A Will to Survive

Chapter 6

It only took five minutes at the max for the med team to arrive. Meanwhile Jack just stayed in his kneeling position at Daniel's side, Sam and Teal'c hovering close by. Sam had actually joined him crouching down on the ground and cradling Daniel's head in her lap. Janet having traveled at light speed from the infirmary was at their side within seconds. For such a slight woman she held a presence because even Jack felt himself automatically stepping aside albeit reluctantly. For lack of anything better to do Jack grabbed the pack Daniel came through with and stepped to stand with the others as a flurry of activity happened over Daniel, the archeologist dead to the world around him.

"Okay everyone, I want a line in and get a backboard," Janet ordered as she took Jack's place.

Daniel didn't so much as stir to the medic's ministrations as he slept like the dead. Ray, one of the medic's, had Daniel already set up with an IV, expertly threading the needle into one of the least collapsed veins in Daniel's arm. For Janet she didn't even pay any mind to those who watched her like a hawk, just continued to run that medical inventory in her mind as she took stock of Daniel's injuries. He needed the infirmary and badly but at least he was stable. Ray had called out the BP as he took it, 90/52, low but not critical. To her naked eye Daniel was miraculously in stable condition for someone who had been MIA for two whole days. The only real injuries it would appear were confined to his skin and knee but only scans and blood work would reveal any hidden danger.

"Let's get him to the infirmary, so far he's stable," Janet said.

Sliding his vest off carefully Janet was able to have full access to the rest of him. A collar was put on as precaution, not that it would do much good now considering he had just walked through the Gate on his own two feet. Running gentle hands up and down Daniel's chest and abdomen nothing shifted ominously. Janet did see a flinch as a hand was run down the left side of his chest, just a slight wiggle that indicated Daniel's unconscious perception of pain. But all things considered Janet thought Daniel was in relatively good condition barring any complications from his dehydration. However the burns from the sun combined with the blisters and cuts would only add insult to injury after Daniel awakened.

"Let's go now," Janet ordered.

Ray slid a backboard under Daniel's back as Janet turned him on his side being cautious of the knee. She had to admit, for someone with relatively no medical training beside the basic field course Daniel had done a spectacular job at immobilizing his own leg. With the backboard secure Janet and her team gently lifted Daniel onto the awaiting stretcher, securing the straps for the journey. As they began pushing him towards the infirmary she was painfully aware of four anxious individuals hot on her heels. Janet could almost feel Sam's questioning gaze and Jack's apprehension as it radiated off him in waves. Even Hammond was doing a poor job at concealing his nerves, a task he usually excelled at up until now. Teal'c seemed to be the only one with the most composure but glancing back at the Jaffa she knew it was only a smokescreen.

"I will inform you when he is set okay," Janet said as her team led Daniel down the hall.

"Yes doctor," Hammond had answered for the four of them.

As they made it to the elevator Janet soon realized that Jack was having none of it. Disobeying her standing orders about getting in the way Jack stepped in behind her team onto the waiting elevator. Hammond, Teal'c, and Sam had decided to wait for another one, deciding that a medical team, an unconscious archeologist, one annoyed doctor, and one irate colonel was one too many. On the elevator the atmosphere had shifted to one quite different from the one during the recent days. Janet and Jack shared a look over Daniel's stretcher, one of immense relief. Actually in that little elevator ride to the infirmary level Jack could feel his shoulders sag as a weight was finally lifted from them. The burden that had him dragging a little further into a dark void with every passing hour had finally dissolved leaving him feeling lighter than he had felt in years. Once again, after yet another near death situation, his team….his family was whole.

"Daniel, we're taking you to the infirmary to run some tests, there's going to be a lot of activity but you will alright," Janet said to the unconscious archeologist surprised to hear a soft groan in response.

"'Kay," Daniel slurred.

"It's okay Daniel," Jack said softly laying a hand on his battered friends shoulder more for his benefit than for Daniel's.

Two pain-filled and glassy eyes stared back up at him, half-lidded as his consciousness wavered. The jolt of the stretcher hitting the threshold of the elevator was enough to make Jack wince right along side Daniel as the archeologist's face scrunched up in a grimace. He had no idea what lay underneath that dirty and torn uniform but if his hands, face, and swollen knee that showed through his torn pants were anything to go by Jack gave him all his empathy. He figured Daniel appeared a lot like what he looked like after coming home from Antarctica. But soon Daniel would be nestled in a warm, soft bed after Janet got her hands on him.

Jack's hand never strayed from Daniel's shoulder as the stretcher was maneuvered beside a waiting bed. Ray had already shifted into position taking Janet's place so they could transfer Daniel with as little pain as possible. Jack could see Warner standing back waiting and another nurse who had joined the fray. Ben, a nurse that had taken care of Jack more times than he could count, had added his strength as well as Lt. Adam Takata. Jack himself had taken his place at Daniel's head, grabbing the slots in the backboard despite the death glare Janet was sending him. His mangled arm would not thank him in the morning for this but Jack felt obligated.

"Nice and gentle," Ben had warned.

On the count of three the board was transferred gently to the gurney but even with the most careful of movements Daniel still winced. But then again it wouldn't have taken him much to grimace considering his battered body. Jack couldn't help but turn away when Daniel let out a little cry of pain, a weak one, but genuine as Janet helped to shift his injured leg. His little outward show of emotion was just the excuse Janet needed to boot him out so with a look that booked no room for argument Janet had officially given an order of her own that Colonel O'Neill had no other choice but to follow. But he didn't stray far as he took up residence in a strategic spot that was way out of the way of any working medical staff. A spot where he could once again join the rest of his team and General Hammond as they joined him.

His eyes never left Janet and her team as they worked on Daniel, watching critically as they cut the uniform off but kept what little dignity Daniel had left. Cutting up his right pant leg and exposing his knee Jack finally got a good look at the damage. Smashed melon was the only real explanation his exhausted brain and limited medical knowledge could think of because in reality the massive bruising and swelling looked not unlike a melon after having been thrown across a room into a wall. Angry and agonizing was also added to the list leaving him to wonder how the hell was he able to move.

The more they cut away clothing wise the more was revealed. Bruising was evident from the top of his chest down to his abdomen, his back in a much similar state. Considering the lack of rushing Jack could only presume Daniel had no other internal injury. But really, Daniel was one giant bruise. He watched as Janet ran skillful hands down the length of Daniel's back as he was rolled on his side, sighing with ease as she must have felt no fractures. Other bones were turning up clear as well Jack could tell, leaving his knee and possibly his ribs the only casualties.

"Oh my…," it was an unfinished thought that came from Sam as she stared in shock.

"I hear ya Carter," Jack answered for her.

"Okay everyone step back, we need to run some tests. Don't worry I'll come and brief you when it is over but I warn you we'll probably be bringing Daniel into surgery for that knee," Janet said ushering them out of the room as she drew the curtain.

Although reluctant Jack compromised, stepping out silently with a wince as his own knee pulled. Surgery, that was something that Jack took no surprise to as it came from Janet's mouth. He didn't need to be a doctor to know that just bracing a joint that damaged would fix the problem. Been there, done that and even have the feud to show for it. Three knee surgeries for him and he was still going so maybe he and Daniel could be surgery buddies together because just knowing from experience Jack doubted one surgery would have Daniel on active duty in a month. More like many months with the combined trying and agonizing physical torture, well therapy. But he tried not to think about the pain-filled future that laid ahead for Daniel as he stepped in the direction of the waiting room with the others.

Sam was still on edge, had been since the moment Daniel's feet hit the ramp. Her heard thudded in her chest as sweat made her palms slippery. All joy and happiness left her the minute she saw the injuries littering her friend's body. Bruising on his chest and abdomen stood out in stark contrast with his pale skin but it was his knee that had her cringing. Sam had never experienced anything like the colonel, and now Daniel, had to any joint. A dislocation maybe but never anything that severe as to require surgery and the physical therapy that followed. But Daniel would get through it as he did everything else because they would be behind him every step of the way.

As for Teal'c he was in the same situation as Sam when it came to his emotions. Nerves still on edge he kept it well hidden as he watched the medical team care for his injured teammate. Something told the Jaffa that Daniel Jackson would not be going off-world for a long time but that place on the team would always remain open. He followed O'Neill and Major Carter to the waiting room, the one dreaded room he had spent too much of his time in. That room that for the first time he would not harbor as many feelings of doubt and fear. Falling into step next to General Hammond he could clearly feel the relief radiating off the general. While pivotal for SG-1 this moment had come as quite an unending relief for the man who at the time of Daniel Jackson's return was being ordered to declare him dead. Now that burden was gone leaving him with nothing to order but for SG-1 to finally get some rest.

To say that Daniel was a mess was the understatement of the year. Janet hadn't seen him this banged up since he had taken a header down a hill with Teal'c, conveniently forgetting the principle rule of tucking and rolling. But even then his worse injury, well where orthopedic was concerned, was a dislocated shoulder and broken collarbone. That didn't even compare to now, not with that grotesque knee. This wasn't something that was going to heal overnight, more like over the next many months. Daniel was in for a very hard recovery but Janet knew that with his team beside him everything would be okay.

Daniel had been MRI'd, X-rayed, and everything in between. So far with her initial assessment Daniel was stable to all outward appearances but only when those films were on the light box would she and Warner be able to relax. Snapping the multiple images in a line on the board Janet and Dr. Warner stepped back to assess the damage. Each black and white image told a different story, some good and some bad. So far, without regards to his knee, nothing was severely off the charts.

"Let's see what we have," Warner pondered as he studied the films.

"At least two cracked ribs I can count on the left side, more bruised. He also has near second degree sunburns to both hands," Janet began.

"He also has some bruising to his spleen but all superficial. Just needs to be closely watched over the next few days," Warner added.

"Now his knee is a different story. I have the orthopedic surgeon on the way in but what I can tell Daniel managed to snap his ACL, tear the meniscus, and shatter his patella. I can also see tears in the median ligament as well as the lateral," Janet listed off.

"He's going to have to have his knee reconstructed," a new voiced added from behind her.

"Doctor," Janet and Warner greeted.

"I'm Dr. Singh, orthopedics. Those are the films?" he returned abruptly.

"Yes, the patient is Dr. Jackson. I know you have security clearance so I will just come out and say that he was stranded on the other side of the Gate and apparently was ejected at a high rate of speed," Janet reported.

"It makes sense especially with the damage done to the knee. Well what are we waiting for, I want him prepped and ready in ten," Dr. Singh ordered before turning and walking away with a flourish of his white lab coat.

"Yes doctor," Janet sighed.

They were in for the long haul, Daniel most of all, so Janet saw no other way but to get started. Turning away from the light board that held Daniel's future, the future of whether Singh could repair his knee to the extent that Gate travel was safe, to step back into the main infirmary to prep Daniel for surgery. Warner followed behind her shifting his focus to assisting in the surgery even with his limited orthopedic experience. After he was prepped and in the OR Janet would wait like any other friend in the waiting room with his team and the general.

The others had congregated in the waiting room even Janet who had joined them after a quick update. Daniel was in surgery and would be for the next few hours as Dr. Singh attempted to put his knee back together. Sam's heart broke with even the thought that they had left Daniel behind in his state even if the situation was honestly unavoidable. His knee was only one of the many disparities he suffered the other injuries paling in comparison but still no less serious. Broken ribs, severe second-degree sunburn, heatstroke, dehydration, concussion, a bruised spleen, hypoglycemia, and a wrecked knee were the list Janet had dictated to them.

Instead of with the others Sam found herself once again wandering the near empty halls of the SGC. She stepped into the Gate Room, to the one place Daniel's memorial had been laid out two days ago when all hope had been lost. Now that memorial seemed like a memory, a very distant and bad memory Sam wished to never conjure up any time in the future. Stepping up to the small shrine those at the SGC had set up, those who like her team refused to believe Daniel lost forever. She was amazed actually that the single candle she lit before, the one that Sam swore wouldn't be extinguished until Daniel had made it home, still burned. Even after all the commotion from before that single small flame burned like a flare. Almost like a torch lit at the beginning of a race that wasn't blown out until all competitors crossed the finish line.

Walking up to the place where that hope burned Sam smiled at the thought. For the final person had finally crossed that finish line, had finally returned home to his family. Maybe in some way in keeping that candle burning the light was kept on for Daniel to return home, almost serving as a guide for his journey. But like the events of the past two days the need for a flare was all but a memory now as Daniel had returned. Kneeling down in front of that small alter that remained Sam stared at the candle and all its meaning. She took in the small objects that had surrounded it, at the little things that the people at the SGC had associated with Daniel. Finally she read some of the notes that were left in his absence, the ones that instilled hope when none was found. But the candle and its strong flame still directed Sam's thoughts as she looked into the flickering fire. With a smile and breath Sam made up her mind. Leaning forward Sam took one last look before blowing softly, extinguishing that flame that refused to dim. It was in that moment when Sam realized that while that flame continued to burn like a flare it wasn't what had brought him home. No, a higher being or whatever else anyone wanted to believe in had nothing to do with this. Sam finally saw that it was more about the determination that they had instilled in Daniel that had kept him fighting.

Gaining her feet once more Sam took one final look at the shrine before turning back towards the exit. She had no doubt Hammond would have already put in the order for it to be dismantled but with everything that had happened the personnel of the SGC were still in a state of shock. It wasn't everyday that a man presumed dead and missing just suddenly appeared through the Gate from an unknown address. Walking out of the Gate Room in the direction of the elevator Sam's time of reflection was over. Sam wanted nothing more than to be with her team as they awaited news on Daniel.

Maybe six hours had passed since Daniel's return and subsequent surgery. Jack walked, well more limped, down that familiar hall into the main area of the infirmary with only one thought on his mind. Had it really been that long that he had been waiting in the waiting room against Doc Fraiser's orders? The answer was yes and Jack would continue to deny that he had swiftly become an unmovable object set to annoy any staff that passed. A little over four hours had passed since Dr. Singh came out into the waiting room allowing for that sigh of relief. Well maybe not relief more like a weight being lifted. The doctor had explained how Daniel had effectively become one step towards the Bionic Man. Of how it would take months and possibly up to a year for his knee to completely heal.

Jack would be lying if he said no flashbacks came to his mind of his time in Iraq. That he didn't remember the agonizing pain he felt in his own knee after his very similar injury. Daniel was in for a long and painful journey but they would be there for him every step of the way. It wasn't going to be easy, especially with Daniel's dogged and stubborn determination, but he knew the archeologist would prevail. Prevailing under exaggerating circumstances had become an SG-1 norm and staple. But as for Daniel's other injures Janet was confident. Other than his knee nothing remained life-threatening or severe, not even the cracked ribs and bruised spleen. While Daniel had certainly taken a beating Jack knew it could have been a whole lot worse.

Stepping up to the curtained off area his team had spent a lot of time in the past Jack snuck in to stand beside that familiar bed. A quick glance told Jack that Daniel was fast asleep, still partially sleeping off the anesthesia and heavy painkillers Janet no doubt had him on. He took a quick inventory at his condition noting the massive brace and elastic bandaging to his right knee. So much like Jack before him Daniel's leg was wrapped from ankle to thigh with a plastic and metal immobilizer covering the knee. Still swollen to twice its size at least the heavy bruising and new angry incisions were hidden. Wincing with empathy Jack bent down painfully to rub his own sore knee, stability and use still in question after his little attack by the Satan spawn on P5C-118. Lifting back up Jack stretched his back every little ache and pain in his battle weary body apparent. Man he was getting too old for this.

"You're givin' me grey hair," Jack muttered just enough as to not wake Daniel.

He really meant had already given him grey hair because if Jack was correct there were no more strands of brown left since meeting Daniel. In two years of countless injuries and declared deaths Jack's hair had officially gone grey. But Daniel wasn't entirely to blame, Sam and Teal'c putting in their fair share. Sighing Jack tried not to dwell on the past as he returned to his quick assessment. Actually Daniel looked peaceful as he slept on. Eyes closed with even a slight smile gracing his lips as he snored lightly Jack could swear that Daniel was in nirvana. But then again after two days trapped on an alien planet Harlan's planet would probably feel like home.

Jack noticed Daniel's hands had been bandaged with moist light dressings, burn cream peeking through the edges on his fingers. Stitches had also been placed on a cut on his temple; probably one of the many perks of being launched out of the Gate. Oh, was this reminiscent for Jack right down to the cracked ribs and bum leg. Add some frostbite, internal bleeding, and hypothermia and they could have been twins. Thankfully Daniel fared a little better than he did even if his archeologist would be inclined to disagree. The strapped ribs were neatly hidden under his gown, as was the bruising to his torso making Daniel's only real outward injury besides cut on his head and the burns on his hands the knee. But Janet was right to say that Daniel was a mess. The final verdict: grade II concussion, too many torn ligaments to count torn in his knee, torn meniscus, bruised spleen, two cracked ribs, and conveniently burned hands courtesy of the sun. It would take a little time but Daniel would heal. No doubt back on his feet, well on crutches, in a matter of days if he got his way.

A groan brought Jack out of his thoughts as he watched Daniel shift in bed. He only made it so far until his knee moved prompting a stifled yelp and grimace. At least he was trying to wake up because Jack really needed to talk to him. Jack looked around the small area until his eyes fell on that uncomfortable plastic infirmary chair so conveniently left by Janet. Lowering himself painfully into the chair Jack sagged. According to Janet the archeologist had been resourceful if the remnants of morphine on his blood tests were any indication. He knew Carter was itching to speak with Daniel about his methods of returning because somewhere in the time between coming home and being taken to surgery Jack had heard Daniel mutter something about a broken DHD and a second Gate. So the moon he was marooned on proved to be yet another mystery to be unlocked by SG-1. But Jack didn't dwell on the problem as a new sight alerted him. Shifting restlessly in bed with his eyes fluttering under closed lids Daniel was slowly swimming to the surface of consciousness. So Sleeping Beauty had finally decided to awaken.

"Welcome back Rip Van Winkle," Jack quipped.

Daniel's eyes just slowly opened as he gazed up at him blearily, "Jack?"

"How ya feelin'?" Jack asked his tone immediately shifting to serious.

"I'm fine, well maybe not 'fine' but I'll get there," Daniel replied softly.

"How's the pain?" Jack added.

"Speaking from experience Jack?" Daniel countered vaguely remembering Jack's held back comments over the years about his in Desert Storm.

"Kinda," Jack admitted.

"It's better, morphine's good," Daniel slurred a little his eyes glassy as a testament to the morphine.

"Good, trust me when I say it hurts like a bitch," Jack said in return.

"Trust me I know," Daniel offered a sloppy smile.

The two of them descended into silence as Daniel's eyes began to slide closed. It wasn't so much the drugs pulling him under as the pure exhaustion from the two days of no sleep and constant determination. Fingering his IV in his arm Daniel's eyes slid back open as he gazed above him at the bags hanging on the pole. Antibiotics and fluids, lots and lots of fluids and a morphine PCA pump as an added bonus. He had lost that sunken in feeling although his mouth remained dry as the sands of Egypt. He would kill for a cup of ice water right about now, a commodity he was so rudely denied on that hell the Powers That Be called a moon. Sighing Daniel's gaze shifted lazily to Jack noting his friend's relaxed expression. It was as if a burden had been lifted from his friend's shoulders and in many ways Daniel assumed it had.

Jack couldn't help the relieved grin on his lips as he stared down at Daniel. Those drugged and glassy eyes seemed to make everything all right. It came as a bit of shock to Jack that he seemed to confess all his deepest and darkest secrets every time he was in this position. For some reason Daniel being in that bed always made him cathartic, admitting things about himself that he would otherwise keep to himself. But seeing that pain this injury caused Jack couldn't help that little bit of him slip passed his erected emotional walls. This wasn't like watching over his friend after a little mishap on a mission but watching over someone who now shared a common story. He wondered if Daniel placed blame on them for waiting so long as Jack had done with Frank Cromwell before. Blamed them for leaving him behind in the same manner Jack had been all those years ago. But these were entirely different circumstances. Daniel's similar injury was caused by a blip in the laws of physics very rarely explored. He watched for a moment as Daniel's eyes slid to other places in the small area before fixating on the sought out object sitting on the bedside table.

"Here," Jack said following Daniel's gaze.

Reading Daniel's mind Jack groaned as he got to his feet, reaching over the bed to the table. Carefully he picked up the hospital issued plastic water pitcher and poured a generous amount in the small plastic cup. Janet was good at anticipating every scenario, so good that Jack noticed as he shook the pitcher that it had been filled to the brim with ice. He placed the cup on the table before he shifted again. Leaning to the back of the bed Jack managed to lift the head up so Daniel was in a more upright position. Reaching back to the table he grabbed the cup, mindful of spilling, and placed it in Daniel's outstretched bandaged hand. Carefully Daniel took it, the cup fumbling in Daniel's bandaged hands, moving it precariously to one side as he tried to free up the IV tubing before shifting it to his other free hand. As the first sip went down Jack could almost describe Daniel's reaction as an uncomfortable love relationship as his eyes slipped closed and fluttered under his lids, a divine smile gracing his lips.

"It's not natural to have a love affair with water," Jack quipped.

"That was so good," Daniel slurred after a few more sips.

A few more hearty sips and Jack was charged with an empty cup, "Why thank you".

"Thanks Jack," Daniel commented as Jack once again reached over to deposit the cup.

Jack took his seat as Daniel leaned back into the pillows. He watched as Daniel breathed deeply through his nose, before wiggling it and scratching under the nasal cannula that remained for precaution. Placing his elbows on the bed Jack leaned forward as his own exhaustion began to show. Turning his head he shared a look with Daniel, one that spoke of trust and friendship. Usually closed off in the emotions department Jack couldn't help some of that relief and past fear bleed through. Not ten hours ago Daniel had been declared as dead and here he was, safe and sound…..home. He was a sight for sore eyes but a good one indeed. From now on Jack actually was considering tying a leash around his neck and attaching the other end to Teal'c, the only member of his team to have yet been left behind.

"So, how did you do it? Fix the DHD?" Jack broke the silence.

"Actually I thought 'what would Carter do' and MacGyvered something," Daniel answered after a moment with some more Carter-like terms.

Jack contemplated the answer before smiling, "You did good, I'm proud ya Danny".

"Thanks Jack," Daniel smiled back before leaning back even farther on the pillows with a sigh. "God I'm so tired".

"Get some sleep," Jack took the cue and stood up but not before leaning forward to ruffle Daniel's hair a little, "….Ya Spacemonkey".

Daniel smiled at the term, a term with a little more meaning than before, not even flinching against Jack's ministrations. His breathing taking on a slower rhythm Daniel slowly drifted off into sleep as his eyelids fluttered closed. Satisfied that Daniel was now asleep once more Jack took his leave, preferably before Janet found out that he had neglected her orders of mandatory rest. Turning around to send one final look at the sleeping archeologist Jack sighed before leaving the room.

George put the final touches on the last report that sat on his desk. After returning from the infirmary learning that Dr. Jackson was in recovery and well Hammond had been locked in his office burying himself in his work. A mountain of overdue reports greeted him from the past two days as well as a phone call he wouldn't forget any time soon. That little phone call on the red phone to the White House brought delight to the general right down to the moment of telling them in no plain terms to take Daniel off the dead list. He could almost picture Kinsey's reaction over the phone as the senator decided to dispute the matter even with solid evidence backing it. It was the president's final word that closed the deal as he switched the status from MIA: presumed dead to MIA: found. The president's decision and Hammond's making Kinsey's and Simmons's words fall on deaf ears. No matter how much they wanted it otherwise Dr. Jackson was very much alive and well.

Signing the last report, the one he feared he would never write, Hammond sat back with a sigh. Exhausted and bone weary George was happy he could finally get that much needed rest. The report, the same that told of the miraculous appearance of one Daniel Jackson, was now complete and ready to be distributed to Washington. He would let Walter do it because frankly George was exhausted. The past two days really did a number on him both physically and mentally. Slipping the end report in the official brown folder with the Top Secret seal George was finally done with his day. It only left one final task to complete. He already had his orders for SG-1 made final, a mandatory requirement for rest. On leave until further notice plus one week completely away from Colorado Springs was his final word.

Shifting in his chair George looked at the limited items on his desk including that finished report. Moving his eyes to the framed pictures that sat in the corner he looked into the eyes of his granddaughters before glancing at another. It was of the four people that had nearly become a fractured team….a fractured family two days ago. Now whole once more Hammond's job was complete. He had to admit they had really become family over the years, Daniel much like kin to him not unlike his own flesh and blood daughters. Thankfully the thought of burying yet another empty casket was history. That's when he remembered, the one item in the bottom drawer of his desk that had held so much meaning these past two days.

Leaning down George opened the drawer that contained all his long-kept secrets from the SGC. All those items held so deeply in his heart were kept from plain view. Reaching passed that jar of candy kept hidden from Janet since his last physical George sought out the item held on the bottom. There it was, down on the very bottom covered up by letters written over the years for fallen soldiers, a single leather case. Lifting the case from the drawer George closed it behind him before laying the case on the desk. It was time to complete his final task of the day. The task of bestowing something that the boy deserved long ago and would have received if not for his civilian status.

Daniel had slept for almost an hour before waking up to the call of the water pitcher on the bedside table. Three more glasses down he now waited for a refill. A little more coherent than before Daniel knew it was coming up to time for another dose of morphine. Thankfully with the pump he didn't have to call because if he did Daniel knew the nurses had orders to drug him to the gills, something he detested even with the trauma he suffered. Now he just sat in bed watching and listening to the commotion in the infirmary. Maybe next time Sam came by, Jack out of the question because of his usual response, he would ask for a book to read because the boredom was killing him. He risked a glance at his knee, or the impossibly swollen limb that was posing as his knee. He was going to be down for a while if Jack's past history with his knee was anything to go by.

He continued to listen to the footsteps beyond the curtain as one particular set seemed to get closer. Jack had probably gone off to sleep and had now returned. Hopefully Janet didn't catch him because if she did his ass was fried. Sam had already been on the receiving end of one of Janet's lectures about needing sleep. Daniel smiled at the thought of one of his team receiving one of the lectures he had so many times in the past. Relaxing back on the pillows Daniel waited for his next visitor if in fact that was who it was. He watched as the curtain was carefully pulled back just enough to allow entry of the one person he wasn't expecting stepped into his little room.

"General Hammond," Daniel greeted with a look of bemusement.

"Dr. Jackson, how are you?" the General returned with one of his rare large and inviting smiles.

"I'm better, glad to be home," Daniel admitted.

General Hammond said no more as he slowly made his way to Daniel's bed. It was then Daniel noticed it, a little limp as Hammond favored his left leg much like Jack did when his knee acted up. It was a definite remnant of an old injury long healed. Why hadn't he noticed it before unless he did but just chose to ignore it. Daniel watched as Hammond limped to the chair Jack recently vacated and took his seat slowly. The wince on the general's face didn't go unnoticed nor did the hand that went directly to his left thigh. So old injury it was making Daniel wonder if it was a direct result of his tour in Vietnam. The other thing he noticed after Hammond took his seat, a small black case in his hands that almost resembled a jewelry box.

"I'm proud of you son. You survived something most men don't and did so all alone with limited resources under uncertain circumstances on an uninhabited planet," Hammond began.

"Didn't really have a choice," Daniel shrugged.

"You could have given up," there was just a hint of sadness in Hammond's voice almost as if he regretted the words he said.

"No I couldn't….Jack would've had killed me," Daniel responded with a smile.

"That he would and so would I, where the hell would I find someone to replace you," Hammond joked.

Daniel had to laugh at that, a real laugh despite his ribs. Hammond had joined in adding his own hearty chuckle. For a moment they just chuckled softly as each sat looking at each other. A silence soon enveloped them so familiar to that that was shared between him and Jack before. Daniel looked directly in the general's eyes seeing that same relief that had shone in Jack's and the rest of his team. Like Jack it appeared as if a weight had been lifted from Hammond's shoulders, one that was possibly heavier than Jack's. For he was the one who held the final decision concerning Daniel's fate when he was trapped on the moon. Just looking at him Daniel assumed that the General had made decisions he came to regret, orders he never wanted to give.

"For that I wish to bestow something that no civilian receives but in light of recent events I think I can make an exception," Hammond stood up from the chair as he opened the black leather case.

"General?" Daniel questioned.

"Dr. Daniel Jackson I hereby award you with an honorary Purple Heart in light of your injuries received in combat and bravery you have shown protecting this country and this world in fact. I also wish to commend you on your dedicated service to the USAF and SG-1," Hammond recited as he would any other soldier under his command like the many times he had done in the past.

Hammond leaned down after setting the black case on the chair behind him. Carefully he pinned the medal to Daniel's gown on the left directly over his heart. Daniel really couldn't help the tiny tears that prickled his eyes as Hammond gently fastened the pin. He had gone from trying to earn the General's respect after his first less than successful meeting with Hammond to now coming to have great respect for the man. In fact since joining the SGC Daniel had gained something he had long been denied, a father. Because that was what Hammond had become to him over these past few years, a man he had come to consider a father figure in every sense of the word. These people were his family and in light of his recent absence Daniel had truly seen it.

"I-I don't know what to say," Daniel fumbled with the words.

"There's nothing to say son. In fact that is the very Purple Heart I received during Vietnam," Hammond countered as he stood back after pinning the medal.

"Thank you," Daniel smiled.

"You earned it son. Now you need to get some rest, I expect you back on your feet in no time," Hammond ordered lightly.

"Yes sir," Daniel complied.

Hammond went to leave when a new set of voices and footsteps interrupted his departure. The curtain was drawn back revealing Jack, Sam, and Teal'c stepping not so quietly up to Daniel's bed. Hammond stepped back allowing the three members of SG-1 to take his place but not before sharing a knowing look with Daniel. Daniel smiled back before shifting his gaze on his three teammates. Sam immediately took her place on the bed with Jack once again taking his usual seat in the infirmaries torture chair. Teal'c just stood on the opposite side of the bed taking up guard duty in a modified parade rest. That left Hammond at the foot of the bed commanding as ever. Everyone in the room noticed Daniel's new adornment on his gown but chose to keep their mouths closed, it was between Daniel and Hammond.

"As of right now SG-1 is officially on leave until further notice, at least until Dr. Jackson is back on his feet again," that got all four members of SG-1's attention.

"Thank you sir," Carter nodded slowly.

"Nice," Jack replied enthusiastically.

Hammond wasn't finished, "SG-1 I'm also ordering you off the base completely for a week. Get out of Colorado if you have to".

"How does a week long stay in the cabin sound?" Jack addressed his team, that little glint in Hammond's eye in his direction not lost on the colonel.

"Actually, you know, pretty good," Daniel picked at the blanket and Jack was almost worried his answer would be the same as before with his appendix.

"I had plans to venture to Chulak but surely Master Bra'tac and Rya'c will not suffer in my absence," Teal'c added with no hesitation.

Smiling Carter remarked at Jack's prompting, "You know what, I think those simulations can wait".

"We're all in agreement," if he were standing Jack would have been nearly bouncing.

"Good, I don't plan on seein' ya'll for a week," Hammond shot each of them a pointed stare but knew it was useless. This was an order that not even SG-1 would disobey.


After Hammond's order was passed they once again fell into silence. Sam leaned forward from her perch on Daniel's bed to brush hair out of his eyes. His spare pair of glasses was in her pocket, brought up from his office. Teal'c just looked down at him with a slight smile and bowed his head with respect. Jack only did what Jack did best, sit and stare at Daniel creating an almost staring contest between the two. Hammond had remained still in his position at the foot of the bed. It wasn't until Janet entered that they were shaken from their thoughts.

"It's getting late and Daniel needs his rest," Janet said sternly.

"She's right," Hammond agreed with a nod of his head.

"How are you feeling Daniel?" Janet asked him.

"I'm okay," Daniel's answer was truthful.

"That's good, remember to use the pump," Janet stepped in front of Teal'c as the Jaffa moved to mirror Sam's movements as she brushed hair from Daniel's eyes running a hand down his face.

"I will, thanks Janet," Daniel smiled in return.

"I know," Janet sighed it was too close this time.

It was time to say their goodbyes because Janet had a good point. Daniel still looked exhausted complete with those dark bruises under his eyes. Not that his team looked much better, well except for maybe Teal'c but even he would require kel'no'reem. Janet stepped back as Teal'c stepped forward once more to the spot he was standing previously. As she stepped away from the bed to return to the infirmary Janet couldn't help but think of all those nicknames given to Daniel over the years by base personnel. After today she was slowly being assured that all of them were true. Daniel Jackson truly had a knack of coming back even after being declared dead. With a promise to return Janet took her leave back to her duties to her other patients in the infirmary.

"You have faced odds that many on Chulak have not been able to surpass. You are a brave warrior Daniel Jackson and for that I am honored to call you my friend," Teal'c intoned after Janet left.

"You did good Daniel. I still want to know when I somehow taught you how to fix a DHD or theoretical astrophysics but I'll make an astrophysicist out of you yet," Sam added, she still wanted to know more about where he was but saved it for another day.

"I think I'll stick with archeology Sam," Daniel countered jokingly.

Hammond smiled at the banter before saying, "You get better son and remember what I told you".

"I will," Daniel nodded sharing a look with the General.

"We'll drop by later okay," Sam slid off the bed.

One by one they exited the room. Sam placed the spare glasses on the bedside table on her way out and shared a smile with Daniel when he saw them. Teal'c placed a gentle hand on Daniel's shoulder and added his own respectful nod before following Hammond out. After everyone had left it left Jack alone once more with Daniel as he made no move to vacate the chair. He noticed Daniel had fallen back on the pillows utterly spent from the day. But he also noticed that little gold medal with the purple ribbon now pinned over Daniel's heart.

"A Purple Heart?" Jack began.

"Yeah, General Hammond gave it to me," Daniel responded confusion still written on his face.

"Think that's the one he received in Nam. Something about a plane crash," Jack explained.

"Makes sense," Daniel mused out loud.

"Still gotta ask Jacob about that," Jack also found himself think aloud remembering what little information Hammond had given to him in passing of his tour in Vietnam, a tour that didn't end too well if his information was correct.

"Didn't really expect it but it's nice," Daniel fingered the medal.

"Looks good on you," Jack remarked.

"At least we have some down time though," Daniel changed the subject.

"So the cabin?" Jack shot Daniel a look.

"Yes Jack the cabin," Daniel groaned with a smile.

"A week of fishing and eating what more can a man ask for?" Jack threw his hands up elaborately.

"Sleep….By the way what happened to you?" Daniel commented.

Jack looked down at the poorly concealed bandages covering his neck and arm before answering, "Got attacked by a big cat, what happened to you?"

"Was thrown from a Stargate. I win," Daniel cocked his head as he countered.

"Ha! You gonna be okay?" Jack's voice dropped as he asked sincerely.

"Yeah, Janet said I need more surgery on my knee but I'll be back on my feet in no time," Daniel answered.

"Take your time Daniel, SG-1's not going anywhere without you besides I think I may join you in the knee surgery department," Jack explained.

"Oh you finally listened to Janet for a change," Daniel said sarcastically well aware of Janet's pleads for Jack to have his knee properly fixed before embarking on anymore life-or-death races with the Goa'uld.

"Daniel," Jack scolded.

"Jack," Daniel countered without missing a beat.

Jack thought for a moment before standing up to stretch well aware of the joints of his body popping in sync. God, he was definitely getting too old for this and what little color he had left in his hair was rapidly turned grey these past two days by the man laying in the bed. What was it about Daniel that turned his hair grey, oh right the knack for getting himself hurt, missing, or killed. He really needed to stop doing this to preserve Jack's sanity. Looking at the tired archeologist in the bed Jack came to a decision, one that would eventually work in the end for both of them. It would keep him out of trouble with Janet and give Daniel his much-needed rest.

"Well you get some rest, I expect you to be awake to go fishing," Jack commented as he kicked the plastic chair back into the corner with a grunt.

"As long as I can just sit there with all the coffee and water I can drink, oh and food, then fishing sounds great," Daniel answered with a sigh.

"Yeah, sure ya betcha," Jack returned with enthusiasm.

"Thanks Jack," Daniel smiled.

"You're welcome," Jack said for the umpteenth time before raising an eyebrow. "Headed to the commissary want me to sneak you anything? Pie? Jell-O?"

"Um….Pie, blue Jell-O, coffee, chocolate, and French fries," Daniel thought he covered all the basic food groups….well at least for him.

"That all? Demanding for an archeologist," Jack mocked.

"Well you would be too after being trapped with no food or water for two days," Daniel never missed a beat.

"Okay, okay you win. Free room service comin' up," Jack held his arms up in surrender.

"Shut up Jack," Daniel narrowed his eyes.

Jack took a long breath before speaking again, "Get some sleep Danny."

"Trying, but can't with all the talking," Daniel rolled his eyes.

"Daniel," Jack groaned before adding, "Bye."

"Bye Jack," Daniel offered a weak wave.

"See ya tonight," Jack called over his shoulder as he began walking from the room.

"Don't forget the food!" Daniel shouted after him.

"Daniel!" Jack shot back.

"Jack," Daniel returned softly.

"Spacemonkey," Jack always had to have the final word.

There it was, Daniel back in his usual place in the infirmary with Jack mocking him. It never felt so right. Daniel sank back into the pillows with a sigh as he watched Jack exit the room with a noticeable limp. The mandatory vacation Hammond ordered would do Jack just as much good as it would him. In fact all of SG-1 was in dire need of a well-deserved break after the missions they had gone on and thankfully Hammond had noticed that. With Jack gone Daniel was left in silence with only the light sounds of the monitors keeping him company. He thought for a moment before making his final decision. Pushing the bed control Daniel lowered the head of the bed just enough so he wasn't entirely sitting up. Reaching over carefully mindful of his ribs he switched off the bedside lamp before grabbing the button for the morphine pump that had fallen on the bed. Depressing the button Daniel listened for a moment for the sound of the medication being delivered before dropping it back down on the sheets. For the first time in two days Daniel drifted off into dreamland painless, with a smile. He had completed his mission through his determination, he had made it back to his family. He was home.

The End

Thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it.

AN: A sequel may follow that details Daniel's recovery and that week at the cabin with a Jack and Daniel friendship focus. Other stories that will hopefully be posted as soon as I'm able include Leave No Man Behind (main focus on Daniel and Sam with Jacob supporting) and Never Let Go (general team). Fire in the Belly is also in progress (obligatory story of when Daniel's appendix fought back)

Sorry for such a long final chapter but there were a lot of things that needed to be tied up and once again thank you for reading.

Disclaimer: Stargate is the property of its producers and creators, I don't own anything.