A/N: Hi guys. This is a story solely about Dalton boys. Each chapter is a different POV from a different boy. I hope you like this chapter and you'll keep reading this story! :)
Also- I have researched a bunch of cities... and if anyone wants to suggest any cities and things to do in those cities, let me know. :) I have them visiting 19 states I believe. I am always open to suggestions though.
"So David had a thought."
"Did it hurt his head when he thought?" I asked and Blaine laughed.
"He'll love that you said that. But seriously, it was a good idea. He wants us all to go on a road trip this summer since he and Wes are graduating and all of that."
"Oh." My good mood was immediately gone when Blaine mentioned the road trip. All I could think about was the expense that it would be.
"So we are definitely going to hit up Nashville, San Francisco, L.A., New York, Disney World and Minneapolis. From there for now it's just kind of whatever we feel like. I can probably count on Wes and David actually mapping it out though, they won't allow random spur are of the moment plans. We are going to fly into L.A. and rent a van and stay in motels and everything. The 8 of us. Obviously, you are still an honorary warbler and Jeff never ceases to tell me how much he misses you so you are still- Kurt?"
I sighed when my boyfriend realized that I hadn't said anything amidst his blabbering.
"Kurt? What's wrong? You haven't said anything in the past 15 minutes that I have been talking about this trip." Blaine's voice was worried. "Is something wrong with the trip?"
"I can't possibly go Blaine." I sighed.
"What, why not Kurt?" Blaine's voice came through the cellphone.
"I can't afford that Blaine. Not after my dad and Carole already spent their honeymoon money to send me to Dalton. I absolutely cannot ask for more money." I was close to tears and I knew I had to get off the call. "Hey Blaine, it's getting late. I have homework."
"Kurt, it's only 8. Are you okay?" Blaine asked worriedly.
"Yes I'm fine. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you." I hung up the phone hurriedly before Blaine could hear the tears that were now making their way down my face. I threw the phone on the floor before I threw my face into the pillows that were placed on my bed.
My boyfriend gets to spend most of his summer on a roadtrip that I cannot go on. He gets to go to New York City and I don't. I won't get to see him for so long.
I could hear my phone buzzing with a call and then a few seconds later, the voicemail buzz. Another missed call and two text messages later, and the phone went silent. It was a few moments of silence and then I heard footsteps, signaling that someone was coming into the room, and then Finn's voice.
"What's wrong Kurt? Blaine just called me saying you were upset about something and you won't pick up your phone or answer his text messages."
"moeoegpgh." I mumbled, keeping my face hidden in the pillows. I felt the side of the bed sink as Finn sat down.
"Dude seriously, what's wrong?"
I forced myself to sit up and I looked at Finn. "Blaine invited me to go on a road trip with him and 6 other Warblers." I managed to choke out.
"And that's a bad thing?" Finn asked, confusion all over his face.
"For 3 months. The whole summer. Staying in places like motels and eating out and visiting museums There is no possible way that I can ask my dad for that amount of money. I'm upset because it means that I won't see Blaine for 3 months." I managed to get out.
"Oh, I'm sorry dude. Also sorry that I can't help you out with this one." Finn stood up and went to leave the room. He halted and picked up my phone which he tossed back onto the bed "Call or text Blaine back. He's worried that he did or said something, and I don't want him calling me anymore."
After Finn left I stared at the phone for a few moments before throwing it aside. I put my head back into the pillows and fell asleep surprisingly quickly.
"Dude!" Finn burst into my room still half-asleep.
"What Finn? I am in the middle of moisturizing." I said sticking my head out of the bathroom.
"You didn't get back to Blaine last night? I have 3 missed calls and 4 text messages from him." Finn said.
"No Finn. I fell asleep. I'm going to after I get ready for school. You should go get ready." I said looking back in the mirror, wanting to continue moisturizing. I could hear Finn grumbling as he left my room. After I was done moisturizing, I went to pick up my phone which had fallen on the floor and looked at the screen. 5 missed calls and 20 text messages. I sat on my bed and opened them up.
8:05- Kurt…-Blaine
8:06- Call me back…-Blaine
8:30- Please…-Blaine
9:00- You don't want to go with us?-Wes
9:00- Kurty!-David
9:01- I miss you! Come with us!-Jeff
9:02- Since I know the others all undoubtedly texted you, I agree with them.-Nick
9:11- Come with us!-Thd
9:12- We WANT you to come.-Chad
9:15-I miss you!-Jeff
9:17- Did I mention that I miss you?- Jeff
9:20- We WANT you to come with us.-Wes
9:25- Kurt…-Blaine
9:30- It won't be as much fun without you!- David
9:31- We all miss our honorary Warbler!- Chad
9:33- If the others are texting you, ignore them- Blaine
9:36- I miss you! Please come.-Jeff
9:40- Come!-Thad
10:00- call me tomorrow?- Blaine
I sighed as I erased all of them from my inbox and put my iPhone in my messenger bag, heading down into the kitchen.
"Good morning Kurt." Carole said turning around from the stove. "What's wrong? You don't seem like your usual perky self."
"I'm fine." I said attempting a smile as I sat down, letting my messenger bag thump to the floor.
"He wants to go on a warbley trip." Finn said coming into the room and heading directly for the pancakes that Carole was making, grabbing one and shoving it in his mouth.
"You're disgusting." I remarked.
"I'm hungry." Finn said with his mouth full.
"Why can't you go?" Carole asked. "Is it because you don't go there anymore?"
"Money." I muttered.
"Mon-" Carole started but I was saved from the conversation continuing by my dad entering the room and informing Finn and I that we needed to get to school. Finn, who was on his fourth pancake, groaned but he got up from the table. I jumped away from the kitchen counter, telling myself that I would call Blaine after school.
"I'm driving today." Finn called.
"Fine." I responded.
"Can you say that again?" I said to Blaine as we were sitting in the front seats of his car. Blaine had surprised me by showing up at McKinley after the school day was done and insisting that I let him talk to me.
"I uh- skipped school. David and Wes covered for me. Told the teachers I was too sick to go to class. I've done it a lot of times for they owed me big time. " Blaine grinned before continuing. "I spoke to your dad and the Warblers going on the trip. Not going into specifics but you are going on the trip. We shortened it a bit but you are going. Everything is covered and you just need spending money which your dad said would be your next 5 years' Christmas gifts. I'm not entirely sure whether he was joking about that fact or not to be honest-oh." Blaine stopped talking as I leaned over the seats to kiss him.
"You are the most wonderful boyfriend." I said, breaking away but keeping my lips still very close to Blaine's.
"You are adorable." Blaine said moving into my lips and groaning as I suddenly jerked away from them.
"Not to ruin the moment or anything, but I don't really think we want to do this in a parking lot at my very non-tolerant school." I said smiling while sliding back into the passenger seat. "It's lucky Finn insisited on driving to school today, so now you get to drive me back home."
"That may or may not have been planned this morning." Blaine smiled sheepishly. "Finn is a good guy. Why couldn't you tell me how upset you were about not being able to go?"
"I was embarrassed about making a huge deal out of it." I muttered. "Which it then actually became."
"Well, don't be." Blaine said as he put the keys into the ignition and started his car. "In 2 weeks, you, I and 6 other crazy Warblers will embarking on a 2 and a bit months long road trip." Blaine grinned so widely that I found myself smiling and then I frowned upon remembering something else.
"What?" Blaine asked, seeing my expression change.
"I'll miss Mercedes and Finn and New Directions…" I trailed off.
"That was the one reason that I was hesitant to ask you about if you wanted to be gone for so long. Jeff was obnoxious about making me ask you though." Blaine said.
"Speaking of Jeff, what was with all of the Warbler texts I received last night? Did you tell them I said no?" I asked.
"Well, Wes and David knew that I was mentioning it to you, and they came into my room a little after you hung up and I was moping. I had the guitar out and I guess they told all of the others." Blaine said looking at me.
"EYES ON THE ROAD BLAINE!" I said sharply. "Yep, the guitar generally means that you are moping about something. I have been informed of that from all of the Warblers many a time." I laughed as I saw Blaine blush. "Well, I am excited. Kurt Hummel is actually excited for a road trip."
There was a moment of silence before Blaine spoke up. "No hair product for you."
My shriek was so loud I actually made Blaine nearly drive off the road and hit a tree.