Disclaimer: LotR belongs to J.R.R Tolkien and co. I own nothing. Umm…this was based on this really awesome fic I read… but I can't seem to remember the title! It was about Boromir and Aragorn having their way with Legolas… maybe Blood and Gold or something? Anyways, somebody might know what I'm talking about, and even if you don't, this makes for an interesting read.

Slash, if it bothers you leave, if it doesn't then you are an enlightened person and please read on. Aragorn's POV, watching Boromir ruin any semblance of Legolas' innocence. Don't forget to review!


Cobalt eyes rolled back

Blood rising, flushing flawless skin

Perfect golden hair falling in wisps over that lovely face

Lips swollen, open to reveal perfect white teeth

Breath in ragged gasps, tongue rolling, trying aimlessly to find words

But for once you are speechless, my prince,

And you've finally lost your cool

I'm in control now

And I love it.

 I love being able to hurt you,

And I love seeing you helpless

Because if only for this sweet moment, you are weak.

Your vision clouded

By the sweat leaking into your eyes

The crystalline orbs expressing everything you can't find a word for

Now pain, now pleasure,

And finally humanize you, because you can't hide from me anymore,

I've stripped you

You fight to regain your composure, find your dignity

But those are lost along with the shattered fragments of your mask

And his gleeful laugh

As he twists you, stains you

And you try to hold on still

Hold fast to everything that was before…

And you lose control, finally lose control

And for one shining moment

We see you

Really see you…

So? Love it, hate it? Please leave me a review letting me know what you think.