So I know some people left the last chapter a bit unsatisfied due to the lack of a steamy wedding night. I was gearing up to make it good. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter Thirty
My breakfast was in front of me but I wasn't the least bit interested in it. I had a whole other different set of hungers that I needed to feed. The curvy blonde with blue eyes was all I had a craving for. My eyes were following my wife as she fished in the fridge for juice. I drank in her legs from ankle to her finely tuned calf, up the back of her thighs and her derriere. All the dips and bends of her body were calling out to me.
"Stop ogling my ass" Sookie said with her head still in the fridge. It didn't help that she wiggled said body part as she spoke.
"I want you" I said getting up from my seat.
"Do you now?" She asked closing the fridge and leaning against it. Her pose was coy and flirty. Her smile was decadent and playful the sight of it alone already had my pulse racing in anticipation. It took me from semi hard to fully erect.
"Uh huh" I replied moving to close the distance between us at a leisurely stroll. From my feet that carried my approach to the plains of my chest. Her eyes watched me in pure lasciviousness. She met my gaze and I knew despite my outer cool she knew how bad I wanted her. I loved it when she teased me. It was a little bit of heaven and hell. I wondered how she would like it. I wondered if I had the control to draw it out this time, to make her ache and beg before I actually made love to her. There was only one way to find out I supposed.
My body was pressed against Sookie's with her back against the fridge. I trailed unhurried kisses from her temple to jaw. Her body arched and she thrust her breast up. I groaned. She was making my blood feel thick as it churned in my veins. It made it hard to think about why I wanted to take my time. It made it hard to breathe. All could care about was her grinding her body against mine to offer her more friction.
"Patience my wife" I said grabbing hold of her waist to ease some of her maddening twisting. It was all I could do not to give into her right here, right now "It'll be worth the wait" I said bringing my lips back to hers for a kiss. Her hands went around my neck and her legs went around my hips. It was so very easy to get lost in her. The taste of her lips, the heat flaring between her thighs it was engulfing me and pulling me deeper into her. I moved us to the closest soft surface. It happened to be in the sitting room on the carpeted floor.
There my kisses left her lips and trailed her body. I kissed my way down her body and already I could feel her desperation. I was undoing the buttons of the shirt she had on. It was my shirt from the wedding. There were no under things to contend with once the shirt was gone.
"You are beautiful" I said unable to continue without telling her. My fingers danced over her hardened nipples but I didn't offer more than a feather light caress over them. It was enough to make her shiver. I continued my thorough explorations of her body like I have never seen her before. In a sense that was true. This was our first encounter as husband and wife. She was mine. I could have her always. I swallowed the urge to take her as that thought brought powerful emotions thundering to the surface. Every touch, every kiss I bestowed now made her whimper she was unraveling under me. Hearing those noises of sweet agony ate at my limited supply of control. Still I continued to torment us both.
"Eric" She moaned not for the first time. "Please"
"What do you want my love" I crooned nipping at her inner thigh. I could see her wetness flowing like water. I could see that her clit was swollen with her arousal. The smell of her need was in itself an aphrodisiac but I battled the urge to taste her. "Tell me what you want" I was begging her to say it. The need to taste her sweet juices left me feeling hollow and baked.
"I want you" She almost sobbed with her hand fisted in my hair. "I want you to lick me till I cum and fuck me until I scream"
It was a tall order but I was dying to deliver. Immediately I complied. I brought my tongue and indulged myself. Her response was a deep moan that cut into in a sharp cry as I did exactly what she wanted me to. My name mixed with urgent pleas tumbled from lips. It didn't take much. I could feel her body tense and quiver when her first orgasm hit. We both knew it would be destructive. She tried to ease the force of it. She clawed at my shoulder and bit her lip but it did nothing to mitigate her body's reaction to my touch. She came completely undone. Tears escaped her eyes and I understood that it was one of those things that felt so good it hurt.
She didn't get a chance to catch her breath after her first orgasm. I was throbbing and needed to get inside her. I climbed her body and buried manhood into her. Aftershocks were still going through her body and I felt them too. She felt like heaven. Tremors tingled along my spine compelling me to surge in deeper, faster, and harder and follow her into bliss.
I supported my weight on one elbow and wound my fingers in her hair to mold her closer to me still. Her hips cradled me and held me tight against her. The most infinitesimal expanse between us right now was too much. No matter how close she was I always wanted her closer. No matter how much of her body I had I wanted more. I invaded her body at a gentle fervent pace.
"I love you" I murmured against her parted lips. "So much" I didn't give her a chance to reply before kissing her again. I knew. I felt it. I saw it in her eyes.
I delved deep into her and gave her all that I had been holding back. The plunges of my body into hers were almost hypnotic. I was lost in her. The feel of her sweat slicked skin. The soft screams that preceded each release, her scent it was all imbedded in my brain. It has been since our first kiss. She smelled so good; it was a floral and natural scent. Just a whiff of it even when she wasn't around was enough to get my blood boiling but this close with my face buried in the crook of her neck; in her hair; it was inebriating.
"Eric" She cried. Just like it always was when we made love that single utterance of my name was like the most intimate of whispers divulging the deepest of emotion. Every nerve ending in my body erupted in almost painful bursts of pleasure as my body shuddered in hers with a wordless cry.
I couldn't control any of my limbs. Sookie carried my weight but not all of it. I managed to collapse with my top half off her. We were quiet as our breathing regulated and our bodies cooled.
"Got any plans for tomorrow" Sookie asked running her hand up my chest. The touch was light and innocent. It wasn't how my body was interpreting it. I was getting hot and bothered all over again as if I didn't spend better part of the last hour in the fit of passion. We haven't even had breakfast yet I was going to kill us both if I didn't let up.
"No" I said trying to control my urges.
"Wanna get married again?" She asked with a wicked grin and a wag of her eyes brows.
I laughed. "So it was that good huh?" I asked rolling over on top of her again. I could see her eyes darkening and I could not bring myself to remember why I shouldn't have her again.
"Yes" She said reaching up and sucking on my bottom lip. I made a noise from deep inside my chest. It was somewhere between a growl and moan. "So good" She said releasing my lip "I want to return the favor" Her hands stroked a burning trail down my sides. Her head ducked down to flick her tongue over my nipple then she blew on it. My hands shook and I couldn't trust them to keep me up. I rolled over on my back and Sookie followed me. If I ever found more pleasure at one time than what she gave me I would be a dead man, dead but happy, very, very happy.
The day fell into nothing but a kaleidoscope of carnal indulgence as we savored one another. I woke the next morning with Sookie tucked into my side. The room was painted in the light of the late morning sun. I couldn't remember the last time we slept in like this. I held my wife closer with a contented sigh. Everything was as it should be except my little brother was in my bedroom. That was odd to say the least.
"My dad wanted to make sure you two didn't kill each other" He said with a cheeky grin that was so very Pam. It made me glad that I had received the lesser of two evils. The can of whipped cream; bottle of chocolate sauce; and bowl of ice cream were still pretty damning. He would be a saint not to at least rip on me a bit. Al was definitely no saint. "So umm…" He broke off with a silent fit of laughter. "This is too easy" He wheezed at least he was trying not to wake Sookie. I just rolled my eyes and gave him the finger.
"Al I love you but if you don't get outta here I'm gonna throw something at you again" Sookie said. Her body was still and I thought she was still asleep but apparently she caught my brother being…himself in our bedroom.
I laughed and my brother grinned with his hands up in an open gesture of surrender. "Just saying" He said with a shrug and an about face "I'd be outta luck if I came here with a craving for a sundae" He made his quip as retreated. Sookie threw one of the decorative pillows at his back.
"It's like Claude but like ten years younger" Sookie said shaking her head with an easygoing smile.
"Good morning" I said wrapping my arms around her and nuzzling her neck.
"Hiya lover boy" She said leaning her body further into me. I grinned and tried to kiss her. "No" Sookie said turning her head.
"Just a kiss good morning" I said crawling over her body. "That's all" I have gotten many morning quickies with that innocent request. Still I assured myself that that's wasn't what I was after.
Sookie wasn't fooled. "Eric no" She wiggled against me in an attempt to get free herself but it was doing really bad things to my body and libido. She pushed me off her. "I need to get my baby" I smiled as she rolled out of the bed with fineness and made for the bathroom as if she were afraid I would chase her. I had to admit that I thought about it. Her ass looked positively inviting as she scurried away.
Lilly couldn't careless that she was seeing us for the first time in over a day. She was invested in a very serious game of peek-a-boo with Godric and didn't even look up when I entered the room.
"You didn't miss daddy did you?" I asked taking snatching her off the carpet. I kissed her face all over and she giggled. She let me keep her but ditched me for Sookie. Breakfast that morning included all of my family. We ate and every now and then Al would catch Sookie's eye and she would flush. It was a small price to pay. Pam would have been merciless.
"Did you pack" Godric asked looking at his watch. At his words Al scowled into his fruit bowl.
"I'm not leaving" Al said folding his arms across his chest. "I want to be there too"
Godric was wearing his ever patient expression but I knew it was strained as only Al managed to get him. "There is no need and you have classes" I knew what was coming. Godric had let on that keeping Al from the issues surrounding the Greens was becoming increasingly difficult. Al knew there was nothing he could do but it didn't keep him from wanting to do something, like kick their asses "It will be alright. You'll be back for her party before you know it"
"I don't get it" Al said turning to me. "Don't you have enough money to make someone disappear?" Pam gave me a look that was somewhere between haughty and pleasantly surprised. Godric and Sookie stilled though for different reasons I was sure.
"I do and I would" I told my brother calmly "But only if it was a matter of life and death"
"Having you beat the tarnation's out of someone in court is not going to help" Sookie said. "You have to trust that we're doing what's best"
Al frowned but the stubborn set to his jaw was gone. He was contemplating her words. It was the best we could hope for. Godric would never force him into anything he didn't want to do and neither would I. We wanted him to leave but if he didn't we would have to come up with means to keep him in check. Eventually Al nodded. It was obvious he wasn't happy but he finished his meal and went off to pack. In another hour Pam was taking them to the airport. The remainder of the day was spent with my wife and child. The amount of joy I found with all three of us being together was no more than that of yesterday. It was just on a different wavelength.
Unfortunately Sookie and I couldn't fit a honeymoon anywhere in the immediate future. I apologized and promised to make it up to her but she didn't even seem the least but bothered. A week after the weeding I found myself in court-again. This time I had Sookie by my side. The united front we displayed in the presence of the courts was enough. Claudine who was now for all intents and purposes my sister in law was there as was Coleman. Pam was there and in our inability to fight Al he made Godric fly down for the day. He had sworn to be on his best behavior.
"Let the records show" Cataliades began. "My list of defendants should now include the wife of Mr. Northman and legal mother to Lilly Northman, Sookie Northman" He introduced the members of our family. I was pleased not for the first time to have Coleman on my side. Throughout the entire proceeding he glared daggers at Felicia. She knew his reputation just as any other lawyer did. I knew he unsettled her and that in and of itself was a great advantage even though I had won before I got here this morning.
The Green's stared daggers at my wife and it took all my self-control not to go flying across the polished mahogany table. Sookie held in hand in both of hers and maintained an air of calm that I fed off. Al was unblinking and the enmity rolling off him was almost tangible in the air around him.
"The findings of the DCF investigation do not support the allegations of neglect in the case of Lillian Marie Northman" the ancient appearing judge began. "The allegations of abuse have also been unsubstantiated. Since there is no other evidence" She turned her head to look at the Green's and their attorney. They remained silent and her unspoken question. "The rights of any visitation and contact by the Green's as it pertains to Lillian Marie Northman are left to the sole discretion of her parents" I felt my hand clasp that of my wife tighter but otherwise I maintained clam. "Mr. and Mrs. Eric Northman, do the defendants at this time wish the aide of the courts in arranging custodial and visitation arrangements?" The judge asked turning her pale grey eyes to my side of her table.
"No" Sookie and I answered together. Our eyes were fixed on the Green's and their attorney. I wore an expression that said what I could not. 'This is as close as you get to my child'
"Case dismissed" the judge said. She looked completely bored with the lot of us. I was more than happy to get out her sight and never see her or this court house ever again. I eagerly rose to my feet pulling Sookie up with me.
That was when Mr. Green chose to go off. He launched to his feet with such force that his chair fell to the floor below. He was shouting oppression. It was when he began raving at the judge about her impartiality and corruption that he got remanded for thirty days without bail. Felicia looked livid and discomfited as her client got hauled away. If there was any perfect way to end this mess it was like this. I had my wife and our daughter was safe.
A celebration of any sort didn't seem right now that it was over. I just wanted the peace I had beforehand. I wanted to just go on and enjoy my life with my family. I didn't have to tell her. We both wanted what was normal. Leaving the courthouse Sookie and I went our separate ways after giving everyone our thanks. She returned to work and I did the same.
Two weeks had passed since the case with the Green's and life had indeed gone back to normal. Normal was a birthday party. Sookie took over the planning for our daughter's first birthday party because I had been accused of turning it into a circus. In my defense it was a birthday party for a one year old. A circus was a good thing.
"Who's a big girl today?" Sookie crooned nuzzling Lilly. I heard her giggle in response.
I reared my head from Lilly's closet at that one. "Don't grow up too fast" I grumbled "You'll make an old man out of me"
Sookie chuckled. "She'll be introducing us to her tattooed motorcycle riding boyfriend in no time, huh pumpkin"
The mere idea killed any and all amusement in its entirety. I frowned. "Lilly you can't date until you're thirty" I told my daughter seriously. My tone was so stern she looked confused. She only got that tone when she was trying to eat car keys. She gave me a kind of 'What'd I do' look. I smiled realizing I was being unreasonable. "You can't date until you're married" That was the most logical solution. When she married she might be thirty-five, no forty. Yes, forty was a wise and mature age. That way I wouldn't have to kill any young punk that thought he could toy with my baby's emotions. I nodded to affirm my position. Lilly crawled towards her toy chest clearly labeling both her parents as uninteresting at the moment. I tried not to take it as any sign of an attitude.
I returned into her closet to find the dress I was looking for. Pam had it custom ordered from one of her favorite designers. It was a silver dress with violet and black trimming. I turned from the closet with the dress in hand to see Sookie on the floor. She was bright red with her hand pressed over her mouth. She was laughing at me. Knowing she was caught she removed her hand and laughed her ass off. I wanted to be indignant but looking back at my behavior a few seconds ago it was pretty funny. I had gone from dotting father of the birthday girl to maniacal tyrant without even realizing it.
"Sorry…I'm" Sookie broke off into more laughter.
I plopped on the floor next to her "God save me during her teenage years" I said with a shake of my head.
"Eric" Sookie said taking my hand. "She's only turning one. There's loads of time to sniff out great places to hide the bodies of any jerk boyfriends" I grinned. She was right. I wasn't just glad she would be there to help me bury bodies. She would be there to help me understand what a father couldn't where his daughter was concerned, which was absolutely nothing.
**There are only a few more chapters left in this. But I have completed some of the Pam and Dermot sega for those of you who are interested. It will also offer interactions with Eric, Sookie and Lilly and everyone else**