Stop! Sequel time!

iWant Cassie.

Told in Freddie's point of view.

Six months post-birth.

Let's go all crazy Sam.

Okay, for the last six months she's been in denial. I don't want to focus on denial for a long time. I want to do a lot more with this story. So sorry if you guys think this sounds rushed.

Okay guys, Sam IS nuts! She's very like multi-personality type so every single day Freddie comes home she's nuts all thinking Cassie is alive and then she'll realize she isn't. It's an everyday thing.

Congrats to my contest winner, Hi my name is Mia, who wrote the first line "After Cassie left us, I figured everything would be okay. I never thought we would get over it, but who would? But it never crossed my mind that things would turn out the way they did."

Thanks honey, you wrote an amazing opening line!

Don't own!



After Cassie left us, I figured everything would be okay. I never thought we would get over it, but who would? But it never crossed my mind that things would turn out the way they did. Sam was losing her mind slowly. She was the opposite of the girl I met and married. I approached the apartment door and took a deep breath. Maybe today would be different. Maybe today she would have moved on and finally accepted that Cassie wasn't coming back.

I opened the door to the apartment and saw Sam sitting on the couch.

"Hey babe," I whispered. I had to be careful with her. I never knew what kind of mood she would be. She was still in denial. She thought if she refused to believe it Cassie would no longer be gone.

"Hi. How was work?" she asked. Maybe she would be normal today.

"Good. Kind of boring." I set the keys on the table next to the door and walked over to her, reaching out my hand. She shook her head. The last six months I had gone without hugging her, kissing her, cuddling with her or even holding her hand. She wouldn't let me touch her.

"Yeah, it was boring here too. Cassie slept all day." I sighed softly and tried to understand. I missed Cassie too, but Sam wouldn't move on. I was afraid I would never have my wife back.

"Honey," I started, "Cassie's not here." It was always hard to tell her. It hurt inside of my soul to know I'd never have Cassie and it hurt more when I saw Sam's face whenever she realized she didn't have her baby with her.

"Sure she is," she smiled. I shook my head.

"No, sweetheart." Sam shot up and stared at me.

"How can you say stuff like that? Don't you love her? She's right in her room taking a nap!" she snapped. I took a deep breath. It felt like the same process every day. She'd go on and on about Cassie until I somehow made her realize the baby she thought she was carrying was really a doll.

"Yes, Sam. I do love her. But she's not here." It was hard to stay calm with her. She acted as if she was the only one affected by Cassie's death. The only reason I stayed calm with her is because she had spent 8 ½ months preparing for this baby and getting so attached and I didn't expect her to just up and get over it in a day or a month or a year.

"Yes, she is. "


"Shhh! You woke her up!" she walked towards the nursery and I followed her. She pulled the doll out of the crib.

"It's okay, baby, daddy didn't mean to wake you up." She rocked the doll back and forth. I felt so bad for her. She would never get it. I walked up to her slowly and she turned away from me.


"Go away."

"Come on, give me the doll." She whipped around and glared at me.

"She's not a doll." She growled.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Can I see Cassie please?" I shouldn't be giving into her. I should be telling her to get over it, but I couldn't. I had to let her do things her way.

"No, she wants to be with me. Not you. YOU woke her up." She held the doll closer to her.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to wake her up." I took a deep breath. This was pathetic.

"You should be." She started singing to the doll and I decided I needed to get out of there. I couldn't stand around and watch Sam make a fool of herself. I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

I can't take this anymore! She's CRAZY!

I was hoping Carly would come over and talk some sense into Sam, but I didn't count on it happening. She didn't want to be around her, either. I sat on the couch and listened to Sam. I was on the verge of sticking her back in Troubled Waters.

Is she doing that doll thing again?

I sighed. I was glad to go to work and get away from Sam during the day. I don't think I could handle being around her all day, especially when she was acting insane.

"Babe! Will you make her a bottle?" I stared at the doorway where Sam's voice had just come from. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Was she serious? How did she still think that doll was Cassie? I wanted to tell her to put the doll back and go back to being a normal person but she was my wife and if I kept coming home and telling her Cassie was dead she was going to go insane and probably break everything in the apartment.

Carly! Come help me! She wants me to make a bottle for a doll!

The door opened and Carly came in.

"Relax, I'm already here." She walked back into the nursery and I followed her. Sam turned around.

"Hi, Carly. Freddie, I told you to go make her a bottle." Carly walked up to Sam.

"Okay, Sam. Come on. Give me the doll. Enough is enough." Carly grabbed her arm and reached for the doll. Sam turned away from her and held the doll closer.

"She's not a doll!" Sam screamed. Carly grabbed the doll from her and shook it around. Sam screamed louder.

"Carly, stop doing that." I said. Carly threw the doll on the floor and Sam dropped to her knees and started crying. I pulled Carly aside.

"Is that your idea of helping her?" I was really mad. I didn't want Sam to be this person either, but I didn't need her damn near having a heart attack.

"We've tried helping her, she refuses to move on!" Carly snapped.

"She's HURTING! That was her baby. Everything was fine until that day. How do you expect her to just move on like Cassie was a puppy or something?"

"Freddie, you can't keep babying her. She needs to understand that Cassie IS NOT HERE."

"You're just being a mean person! That is NOT how we do things around here! She will get over it in her own time in her own way."

"By pretending a doll is her baby? That's not healthy."

"I didn't ask you to come over here so you could throw her into panic mode."

"She is not in panic mode." Carly snipped. I turned her to face Sam, who was rocking back and forth on the floor holding the doll to her chest and practically screaming. I turned Carly back to me.

"I've spent the last six months trying to avoid this kind of reaction and you come over and ruin all my efforts in less than five minutes."

"I'm sorry, I'm just sick of seeing her like this. This isn't Sam."

"I know that." I walked away from Carly and sat next to Sam.

"Come here, baby." She shook her head.

"No!" she screamed. I took a deep breath.

"How am I supposed to help you feel better if you won't let me touch you?" Sam stopped for a second and looked at me and then screamed as loud as she could.

"Sam!" I backed away from her a little bit.

"She killed Cassie!" she jumped up from the floor and jumped at Carly. Carly jumped back and I grabbed Sam, who turned around and hit me in the face.

"Get off of me!"

"Sam! What is wrong with you?" I was still holding her. She started sobbing again.

"She killed Cassie…"

"No, baby. That's not Cassie. That's a doll. Cassie's not here." She pushed me away and layed on the floor, still crying. I dragged Carly out of the room."

"Bravo, Carly. Do you know how long it's going to take me to calm her down now?"

"But she—"

"She just lost her baby!"

"Cassie's been gone six months, Freddie, and if YOU can move on and I can move on then SHE can too. I get that she carried Cassie inside of her and all but I can't just stand there and watch my best friend act like a mental person." We heard Sam scream again.

"She IS a mental person. She has no idea what she's doing! I never knew you could be such a heartless bitch to your best friend." Carly glared at me.

"Maybe you should be more heartless. She freaks out whenever you make any move towards her."

"And I'll deal with that. You are supposed to be helping her, not throwing her into acceptance. You can't force her to deal with Cassie dying."

"I'm just sick of feeling like nothing I do helps her. I hate to see her this way."

"I do too. But I think you should leave before she grabs a knife and tries to stab you." Carly put her hands on her hips and sighed. She turned around and walked out the door and I turned back and walked into the nursery again. Sam was laying on her stomach on the floor and she wasn't making any noise.

"Babe?" I approached her.

"What?" she mumbled into the floor.

"Are you okay?" she rolled over and sat up.

"I miss her." She took a shaky breath.

"I know, honey." I sat on the floor across from her and held my hand out to her. She crawled over and I hugged her. I had gone six months without being able to hold her and it felt nice to finally have her in my arms. She started crying again.

"I just wish I could figure out what I did wrong. Did I wait too long by thinking the contractions were fake? Did I lay funny? Did I—"

"Baby, you didn't do anything wrong. When are you going to realize this? There's nothing you did that caused this." I whispered. It was a new part of our life. A new, different part. I'd never seen Sam act like this the entire time I'd known her. I'm sure she hadn't seen this side of me either.

"I love you," she mumbled. I nodded.

"I love you, too." I rested my forehead on the top of her head. I could smell her shampoo and it reminded of times when we sat in the park with the sun shining and her smile lighting up my world. It was much simpler than this.

"If I told you I wanted to have sex with you would you tell me no?" she asked. I sighed.

"Yes." I said.


"Because, you're upset. That's not a time to make quick decisions. Besides, this is the first time you've let me touch you in six months. I don't need you going insane."

"I'm already insane." She mumbled. I shook my head.

"Sam, Sam, Sam. What am I gonna do with you?"


"Come on, let's get out of here. I don't like being in here." I stood up and pulled Sam up. She looked around for a minute, picked up the doll and set it on the shelf in the closet.

"I think we should lock this room up." She sighed. I shook my head again. She said the same thing every day. Although, today was different. Today she was actually MY Sam. The girl that made choices based on what she wanted and not what she needed. The girl who had finally decided that being open and vulnerable was better than being alone. My Sam.

"No, baby. I couldn't do that."

"Carly's right, though. Enough is enough. I'm never going to live again if I keep thinking she's just in her nursery sleeping." I could see her tear up again and it killed me. I wanted to take all her pain away. I wanted to be the one to hurt for her so she never had to go through any of this. I took her hand and we walked out of the room. She shut the door, leaned her head against it and cried. I couldn't understand how she still had any tears left in her. All she had done the last six months is cry every single day. Cry and pretend a doll was a baby.

"Freddie?" she turned around and looked at me.

"What, honey?"

"You were right. I miss being pregnant. I wish she was back in my stomach, keeping me up all night and making me feel like a blimp." She wiped her face and I looked at her for a long time. She looked different to me. Maybe it was because she had lost every ounce of baby fat she had gained, maybe because all she ever wore anymore were my old t-shirts and sweatpants that were three sizes too big on her, maybe it was the way she woke up in the morning, took a shower and just threw her hair up, never wore make up, didn't care about her appearance. I didn't know, but I loved it. I loved knowing she knew she could be anyone she wanted to be with me and I would love her the same.

"I know, Sam." She walked towards me and I wrapped my arms around her. I had missed her. The real her. The girl who was crazy, but not mental crazy.

"I want to have another baby," she mumbled. I backed up.

"No way." I looked straight in her eyes. There was no way we were going to try to have another child so soon after this. I'd be glad to wait five or more years. I preferred it.

"Come on, Freddie. I can't just sit here every single day like this." She looked down at herself.

"Sam, neither of us is ready to have another baby. Especially not you."

"I want to be a mom, Freddie." She looked like she would start crying again any second. I hated when she did that. Even now, when she didn't mean to.

"You ARE a mom—"

"But I can't take care of her. I can't hold her. I can't do anything."

"Sam, please don't do this right now. Deal with the matter at hand. You need to get through an entire day without feeling how you feel before you even think about having another child."

"Fine, make me a deal then. If I get through a whole week without all of this then we have another baby."

"I'm not making you a deal, Sam. You can't replace one baby with another. It's not right." I was frustrated. Sam didn't get how insane she sounded when she talked.

"I'd never try to replace Cassie." She looked down at the floor and I hugged her again.

"I know, babe. But right now we just can't have another baby. Someday. I promise. When things aren't so…hurtful. When we can get through things without feeling like falling apart." I rubbed her back and she nodded.

"I'm tired." She mumbled. I kissed her forehead.

"Me too. Let's go to bed. Call it an early night."

"Okay." She looked at me for a minute before she kissed me.

"Thank you for not leaving me." I frowned. Sam still didn't realize that I was sticking around no matter what. It was getting hard to convince her. She never seemed to believe me.

"I never would." I hugged her once more before we went into our room and went to bed.


Please review. Please?

Congrats to my contest winner Hi my name is Mia!

Lemme know what you think :D