CH 5: Sota's past

Kun-Loon pause on her story watching her children take in all the information she was revealing to them. It pained her to see how much her eldest life has been one thing over another even before the event of going to the past had started. She understood what Midoriko had explained, to watch over Kagome's life to prevent her pure soul to be corrupted not just by the actions of others but from her own self claims. Though Kagome may not look it with her strong front and not let others hurt her so much yet deep inside she held others points over her own self-worth.

"Mom I if you're going to be honest with Kagome's past and all how exactly did I came to be? Grandpa told us you have a rare condition that you couldn't have any kids, grandma admitted that it was her fault that you have trouble giving birth especially if she was hurt by numerous of demons when she was younger. She also points out that a miko and a demon offspring are not able to have children together because they are total opposites. Am I also a result of dad having an affair with someone else or something? I can't be Aunt Atsuko's kid since I'm only Sis half-brother," Sota look to her pleadingly wanting to finally know the truth that everyone seem to shy away from. He didn't understand what kept his past hidden when everyone knew Kagome was a child from their father's 'first marriage.'

"You are my blood child because of what happen when Kagome was about two years old. We made an agreement between Kagome's birth mother, Atsuko, and I to have Kagome to be part of her half-brother Yusuke's life...


"Kagome, come here dear. We're going to see your brother to celebrate his birthday today, remember?" I called out to little Kagome as she trotted towards her. Kagome's laughter rang out throughout the house as her little feet ran towards her mother by the entrance with her father.

"Come here kiddo,' as Kage pick up her joyous daughter as she hugged his leg, 'you know love, it's a bit odd how her aura is so pure and innocent than anyone I have come to contact with both human and demon," he look over to his mate as she closes the door and they walk down the street.

"Yes love; I was a bit worry that my blood running through her may harm her because of her demon heritage when she was a baby. But it seemed that both sets of powers are quite harmonized and are not fighting with one another like most forbidden children. I have the feeling that our daughter is destined for something great," we both stop in front of Atsuko's apartment.

"Ah, you're both here,' Atsuko exclaimed as she opened the door. She had a white shirt with a black skirt on and next to her was little three-year-old Yusuke. He wore a green t-shirt that read "If you read this then you're an idiot" and blue jeans with tears on the knees. His hair was gelled back in a punk style and smiled at his sister as Kage placed her down next to him. Yusuke hardly ever smiles to anyone but his sister, to others he gave off a cold stare that many children or adults would look away. But Kagome seemed to never let it fazed her and was the only one who warms up his cold heart. 'You can take Yusuke; do you think he can stay with you for about a month? I have to work over time for a few days and I don't know anyone else to watch over him. Also I need to visit a sick aunt for a few weeks and she and Yusuke don't seemed to get along with one another"

"There's no trouble at all, he'll be fine spending more time with Kagome. Hopefully his overprotectiveness and possessiveness would lessen somewhat. I think the cause is because he wants to spend more time with her," I told her as we both pack some of Yusuke's clothes to take with them.

"I have to go to work. My boss won't let me have a day off to even celebrate my own son's birthday. You behave yourself Yusuke," she locked the door and headed down the street, Yusuke wasn't fazed on what happened it seemed that he was used to it by now even in a young age.

"Weves go Yuski' as Kagome was pulling his hand with her small hand enthusiasm. He turned and smiled at her innocence, 'come on Yu Yu, wes go wav some fun," as her laughter sounded like little crystal bells.

"O.k. Kaggy," as he held her hand as they both walk back to her house to drop off his luggage. He would sneer or growl in warning as he held her closer to him whenever an adult explained how cute she is, tries to get near her or talk to her. Kagome, too innocent to understand, thinks he's angry that she would try to sooth him by running her fingers through his hair and talking some words of reassurance, "its ok Yuski."

Kage and I laugh at their behavior, both of them knew how Yusuke only let Kagome called him either his nickname 'Yu Yu' or 'Yuski' when she couldn't pronounce his name. It was a special bond that they both seem to have, not to mention how possessive Yusuke is with Kagome. "Come on you two, why don't we go to the amusement park then have a picnic at the park and watch the fireworks tonight. How does that sound?"

"Yeah," both children yelled in joy. They had a great time at the amusement park and now eating some cake as they watched the fireworks. But then there were several screams as people in the park started to run from what seemed to be a large wolf and tiger. To those with high spiritual power or any other demon, they will realize that those two were in fact demons in their animal form.

"Kun-Loon take the children to safety and I'll try to take them away from the crowd," as he ran at them. I watched for a bit as Kage and the demons were fighting with one another. He gave some injuries at them but without being scathe in return. I held both of you as we ran farther away, but something was drawing their attention towards us. That was when I realize that you were glowing blue, pink, and white as you were yelling for your father when he was knocked to nearby trees. Both demons forgot about Kage and ran towards us because the power Kagome was radiating in a way calling out to them.

"And where do you think you're going my pretty? Why don't you handle over the little girl to us, she probably be a pet or mate to some high class demon with that amount of spirit energy she's giving off," the wolf as he turned into his demon humanoid form announced as he stood in front of them. He wore a brown shirt and black pants (a/n they are styled like Inuyasha's firerat clothing)

"Quite true, she's too valuable to just eat her. She will be a good weapon to be use or profit to make with other demons," the tiger said once turned to his humanoid form. He wore a blue green with white outline fighting clothing. They both started to walk near them as I tried to find a way out, Yusuke held his little sister feeling that they wanted his sister. Kagome shivered in fear as they drew closer, as they lunged to grab her, she screams. The scream may have triggered the power that was swirling around her; both demons were immediately purified as the pink white light washed over the whole park before it vanished.

"Is everyone alright?" as Kage came running up to them once he regained conscience and it seemed that his wounds were healed. The wounds he received would take a bit to heal, but the light healed quickly not to mention the trees and the park look as it once was before the destruction the demons inflicted to the park.

"Yes, Why don't we head home before the cops investigate that strange light," I told my mate as I handed Yusuke to him.

"Or the Spirit world trying to find what gave off that amount of spirit energy," as he look over to his daughter in her mother's arms as she fell asleep from using so much energy all at once. After a few days I started to get sick in the morning, that was then Kage smelled that I was pregnant. Wanting to make absolutely sure I made an appointment with the doctor the next day.

"So what is the news? What did the doctor say Kun-Loon?" Kage asked anxiously as she came home. Yusuke and Kagome were playing with some toys in the living room.

"I can't believe the news the doctor say is a miracle. We're actually going have a baby of our own love," I was ecstatic of finding out of being able to bare children now.

"I can't believe it. Do you think is anything to do with that the light Kagome shot out on the night of the incident with those two demons at the park," as Kage hugged me out of joy. Yusuke and Kagome look up at the two adults.

"I believe so. Did you hear that Kagome, you're going to have a brother or sister," I look to you, but I wasn't exactly expecting how Yusuke reacted to the news. I knew he was possessive of you with strangers but not this much.

"No, Kagome is my sister. I won't share her," as he held Kagome closer to him.

"If I ever knew better, I say Yusuke is acting like a demon that is protective over his pack. Especially since Kagome is his only sister who loves to shower attention to her big brother, don't you Kagome," Kage look at his daughter.

"Yep, a Yu-yu will play wif me a bwover or sifter. Wite Yuski?" (Translation: 'Yep and Yu-yu will play with me and brother or sister. Right Yuki') giving him a big joyous smile with her big blue silver eyes with a faint of red outlining around the pupil.

"Right," as Yusuke couldn't seem to refuse her at all.

...End of Flashback...

"After nine months I had you Sota, of course Yusuke didn't like you very much because you were getting your sister's attention. It took us a while for him to warm up to you, telling him that you weren't going to take his sister away from him. But when you were about six going on seven, and Kagome nine, your father died from a group of demons he fought to defend a group of young children at the park when he was coming home from work. To the police they thought the injuries were caused by wild beast, but we knew better,' Kun-loon finished as tears run down her eyes.