Hello everyone! I'm TheFanofEverything... Noce to meet you all. This is my first The Cat Returns fic. And I apologize about all the errors I may have in this fic. And obviously this is Baron x Haru and I don't own The cat Returns because Studoi Chibli does. XD
Once upon a broken heart
1 chapter falling
As they sat on the ground Haru and Muta were talking, ignoring the cat king. "Being a cat is not so bad." Muta said to Haru. "Do I have to learn to like mice?" Haru asked and looked at the fat cat next to her. "It's too early to give up." Baron said and looked to their left. Muta and Haru turned to look too only to see in the distance some cat's who wore a red uniform and one was wearing blue. Soon a purple cat came with a white uniform. "Father!" the purple cat shouted and the king looked at the direction of the voice. "Lune, you're back already?" the king asked. "His Highness the Prince! As you were!" Natori said to the kings soldiers.
"Prince?" Haru said and soon Prince Lune and his soldiers were there too. "I hurried back thanks to Yuki. What is all this?" the Prince asked and Yuki ran to them. "Haru." the white cat said and Haru looked at her. "Oh, Yuki!" Haru said happily. "I'm glad we made it in time." Yuki said. "Err, I just wanted to thank her. I thought you'd be happy to have Haru as your bride." the king told while rubbing his paws together. "You don't need to worry about me. I want to marry Yuki." the Prince said and looked at the white cat. Yuki and Haru looked at the Prince. "What?" the king asked surprised. "Looks like news to everyone." Muta said. "The Prince is a good guy." Baron said while leaning his chin to his hand. "Yuki, look. I went to your old home to find this." Prince Lune said and gave a yellow package to the white cat.
The white cat started to open the package immediately. "Oh, could this be what I think it is?" Yuki asked when the inside of the package was revealed. "Those cookies…I used to love those." Haru said. "That's right. These are the fish cookies you gave me when I was an orphan kitten." Yuki said remembering the moment. "That kitten, that was you! You're so beautiful now that I couldn't recognize you." Haru said and looked at the white cat. "Yuki. Will you accept these as a token of our life together from now on?" Prince Lune asked and the white cat nodded. "That means you two are getting married?" Haru said and the two cats blushed. "Oh, I'm so happy for you Yuki." Haru said happily and hugged Yuki. "Thank you, Haru!" Yuki said.
"If I hadn't met you then, I could have starved on the street." Yuki said. "You also saved me from danger. I didn't know you were the person Yuki told me so much about. You saved both of our lives. How can we thank you?" Prince Lune asked form Haru.
"I don't want anything. You two made me so happy already. Saving a cat was a good thing." Haru said and Muta nodded his head. Suddenly the king was sobbing and everyone looked at him. "This is such a moving sight. So you already had a fiancé I didn't know but that is all right. Haru, you must be disappointed." the king said and looked at Haru. "Not really." Haru said and shrugged her shoulders. "No need to be so polite. If you can't marry my son, why don't you marry me?" the king asked and grinned. Natori looked at the king in disbelief. "You can eat all the cookies and fishes you want. How about it?" the king asked. "Just put me back to the way I was." Haru said. "That depends on your answer." the king said smiling.
Haru looked at the king and stood up. "Are you out of your mind?" Haru asked and this time everyone looked at the brown haired girl. "Of course I don't want to marry you! You pervert!" Haru shouted and the king fell to his back. "Why can't you…?" the king asked in shock. Muta laughed and Baron just smiled. "This is hilarious!" Muta said and the cat king and his companions looked at the white fat cat. "It's out of the question!" Haru said firmly.
"I admire a woman with a mind of her own."Muta said as he rose from the ground and walked to Haru. "You found yourself an ally. I, Renaldo Moon will lend you a hand!" Muta said as he placed his left paw on Harus shoulder. "Renaldo?" "Renaldo Moon?" "That Renaldo Moon?" the kings' soldiers asked from another. "That's it!" Natori said when he remembered.
"Who?" the king asked. "Have you forgotten Your Majesty? The worst, most notorious crime in this Kingdoms history! A cat suddenly came from nowhere and devoured all the fish in the lake and escaped, the criminal oh the century Renaldo Moon!" Natori explained and looked at the paintings in the wall. "Unbelievable…" "He's a monster." the soldiers whispered. "Muta, you did this? Disgraceful." Baron said and got up. "I'll eat the whole castle this time!" Muta shouted, scaring few of the soldiers. "Take His Majesty to a safe place!" Natori said. Two of the cats who looked like agents grabbed the king only to be thrown away. "No!" the king shouted. "Men, protect Haru." prince Lune told to his soldiers. "Yes, sir! All forward." said the blue uniformed cat.
The red ones went to protect Haru. "Get that culprit." the king said. "Your Majesty!" Natori gasped. "Leave my father to me. Everybody please run." the Prince said. #But the tower has fallen." Baron said. "It's still connected to the other side." Prince Lune said and they all looked up. "Strange…" Haru said. "Oh no, it's dawn…" Baron said. "Leave it to me!" Muta said, grabbed Haru and took some speed. "What? Are you…doing?" Haru asked and then Muta threw her to air. "Don't!" Haru shouted and then she fell to her feet in the stairs. "Haru, run! We'll be right behind you!" Baron shouted. "Take care!" Prince Lune shouted. "You too." Haru shouted back and started to run the stairs only to stop for a second to watch Yuki and Lune. 'Thanks, Yuki! I wasn't' wrong! Saving a cat, feeling lost and down, that was all for finding out who I am.' Haru thought as she ran the stairs.
Just when she was in the middle of the way a loud crack was heard. Haru stopped for a second and then the stairs started to fall apart. Before she could think she started to fall to the ground. "HARUUU!" Baron shouted. 'I'm so sorry Baron. I-I LOVE YOU!' Haru shouted in her mind and closed her eyes. But just when she was about to hit the ground, she disappeared.
To be continued
Please review and please don't flame me. ^^