Chapter 8

Ok, so my life sucks. I get it.

No. Wait.

Actually, I don't.

How does a ski trip to Switzerland turn out to be a trip to Middle Earth? Really? Come on! As if the trip here the first time had been anything but sunshine and daisies. Well, it's granted though that the second time here is not a total disaster. This time round I only have two men who tries to kill me – err a man and a dwarf – unlike the last time with that army of awful creatures.

On the plus side, I finally get to meet Legolas. If it hadn't been for him, my body would have been sent home in pieces. So I guess I do owe Legolas an eternal life of gratitude. It has been a good thing that he recognised me when he did. Although I don't know what surprises me more – him not being Dobby the three foot house elf or him being this insanely surreal and unearthly being.

And did I mention that I have to follow them on their perilous journey? Or at least until we reach the nearest civilisation where they can deposit me. That or when the journal finally decides to bring me back home, whichever comes first. And judging the way the journal seems to be throwing a tantrum, I reckon I'll have better luck with the former.

I don't think the companions of Legolas like me very much. But mostly I think it's only the two who tried to kill me just now. It doesn't bother me very much since I do not like them either. The man by the name of Boromir looks at me as though I am going to murder him in his sleep – albeit that doesn't seem like such a bad idea. The dwarf is haughty and rude and he just about grumbles every step of the way to Mount Doom. The rest of the fellowship, however, seems to be pleasant enough.

Dumbledore – I mean Gandalf – is a slave driver. For an old man, he sure is very fit. He keeps us walking for nearly the entire time I've been in Middle Earth. The first two hours of walking has been alright. I've been walking alongside Legolas while he shares more about Middle Earth with me. By the fourth or fifth hour, I have been trailing towards the back of the fellowship. I have my eyes set on the only pony. It probably has enough on its back carrying most of the supplies, but surely a little more load won't kill it? I mean, I don't think I'm that heavy.

"This is old Bill," one of the midgets pipes. Oh, it's the chubby one, the one named Sam. He's a hobbit or a Halfling, or so Legolas tells me. "He's a very loyal pony; he's been with us since Bree," Sam says as he strokes the animal's mane affectionately. "I worry for him. He's very old."

Ah huh. Is chubby here trying to hint something? Does that mean I can't ride on the pony anymore?

Chubby here gives me an all knowing rueful smile. As if, he knows what I'm thinking of! Dang it!

We continue travelling on foot until nightfall, stopping occasionally for a quick rest. When I am not struggling to catch up with the mismatched group, I am trying to coach the journal into taking me home.

Eventually, after what feels like an eternity of walking, they start pitching camp at a small clearing in the forest. As the others work in what has obviously become a routine, I settle myself on top of a boulder, massaging – pounding really – my aching calf muscles.

Sam starts cooking the rabbit Aragorn caught earlier and I look away. Eww eww gross gross gross gross gross! That's totally gross! And poor Thumper! I ain't eating Bambi's friend for dinner tonight.

Or so I say until Sam comes over with a bowl of freshly cooked rabbit stew. Between my growling stomach and piping hot food, Thumper doesn't stand a chance.

Finally full with a stomach filled with Thumper meat in my belly – trust me, I'm feeling the guilt – I open the journal and start flipping through the pages randomly. I probably look utterly insane glaring at an inanimate object and trying to will it to work. My one sided staring contest continues until most of the fellowship starts to unroll their sleeping bags.

Great. I think in dismay. I have not had the time exactly to pack a list of camping supplies before I was whisked away into middle-hell. I open my small backpack and dig through. Maybe if I wish hard enough, I can pull a sleeping bag out of the bag.

No such luck. Or magic that is.

But there is an insanely good looking and charming elf. Legolas glides over to me and passes me a bundle. "It's a bed roll," he explains.

And the moon light shines down upon Legolas as I hear the choir of angels singing the halleluiah chorus. "HALLELUIAH! HALLELUIAH!"

And then of course the music stops and I remember my manners. Drats.

"But what about you?"

"I'm taking first watch. I do not need it."

Phew. Yes. Yippee.

"Ok! Thanks!" I hardly hesitate as I try to conceal my glee. No sleeping on dirty old ground tonight.

Actually, there is no sleeping tonight at all. The infernal dwarf snores like a swine while everyone else surrounding him have come together to a play an orchestra of snores.

"Snooooort… Snort, snort! Snort, snort! Snooooort… Snort, snort!"

I flip over to the side as I try to block the sound out with my arms.

"Snort, snort!"

It's real a wonder how the bad guys haven't found us yet. I mean, how can their infernal snoring not lead the enemies straight to us?!

I continue twisting and turning on the bed roll, attracting the attention of no one but my good friend the elf.

"Is everything well, Isabelle?" Legolas is suddenly beside me.

Talking about twinkle toes? I do not even hear him approach! How does he move so quietly and in the dark?

"Yeah, I'm fine," I tell him. He nods – or at least I think I see him nodding, you can't really see with so little light – before resuming his earlier post.

I start counting sheep. I reach the three hundred and the forty-seventh sheep before I give up.

Jumping out of the sleeping bag, I make my way to where Legolas is keeping watch.

"Would you care for some company?" I ask him. "I can't really sleep," I shrug.

He swiftly moves aside and pats the spot next to him.

As I sit down next to a root of a tree, a cloak suddenly drapes across my shoulders. I look up and see Legolas fastening the cloak securely on me.

"Thanks," I whisper.

"It's a cold night," he replies.

We continue to sit down quietly, no one volunteering to break the silence. The snoring of the others soon fades into the background as I try to help with guard duty. I try to hear for anything that does not sound remotely like a snore as I also try to look around for anything suspicious.

"The journal works in strange ways," Legolas suddenly speaks. He takes out the journal – his journal – and gives it to me. I take both or our copies and try to compare it.

While his journal looks weary from his travels, my journal looks weary from age.

"But I would not have met you otherwise," he continues as his fingers reaches out and trails along the edges of my copy. "Do you think you can get back home? Both journals were in our respective worlds when we corresponded then. But now both journals are here."

"Actually… I don't think this is the first time I've been here." I hurry to correct myself, "I mean, this is not the first time that this happened."

He looks at me confused and I hurry to explain.

"I've been here before, to Middle Earth. I thought I was dreaming then. But I'm quite sure now that I wasn't. Do you remember the second time I took a longer time to respond?"

"Yes, but I did not think much of it then. What happened?"

"Well, somehow the journal took me for a little field trip. I landed in some monster infested forest. The journal brought me back home almost as soon as it brought me there. But I got scared and well, I kinda refused to touch the journal afterwards for a few days. It was only when I had convinced myself that I was dreaming that I resumed writing to you."

"Monster infested forest? Can you describe to me the monsters? Or perhaps did you notice anything special about the forest?"

"Well, I didn't exactly have the time to view the scenery then. But as for the monsters, well there were ugly and filthy. They resembled severely disfigured men and it was as though they had bathed in tar. They were just really repulsive anyhow." I almost shiver. Just bringing back memories of that time has given me goose pimples.

"Yrch," he almost spits out.


"Orcs. Those creatures that you speak of, they are most likely to be Orcs." His look of disgust suddenly morphs into one who's looking utterly disturbed. "They could have killed you!" he exclaims in horror.

No kidding Sherlock, they were charging after me with clubs and axes. I almost roll my eyes and say that bit out loud. I know Legolas probably will not appreciate my humour.

So I say instead, "Yeah, I kinda had it figured out almost immediately that they were out to kill me. But the journal brought me back home almost as fast as it brought me there in the first place."

"Do not misunderstand me Isabelle. I am most glad to meet you, but I fear for your safety. Middle Earth is no longer safe as it once was. You have come at a wrong time"

"I know. If I could, I would have chosen a better time," I sigh. At least Miss Muggles is probably at a better place… My mind suddenly wonders randomly to my little Chihuahua.

Speaking of which… I wonder what she is up to.

"Miss Muggles!" I suddenly exclaim. If Legolas is here, but Miss Muggles is not, then who is taking care of her?!

"Miss Muggles is safe at my home in Mirkwood," Legolas assures me. "Do not worry. My kin is taking care of her. I could not bring her with me on our journey."

"Oh," I suddenly feel dumb. "Right. Good call."

I imagine Miss Muggles living the high life: getting pampered by elves, sleeping in a nice comfy bed, having a bubble bath… How I wish we can switch places.

My fantasy of course gets interrupted by Legolas. Nothing good lasts out here.

"I know you have difficulty finding sleep. But you have to rest or you will not have the energy for tomorrow." Legolas moves quietly and quickly in the dark. He takes my sleeping bag and lays it as far away as possible from the snoring men.

I trudge reluctantly after him. I don't want to continue walking tomorrow. I don't want to be on this bloody journey.

As I crawl my way into the sleeping bag, Legolas sits beside me and pulls the cover over me.

"Close your eyes and think of your favourite place," he instructs me.

I do as he say as I imagine myself in my bedroom, lying with my limbs spread out like a starfish. I start hearing a pleasant hum as it lulls me to sleep.

I dream that night. It is a pleasant dream. I dream of home, of returning back, of waking up on my own bed. It is a good dream. And I smile as I float away in dreamland.

"Sleep well, Isabelle," I hear a faint voice.


Of course, I have not expected to be stuck here for so long. But what do I know?

Nothing. Obviously, I know nothing. It's day two and I'm as miserable as ever. I almost have just about enough. When I do go home – in the back of my mind I'm thinking if I ever – incinerating the bloody journal into ashes will be the first thing I'll do. Goodbye Legolas. I have nothing against you but as much as it has been fun knowing you, it's just not worth the trouble.

As much as I hate being here, I have to admit, the scenery here in Middle Earth is breath taking. I nearly forget how tired and out of breath I am when we climb up the hills with snow-capped mountains in the backdrop.

"We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds, the gap of Rohan will be…" I do not hear the rest of what Dumbledore says. My mind is only zooming in onto two words as they echo repeatedly in my head.

Forty days… Forty days… FORTY DAYS!

"What?!" I say my horror out loud.

The fellowship turns back, each one giving me a different look. Alarm, concern, bewilderment… You get it?

"Is there a problem young Isabelle?" it is the wizard who asks me.

"No!" I immediately reply. "Not at all Dumbledore – er I mean Gandalf sir."

As the rest of the fellowship resumes their pace forward, the old wizard continues to look at me with a raised eyebrow and twinkling eyes.

"I was just thinking out loud," I explain further, trying to mask my horror from hearing that we have to walk for another forty days.

I try to calm my poor heart by telling myself that I have heard wrongly. It's fourteen days and not forty. And of course in between that and any day now we will reach a civilisation where they can just deposit me.

Yup. I just have to keep telling myself that. Fourteen days is already unthinkable. But FORTY? Nah ah.

We stop for lunch and I seclude myself in some corner while the others go about their own business. Chubby is cooking for us as usual while the paranoid one is teaching two of the little munchkins how to use a sword.

I do not bother myself with the others as I huddle myself on one of the large boulders. In between bites of sausages, I fiddle with journal.

Stupid blasted journal.

I can almost imagine my parents' horror and panic. Their only child has been missing for days. They probably think me buried somewhere in the snow after a skiing accident. I am so lost in my thoughts that I do not notice it when everyone suddenly halts. One moment I am sulking in a corner and in the next, everyone around me starts scrambling.

Orderings are being barked to hide and I find myself being pulled away by Legolas. He brings me to hide under some shrubs and I find myself searching his face for answers. His attention, however, is not to me as he looks worriedly to the sky. Whatever is out there is probably the reason why we're in hiding.

As I shift around to try to make myself comfortable in the cramp enclosure, I notice a colony of ants trailing just a few inches away from me.

Just keep to your line… Keep to your line… I chant as I watch a stray ant crawling nearer towards me. I hate ants. And bugs. And creepy crawlies.

As the ant closes in on me, I shift myself a little outwards. Before I know it, I am pulled down and I find myself leaning against a lean chest.

I let out a small squeak and a hand quickly covers my mouth. I look up in surprise to find Legolas who is suddenly in close very close proximity to me, his face less than an inch away from mine. "Shh," he whispers.

I nod my head and he finally uncovers my mouth. His hold on me though has not loosened one bit and I'm still pinned against him.

It's almost embarrassing really. I swear he can hear my heart pumping rapidly. Not to mention that my face is probably red.

Suddenly, I feel him stiffen against me. It is then when I hear what sounds like crows flying above us. It is as though everyone else is holding their breaths as we wait for the black birds to pass through.

As soon as the birds have disappeared from our view, everyone comes out from hiding. I almost wobble out. My legs are feeling a little cramped from staying in the awkward position for so long.

"Spies of Saruman.." I do not hear the rest of what Dumbledore says. There is a sudden burst of light erupting from the journal.

"Isabelle!" I hear Legolas call me.

In a blink of an eye, the mountainous scenery vanishes and I find myself back in the resort cabin.

I'm back.