Disclaimer: If Naruto was mine, I wouldn't be going to school.
The red numbers marked 9:27 A.M.
The room was at a standstill. Bar the subtle melodies of the morning birds and the occasional rustle of leaves, everything else was in a deafening silence and there in the middle of it all laid a self-awoken Neji Hyuuga.
He could not feel the sun's early morning warmth ticking his skin as he was forcibly accustomed to after months. He could not hear the padded footsteps of a certain individual as he went about his daily duties. And lastly, but most importantly, he could not smell the usual aroma of a warm breakfast that would be typically wafting to his nostrils.
This picture was painted totally wrong.
Neji lifted himself from the soft bed and stood still. The place was as silent as it could ever get. He knew it was late. He could feel by the way he felt. A small dose of lethargy lingered on after sleeping for so long. This left the one and only question to voice itself in his head.
Where the hell was Lee?
He was late. He was so late and so dead. How could time have slipped from his fingers like that? He knew he should have a woken even earlier. He had a feeling this was going to happen and his running was not going to aid him in any way, not if he wanted to drop what he had in his hands.
Neji was going to strangle him for one: not being there when he woke up, though to his defense, Neji didn't exactly need him to carry on his morning routine. And two: for buying him exactly what Neji told him not to buy. A cake. A three milks, vanilla flavored cake. His favorite.
Long and behold, this was a special day. Twenty four years ago, the world was granted with the presence of one Neji Hyuuga. Not only that, it marked exactly nine months since Lee began working especially for him. To Lee's eyes, this was something to celebrate. Never had the young man encountered a guide, but, as Lee liked to believe, a friend, that had lasted this long. They were all fired even before the first month was up. In Lee's eyes, this was an event worth celebrating for. As well as the birthday of course, but for some reason that he would tell Lee, Neji objected in rejoicing to it.
Up until that point, Lee was still not sure why. Despite the progress in friendship, the older man still kept a lot to himself. Lee wanted to believe that at some point, Neji would open up to him. He knew that keeping things bottled inside would only be hurtful in the future. It built for a walking time bomb ready to detonate at any given moment and the destruction it would cause would not be pretty. Oh, how he knew it would not be pretty.
But he would be there for him. He would be there because despite Neji's moodiness, despite his idiosyncrasies and pessimism and dark humor a person was always there for the one they loved. Throughout all the good and throughout all the bad.
He didn't know when it happened. He couldn't pinpoint an exact date, but despite all the bad parts he's seen in Neji it was a combination of both the bad and the good that he'd gotten to appreciate.
The way he smirked when he upped one on Lee. The way he patiently waited—even though he said otherwise—on Lee while he finished eating in order to take a walk. The way his pride would not let him seem weak and would forcibly push Lee away if he got involved in something he was sure he could do.
He couldn't tell him though. Through all their conversations, he knew what Neji wanted and it was something he couldn't provide. Neji wanted a family. He wanted a wife. He wanted kids. He wanted everything a sane man would want for the future and Lee didn't fit anywhere. He knew friendship was the only privilege he was ever going to get and he was going to squeeze as much as he could get from that.
So he kept running. And running he did. Lee was thrilled, as well as nervous to get to the mansion. He couldn't wait to see Neji's hope being brought back.
He sure as hell hoped the cake lived through his hurry though.
Despite the red flags that had been going on in his head for the past hour or so, he wanted to give Neji the celebration his day of birth deserved. He wanted to cheer the day that brought them together. They didn't see eye to eye most of the time, but what friends did? Besides, he wanted to give Neji the biggest surprise he could.
A few days prior, Hiashi had pulled him aside and told him the best news he could hear. Neji had gone blind. There was no mistake in that, but up until a few days ago, the doctors found that they could surgically restore his sight back. The procedure wasn't easy. Hell, it was risky, but they were confident for the results.
He was so excited himself that he would have begged Mr. Hyuuga for the opportunity to tell Neji, but with a bemused smile, Neji's uncle agreed. He did not need a microscope to the see the bond that had formed between the two boys. He had been right when he made the observation about Lee his first day on the job. He had the power to change his nephew's disposition, and as fate would have it, his own as well.
Neji was getting pissed, livid to be more precise. After coldly dismissing the maid who wished him happy birthday after bringing his breakfast, he remembered why this was not a good day.
He hated his birthday. Loathed it with a passion, in fact. Now he understood why Lee was not beside him at the moment. He knew Lee. He understood how he worked. He knew how cheesy he was about stuff like this, but he told him specifically—and many times at that—how he did not want to hear one single word about his birthday. He told Lee. He remembered drilling it into that empty headed skull of his.
The scrambled eggs sitting on the plate in front of him were lucky to be inanimate. His fork was having no mercy as it stabbed with brute force, clanging loudly on the china plate. He should have known the bastard was not going to listen. He could only hope now that he was wrong; a tiny shred of hope that was.
The gloom above could almost be seen palpitating with rage and for Lee's own good he hoped he was wrong.
Lee was thrilled. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waited for security to do the routine check. They knew him, but as he knew, it was protocol. As soon as he was given the green light, he saluted the men and sprinted off, cautious of the cake. It was probably already a milkshake with all the shaking, but oh well.
He still couldn't get rid of that ill nagging thought that something was waiting to go wrong, but leave his optimism to kick those feelings in the ass. He smiled at every person he encountered, anxious to reach his destination.
Those bells in his head rang louder as soon as he reached the door. Every instinct in his body told him to turn back. This is a bad idea they said. Don't do it. Run now while there's still time.
He ignored them of course. What could go wrong? Balancing the cake on one hand, he opened the door. The immediate depression that had settled in the room way before his arrival invaded his senses.
It's too late now.
He walked forward.
We told you.
Those little voices in his head abandoned him, almost as if aware that he was a dead man.
Neji's back was facing him. He was sitting down in front of the window and didn't even turn as Lee inched his way closer. He could feel the younger man hesitating, as he if he knew that he'd done something wrong.
The silence continued on for far longer than intended. Surprisingly, Lee didn't make a single sound. Movement-wise, of course. Only the steady breathing of the two mingled with each other.
Finally, after what Neji thought to be enough time he rose to his feet, placed his thumb and pointer finger at the bridge of his nose and exhaled.
"Please tell me I don't smell what I think I'm smelling." A moment of bravery surged in Lee's chest as he walked toward the Hyuuga, his writing tool extended.
Okay. I won't tell you. He remarked cheekily.
Happy birthday and—Neji's back stiffened and he turned with and immense speed.
Over the past few months, he had gained the confidence to go about without hiding his eyes. Now, as Lee stared into them, he wished, just this once that they were. The intensity they exuded was intimidating. They made him feel so small, unimportant and insignificant. Like he was nothing but scum on the earth. Unconsciously, Lee stepped back, but with every inch backwards, Neji stepped forward gaining back the distance.
"What did I tell you, Lee? Huh? WHAT did I tell you?" He hissed through his teeth. The iciness in his voice was deadly.
Lee wanted to respond. He really did, but every time he tried to reach out to Neji in order to explain his wrist was flicked away. The younger man was being pushed back and it wasn't until his back hit a wall that he knew he was cornered.
Neji's line of vision didn't waver. He knew how tall Lee was. They were practically the same height so he knew where to direct his eyes. And how those eyes exuded pain and wrath. Lee couldn't hold the flinch when he looked at them.
"I told you I didn't want to be reminded of my birthday. I told you, didn't I? I know because I made sure you repeated those words back to me. I was serious, Lee." The muscles around his face hardened with every word.
It was in times like these that Lee wished he could speak, to sooth whatever he did wrong, to explain. He couldn't though and it was irritating him. He whimpered a little and opened his mouth trying to produce something: a word, a noise, anything.
Neji held Lee's hands firmly. He was not in the mood to hear him out. If he dared to disobey him, he should suffer the consequences.
"Why don't you listen?"
Again, Lee struggled with his vocal cords as well as with his arms. He was panicking now; his eyes were growing wide with fear. He didn't like being cornered. It made him feel vulnerable. It made his feel scared. Only air seemed to pass through his lips. Senseless air.
Neji could feel the fight Lee was giving and it only made him grasp the appendages with more strength, ignoring the whimpering of pain.
"Why are you so incompetent, Lee? " A small voice screamed at him that it was not what he wanted to say, but at the moment he didn't care. He told Lee. He told him!
"Why can't you just follow a simple order? Huh? Is it that hard? Are you that stupid?" Shut up. You don't mean that!
"You lost so many jobs because you can't speak. You really want to lose this one? The only one you've managed to keep this long?"
Lee's stopped dead in his tracks of struggle. He couldn't believe what he just heard.
Neji chucked, not a hint of mirth in it. "What, you think I wouldn't find out? A disabled helping another disabled? You thought I wouldn't check your background? What kind of person do you think I am?" His features contorted into something that would have made any man cower down.
No! No! This can't be happening. Lee was frozen. Neji knew? And he didn't say anything?
Of course, Neji did not know why, but Lee had no way knowing this.
His breath was coming in faster. He wanted to run. Run far away from Neji, from the house. He never wanted to run so fast in his life.
He tried his vocal chords again, but they hurt every time he tried to utter a word. So instead, he renewed his physical struggle, but Neji had an advantage. The trembling of his body was working against his strength.
Neji's mind was telling him to stop. He could feel Lee's body shaking. Am I causing it, this fear? Is he scared of me?
His grip on Lee's arms loosed when he felt a warm trickling on his own hand. He brought it up to his lips and licked it, tasting the saltiness of tears.
"Are you crying, Lee?"
The trapped man went rigid. He hadn't realized how blurry his sight had gotten. He was indeed crying. That hadn't occurred in a long time. A time he didn't wish to remember.
He shook his head no, knowing how futile that was, but not knowing any better.
Neji couldn't stop himself. He wanted to, but the smirk found its place on his face, patronizing Lee. He was no longer manhandling the scared man, but his stance was ready to punch anything.
"You're so weak. No wonder people call you a loser. I mean, do you ever do anything right?" He could hear the suppressed sniffling. He knew he was hurting Lee, but it was as if another being had possessed him and he could only visualize how Lee must look and feel.
This is why he hated this day. He could see nothing but red and it brought on an uncontrollable rage that did not see past the emotions he felt.
Lee remained quite for a few minutes. Those last words rendered him immobile. They were the last words he thought he would hear his best friend—his unrequited love—say.
He had to leave. Something told him things were never going to be the same again. There was just no point in him staying if Neji—the one person he trusted to see his capabilities, to really see—saw him as nothing more than an inept disabled.
With a last will of courage, he approached Neji, who had once again turned his back to him. Neji flinched away when he felt Lee's touch on his back, but the younger man's strength on his shoulder held him in place.
"Lee, go away. I don't have the—"
You will be able to see again.
Neji turned his head towards Lee in distressed shock. "What are you—"
You will have to undergo surgery. The doctors guarantee success.
There. That was it. He told him. Lee ignored Neji's calls as he walked toward the door. He was hurt. His heart ached. It felt like it had been stabbed and shredded into a million tiny pieces and he didn't know if he was going to be able to put them back together.
Even though he knew he should have been truthful to Neji about his condition, the fact that Neji knew and kept it to himself was clouding his mind with unwanted thoughts. So everything had been a lie. He thought Neji was only joking when he said he only kept him around because he couldn't use his voice to annoy him. He really thought that was said in a teasing matter.
Well it wasn't apparently. That was the only reason Neji kept him around and it was wholeheartedly breaking him apart.
He reached his room stripped down from his uniform and put on what he wore the first day he came in. He gathered the little possessions he owned and stuffed them in his backpack all the while glancing at the uniform sitting on the bed.
Lee plopped down on the mattress, indulging in its softness for the last time. Looking around the small room, he smiled sadly. He'd become so accustomed to this, but he needed to leave.
His footsteps echoed in the hallway. There was just one thing he needed to do before he left. Stealthily, he made his way into Hiashi's office and opened the door, carefully looking out for any movement. He knew the man was not home, but one could never be too careful.
Lee slipped inside and walked to the immaculately shiny desk. With a long sigh, he placed the small note in the center and left.
The news that Lee had given the blind man had completely caught him in a stupor.
I'll be able to see again? Is this…is this real?
Neji needed confirmation. He called after Lee time and time again, but he knew he was in his sole presence. That was okay. He had been a complete asshole to the guy. It was perfectly understandable that he needed some time to catch a breath.
The young heir sat at the foot of his bed. The anger he had felt a few moments prior was practically nonexistent as he entertained the new information he had received. He would be able to see again. To see! Being blind was something he was slowly starting to come to terms with, but now there was hope! Lee had given him hope.
For the rest of the day, Neji could not be taken off his high horse. Every time he heard the door open he would tell the person that he was going to get his sight back. Every time the person responded, he half expected Lee's voice to gleefully confirm it, but throughout the rest of the day there was no sign of the man anywhere. Not even the maids knew of his whereabouts when he inquired.
He didn't look too much into it though. Lee just needed time to forgive Neji. Speaking of forgiveness he needed to apologize. He felt awful about the things he said. He did not mean a single word. He had been angry, he had been hurt that Lee had disobeyed him, but there was no way that any of those words held any truth to them.
So he waited. Patiently. Night was quickly approaching and Lee was still nowhere in sight.
It wasn't until a few minutes before midnight that he received the news that would completely turn his day sour.
"Neji, we need to talk."
The young man looked up to the sound of the voice and smirked. "Hello to you to, Uncle."
Hiashi smiled. Over the past couple of months his relationship with his nephew had turned for the better.
"Well you seem to be in a good mood. I'm betting you had some good news thrown your way?"
A small grin splayed on Neji's handsome features. "When is the surgery scheduled for?"
The older man chuckled. "Eager, aren't we? Whenever you're ready. The earliest is in two days."
"Friday it is then."
"Of course, but son, I need to ask. What happened between you and Lee?" Hiashi sat next to Neji watching his expression closely.
Neji's face scrunched up in confusion. How does uncle know?
"What do you mean?"
'What I mean is," the sound of paper being unfolded registered in Neji's mind.
"I do not think my services are needed any more, Mr. Hyuuga. Thank you so much for your hospitality, but I must take my leave. I was never suitable for this job in the first place. Thank you again and I hope you don't mind my abrupt leaving. There is no need to pay me for this week. Everything you have provided me with has already been enough."
"What is this about, Neji? Why does the best man, who not only has become your friend, but a valuable employee to this house, think he was never suitable for this job?"
There were no words that could express how Neji felt. He could not believe that their small fight had amounted to this.
It was rare to see Neji look so broken, but the last time Hiashi saw his nephew like this, he had been told that his father was dead.
On the day of his birthday. Which was why this day was such a taboo in the family. Especially for Neji.
Now, those same emotions were manifesting themselves on the younger man's face. The same devastation and hurt was slowly settling on every inch of his features.
"Find him. Do whatever you need to do to bring him back." His voice had gone monotonous and his countenance had gone void of expression just as quickly as they had come.
How dare Lee leave him? HOW DARE HE?
You did it. It was your fault. You know you hurt him with your words.
Why wouldn't he leave?
"No! NO! Shut up!" Neji gripped his hair, knowing that those voices held some truth in them.
This is why you don't have friends. You push them, drive them away.
Hiashi didn't know what to do. This was the first time he was seeing Neji act in such an uncharacteristically manner. Without seeing any other alternative, he brought a hand up to Neji's shoulder and squeezed. The young man looked up in surprise, forgetting that he was not alone.
"We'll find him Neji. I promise."
Neji nodded. He didn't know when Lee had become so important to him and honestly he didn't care about the date. What he cared about was the fact that Lee had managed to break some of his walls and look inside himself. Really look inside the person that was Neji Hyuuga.
Lee didn't see him as a wealthy heir. He knew Lee would never take advantage of him because of money. He knew the person that was behind the luxuries and Neji couldn't let go of him for that.
This was a genuine friendship that he never knew he could obtain and now that he had a taste of it, he was not going to let go.
A/N: I neglected this story for so long! D; I'm so sorry! But here it is. I enjoyed writing it. I don't know when the next update will come, but it will my darlings. Ja ne!