(Authors note: ..Right, so my first Soroku story n.n Yes, there will be yaoiness later on. This originally was and sort of still is a novel of mine, but its been edited and warped a lot to fit what I have in mind. It's a fantasy type setting, and AU. Yes. I know that Sora and Roxas are both different from their usual characters but I /hate/ happy, hyper, brain-dead Sora and emo Roxas so… meh xD This story will most likely have connections to KH and other games, and possibly some of my other stories that I'm working on, though very loosely, and later on in the story. I don't want to spoil too much so.. s all you're getting :P Anyways, hope you enjoy. Here iss chapter 1of Promises, with chapter 2 soon to follow tonight once I get back from work.)
It's a really bad idea to randomly dash through the woods. You might get lost. Just so you know. "Sora, where the hell are we?" my buddy Roxas whined at me. "How should I know?" I snapped. "You're the one who decided to run off into the middle of the woods." Roxas snapped back. "We were being chased by seven or so soldiers. I don't know about you, but I'd like to live to see my next birthday." I said dryly. Roxas responded with a grunt. "Where'd those guys run off to anyway?" He asked. A few feet ahead of me I heard leaves rustling, followed by armed men jumping out from behind trees and bushes, swords drawn. "There they are." I replied casually. "Ok. We'll split up. You take like three and I'll take the other four. You ready?" I said with a light grin. Roxas nodded in response. He moved to the north side and I took the south.
Ok, I thought to myself. First things first. A weapon would be nice. Unfortunately, I didn't really get much of a chance to grab one. One of the soldiers came rushing at me with his sword. Crap. I scanned the surrounding area for anything I could use as a weapon and laid my eyes upon a fair sized limb fallen from a tree. I picked the thing up and tried to swing it at the soldier in front of me, but missed. He made another swing at me, this one at my head, and I threw the limb out in front of me to block it. The blow from the blade split my tree branch in two. Oops. I ducked out of the way of the blow still aimed for me head just in time. He raised his blade to strike at me again, and I backed up until I was leaning against a tree. I looked over towards Roxas and he had three of the soldier backing him into a corner.
The soldier followed me as I backed into the tree and made another swing, but I ducked and it missed me by perhaps an inch. The soldier, this time, had swung just a little too hard, and had managed to get his sword stuck in the tree. Taking advantage of the momentarily confusion, I jumped to my feet and gave him a sharp kick to the head. The poor guy stumbled backwards, hit his head on a rock on the way down and passed out. When I was sure he was down, I turned my attention to the sword. I tried to pluck the sword out of the friggin tree, but it was really wedged in there. And a few more soldiers were coming my way. "Come on, come on!" I shouted out angrily. Finally, it budged.
Now all I had to do was take care of these guys. I hadn't had much practice with a sword, but I seemed to be holding off better than them. I didn't really want to kill these guys, so I aimed more just to maim. I got in a few nicks and cuts on the one closest to me, and then bashed him in the head with the butt of the sword. He was out like a light pretty quick. The others started to falter, as they realized, "Oh crap! That kid can actually use that thing!" The one who apparently seemed to be in charge tried to order them to stay. And they did. For like five seconds. And then they broke and ran off. "Cowards! Cowards!" The commander or whatever shouted, but he ran off too. Hypocrite.
"You ok Roxas?" I asked, turning towards his direction. "Yeah fine." He replied. There was a newfound sword in his hand and one of the soldiers at his feet. That's my trusty sidekick for you. Always there when you need him. We nodded at each other and started out again. I suppose I should explain my situation so you guys have an idea of what the heck is going on. Hello there, I'm Sora, hero extraordinaire. I'm 16 as of a few weeks ago, with Chocolate brown spiky hair and blue eyes. I'm sure you're all wondering what this is all about. No, the government isn't after us or anything. To sum it as quickly as possible, I managed to get myself warped to another world, and they all think I'm this prophecy fulfilling wonder.
Unfortunately, that includes the bad guys, hence why we had those soldiers dogging us. I'm sure you're also asking yourself, why make a novel out of this? Well, it was actually Roxas' idea. He said it would make a kick ass story. Ten bucks says if and when I get back, even if I get this published, it'll end up on the fiction shelf. Cause seriously, who would believe this? Well, It's true. Every word. You hold in your hand my adventures in this newfound place and if you are indeed reading this, it means I survived! Go me! Or after my death, someone found this, somehow transported it back to earth and it was found by… whomever, and published as a book by some no name author trying to make a name for himself. But lets just say its because I survived. I like that idea better.
Anyway, I'm not sure if this is even good enough to get published. If it does though, feel
free to pick up multiple copies! All sales will go towards my future car and college fund.
This book here would make an awesome Christmas or birthday gift. Ok enough with me
trying to be a salesman. I'll try to explain how all this mess came about. Let me just..
start from the beginning.
(Whew. So what'd you guys think? Interesting? Remotely interesting? xD Reviews aren't
mandatory, but appreciated. It lets us writers know our stuff doesn't suck xD And then
we get chapters done faster :3 Anyways, hope you liked it)