School and musical rehearsals just started so I may not be able to update as often as I would like to, but I wanted to start a new story that came to my head anyways. Had to have something fun to write besides all those boring essays! Hope you enjoy! Please review. As always, Victorious does not belong to me.

Beck's POV

Another night in the RV. For some reason, tonight something seems...wrong. Something is off balance, and neither of us can seem to figure it out. Of course, our relationship has always been dysfunctional. When Jade comes over, it is almost guaranteed that we'll argue, at least one or two or twenty seven times.

But tonight there is no arguing. Which, perhaps, is the odd part. We are watching reruns of Full House, and I don't even have my arm around her. We are just sitting on the couch, almost on opposite ends of the couch, not laughing at any of the lame jokes, not talking to each other or kissing during commercial breaks as we usually do.

Finally, I decide to break the silence. "Is something wrong Jade?" She rolls her eyes and finally relaxes a little, kicking her legs up onto the couch. "No, Beck. Why would you even ask that?" She knows exactly why, but she won't admit, because the awkwardness scares her too.

"Because you aren't like...talking." He finally replies, not even looking at her. "So? I have to be talking all the time? I can't just relax for one minute? Gosh Beck, you worry too much." I rolls my eyes, even though I know that she hates when I do that. "Chill Jade. You don't need to freak out on me every time I open my mouth."

Without warning, Jade gets up and grabs her bag. I immediately realize she's in a bad mood and I've pushed her too far. I wrap my arms around her waist and try to kiss her. "Come on Jade, don't go yet." To my surprise, she pulls away. "Jade."

"I'm really tired Beck. I'm going home." I sigh, realizing it's probably for the best. She'll get some rest and will be blowing up my phone or pounding on my door first thing tomorrow morning. "Alright, fine. I'll drive you."

"Gosh Beck, I'm fine. I can just walk." Now she's pushing me, probably just to get on my nerves. "Jade, don't be ridiculous. Your house is over three miles from here. It'll take you like an hour to get home."

"I'd rather spend one hour walking home then ride for ten minutes in a car with you."

"What did I even do?"

"I-I don't know, I just want to be alone."

I grab her arm and try to talk some sense into her. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it won't be easy. Once Jade makes up her mind about something, it's hard to change it. But as stubborn and strong as she is, the thought of my girlfriend walking home alone in the dark sickens me. "Jade, it's almost nine o-clock. It'll be after ten when you get home. Just let me drive you and stop being so stubborn." I cringe at the last part, I hadn't meant to let it slip out.

"Stubborn? You think this is about me being stubborn? I'm always the one at fault here, aren't I? You just can't bear to think that maybe you're being annoying and that's why I don't want you to drive me! You're Mr. Perfect, aren't you Beck? Well guess what? I don't need you for everything. Thank you, but I think I can handle getting home without your assistance."

With that, she slams the door and walks out, and I sigh and pinch the bride of my nose in frustration. Trying to process what she just said to me, and wondering if this whole thing really is my fault, I suddenly realize that's she has just left, and is probably all the way down the street by now. My instinct says to jump in my truck and go get her, but that will make her feel like I don't trust her. It'll make her believe I think of her as weak, and I sure don't.

I sigh and sit down on the couch, turning on the TV to distract me.

"Teenage girl kidnapped in her own neighborhood."

Yikes. Quickly, I change the channel. The news does nothing but get people depressed. Jade is a teenage girl. A pretty one, too. Who is walking home. In the dark. Alone. I walk over to my mini-fridge and grab a coke, desperately trying to relax and push the negative thoughts out of my brain. Usually I'm a positive person. But tonight, the way she stormed out after a bad argument, makes me think that something could go wrong. We could regret this night forever. Regret never saying "I love you" before we separated...

Laughing, I realize the thought is probably from one of my romance scripts. Then, there's a crash of thunder so loud it sounds like the sky is blowing up. One look through the bullet proof window, and I can immediately tell it's pouring. Hard.

There's no option now. My parents don't like me driving at night, so in case they get home while I'm gone, I scribble a note telling them where I'll be and asking them not to worry. Then, without wasting any time, I grab a leather jacket and jump in my truck. It shouldn't take long to find Jade. I know exactly what route she'll take. I'll find her, take her home, help her dry off, and apologize to her. I smile, thinking of the make-out session we'll probably have once we make up.

The pouring rain is making it hard to see. My truck's crawling at about ten miles and hour, but I still can't spot Jade. It could be hard, with her black hair and black clothing. There's another crash of thunder and I wonder if Jade is scared. She pretends not to be afraid of anything, but the way she was clawing into my arms when those Yerbanian officers came running into out hotel over spring break is no secret.

Come on Jade, where are you? I'm almost half way to her house by now, and I still haven't seen her, but how could she have gotten this far in 20 minutes? In the middle of a storm?

Something's wrong. Something happened. Or is going to happen to her. I can feel it. Where is she? I'm looking all over as my truck crawls along, behind building and trees, anywhere she may have taken cover from the storm. What if she took a shortcut or something? And got lost? She's probably freezing, and mad at me, and scared.

The thunder rumbles again, but this time it's accompanied by a new sound. A horn honking and screeching tires. Before I know it, headlights are blinding me. The truck is thrown up against something. A tree? A building? Another car? I try to figure it out, but I just hear a scream (my own scream?) and the sound of metal being crushed.

Cliff hanger! So…were you surprised that it was Beck something happened to? Tell me what you thought in your review. I know this was kind of short, but the next chapter will be up sometime within the next few days.