Standard Disclaimer- These characters belong to © The Walt Disney Company, and whoever else has stake in Kim Possible. Kim Possible was created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved. This story is a work of fiction and for fun, so copyright infringement is unintended.

Story Specific Disclaimer – Some liberties have been taken with the general character builds. Kim and Ron are 18 and Shego is 21, eventually I'll post more of the changes that I've made on my profile. Some parts will be non-canon but hat is only because I felt that there needed to be some explanation for Kim being as incredible as she is.

Rating- M for possible violence, some harsh language, and intimations of a physical relationship between two consenting adults (eventually). So if any of the above offends you, I apologize, but please don't read past the disclaimer.

Violence – I figured I should toss this in there just in case, you never know when Kim might suddenly get into a fight with a super villain or something; she's only a cheerleader right? Of course there's violence. It's not like I'm putting out a story about Kim and company sitting around knitting (and even then a villain would probably bust through the ceiling) Kim is teen hero so fights are very likely, how detailed hey are really depends on how well I can write them.

Subtext– So this is an alternative fan fiction so it's pretty safe to say that Kim and Shego more than likely have feeling for each other that aren't strictly related to their "work" relationship. I mean just take a look at episodes like "Stop Team Go" and the subtext isn't even subtext any more it's main text.

So - having read this lovely disclaimer, if you then read the story and are surprised that Kim and Shego are kissing each other, I warned ya. If you're offended by it, I apologize but maybe you shouldn't have read past the disclaimer.

Any and all comments are always welcome.

Chapter One - A Heroes Worth


The shout rang through the warehouse, above the sounds of weakening mechanics and the ever present self-destruct alert that always accompanied Drakken's schemes failing. Kim's concentration slipped as she scoped the room for Ron eye's widening as she watched him jump to avoid a piece of falling machinery. Sparks flew around his feet and he shuffled away in a dance that would have been funny in any other situation.

"Eye's on the prize Princess," Shego's voice was dangerously close to her and she had no time to react as a black booted leg landed a kick to her stomach knocking her into the wall. Shego's smirk faltered as the kick connected and she was barely able to clamp down on the instinct to see if Kim was all right. She watched as the teen hero's eyes widened in a mixture of disbelief and shock and then shut in a grimace as she hit the wall and-

Shego blinked, hands moving to rub her eye's as Kim's figure distorted itself, seeming to flicker between two different Kim's for several seconds as the teen slumped against the wall. Then the flicker was gone and Kim was standing in front of her again looking the same as always. She blinked again as an uncomfortable weight fitting into her stomach as Kim pulled her ever present grappling gun out and shot it past Shego's head before she could react. And then she was gone, speeding towards Ron as soon as the hook had latched onto a crossbeam.

Not that she would have been able to stop her, Shego's mind was trying to decide whether she was going crazy or not. The moment's distraction was all Kim needed as she sailed towards Ron, arm stretching out to grab his as they moved over the chaos below them. A familiar declaration of not being "all that" rang behind them as they landed at one of the Lair's exit and raced out into the open air.

Kim keyed in a combination on her Kimmunicator and the air in front of them rippled, a sleek purple car taking up residence instead. The Sloth's newest upgrades and given it a more futuristic look that seemed much more appropriate for the various features the car had. Including the side panel wings that retracted as the car landed.

"Booyah KP! Another in for Team Possible," Ron made an invisible mark in the air as he settled into the passenger seat, Rufus scampering out of his pocket and up onto the dashboard as the car started moving.

"Uh-huh Booyah!" he chattered excitedly.

Kim gave them a smile before glancing into the rear view mirror as they sped away, just catching the slightest bit of movement as a hovercraft rose away from the lair, and a flash of green that could only be Shego. She rubbed her stomach as it twinged a little where the kick had hit her, regretting not wearing the mission suit Wade had finally finished for her. She wanted to chalk the hit up to luck but her better sense stepped in and she allowed herself a moment to be annoyed about not paying more attention to where Shego had been. Usually during a fight she always knew where Shego was, all it took was for them to be in a room together and her awareness shifted to automatically let her know where she was and what moves she was going to make.
She liked to think of it as her "Shego-sense". They had only been fighting a few weeks when it had first happened

Kim had been sneaking along one of the many darkened corridors that seemed to be abundant in in Drakken's newest underground lair. Ron had headed down a different corridor a few minutes back when they had reached a fork in the hall.

"You sure about this KP?" Ron had whispered, after trying unsuccessfully to convince Kim to stay together. But her brow had narrowed and taken on the look that he associated with her 'mission mode' and he had backed off instead, which led to her present situation of slowly making her way down the hall a quietly as possible.
She could just make out the slightest light underneath one of the doors at the end of the hall and a grin spread across her face as she could just barely make out the low mutter of Drakken's voice.

"Gotcha," she murmured just as her body reacted on its own, spinning around to catch a fist that was inches away from her face. A glove covered fist attached to a green and black jumpsuit that covered Shego's body.

The look of shock on Shego' face had mirrored her own and it hadn't been until hours later that she had realized her body had moved around Shego's on its own. When they fought again a few weeks later Kim realized that it hadn't been luck when she had dodged one of Shego's plasma bolts without even knowing where it had come from. Each new encounter with the villain brought her new sense of awareness, until after 2 years she just knew where the green hued woman was at any given time. Even then it had given her a rush to know that.

"Hey, KP."

The touch on her shoulder almost made her jump and she glanced to her left to see Ron's freckled face scrunched in a look of concern as she responded.

"What happened?" her eye's flicked back to the mirror as the lair disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Oh, you were sort of muttering to yourself about Shego. Just wanted to make sure you were okay. She did get that hit on you earlier and that wall didn't look too soft."

Kim's face heated up and she sighed. "I'm fine just annoyed that they got away again, there was something weird about Shego today, it was like she just let me get by her."

Well it was a partial truth she thought as they turned down the familiar roads of Middleton towards Ron's house.

"Yeah that's like the fourth time –"his voice cut off as Kim glared at the road in front of her the car speeding up just a bit "Or um something. Maybe she was just surprised that she managed to hit you, I mean usually you guys can go at it without getting a solid hit on each other for a few hours."

"Your right, that's probably it," she agreed trying to shake the odd gnawing sensation that had settled in her stomach since Shego had hit her. Somehow she wasn't fully convinced that was the end of it; there had been something off about the look on the villain's face as she had gone past her. Her face had been frozen in surprise, and confusion. Usually the only look on Shego's face was her trademark smirk, instead Shego's mouth had been open lightly and her eye's a little wider than usual.

Maybe she was just surprised that she hit me. Kim shook off the thoughts of Shego as she pulled into Ron's driveway, stopping long enough to let him out.

"Bueno Nacho tomorrow after school sound good to you KP?" She stifled a grimace and smiled instead, the thought of greasy taco meat and too much cheese making her slightly nauseous.

"Sounds good Ron, See you tomorrow." She gave him a wave before pulling out towards her house; she never had been able to tell him how much she disliked his favorite restaurant. There was just something about a taco made in less than 4 seconds that just wasn't right.


Shego glared down at the small purple car as it sped away from the now defunct Lair with a mix of excitement and annoyance.

"Always pulling out new tricks huh Kimmie." She muttered as she maneuvered the hovercraft away from the rubble and towards the nearest back up hideout she could think of, ignoring the mutters coming from Drakken's general direction. It seemed like every time they had fought lately her and Kim would go head to head until they were almost at a stalemate, and then the hero would pull out some new gadget or toy that her techno-dweeb had made. Half the time it was things Shego had never seen before like that stupid watch or he's that had a new function every time. The latest update on it had been a Taser like application that had left Shego tingling for a few minutes before her comet powers had counteracted it.

She shook her hands out as a phantom shock passed over her and she grinned as the familiar rush of excitement washed over her like it usually did when she thought about how Kim had grown over the years. Shego had had several years of experience on her when they had first met up, and it had seemed like a blink of an eye later and Kim was able to hold her own against her without Shego having to pull her punches.

It was exhilarating to finally be able to go toe to toe with another fighter. Shego usually didn't have the luxury and over the years it had only been during fights with Kim that she was ever truly pushed to her limits. She hadn't quite believed it when Kim had first matched her in a fight.

It had been one of those day's where Drakken had decided to drone on and on about how his newest invention was going to "Finally be the end of Kim Possible". She'd listened to him for about three words and then she had leaned back in her chair pulling a nail file out of her glove, just catching the slightest movement as the air duct behind Drakken slid open and a flash of red landed lightly in the shadows. Shego remembered feeling a little proud of how well the teen was doing after only coming up against Drakken 3 or 4 times before. And then she had grimaced as the buffoon had somehow managed to get his pants caught in thin air and fall to the ground in a heap. Drakken had jumped in surprise before letting out a shout.

"Ah! Shego it's- ah, err Kim Possible's sidekick whose name escapes me. Do something."

"Dude do we have to do this every time, it's not that hard to remember. Ron Stoppable. Stoppable Ron." Ron had whined as he had pulled his pants back up stepping up to Drakken.

"What was that Rob Stuppible?"


"Ah Rod S-"


Their arguing faded into the background as Shego stood up watching as Kim stepped out of the shadows and towards her, flushing red as Shego made a come hither gesture. And then they were rushing towards each other Kim launching into a flip that put her behind the older woman that she turned into a roundhouse kick that was caught and shoved neatly aside. Shego had launched a series of punches at her, feeling the slight sting as they were neatly deflected earning her a smirk from Kim.

"What's the matter Shego am I going too fast for you?" The jibe had caught her off-guard at the time; she hadn't expected the teen hero to fight with her verbally as well.
Her grin widened even more as plasma flickered from her fists, "Not even in your dreams Princess."

The look on Kim's face had been priceless as she had used the pet name for the first time, Shego hadn't known that someone could blush that red. Kim's face had held a mixture of shock and something else that Shego had ignored. She thought back to the encounter from earlier, her mind falling back to the strange shift in Kim's appearance as she guided the hovercraft into a docking bay attached to their newest hideout. She shut it down with automatic movements before heading down the hallways of the lair. She ignored the silence and scrambling movements as henchmen dodged out of her path, they had learned early on that they didn't want to get in her way when she was thinking about something.

Her mind was focused totally on the puzzle of what had actually happened earlier in the day. Now that she was really thinking about it, what had she seen?
The flicker from one Kim to the other slowed down as she closed her eyes to remember it. Her eye's popped open again as a gaunt face flashed into her mind and she recalled the moments after Kim had hit the wall. Shego shook her head to clear it as she entered the room that was reserved for her in every Lair that Drakken owned. She spared a second to be grateful that the usually scatter-brained scientist used the same floor plan in all of them.

Had the incident just been a trick of the light, some weird angle that she had been looking at Kim from. She pulled a photo of the teen from her pouch, sitting on the edge of her desk as she grabbed a sketch pad off a shelf. The space around her was mostly bare except for the large bed in the middle of the room and the desk she was sitting on. Her usual color scheme was lost in the space as the wall's held a deep blue color that reflected off the pale carpeting and white sheets on the bed. The sketchbook she had flipped open was one of the only personal things she usually kept in the Lair's for when she got bored and felt like doodling. . It had taken Drakken complimenting a sketch of him before she realized that she might actually be good at it.

With Kim's photo as a reference she brought up the image she had seen during the fight and sketched out as much as she could remember seeing. Her pencil flowed across the paper; sure stroke's casting her likeness of Kim into stark contrast. The round face that was beginning to grow out of its childish features replaced with a total lack of baby fat, skin pulled tight across cheekbones making the teen look years older. The dark circles under her eyes looked like someone had pelted her with baseballs. Shego sucked in a breath as she realized what had been turning her stomach upside down, Kim's eyes. The eyes that had burned with a fire that mirrored her own, clear green eyes that matched hers. The eye's staring up at her from the sketch held no spark, matching Shego's in color only. They had been sunken and dull; Sego tore the sketch out shoving it in her pocket as she paced towards the door.

"What the hell."

Nothing she was coming up with made any sense, she couldn't even figure out why she had seen what she had, let alone if it as real. The tension in her gut was increasing as she paced.

Well there's one way to know for sure, she glanced at the clock as she considered the one option she would never consider unless-

"Crap," she muttered in resignation as she headed into her closet stripping off her trademark jumpsuit and trading it for a well-worn pair of jeans and a dark green shirt. She locked the door behind her as she left; slipping into one of the escape pods near her room that would let her off down the street from where she needed to go. Her mind was taking her a million miles away as she rode through the intricate tubing that wound underneath Middleton, connecting her to the majority of Drakken's Lair's as well as some of the major shopping centers in the area. Pinpointing the problem wasn't going to help her until she knew whether or not she was starting to see things, and deep down here was a part of her that hoped she was. That one small part that she reserved for the time's when she was off the clock and somewhere dark and alone where there was no chance of anyone ever seeing her. The part of her that had belonged to Kim from the moment she had first fought the teen, some strange bit of affection that had slowly morphed and grown into a much larger feeling.

She stepped out into the shadows of the street and strolled up it in the waning light, leaving behind thoughts and feelings for another time and place. She found herself in the shade of a large oak tree that led up to a darkened bedroom window. Grabbing a branch just hanging above her, she tensed her arms feeling the muscles shift comfortably under her skin as she pulled herself up into the higher branches of the tree.

"Easy enough. She has at least seven major enemies, you'd think she'd had better secu-"Shego's voice halted as she studied the window barely catching the glint of a micro laser web lacing above the glass.

A low chuckle rose as she pulled a PDA out of her pocket, aiming it at the window. A low beep alerted her as a stream of code scrolled across the screen. Binary shot past her eyes translating into firewalls, reuptake coding and a high level security code that Shego had only seen once before. Her eye's widened as a specific series of code scrolled by niggling at her memory until she punched in a series of numbers that brought it up into a closer view. The code shifted as she typed trying to insert her own back door into the coding, her smile faded as she realized the last time she had seen this particular code had been in an underground facility beneath a desert in Mexico. Her brow furrowed as she tried to decide whether she should be impressed by Kim's security measures or worried about what the hero was doing with a device that only the Federal Government had access to. She halted her assault as she thought, switching to a different code that caused the security system to freeze momentarily, more than enough time for her to shut it down immediately.

"Ha, still got it." Shego flipped her PDA in the air before depositing it back into her pocket, getting the lock undone and slipping through the window just as Kim's car pulled into the driveway.

She better have a good explanation for all of this Shego thought as she stepped into the shadows near the window that let her look around the room without being seen. The sounds of voices from below her were muffled and she could just make out Kim's mother telling her to be ready for dinner in about an hour as she let her eye's wander the room. It was the same as always, same cheerful pink with its classic popular kid decorations. Cheer-leading trophies and photos of friends peppered the walls, a plaque above the desk held the GJ stamp and a commendation from Doctor Director herself. Except for the date and the name on the plaque it could have been the one that Shego herself had received years earlier, and now had a life as a lump of metal at the bottom of a lake. She hadn't had any need for personal mementoes of her past when she had left Team Go and she had to resist the urge to shoot a plasma ball at it just for fun.

The door swung open and Shego slipped closer to the walls letting the shadows wash over her as lights flicked on in the room. Well at least the hero looked the same as always, same lithe muscles and mission outfit. Shego let out the breath she had been holding as she gave Kim a once over convinced that the Teen was fine and thing could go back to normal for her. That was until the room blinked out of existence from around her. She stifled the yelp that lodged in her throat as the walls became white and the decorations around her disappeared, a high tech workstation appearing in its place.

Well this day just keeps getting crazier.

Her eye's narrowed as Kim walked across the room to a wall that suddenly flickered to life with surveillance feeds of the entire Possible household. Twilight zone music went off in her head as everything she had thought she knew about the teen was flipped on its head. Years of experience worked to her advantage as she fought the urge to jump out and hold the girl down until she explained what the hell was going on. It would have been too easy the girl would have never expected someone to get past the security on her window. But Shego knew that if you waited long enough sometimes your patience paid off and the answers you wanted would show up on their own. And if she didn't get the answers soon she could always go back to plan A.


The grunt broke her train of thought; her eye's widened as she watched Kim shake her head in frustration before pulling something out of a cooling box next to the workstation. With her back to Shego she couldn't quite make out what the teen was doing at the strange work area and the green skinned woman's fingers twitched as Kim spoke to the room.

"M.A.I bring up the P.K.H activity from the day and my biometric readings," the teen fiddled with her wrist Kimmunicator before taking it off and putting it on the workstation.

A sharp gasp ripped itself from Shego as the teen flickered from normal Kim to the Kim in her sketch, and she said silent thanks that the teen hadn't noticed. Anger surged up faster than shock could as she studied the stranger sitting at the desk in front of her, unhealthy shadows causing Kim to look years older than she was. Plasma flared along her fingers as her mind tried to understand what she was seeing. The signs of years of damage were there, but she couldn't understand how the teen had gotten them. Kim had never seemed to be the type to mistreat her body, hell Shego had always admired how the teen seemed to be able to stay in top physical condition no matter how many times they fought. But now it looked like the person she had spent the past 5 years fighting had never existed.


The curse knocked her for another loop as Kim stood up sharply all bone's and sharp angles as she studied what looked like a flashing warning across one of her screens. And then Shego was moving, reacting without thinking to the distinct flash of a syringe in Kim's hand. Her voice ringing loudly after her as a hand closed around the hero's wrist stopping her movement.

"Language Kimmie."


"Soundproofing up max," Kim stated as the door locked automatically behind her cutting off the noise from the rest of the house.

"Outer hall monitors up left side, holo off."

The usually bright pink of her room blinked out of existence as she moved forward. Stark white walls replaced pink and shelves lined with memorabilia were replaced with manuals, tools, and an abundant clutter of books. The large bed that had been in the middle of the room was gone; a wall to wall workstation in its place, the wall above it lined with monitors that nearly rivaled Wade's. Kim didn't even pause as she made her to the area where her closet usually stood and stopped to study the screen that showed her families activities throughout the house. Her mom was busy in the kitchen making what she suspected was a new version of her brain loaf. The Tweeb's were as usual were busy sneaking the radio out of the living room for what she could only assume was yet another explosion waiting to happen. She couldn't even find it in herself to be annoyed at whatever damage they might cause; her head had started pounding as she had dropped Ron off at his house. Satisfied with what she saw Kim moved away from that wall to a small chest next to her workstation. With a twist of the lock that scanned her bio readings with a tiny flash the simple silver chest opened, releasing a blast of chilled air, revealing a cooling chamber lined with glass tubes filled with a bright green liquid that almost matched Shego's eyes.

"Gah." Kim shook her head to clear her thoughts as she pulled a small hyperbolic needle and a needle out, placing them on her desk. She tied her hair into a ponytail as she slumped into the chair attached to her workstation fingers rubbing at her neck attempting to relieve some of the pressure she could feel there.

"M.A.I bring up the P.K.H activity from the day and my biometric readings," she stated to the room watching the screens in front of her as she removed the Kimmunicator from her wrist. The slightest of weights faded from her as her image flickered and changed completely. Her figure was thinner and gaunter, the crop top she wore on missions revealing a tapered waist that was now lined with ribs visibly poking from her skin. Her hair was duller and hung limply down her back, framing a strained face that looked ten years older. Her usual tan held a pale undertone that threw her dark circles into sharp relief. She dropped the Kimmunicator onto the worktable as she looked at the data streaming along in front of her. Her eyes shot wide open as a blip of red scrolled by and she jumped to her feet, a wave of nausea nearly forcing her back into the chair as her hands jumped across the keyboard, bringing up the exact time the Pseudo holo had malfunctioned.

Sometime close to 2 PM around the same time as her fight with Shego a sudden roaring in her ears made her slump against the workstation in front of her, the metals cold seeping into her skin. The error had only lasted a few seconds but she knew that would have been more than enough time for her to have noticed, to have seen the flicker in the projection.


The mutter came out as a bare whisper as pain surged in her head, she closed her eyes as her mind worked furiously to solve the potential problem. The soft chime of M.A.I's warning system made her blink her eyes open, watching as her status levels dropped into the danger zone. Her hands worked the injector next to her by themselves, loading the correct amount of fluid into it with practised ease.

Not hearing the movement behind her as a slim figure slipped out of the shadows. Not feeling the body behind her until a familiar voice rasped against her ear and a warmer than average hand slipped around her wrist, halting the needles movement.

"Language Kimmie."