Right, for all my readers out there (PFFT Like I Have Readers!), 'A HogWarts Love Story' and 'Love Story For Remus Lupin' are on pause at the moment! I can't think where to go with them! Any suggestions, please tell me! I thought of this when I was watching 'A Very Potter Musical' and I thought 'Wheres my iPod! I gotta write that shit down!'. So here it is. Don't flame me. But comments will be gladly accepted.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I own TWO Harry Potter posters. And my Fangirl crushes on James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Young AND Old! They're still pretty attractive either way, if I'm honest. Oh, and I own some other Harry Potter shit as well. Go my non-existent life!
When he first heard her name
"Padfoot! Your bloody owl's making a mess of the room!" James shouted. Sirius' owl had been tapping on his window NON-STOP for A BLOODY HOUR before I could let it in without James skinning it alive. It woke me up. Then, it woke James up. And I had to persuade him not to kill it! Which shouldn't be done if James is sleepy. Or cranky. Or drunk, nor when he's in any form of mental instability. Unless, you're me or Sirius. But even with us, it can take hours. Which it did, but he gave in and didn't kill it when I let it in.
"He's not going to wake up if you yell at him!" Trust me. I know.
"He will. He'd better. Or else I'm going to kill that owl. If it even so much as thinks about taking a crap on my bed, I will kill it."
"You could try threatening his hair. You know how much he loves that!" I laughed. Sirius would probably die for his hair.
"I'm up!" Sirius jumped out of bed, staring at James like he was insane.
"Moony, did he touch my hair?" He panicked.
"No, Padfoot. He didn't go near your hair! Now take the letter off of your owl and read it before James skins it." I answered.
"Read it. Out loud?" Yes. Yes you are.
"Oh yes. That owl's kept us up for more than an hour. We're knowing what's in that letter." James said, sounding exhausted.
"Ok! Ok! Just don't touch my hair! Come here, Leo!"
"Why in Merlin's name did you call it Leo?"
"Well, I'm named after a constellation, so I named my owl after one too. And Leo's the lion, figured it'd piss my charming mother off the most!" He grinned. He took the letter from the owl and stroked his feathers before sending him off to the owlery.
"Well? What's it say?" James said, still sounding tired.
"It says,
Dear Sirius,
I know it's been a while since I've wrote, and I hope you can forgive me for that. I've got some exciting news! Nymphadora's just showed her first signs of magic! Ted was teasing her and the tap burst and soaked him. It was hilarious. Her hair keeps changing colour depending on her mood, too. When she's angry it goes bright red, and when she's happy it goes a sort of pinkish colour. She's very clumsy though! She nearly fell down the stairs two days ago, and I couldn't tell you how many plates and cups shes broken. I can't understand how one little girl cam cause so much damage! Anyway, I hope all is well with you since you've moved in with the Potter's. From what you've said, they seem lovely people. I hope Regulus is doing OK, even though he pretty much hates my guts like the rest of our charming family! Is James still after that girl he likes? If so, give him my luck! Ted's still his usual messy self! Nymphadora had better not be as messy as he is! That'd be a nightmare. Hope all your exams are going well. You'd better be studying! They don't pass themselves, Sirius! Anyway, hope your friends are keeping well. Please write back as soon as you can.
All my love,
"You told your cousin about us?" Me and James asked.
"Yeah! She's the only real family that cares for me. Her and my Uncle. So I tell her everything."
"Everything, everything?" I said, worryingly.
"If your referring to your 'furry little problem', then no. I wouldn't tell her unless you gave me complete permission first. And even then I still probably wouldn't." I gave him a weak smile in gratitude for not telling Andromeda.
"What kind of name is 'Nymphadora'?" James asked curiously.
"It means 'Gift of the Nymphs' or something. I think she's mentioned it meaning that before. She's always liked that name. Not sure why. It's quite a strange name, don't you think?" Sirius said casually.
"I think it's a lovely name." I said. Sirius and James both looked at me.
"So, you've got the hots for my cousin's kid, eh Moony! You'll have to wait a while. She's only three!"
"I do not have the hots for Nymphadora! I just happen to think it's a very lovely name, that's all." He really is infuriating sometimes.
"Fine. I believe you!" Liar. Liar. Sirius Black, you bloody liar!
"So you should! That's a thirteen year difference! That's creepy."
"Yeah that's true! Good job Lily's only two months older, eh!" James laughed. He's never going to give up on her, is he?
"I'm replying to the letter now. You got anything you want to say to Andromeda?" Sirius said, grabbing some parchment and a quill.
"Tell her 'Yes, James is still chasing Lily, but to no avail'." James laughed again.
"Tell her 'Remus thinks Nymphadora is a lovely name, despite what James and Sirius think!'." I chuckled.
"If that's what you want!" grinned Sirius. I don't doubt for one minute that he was going to put that in his letter.
"You just sent Leo back to the owlery! You'll have to reply later." James suddenly said.
"Damn. Guess I'll send it later then."
"Yep! Guess you'll have to."
Nymphadora. Nym - pha - dora. What an interesting name. It's very pretty. Oh Merlin! That could be mistaken for homosexual tendencies! Saying a name is 'pretty'. What am I, a girl?
Right. Before any of you say it, I know it's shit. You know it's shit. EVERYONE knows it's shit. So don't flame me please. I will cry if you flame me.
Hugs and Butterfly Kisses,
Girl-With-No-Name x