Disclaimer : Nothing's mine. I just wanted to play around a little.

They laid down on the bed, breathless. Xander sighed happily, a goofy smile on his face. He was beginning to drift away, sleep claiming him. He rolled on his sides, passed an arm on Anya's waist and pulled her closer.

"Eric and Groethe."

"Hum?" he mumbled.

"Eric and Groethe."

Anya was poking him in the chest, forcing him to open his eyes. He tried to focus on her words. Eric and Groethe? What the Hell was she talking about.




"Our kids."

That woke him up completely, better than the strongest coffee in the universe.


His fiancée's face was really serious.

"We need to think about names for our kids. The marriage is soon. Kids will follow quickly. We need to think about names. I had a friend named Groethe."

Xander looked at her, lost between incredulity and fear. Kids? They weren't even married yet! She was looking expectantly at him and when he saw her frown, he knew he had to say something fast.

"I… Can't this wait? Until a kid actually enter the equation?"

"Why? It's normal for a married couple to reproduce. Children are a social obligation. Finding the name is taking time and is stressful. I read that it's easy for the parents to choose the name early."

He sat up on the bed, sighting. There was no way he was getting out of it and he knew what he had to blame for that.

"I told you to stop reading this magazine."

"But I learn a lot about human behavior!"

He looked at his option. He could go on about her choice of reading material and she'd be mad at him. There was no way he was going to talk about kids with her. He had never envisaged having them, after the crappy jobs his parents did and his world, he was determined to never ever bring a child into this world. He thought that Anya would think the same but apparently he was wrong. Their marriage was the following week and they didn't need more stress right now.

His evening had looked so promising. He could be asleep now, blissfully happy. But no, she had to bring that subject out of nowhere. It was so very her though that it made him smile.

"What?" she asked, seeing him grin.

He kissed her, putting her down on her back. He followed the line of her jaw, kissing each portion of skin he found, going down.

"I am trying to have a serious conversation Xander!" she reproached him.

He looked up at her, "Well, we could go on, pick baby names and all. Or we could train and you could have many orgasms. Your choice."

She hesitated barely one second and he grinned. There were two things in the world that mattered more than anything else for her: money and orgasms. She huffed, "Fine. But it's not over!"

He kissed her fully on the mouth. He had won, at least for tonight. No more talking about kids.

$ $ The End $ $