By: Midnight'ssong22
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh.
First Lie: I'm Fine
Yugi's POV:
Lies. They're everywhere. They come from everyone. They can be something small like a child lying about cleaning their room when they really didn't. Or they can be as big as what I used to tell to my friends every day.
Because even when my friends used to ask if I was okay, I would just smile and give them the first lie that came to mind: I'm fine. When really I was anything but.
Regular POV:
September 12, 2009:
Yugi gazed out the Game Shop door, a state of depression settling in. His friends had invited him out to dinner at Burger World but he had declined, saying he had too much to do at the shop. Another lie.
Lately he had been lying a lot to get out of going to places with his friends. He couldn't even understand why he lied so much, he guessed it was just because he was tired.
Of what? He wasn't so sure.
He knew he loved his friends but he just didn't feel like talking to them much anymore.
Maybe it had something to do with Yami?
Yami had just received a body of his own, and at first it was like a dream come true. Yami, the spirit of the millennium puzzle and one of Yugi's closest friends, had finally become a mortal. And Yugi had found himself overjoyed at being able to finally touch and see the spirit out of their soul rooms.
Although Yami could make himself visible to Yugi, it was always just an image with no physical properties but now here he was in the flesh. It was a dream come true. But lately he'd been having doubts.
Yes, he was happy for Yami but after the first few weeks, the loneliness had settled in.
Yami started spending more and more time with Anzu, Jounouchi, and Honda, and Yugi often found himself out of the conversations as he sat next to Yami at Burger World.
Even Kaiba would often start conversations with Yami about duel monster strategies and techniques, causing Yami to succesfully ignore Yugi.
Now, three months later, it was like Yami didn't even know him anymore. Yami may live in the same house as Yugi but Yami would always either be out and about in town or studying to try to learn as much about the modern world as possible.
Even the link between them had seemed to sever, the thoughts and feeling not quite reaching each other as easily anymore.
'Am I losing my Mou Hitori no Boku?' Yugi thought to himself, exhaling a sigh as he looked up at the clock. 8:30 pm, it read.
Yugi sighed again, resting his head on the countertop, closing his eyes and focusing on his thoughts.
But suddenly the familiar bell of the game shop door chimed, forcing Yugi to look back up as Yami entered the shop.
"Hey, Yami," Yugi immediately said, plastering a smile on his face as the other made his way to the front of the shop. Yugi suddenly felt a brief hope that maybe now everything could be as it had been before.
"Hello Yugi," Yami replied and Yugi felt his spirits drop again as Yami passed right by him, barely glancing his way. Yugi suddenly felt an unbearable pain in his heart as if it might break in two, and tears started to form in his eyes.
Yami jolted in front of him and Yugi watched as Yami turned to face him, concern shining in his eyes.
"Are you okay, Aibou?" Yami asked from the bottom of the stairs. Yugi stiffened, realizing his feelings of heartbreak and grief had somehow reached Yami from the broken link.
But instead of the truth he spat out the familiar lie with a smile still on his face, "I'm fine Yami."
Yami nodded in reply, heading up the stairs and into his room where he closed the door softly behind him.
Yugi knew he shouldn't be doing this but he couldn't find it in himself to make the other stop. Yugi knew it was wrong but he realized that nothing had ever felt so right.
His Yami had wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist, pulling Yugi flush against him. But Yugi found himself more distracted by the warm lips pressed against his own.
"Yugi," he heard Yami whisper into the kiss, causing desire to course through him. His hands automatically made their way to entangle themselves in the taller's hair.
Yami's lips traveled to Yugi's ear, and Yugi could feel his warm breath traveling across it.
"I love you, my light."
Yugi's eyes blinked open and he felt his cheeks redden as he realized what he had just dreamed. His hands reached up to touch his lips, remembering the pair of lips on his own in the dream.
Yugi blushed even redder.
"H-how could I dream something like that?" he mumbled to himself, "I don't like Yami like that! I've never thought of him as a love interest."
But suddenly Yugi wasn't so sure. Was this why he felt so much heartbreak and loneliness? Was he so head over heels in love with his dark, that he couldn't let the other spend a few months without him?
'I've fallen for my other half,' Yugi realized with a start, suddenly putting all the pieces together of his own feelings.
His unwillingness to be with friends because he doesn't want to see them talking to Yami. His loneliness when Yami isn't around. And his pain when Yami doesn't talk to him.
"But I'm not gay! I-I've always had a crush on Anzu!"
But even that didn't convince him as he felt the feelings he once had for Anzu, increase ten-fold as he thought about his Yami.
'What do I do,' Yugi thought helplessly, his head resting in his hands as his thoughts swirled in a confused vortex, 'What do I do?'
"Hey Yug, are you okay?" Jou asked from the desk beside him the next morning.
Yugi smiled, ignoring the weariness he felt from being unable to fall back asleep the night before and replying with those same words once again, "I'm fine, Jou. Don't worry about me."
"Okay, if you're sure," Jou replied, turning back around to talk to Honda.
Yugi sighed, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against the cool desk. He could barely keep his eyes open, let alone focus on the lesson.
All he could think about was his sudden development of feelings for his Yami.
'Or maybe they're not as sudden as I think,' Yugi thought to himself, remembering times when Yami would come to him after a nightmare and calm him. Or when the other would protect him from enemies, either like Pegasus in duel monsters or just bullies at school.
'Should I just tell him how I feel?' Yugi asked himself, the idea both appealing and frightening.
Because if Yami didn't have the same feelings, Yugi could lose his Mou Hitori no Boku forever.
Suddenly, the school bell rang, clearing his thoughts and signaling the end of the period and the start of lunch break. He walked down the hall with his friends, one thought going through his head.
'I should just tell him! He promised that he'll never leave me! He wouldn't stop being my friend, would he?'
Yugi grabbed his lunch and sat down next to Yami at the table outside. Yugi's mouth felt like cotton and his hands were shaking.
Finally, he forced himself to calm down, taking a deep breath before finally opening his mouth and-
"Hey Yami!" Anzu exclaimed, sitting down next to the ex-pharaoh and placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Hey," Yami replied, his arm wrapping around Anzu's shoulder, pulling her to him and nuzzling her neck slightly.
Yugi's eyes widened and the pain he felt from the night before tripled as his heart broke into thousands of pieces.
His newfound love for his Yami suddenly wasn't even possible any more.
"So you two are officially goin' out, huh?" Jou asked from across the table.
"Yea," Yami replied, his arm visibly tightening around Anzu.
"Good for you guys," Honda congratulated.
Yugi hid his face from his friends, the truth finally setting in: His Yami had fallen for the girl he himself had used to love.
Yami's eyes suddenly flickered to his, crimson clashing with amethyst.
"Are you alright, Yugi?" Yami whispered.
Yugi forced back tears and just smiled sadly to his Yami.
"I'm fine."
"'I'm fine', probably one of the biggest lies I've ever told them. I'm definitely not fine," Yugi whispered to himself as he stood in front of his bathroom mirror, watching silent tears fall down his face.
It had been three weeks since Anzu and Yami had started going out. And Yugi had slowly started falling into a deeper depression as he saw them hugging and kissing. Seeing Yami leave for hours on end to go on dates with Anzu.
Yugi's hand tightened around the knife he held, almost cutting into the skin of his palm.
Lifting the knife up, he positioned it over his left wrist, wanting to cover up the unbearable emotional pain with physical.
He slowly lowered the blade onto his wrist, the sharp blade resting on his unmarred skin, and squeezed his eyes shut. So close… so close…
But Yugi found he could go no farther.
Sighing, Yugi reopened his eyes and dropped the knife onto the side of the sink. He was too scared to injure himself and he knew in the end, cutting wouldn't help him.
Even so, he found himself suddenly angry. More so then he'd ever been in his entire life.
He was angry at Anzu for taking Yami's love. He was angry at Jou and Honda for not understanding him. And he was angry at Yami for ignoring him ever since he'd gotten a body.
But most of all he was angry at himself.
How could he fall in love with a guy? Actually, even more than that, how could he fall in love with his other half?
He was suddenly disgusted with himself. He looked up at the mirror and found his reflection repulsive; A love-struck fool who had fallen in love with his Mou Hitori no Boku.
Unexpectedly, the door downstairs chimed, signaling that someone had come in. Yugi heard giggling, realizing that Yami had brought Anzu home with him.
His anger spiked and he watched his reflection's eyes flash with jealousy.
Yugi snapped.
Pulling back his right arm, he punched the mirror with all the strength in his small body. And the mirror cracked in the center, causing his image to multiply in each crack. He punched it again with the same hand and the pieces fell out and onto the floor, causing a loud crash.
The pieces were littered around him and he sank to the floor, his hand bruised and bloody.
His tears were falling even more and he could hear himself sobbing softly from the pain in his hand and the pain in his heart.
Suddenly, Yugi heard the pounding of feet running up the stairs. The bathroom door slammed open and Yami stood in the doorway, a look of horror on his face as he witnessed the scene at hand.
Yugi was sitting on his knees on the floor, surrounded by shards of the now broken mirror. Tears were streaming down his face and he was sobbing softly. His right hand was bleeding and bruised, and his blood was dripping onto the mirror shards scattering the floor.
"Yugi, what happened?" He cried leaping forward and kneeling down to Yugi's level. His eyes swept over the boy but Yugi kept silent, tears still falling from his amethyst eyes.
Yugi could not speak. He knew if he did, all his feelings would come rushing out. And he knew he couldn't let that happen. He couldn't ruin Yami's happiness.
But just as this thought crossed his mind, Yami had scooped the smaller boy up in his arms, bridal style, and was carrying him to the taller's room.
Yugi couldn't help himself. He blushed, but hid his face and focused on his injured hand.
Yami sat him down slowly on the bed, pulling out the first aid kit he had grabbed from the bathroom. He didn't say a word as he started taking care of the wounded hand, sitting in front of Yugi on the floor.
Yugi watched him, still silent. Trying to come up with another lie as to how the mirror was broken.
"Um, uh s-sorry about the mirror. I, uh, was startled by the door downstairs and I slipped and I fell forward and accidently... broke the mirror?" Yugi tried lamely.
"That's a horrible lie, Aibou." Yami replied calmly, "The force needed to break something like that would take more than a simple fall. And even if that were probable, did you catch yourself with your fist?"
"No, I…" Yugi trailed off, not knowing how to tell the other how he'd gotten so mad, he'd punched the mirror. Twice.
"Yugi, tell me the truth. Lately whenever I ask you what's wrong you always answer with an 'I'm fine' and now I'm more then certain, you're not."
"Well you're the one who's been ignoring me for the past few months!" Yugi yelled standing, before he could stop himself. Yami flinched in front of him but Yugi continued, "Ever since you got your own body, you've been ignoring me! Almost avoiding me! And then you started going out with Anzu and it has gotten even worse! Not to mention that the bond between us seems to be broken! I can't even read your feelings anymore!"
Yami stood as well, "Yugi, is that why you punched-"
"Yes!" Yugi interrupted, "I was angry! I didn't know what to do so I punched the freakin' mirror! I've been so confused lately! I don't understand my own feelings anymore. I don't know what to do!"
Yugi felt more tears fall and sobs started rising in his throat.
"Yugi…" Yami whispered, reaching out with his hand to cup Yugi's chin and force the smaller to look at him, "Please stop crying."
But Yugi couldn't answer and his crying just increased and sobs were ripped from his throat. He opened his eyes and watched Yami's eyes flash with an emotion he couldn't read.
"I can't stop," Yugi finally answered, knowing that he really couldn't right then.
Yami groaned and once again the unknown emotion flashed in Yami's eyes, but just as Yugi was close to guessing what it was, Yami had lurched forward, crushing their lips together in a bruising kiss.
Yugi gasped, his thoughts immediately going into turmoil but soon they were forgotten as the smaller melted into the kiss.
Yami reached up his hands and pulled Yugi closer to him, one arm enclosing around Yugi's waist and the other holding Yugi's face to his own.
Finally, Yami pulled away from the kiss but kept his arm around Yugi's waist, holding Yugi close to him while still watching his face.
"You stopped," Yami smirked slightly. And Yugi had stopped crying, forced into shock at his Yami's actions.
"Yami, what-"
"Yugi, there's something I've been keeping from you," Yami whispered, hiding his face in Yugi's hair, "The mind link isn't broken."
Suddenly, emotions that were not his own came crashing into Yugi's being.
Yami's anger at himself for letting Yugi get hurt. His sadness and guilt at not realizing how much pain Yugi had been in. The love he held for the boy. The disgust he felt at himself for falling in love with one so innocent. And the overwhelming desire to ravage the body of the boy in front of him.
Yugi gasped, the mixture of feelings confusing him as he backed away from Yami. But one stood above all others.
"You love me?" Yugi asked quietly, looking up at Yami's face.
"More than anything," Yami replied quietly.
"But what about Anzu?"
"Another lie, Aibou. She knew I loved you and she thought if we started dating that, if you felt the same way I did, you would confront me out of jealousy."
"You actually thought that would work?" Yugi asked, wondering why Yami would attempt such a plan.
"Well it was not like I had anything better. And it was the least I could do for Anzu. You see, it turns out she's liked me a lot for a while now but when she found out I liked you, she immediately did everything she could to bring you and me together. I guess I let her have her time with me and tried to get you in the process. But now I see all this crazy plan did, was hurt you."
"Then, why were you ignoring me before all that?"
"As soon as I saw you after I got this body, all I wanted to do was kiss you and make you mine. I was disgusted with myself. I felt that my job was to be your guardian, not your lover. I didn't think my feelings were justified but when I finally told Jou, Honda, and Anzu, it was like they weren't even surprised by what I had told them. As if I had just told them it was going to rain, not that I had fallen in love with my Aibou."
He paused, and Yugi watched him, the puzzle pieces finally coming together in Yugi's head.
Yami's ignorance or him- so that Yami would not reveal his true feelings.
The broken link- Yami putting up a wall so that Yugi couldn't read his true feelings.
His friends spending more and more time with Yami- to make plans to get the two together.
And Yami and Anzu's sudden dating- the plan that they had put together to make Yugi jealous.
"Not a very good plan," Yugi finally replied with a smile, "You do realize the day you and Anzu officially started 'dating', I was going to tell you my real feelings."
Yami's mouth dropped comically and Yugi barely contained a laugh but suddenly Yami's face grew serious, "And your exact feelings are?"
"I love you, Yami," Yugi whispered, wrapping his arms around the ex-pharaoh and burying his face in his chest.
"I love you too, Aibou. But promise me something. Don't ever harm yourself again, especially out of anger. I don't want to see you hurt."
"I promise. I'm sorry I worried you, I shouldn't have done something as drastic as punching the mirror. It's not like me," Yugi replied, guilt settling in from his rash actions.
"I'll forgive you on one condition," Yami whispered in his ear.
"What is it?" Yugi asked, pulling away to look up at his Yami.
"Let me kiss you again."
"Gladly," Yugi whispered back as Yami moved in for another kiss.
Yugi's POV:
September 12, 2011 (Two years later)
The following day, the news of my relationship with Yami reached our friends, causing said friends to practically jump for joy. Even Anzu, who had also fallen for Yami, was happy for us, saying that there are other guys out there.
We briefly told the story of how our feelings came to light without mentioning the broken mirror, and branding my hand as a slight accident.
I enjoyed the first day of being Yami's boyfriend. I enjoyed the constant attention, the hand in my own, and the now open link that spoke of Yami's true thoughts and feelings.
Nothing compared to the joy I felt that day and the days after with my Yami.
Afterwards I could truly say, "I'm fine," and actually mean it-
"Yugi, you're spacing out on me again. You okay?" Yami asks me as I sit in his lap on the couch.
I lift my head up from reading my old journal entry that I had written two years ago, giving Yami a bright smile.
"No worries Yami," I reply honestly, giving him a kiss, "I'm perfectly fine."
A/N: Sooo that story came out of no where! I hope you guys enjoyed it though. Now, a few things to mention:
1- How this story came to be: I was at youth group on sunday and we were talking about lying and I made a comment that a lot of people lie to make sure that others don't know something was wrong. My first idea was to make the story where Yugi got abused and told everone that his injuries were accidents but I realized that there are a lot of stories like that so thus here comes Yugi's lie of being 'Fine.' How I came up with that is an icon i found once that said: I'm F-*cked up I-nsecure N-eurotic E-motional. Just F.I.N.E.
2- Interesting thing I found that goes along with story and helped me make the ending: The average person lies 4 times a day, and 1,460 a year. A total of about 88,000 by the age of 60. And the most common lie is "I'm Fine."
3- Translations: Mou Hitori no Boku-Other me. Aibou-Partner. (for those who didn't already know)
4- I actually used the Japanese names in this one! Instead of Joey Tristan and Tea, I used Jounouchi Honda and Anzu! Don't ask why I did that. Not even I know.
5- I might take into consideration in continuing this story by focusing on other shippings (Tendershipping, Puppyshipping, possibly more puzzleshipping) with different bases of lying. That's why I set it up like: First lie- I'm Fine. Sooo if you guys liked it and want me to continue just tell me and I'll do my best. I might even take requests of shippings or types of lies.
But anyways Please Review! Tell me what you think and read some of my other stories as well! Thanks! :D