She couldn't remember. When was the last time she felt the wrmth of the sun's rays? It had been too long. All she could remember was the feeling of this small, cold cell. She had once been known as Kagome, however, she was now known as subject F50x. She had been a thirteen year old girl who kept to herself and did her best in school. So why? Why had she been taken away from all she knew. Now all she did was sit in a sterile, empty cell that only contained a small bed, a steel chair that was bolted to the floor, and her. Escape was impossible.

The teenage girl sat in a the steel chair with her knees pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped around them to prevent them from falling to the floor. Kagome sat staring at nothing in particular; there was nothing to do except stare. Her raven hair shrouded her like a black blanket of darkness. Everyday she would watch the gurards walk back and forth every so often. Everyday, it had to be everyday, there was no way of knowing when it was day or night, the scientists would walk past the bars of her cage towards an unknown adolesant her age with a operation table. They were accompanied by two of the guards that she happened to dislike greatly. It was just the air about them that made her skin crawl. When the scientists would walk back by there would be an unconscious body on the table being pushed by one of the guards.

Ages would pass before the guards would return with the unconscious person before placing them back in their cell and every time, it never failed, a blood curdling scream would echo through the hallways. The piercing sound would bounce off of the concrete wall and tile floors increasing the sound to a painfully loud ache. The agonized screams would last for hours and even after they ceased you could still hear them ringing in your ears, echoing off the walls and cell bars. Somewhere in the middle of all the terrible screaming the scientists would rush by with the clipboards and needles. Kagome noted that after the screaming the guards that accompanied them would always be armed with a tranquilizer gun. She wasn't stupid and it wouldn't take a genius to know that they were conducting experiments and one day it would be her turn. For what she didn't know, but no matter how she tried it was completely impossible to escape this prison.

Tell me! Should i keep writing this? I like it so far. So give me your opinions please :)