So. This isn't another chapter of the story, and you will all know that if you read the A/N on the last chapter. I wanted to make this chapter to thank everyone who reviewed, favorited, and even story alerted! If you guys let me know that you liked the story in any way, you will be thanked in this...well I guess I'll call it an Author's Note. (And please forgive me for the over-abundance of smiley faces in this. I'm very happy.)

So here it is!

The lovely people who story alerted:








-Elizabeth Perry











-Mount Berry Kilimanjaro











You guys rock!

The amazing people who favorited:







-Laura Beth loves Jesus







You guys are the best!

And the Totally Awesome (anyone get the AVPM reference? Okay...) people who reviewed!:

















I love you guys! Reviews are like my favorite thing ever! Thank you so much!

Special thanks:

Firstly, special thanks to kc1997kc, who reviewed this story an amazing total of eleven times. You totally blew my mind with how crazy awesome you are. Eleven times! I can't thank you enough. :D Not to mention the fact that she actually profiled my UnSub...and was exceptionally accurate!

And special thanks also goes out to Emmy73CriminalMinds, who actually advertised this story on her own. I gained many readers from that, and I am so grateful! :D

To all those who appeared on more than one of these lists, thank you so so so much! :D

Those wonderful people who appeared on all three guys blow my mind too. It's crazy to think that someone could like my story enough for that! You guys make me so happy! You guys deserve an all caps thank you. So... THANK YOU! :D

And if anyone wishes that they not remain on this list for any reason, you can always PM me and request that I remove you, which I will do as soon as possible.

I'll give every single one of you who appear in any of these lists a final great big thank you from the bottom of my heart! (Anyone who reviews, favorites, or alerts after this is posted, know I thank you from the bottom of my heart as well!) Just know that every time I got a message saying that I had a new story alert, or a favorite, and especially review, I got such a big smile on my face. You guys are the greatest, and the reason I keep writing.

Thanks again,
