Hi people, Im back with a new story-serries! So, this is kind of like a tv show, how there are different episodes. Except, you read instead of watch. So, there will be one episode in every few chapters. I actually decided to post this because I found the story in my notebook. Me and my best friend Joy, were writing it, a while ago. So, I've decided to make it an real story. Please enjoy!

I don't own anything, although I'd like to :)

Episode 1- The new Girl

Episode Summery-A girl attends a school for talented people. But not without a few troubles along the way.

Tori's Pov:

" Wake up Tori it's time for you first day of Hollywood Arts!" Trina shouted in my ear. I grumbled.

" Im up." I sighed and slumped out of bed. I yawn and streatch out my arms. I put on my pink slippers, and headed to the bathroom. After I got out of the bathroom, I went to my closet. Hmmm, what to where, what to where. I decided on a hot pink shirt, that slipped off my left shouler, regular jeans, and high-tops. I put on little, light make-up, and grabbed my bag. I headed down the stairs, and saw Trina plucking her toe hair on the kitchen table.

" Ew, you know people eat there." I said as I went to the fridge, and popped a bagel in the toaster.

" Well, I have to get my toe hair plucked out somewhere." Trina said in her annoying voice. I just rolled my eyes and eat my bagel.

" Come on Tori, so we aren't late for school." Trina said as she dragged me out the door, and to her car.

Once I made it into the schooled, my mouth droped. Students were dancing around, and there was music playing, and all the lockers were decorated. I turned to Trina, who acted like this was an everyday thing.

" Um, is the school like this everyday?" I asked Trina, who was busy blabbing to some girl, about a boy.

" Oh, yeah, it's a school for talented people Tori." Trina sighed. " I just don't know how you got into the school without any talent." She shrugged, and I glared at her.

I walked over to my locker, which is the only one plain, by the way, and I saw a SUPER HOT guy walk past me, and to his ' transparent' locker. I couldn't figure out the combination to my locker, because I was starting at the guy, so he walked over to me.

" Hey, aren't you the new girl?" He asked. I was caught in a daze, so it took me a moment to answer.

" Huh, oh, uh yeah, Im Tori Vega. " I smiled and droped my books on the floor. The guys chuckled, which sent butterflies to my stomache.

" Im Beck, Beck Oliver, I'll help you around, If you want." He suggested. Oh, boy do I want. I just nodded, unable to say any words.

" Here," He took my schedule, " Your in the same class as me, at the moment, Sicowitz. He's a great, and wierd teacher. Come on, I'll take you to class." His smiled melted my heart. I smiled back at him, picked up my books, and followed him to the class.

Beck's Pov:

So, I helped the new girl, Tori Vega, to Sicowitz' s class. I have been looking for Jade, but I haven't seen her. Once we got into the classroom, I looked around. Still no sign of Jade, but, I did see Cat, running up to me and Tori.

" Hi hi! Beck, who is this?" Cat asked. Tori smiled a little.

" Cat, this is Tori, the new girl. Tori, this is my friend, Cat." They shook hands.

" Hi Cat, nice to meet you." Tori said politely. Cat smiled even wider, if that's possible.

" Hi, want to come sit by me?" Cat asked and Tori nodded.

" Sure," and they went and sat in the front row. I turned around, and saw Jade walking into class. I walked up to her.

" Good morning Jade." I said. I took her hands in mine, and kissed her sweetly, on the lips. She smiled into the kiss.

" Hey Beck." She said and went into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her, and we went to take our seats behind Cat and Tori.

" Where have you been?" I asked. Jade looked up at me. " The Asphalt cafe, I went to get coffe." She said, waving her coffe in my face. I should have know, why didn't I look?

" Oh, and did you get any for me, your boyfriend?" I asked. I knew she hadn't and I wasn't mad, I just loved to see her reactions.

" Hell no." She said simply. So, I kissed her really hard, and she was so caugh up, she didn't relize that I slipped the coffe from her hands. Once we broke, I took a sip of the coffe. Jade eyes widened.

" Beck, you took my coffe. " She whined. I smirked at her.

" Only a sip." I said innocently and wrapped my right arm around her shoulder.

" You'll pay later." She told me, and I just chuckled, and she pulled me in for another kiss.

Cat's Pov:

I was whatching Beck and Jade, talk playfully. I loved seeing Jade, my best friend so happy. Tori, on the other hand, looked mad.

" Hey, who is she?" Tori asked, pointing to Jade. I gulped, this might turn out bad.

" Oh, that's Jade, she's my best friend." I smiled at Tori. Tori looked cofused.

" But, she looks so, scary." I had to laugh at that a little.

" Yeah, she is actually. But, she can be nice, in a blue moon." I chuckled, but Tori gulped.

" So, is Jade, um Beck' s girlfriend?" She asked. I nodded.

" Yep, they've been dating for almost two years."

" Oh." Was all Tori said.

" Yeah, but, it's weird because, Beck is so nice, and Jade, well not as much, but they even each other out." I saidn the last part quickly. I didn't want Tori to think that Beck is to good for Jade, because it's not true.

" Yeah, I guess so." Tori sighed sadly. I think she likes Beck.

Tori's Pov:

Shit! Beck has a girlfriend. And even worse, a goth, scary looking girlfriend. I sighed, how could he like her, she looked like one of those goth killers from a horror movie.

The bell was about to ring, and I wanted a drink. So I hurried out of the class room, and got a Hawiian Puch, from the drink machine. I opened it, and took a sip. I felt a little better. I went back into class, and saw Beck talking to a hobo, who was on the classroom's small stage. Beck turned and ran smack dab into me. I accidentily spilled my puch all over him.

" Oh my god Beck, I am so sorry." I said. I wipped my arm across his chest. Man, it felt like he had a 6-pack under his shirt.

" I think you'r making it worse," He chuckled. I slowly stopped and looked up at him. Oh, his chocalate eyes melted my heart until...

" Hey, stop rubbing up on my boyfriend." That scary, goth, killer-looking, girlfriend of his, yelled. He turned to her.

" It's ok babe, calm down." He calmly said, and sweetly kissed her lips. Tears whelled up in my eyes. I quickly wipped them away, and returned in my seat. I have a bad feeling that today won't be the best.

Jade's Pov:

That new chick, had went to the bathroom, and Sicowitz called Beck up to the stage, to talk to him about a play thing. Cat quickly turned around in her seat.

" OMG, Jade guess what." I sighed, it was probley something about a unicorn, or how she got her hair colored.

" What Cat?" I asked bored. But, she looked like she had this dark secret she was about to tell me.

" The new girl, likes Beck." She whispered to me.

" What?" I whisper-hissed. I would have shreiked, but, right now, I didn't feel like having everyone's attention.

" Yep, she didn't say it, but you could so tell. Like, she asked me if you were his girlfriend, and when I said yes, she sighed sadly." Cat told me. I can't beleive it. This new chick already has feelings for MY BOYFRIEND!

I sighed, frustrated now. " Ok Cat, thanks for telling me. You really are my best friend. " I gave Cat a small smile, and she smiled back. I sat up in my chair again, when that newbie came in, and ran into Beck, spilling her puch all over him.

" I am so sorry Beck." She said. Wait, how did she know his name? He didn't even look mad, he even smiled. I shook my head.

" I think you making it worse. " He chuckled. She slowly looked up at him, staring in his eyes. I had had it with this girl.

" Hey, stop rubbing up on my boyfriend." I shouted, and Beck quickly turned around.

" It' s ok babe. Calm down." He smiled. I saw the chick's eyes full of tears, and I smirked. Beck led us back to our. seats.

" Well, as you all know, we have a new student. " Sicowitz said, as that skank made her way to the stage.

" Um, hi, Im Tori Vega, and I came her because I can sing and act." She smiled, I rolled my eyes, time to have a fun!

" I beg to differ." I shouted out, and students chuckled. She gave me a nasty look.

" E-excuse me?" She sounded as if no one has ever insulted her before.

" Did I stutter?" I asked. She looked really hurt. Surves her right.

" Oh, k." She said slowly, and made her way back to her seat.

" Ok now, who wants to start improve?" Sicowitz asked. My hand shot straight up.

" Ok Jade, go up, and choose your acters." I stood up on stage

" Oh, Cat, Ellie, Beck" I took a pause.

" And Tori." I smirked she gulped but came up on stage anyway. Oh Tori, Tori, Tori.. let the fun begin!

So, that was part 1

of Episode 1. I hope I dont

confuse people to much, about the episode thing.

I'll try to update soon, please review though. :)

~ BadeObssesser