Unrequited Love

What does she have that I don't?

Grant it, I'll admit she's cuter, and technically smarter, but-

But she's not me.

Can't you see me? Don't I stand out in your mind? Five years from now will you still remember my name, be able to spot me in a crowd?

Of course you won't. You're too busy with her.

I never gave up, though.

Every day, I enter on that platform, knowing I'll be sure to make a scene.

Hoping you'll notice.

Every day, I help with ideas.

Wishing you would notice.

Every day, I give my all.

Praying to some entity above that you'll notice.

Every day, you see her walk into the room.

You notice her.

Every day, you talk to her about the club.

God, do you notice her.

Every day, she shows up unenthusiastically.

Not only do you notice, but you smile, you whisper.

You love her.

And god damnit, why can't that be me?

Why can't I be pretty like her?

Why can't I be smart like her?

Why can't I be the one you love?

But I can't let you go. I can't simply forget you, pretend you never existed. You're planted so deep in my heart that I can't get you out. Believe me, I tried.

I love you so much that you hurt me without even trying.

I wish I looked like her.

I wish I spoke like her.

I wish I dressed like her.

I wish you loved me like you love Haruhi, Kyouya.

I'm going to say this once, and only once, so listen up: Me no own. Simple as that.

What's this, you ask? Why, drabbles from Renge's perspective. No real plot, timeline, not really relating to one another; just little drabbles to help me unwind at the end of the day and pay tribute to our favorite otaku.

I promise there are happier ones. I always feel bad when I put characters through such emotional pain.

They will probably be KyoRenge, or at least quite a few, seeing as how I love the couple (although you wouldn't guess from this entry; even more ironic, I don't like HaruKyo) so if you aren't a fan of the pairing or Renge, either don't comment on it or stop reading. Because in my mind, Renge is actually quite clever, passionate, and quirky. I"m going to stop there before I rant, because believe you me, you don't want me ranting about this.

Updates shall be sporadic from here on out.

'Till next time, read and review!