After checking into their hotel Emmett was more than happy to take Grace out for lunch. He couldn't decide if he wanted to take her to the sprawling Ristorante Belvedere on the Harborfront or Via Venti which was a quiet little Trattoria, hidden in an alley deep in the heart of the old town.

"Grace do you want a view while eating or a view while getting there?"

I'll take a view while getting there. Do my heels need to go?"

"No, there will be no hiking today. You'll love dinner tonight."

"Will I love it for the food or the view?"

"The food is good but I love the elegance of the sea view. The outdoor seating is on a bluff unless you rather be inside with white table clothes and candles."

"Sounds romantic and I'll take the bluff please."

Grace held out her hand, breathing a small sigh of relief when Emmett smiled at her while taking her hand into his.

"Grace, you have to be honest with me. All I ask is that you try the food. If you don't like it let me know. If you need a break when we are hiking tomorrow, we can stop and I'll happily kiss some energy back into you."

"Mmm I like the sound of that. I think I may need a little energy to get down all our hotel stairs."

"I was hoping you'd say that Miss Hale."

After a few blistering kisses Emmett asked if she had her camera and they headed out to get to the old town section of Monterosso. Grace was falling in love with the old town and took many pictures until they turned down an alley where Emmett pointed out where they were going.

"Welcome to Via Venti. This is my kind of restaurant, everything is homemade."

Emmett ordered gnocchi with crab sauce, tender ravioli stuffed with fresh fish and pear and cheese pasta. They shared all three dishes and Grace quickly forgot her disappointment that there was no pesto.

"So what did you think?" Emmett asked as they walked towards the sea and rested on the steps of the church so Grace could put another memory card in her camera.

"I know why we are going to retire here once the kids are finished college. Have you ever brought Alice?"

Emmett felt like proposing to her on the spot but was too curious about why Alice entered her thoughts, "Alice has been down a couple of times, why?"

"Why on earth does she not spend every moment she can here?"

"The Pixie does not like to hike. Although she likes the food, she doesn't feel there are enough restaurants. It's too far from a major airport in her opinion. Venice is a city this is rural to her and Alice doesn't do rural."

"Alice is an idiot. This is heaven on earth and I've only seen part of one of the five villages."

"Why do you like it so much Grace?"

"It's beautiful, peaceful, lunch was sublime and mostly because life seems to be simpler. Although, I think the tourists might get on my nerves during the summer. Oh and you promised me the Cinque has kickass pesto."

"That it does, I'll take you to a place for lunch tomorrow that makes my favorite pesto."

"Rose actually makes a really good pesto. I'm looking forward to lunch tomorrow then."

Emmett and Grace spend the rest of the day wandering around Monterosso before heading up to the sprawling Ristorante Belvedere. The view from the bluff was picture perfect and allowed them to enjoy one of the prettiest sunsets they both had ever seen while slowly drinking wine and savouring the food.

While Grace and Emmett were soaking in the atmosphere Edward was on his computer e-mailing his boss to ask for a two week extension of his holiday. He was fairly certain the CEO would grant his request since Edward rarely took breaks and had about ten months worth of vacation time banked.

"Have you hit send yet?" A naked Rose asked from the window.

"Just about to."

"Make it three weeks, I want you to see Boston for a day or two before we go somewhere tropical."

"I've seen Boston before Rose."

"I've seen London before too so what is your point? Don't you want to make me happy?"

"Fine I just changed it and hit send. Now get over here and show me how happy you are!"

"I thought we were going to have dinner."

"Call room service."

"Why Mr. Cullen what happened to the man who liked to wine and dine me?"

"You corrupted me Ms. Hale and turned me into a sex addict."

"Took you long enough to fall in line Edward."

"A man can only resist a beautiful woman for so long, especially when she does everything in her power to lure the poor man in."

"Edward, you know I like you right?"

"Yes, you've made it very obvious Rosie."

"Don't call me that Eddie. You will always hold a special place in my heart, I consider you one of my dearest friends. I love you Edward but I'm not in love with you."

"I think if you moved to London we'd eventually fall in love with each other but that is not going to happen. Don't worry Rosalie; I'm not in love with you either. You are one of my favourite people on the earth and I adore you. I also know this runs deeper than friends with benefits."

"Does that mean you'll start using some holiday time to visit me or be off when I visit you?"

"Yes. Will Grace mind you being away more often?"

"No, she'll be too busy with Em to care. I could always do a little bit of work wherever we happen to be."

"Do you think we can make love without being in love?"

"I say we get dressed, go have dinner and then come back here and find out."

"I guess a romantic dinner wouldn't hurt."

"Thank you Edward."

"You are welcome my sweet Rose."

"My Rose, my Edward… I like that."

"Me too."

Rose and Edward spotted Alice and Jasper coming back to the hotel as they headed to the restaurant. They waved to each other and then went their separate ways. Alice told Jasper she needed the bathroom and came out to the living area ten minutes later wearing one of his shirts. Jasper laughed and went over to her. He knelt down before Alice and turned up the sleeves on his shirt about ten times so the cuffs would actually sit at her wrists.

"Alice don't get mad at me but if you were going for sexy, a man's shirt doesn't work on a body as tiny as yours."

"Good thing I wasn't going for sexy then. I'm trying to figure out what article of clothing I'm going to steal from you to sleep in when you leave me."

"Come sit in my lap beautiful. I think now is a good time to talk about our future."

"So you do see a future with me Jasper?" Alice asked as she sat in his lap and curled her body into him, resting her head over his heart.

"Alice I do. I'm not ready to marry you but I'm also not ready to say good-bye to you. It's true that I can do web design anywhere but I can't just abandon my students. Skype won't work when a student really needs to talk to a trusted adult who won't judge them. You aren't a fling to me Alice. You are the first girl I've ever thought about getting serious with and that ship has already sailed. I've fallen in love with an Evil Pixie."

Alice laughed and gave him a playful slug in the stomach. "You already know I love you too. How are we going to make this work?"

"Well could you fly down for Thanksgiving and stay until the New Year? Maybe we can go somewhere warm between Christmas and New Year. How does spending New Year's Eve in Hawaii sound?"

"I've never closed the studio down for that long before. I go home for Thanksgiving for two weeks then come back. I sell a lot in December for Christmas, Jasper."

"Well the wedding means you'll be in Boston for Christmas."

"I planned on flying in on the 16th. The wedding is the 20th."

"When did you plan on flying back?"

"The 27th."

"Alice that just won't work for me. If you want to fly in the 16th, I need you to fly out in January. I go back to work the 13th, could you leave the 13th too? I really want to take you to Hawaii and spend quality time with you."

"Does it have to be Hawaii? How many hours behind are they? Then I have to fly back to Venice? I'll never survive that many time zone changes. What about somewhere in the Caribbean?"


"Virgin Islands?"


"So is Hawaii."

"True. We don't need to decide on a place let alone a resort now. I just need a time commitment from you Alice."

"I will stay until the 13th but I will want to spend a few days with my parents. You can come with me."

"That sounds reasonable to me."

"Jasper I need you to acknowledge that my life is in Venice. We'll make long distance work somehow but once we are married you will be the one moving."

"Alice have you ever thought about moving back home? You can build a studio there."

"I'm a Murano glass artisan Jasper, it's not Murano if it's made off the island. A studio in Venice wouldn't even work."

"What about kids Alice? Call me ignorant but I didn't see any schools in Venice."

"There is actually a very good international school that goes up to grade 8. The students are taught in Italian and English. I had a class visit me in May from the school. We have schools, Jasper."

"I guess it's a good thing I'm not Emmett and hoping to get you pregnant before we are even married."

"Yes, you might not be ready for marriage but I'm definitely not even thinking about children."

Good because I don't want to spend my entire life in Murano, Jasper thought. "So what would you like to do Alice?"

"How about going to the restaurant to get some of that wicked chocolate lava cake?"

"Go get dressed then."

"Do you want sexy Alice or sweet Alice?"

"Surprise me Pixie."