Here we are guys, the final instalment of this fic. Thank you ALL so much for reading this, and especially a HUGE thanks to all my loyal readers, reviewers and fellow authors. I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement. As I said to some of you, I never intended this fic to go beyond Hotch and Emily's first meeting, so before you feel too sad that this fic has ended, remember that it is almost three times the length it was supposed to be!

Anyway I do hope you enjoyed it. Also, please go to the CM Chit Chat on Author's Corner Forums to vote for your favourite authors and fics in the CM Profiler's Choice Awards. We authors would be really grateful.

"Hotch? Emily?"

Derek stood outside the front door to the two-bedroom apartment the duo were staying while they participated in a violent crimes conference in Augusta for the last two and a half days. Coincidentally, the rest of the team had been called for a consult in Portland yesterday. The UnSub was apprehended early that afternoon and as it was a Friday, they decided that they would join Hotch and Emily in Augusta before flying back to D.C. later that night.

After hearing nothing, Derek knocked again. "Guys? You in there?" They should be there, their standard issue SUV on loan from the field office was parked in front of the building downstairs. Before arriving at the apartment, he had tried calling both Hotch's and Emily's cells a number of times but there had been no answer. So neither one of them were expecting the team to turn up. "Come on, guys," he muttered under his breath. When there was still no response, he thought he would test the door knob just in case. To his surprise, it was unlocked. He opened the door and walked in. The living area was pristine, like it had never been used. It was also empty. Maybe they were packing. He walked towards the direction of one of the bedrooms and was about to knock on the partially closed door when he heard Emily's voice.

"How does this feel, honey? Do you want me to go harder?"

"Yeah." Hotch's voice was a low growl. "Harder and deeper."

The bed creaked. "Like this?" Emily breathed.

Hotch's only response was a groan.

Are you freakin' kidding me? Derek shook his head in complete disbelief at the thought that this was happening to him again. He paused, thinking. There was no way Emily and Hotch were doing the deed. He knew that neither one of them would even consider doing anything remotely inappropriate while they were on a work trip. They were both consummate professionals, to the extent that Derek was impressed at how well they had managed to keep their personal and professional lives completely separate.

"Emily, that feels so good." Hotch sounded like he was currently experiencing a state of utter bliss.

She laughed softly. "You should know by now how talented I am in the art of relieving tension." The bed creaked again.

That's it, he wasn't going to be fooled. Not again. Derek pushed open the bedroom door.

"Morgan, what the hell!" Hotch yelled out, simultaneously pulling Emily down onto his chest and dragging the sheet up over their naked bodies.

"Morgan, you jackass!" Emily glared furiously at him from her position on Hotch's chest. "What's wrong with you?"

Derek was still frozen with shock. The scene he had walked into of Emily sitting astride Hotch, her bare back towards him and Hotch's hands gripping her hips, was now permanently seared into his memory. As if things weren't bad enough, another voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Morgan, what's the hold up? Did you find Hotch and ..." The voice trailed off when the owner of it caught sight of the bed and its occupants. "Never mind, I see you that you have." The voice was filled with amusement.

"Oh my God," moaned Emily, burying her head in Hotch's chest.

"Dave, get out. You too, Morgan." Hotch had apparently already recovered from the shock and his voice was completely calm.

"Come on, Morgan, let's give them some privacy, hmm?" Derek felt Dave taking his arm and drawing him backwards. Still in partial shock, he allowed himself to be led out into the living area. A second later the bedroom door closed behind them with a firm click.

"For God's sake, Morgan, didn't you hear anything before charging into the room?"

"I did, but I just thought Emily was giving Hotch a massage," protested Derek.

Dave shot him an incredulous look. "A massage? You're joking, right?"

Derek opened his mouth to explain about the other time at Emily's apartment, but then stopped, realising how it would sound. He slumped onto the couch.

"Hey guys, are Hotch and Emily here?" Reid came into the apartment, followed closely by JJ.

"Yep," said Dave as he sat down in an armchair.

Reid raised his eyebrows. "So how come they didn't answer their cells? What were they doing?"

"Each other, apparently," said Dave dryly. Morgan groaned at that statement, closing his eyes and dropping his head back.

"What?" Reid looked at both of them with wide eyes.

"You're kidding, right?" asked JJ.

"Nope. Apparently Morgan was the cause of their coitus interruptus." Morgan narrowed his eyes at the older man who wasn't making any effort to stifle his amusement.

Reid frowned. "Umm … I don't think you're using that term correctly. Coitus interruptus refers to the method of birth control where the man withdraws his penis – "

"Reid, shut up! I just saw Emily and Hotch engaging in the act of sexual intercourse, all right? Please do not talk to me about penises."

"Wow, Morgan, way to go. Of all the things to walk into ..." JJ laughed. "Wait till I tell Garcia."

"JJ, don't you dare," said Derek in his most intimidating voice.

"All right, all of you, what are you doing here?"

The team looked up at the sound of Hotch's voice. He stood just inside the living room, a frown on his face as he stared at them.

Dave answered. "We were called for consult in Portland and just finished up a couple of hours ago, so we thought we'd drive down here to meet you both and get some dinner before the jet picks us up at 9.45 tonight."

Emily appeared and came to stand next to Hotch. The both of them exchanged a look. Derek frowned. What was going on? He had fully expected her to come out with guns blazing at him.

Emily turned to look at her colleagues. "I'm sorry guys, we're not going to be going back with you tonight. We're taking the week off. We were going to call you later to tell you but you've obviously beaten us to the punch."

Something was off here. "And you guys have cleared your leave with Strauss?" Derek didn't bother to hide the suspicion in his voice.

"Yes, of course we did. What?" Emily narrowed her eyes at him.

He replied slowly. "Look, I'm really sorry to walk into the both of you like that, trust me, but I never thought you guys would you know, while on the job."

"Well, technically we've been off duty since 12 midday. But you're right, we normally wouldn't have, umm … indulged ourselves on bureau financed premises. We kind of got carried away." Emily looked at Hotch again, an embarrassed smile on her face. Hotch took her hand, smiling gently down at her. Derek felt like he was intruding on a private moment when he saw the tenderness in his supervisor's eyes.

"You couldn't help yourselves?" Dave raised his eyebrows at them. "After all this time working together while seeing each other, you couldn't help yourselves?"

Apparently Derek wasn't the only one who thought something was strange.

Emily and Hotch continued to gaze at each other. Hotch lifted an eyebrow almost imperceptibly. Emily inclined her head. He finally looked back at the team.

"We got somewhat carried away because well," he smiled, "we're actually on our honeymoon."

There was stunned silence in the room. Then came a loud chorus of whats, hows and wheres. Hotch held up his hand. "Emily and I were married by an old friend of mine this afternoon."

"Oh my goodness!" JJ rushed forward to hug Emily, tears in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Emily hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry, it was a spur of the moment thing."

Hugs and kisses of congratulations were exchanged among them and Derek walked up to Emily, giving her a bear hug. "Congratulations, princess. You deserve so much happiness, and I know you'll find it with Hotch. Because if not, you know I'll come and kick his ass."

She laughed. "I'll kick his ass first."

"Amazing," murmured Dave, coming up to Hotch. Dave took Hotch's hand and shook it heartily, clapping his friend on the back. "Congratulations, I'm so happy for the both of you. But spur of the moment, you? Really?"

Hotch laughed. "Believe it or not, it was all my idea. Do you know that every time we've sat down to plan our wedding, something would come up? So, as we were travelling up here for the conference, I thought what the hell. I called up an old friend who's a lawyer here and he told me what we needed to get a marriage licence and offered to officiate it. So here we are."

"I know you're probably all a little disappointed that you didn't get to be there, but don't worry, Hotch and I plan to have another wedding ceremony in a couple of months' time." Emily chuckled. "Mainly because if we don't, Pene will kill me, or worse, plant a fatal virus on my computer."

"I believe this means that we should have a celebration, don't you think?" called out Dave, grinning when there was a chorus of yes's. "Let's find the best restaurant in town. My treat." He laughed out loud at the piercing whistles and catcalls made by the team.

As they filed out of the apartment, Derek overheard Dave. "Well, Aaron, I never thought I'd see Mr Alpha Male himself let Emily be on top," he teased.

"Then you'll be surprised to know that she's had me handcuffed to her bed and totally at the mercy of her and her baton," Hotch replied mildly.

Nice one, boss. Derek snickered in the silence that followed. Grinning to himself, he pulled out his cell and turned around to take a photo of Dave.

"What the hell, Morgan?" Dave glared at him.

"SSA David Rossi at a loss for words. I thought this was an epic moment worth capturing."

Dave may have been short of words. But he definitely wasn't short of actions. He flipped Derek the bird.

Later that night in their hotel suite …

"I have something for you."

They were both lying in bed, snuggled together in a post-orgasmic snooze.

"Oh?" Emily watched as Hotch untangled himself from her and reached down to pick up a white box from the floor beside their bed. "What is it?"

"Just a small token of my affection."

She grinned at him. "You are so sweet I could just eat you up." She paused theatrically. "Oh wait, I did." She winked at him.

Hotch shook his head, chuckling. "Open the box, Ms Wannabe Comedienne."

She undid the gold ribbon on top of the box and removed the lid. Inside, nestled among pale gold tissue paper was a beautifully bound manuscript. The cover was made of rich, pale blue vellum, and the title on it read, "Aaron and Emily: Our Love Story". Holding her breath, Emily carefully took out the book and opened it. The first page showed a photo of her and Hotch at the bar where they had first met after their email correspondence. Garcia had taken a screenshot of the exact moment when Hotch was holding Emily's hand and was looking warmly into her eyes, while she was gazing back at him in wonder. She turned over the page, vaguely noticing that her fingers were trembling.

Next were copies of their profiles on the Two Hearts website, and she smiled when her eyes wandered over the section on his profile where Morgan had cheekily inserted the handcuffs and baton references. She turned over to the next page.

"Oh, Aaron," she breathed out. She continued turning the pages over, one by one, even though tears had blurred her vision so that she was unable to read any of the words before her.

Hotch had printed each and every one of their emails to each other, including the conversations they have had. He must have asked Pene for help accessing her emails and texts.

"Hey, what's this?" Hotch gently turned Emily's face up to his. He wiped her tears away with his fingertips.

"I'm just so happy. Today with the wedding, and then dinner with the team, I didn't think I could feel any happier, but this … this is the most incredible present I've ever received." She swallowed, blinking hard to keep more tears at bay.

"You like it then?" His smile widened, his thumb stroking her cheek.

She nodded, gazing up at his dear, dear, face.

"So you don't mind that I asked Garcia to hack into your email and phone accounts?" He smile was slightly tentative.

She shook her head, laughing softly through her tears. Trust him to be worried about breaching her privacy.

"That's good." He looked relieved.

"I love it. Thank you, honey, it's beautiful, and it's so thoughtful of you." She bit her lip as a thought occurred to her. "I didn't get you anything."

Her distress must have shown because Hotch quickly shook his head. "You don't have to get me anything, because you're my present."

"Then I think I got the better deal."

He bent down and gave her a long, tender kiss. "I beg to differ, you are the best present I have ever received, or will ever receive in my entire life."

Her chest tightened. "Really?" She asked, even though she could see the truth reflected in his eyes.

"Really." He smiled at her. "Who would have ever expected you and I to have had a compatibility score of 97.5 percent?"

"Or that we would be the type to have cyber sex?" She grinned.

"Not me," replied Hotch drily.

Emily put the book down and climbed into his lap. She slipped her arms around his neck and nestled her head on his shoulder. "I never thought I'd be one of those success stories on a matchmaking website."

He put his arms around her, pressing a kiss on the top of her head. "I might actually have to thank Morgan for posting that ad for me. The man who saw my wife naked. And me. I reasonably sure I have a mild form of PTSD from that experience."

"I think Morgan's PTSD is worse than yours or mine," she said, chuckling.

"Serves him right." Hotch leaned back against the headboard. "So … you'll still send me dirty emails from time to time, right?" His voice was wistful.

"Absolutely. As long as you promise we can still have cyber sex when we're apart."

Laughter rumbled in his chest. "It's a deal. I love you Emily Hotchner," he murmured.

"And I love you, Aaron Hotchner, my almost perfect match."

As they drifted off to sleep some time later, Emily wondered sleepily if texting would be an appropriate way to tell Hotch that their family would be growing a little earlier than planned.

The End

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