an angel….

The blush on the younger's face soon became noticeable and Riku let a smirk felt a smirk creep onto his lips.


Sora's face lit up some more. Feeling a bit nervous, he let out an awkward cough and looked down.

The taller man's trance was broken due to the small gesture. "Hey, what's your name and age, kid?" The smooth voice came out of the dark figure.

Overwhelmed with surprise that a voice could come from someone like that, shock was apparent in Sora as he answered, "Sora…Hikaru. Um, I am twenty-one. You?" As he spoke, he found his own voice beginning to sound strange and unfamiliar to him.

The silky voice belonging to the mysterious figure answered swiftly, "That is unimportant. Say, have you ever modeled…Sora?"

Sora felt two pangs of surprise, one from how sweet his name sounded as it softly echoed down the street and the other from the question. "N-No… never."


The mystery man smirked again, this time for no reason at all, thereby sending a chill down Sora's spine. The man had found his prized model; one that was never used before…

But did Sora's beauty transfer into photos?

Riku could only come up with one thing to say to find out. "Well, come to my flat and you will be my new model."

Sora, the poor dear, seemed to be stuck in a blissful thought of being a model until a spark went off in the back of his brain: Where he was and what had just transpired…

1. I am on a dark street (close enough to being an alley)

2. I just got caught kissing a possum (the guy seemed interested…maybe some twisted fetish?)

3. I just cleared with a stranger that I am 21 (knows I can live alone/drink alcohol=slip in drugs)

4. The guy wants me to be a model (lies, I don't have the body)

5. Didn't tell me a name yet but wants to go back to his flat (creeper)

Some dude caught me in the dead of night, he has some irrational fetish with possums, he wants to drug me, get me to his flat, have his way, dump me somewhere, then I will run to the police to describe a mysterious man with a velvet voice, sunglasses, long coat, and a dang fedora!

"Yeah fucking right you sicko!"

And with that Sora ran down the street…

Now, look at Riku. The unfortunate man was standing there, watching the sight of the blue eyed angel fleeing away. He was also trying to figure out why he was a sicko but that thought was put on hold as soon as the corner of his eye noticed a twitch…


In addition to Sora's frantic screams of rape, you could hear Riku's screams of fear of a dead animal that somehow came back to life… Meaning…

Riku is afraid of possums, Sora is allergic to perverts, (A/N: haha allergic) they are both running down the street like crazies, but Sora is convinced the mad man, Riku, is chasing him…

A/N: Until further notice this part has come to a hopefully successful ending…AND CUT!

That's a rap people.

My lovely Beta would you like to add any B/Ns? (beta notes)

Here is your space if you wannnnt it remember you can put it threw out the story!



Uhh…hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

It was definitely interesting to beta, to say the least. But I really enjoyed it.

I am enjoying being a beta reader, it is quite a fulfilling role.

Well until next time,
