So...yeah. This. I...have no logical explanation for this outside of Scoobert0 and elemenoze for being bad influences. I probably also kinda brought it on myself by asking for a challenge in a way.

So yeah! Here's this as a result. It's been eating my brain too for some reason.

Now, you guys have been warned. This is INCEST. Or twincest as I've been calling it. THIS IS BROTHER ON BROTHER LOVIN'. You have a problem with that, please direct yourselves to my other stories for you entertainment/enjoyment.

This will end up being Dean/Cas/Jimmy as well. Because again, Scoobert0 is a bad influence. I still want to have her brain babies anyway though.

Anyhow. I've decided to post up this little...tester I guess. See how it goes. If this isn't taken over very well I'll just let it be in the darkest depths of my mind and share only with the people who really really want it via email or something. I have no idea when my brain became so pervy. I'm almost scared of myself.

They were fourteen when they first kissed.

Jimmy had a crush on a girl in his History class and he'd finally worked up the nerve to ask her out. He'd never kissed anyone though and he didn't want to mess up when the time came.

The logical solution was to practice.

He and Castiel had always been inseparable, they were closer than most siblings. Closer than most twins even. Ava and Andy, twins that were a year younger than them, always claimed they'd never been particularly close. Jimmy always thought it was because they weren't identical twins where he and Cas were.

Castiel just said it was because he and Jimmy shared a connection and that was that. Jimmy didn't fight on that because it was true in a way. Jimmy knew Castiel better than anyone and Castiel knew Jimmy inside and out.

So it only made sense that their first kiss was with each other.

It was sloppy and wet, but with even more practice it was perfect.

Jimmy never did go on that date.

Two months after that first kiss and Jimmy knew what would make Cas whimper, what would make his younger brother press forward for more, what would make his hands clutch at Jimmy's shirt, silently begging for more. Jimmy became a little addicted to it. The sounds his brother made, the feel of him, the way there was no need to talk about anything, they just knew.

They were seventeen when whatever it was they were doing developed beyond kissing.

Castiel had always been the more curious of the two of them. He always wanted to know everything. Jimmy knew Cas was smart, knew he understood more than he let on but he was always taken to be naïve with his wide blue eyes and innocent head tilt.

So when Cas came to Jimmy after overhearing one of his friends talking about the blowjob he'd received from his girlfriend, Jimmy had been more than willing to show his brother what he was missing out on.

Over the years they'd had a few relationships, nothing had ever stuck though. Cas was too overprotective and Jimmy always felt a surge of jealousy when someone other than himself kissed his brother. It would never work between anyone else because neither brother could accept that other person into their lives and trust them with their brother. Jimmy was strangely okay with it, the small experiences he had with other people gave him the chance to teach his socially awkward brother everything there was to know.

They didn't go beyond handjobs that day, but Jimmy knew one day there would be more. He'd grown addicted to the small whimpers Cas made when they kissed but he became obsessed to the gasps and moans he made when Jimmy stroked him just right. Loved the way Cas arched up off the bed and moaned Jimmy's name when he came.

Castiel in turn loved the way Jimmy touched him, loved how his brother's mouth dropped open on a gasp when Castiel did something right. Loved how his eyes would flutter shut and how he would bite down on his bottom lip to keep from moaning too loud.

They loved each other and they saw nothing wrong in how they expressed that love.

They were eighteen when they fucked for the first time.

Jimmy had lost his virginity to a girl a few months before, when Castiel had found out, the burning jealousy in his eyes had been enough to tip Jimmy over the edge.

Cas allowed Jimmy to take the lead, which surprised Jimmy, Cas was the bossier of the two. He would have thought his brother would be a toppy bastard but he seemed okay with being manhandled into position. Maybe it was a control thing. Castiel was always in control, maybe he just wanted to surrender for a while, let his brother handle things like he always had back when they'd been younger.

There was pain, of course, but Castiel would never forget how it felt, the way his brother stretched and filled him, the delicious burn of it. The perfect way that identical body pressed against his, the effortless way Jimmy pulled all the moans and whimpers from him because he knew Castiel best.

Jimmy would never be able to be with anyone else, not like this.

They were twenty-three when they graduated from college and moved into an apartment together. Jimmy had gotten his degree in business while Castiel had earned his degree in the culinary arts.

For a year they worked with other people, to get a feel for their respected professions. When that year was up they opened their own bakery together. Cas had always been a good cook and a phenomenal baker, their mothers influence no doubt, so while Castiel baked Jimmy ran everything.

Their little bakery was a success after six months.

They were twenty-eight when Dean Winchester entered their lives.