Reading Manuals

I'm just going to come out and say I'm not the most patient person around. Therefore, I can't stand having to read over fifty pages of mumbo jumbo just to start playing with my new console. I'll figure it out eventually, right? Besides, think of all the memories made when you discover new things about whatever came with the manual; I feel so much more accomplished to know I figured everything out by myself instead of reading about it.

Of course, there are times when you need to consult the instructions, specifically when you think you've broken something, but even now we have the internet, and it's so easy to just type your problem into Google and see what real people did to actually fix it, instead of trying to translate whatever those confusing writers put down.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to call tech support, because my stupid cell phone is acting up and the manual is somewhere in a pile of trash.

This was short. And that's all I really have to say.

For those of you who read my other stories (that's right, both of you) I'm sorry I haven't updated. I promise I will soon.

At any rate, until next time, read and enjoy.