This is based on Dalton, by CP Coulter.

Julian Larson-Wright kicked a piece of rubble. He looked up at the burned building, shuddering as memories flashed through his mind. His husband took his arm, squeezing gently.

"I haven't been back here in years," Kurt said quietly. He glanced at the movie star. "Why did you call us?"

Shane and Reed also looked curiously at the actor. Charlie and Justin were talking in hushed tones, Dwight was staring suspiciously at an oddly soot-marked piece of wood, and Wes was standing alone, gazing absently at the ruins.

"Don't you ever think about Dalton? While you go about your lives, don't you ever stop and remember all the time we spent here? I know I didn't simply forget it and move on. It wasn't that easy for me."

The actor glanced at his husband. "Things happened in my life because of Dalton. Sure, that night was horrifying, I won't deny that." His eyes flickered toward the scars that would be an ever-present reminder of the nightmarish events. "But I can honestly say that I wouldn't be as happy as I am today had I not gone to Dalton. Kurt, would you?"

The Broadway star shook his head slowly. "I can't imagine not attending Dalton. Not only did I meet Blaine," he looked at the man in question, "but all of you guys. And…" He hesitated, thinking of the one lost that night, "and others. But why did you call us here?"

Julian took a deep breath.

"I want to reopen Dalton."

The announcement was met with sharp intakes of breath. Charlie and Justin's heads whipped around quickly, staring at the actor. Wes slowly looked up at the group, and Dwight frowned.

"You can't be serious."

"Why not? I don't want Dalton's last legacy to be of that night. I want other boys to be given the opportunities that we were given."

"But its reputation…" Justin's brow creased. "How could we possibly convince anyone to come to the school?"

"Adam—" Julian shuddered when he spoke the name, and Logan hugged him tighter. "Adam is gone. No longer an issue. We're still alive. The group of us can promote it well enough. Don't you think we owe it to—" He cut off, the words unable to pass the lump in his throat. "We owe it to him to do this. I want to reopen the school."

Wes stared at him flatly. "How are you going to do that?"

Julian met the stare. "We're all plenty wealthy. Restoring the school would not be a problem."

"Yes, but who's going to be the headmaster? Who will teach here? How about a board of education?"

"All things that we can deal with." Julian's voice was hard. "Come on guys. Don't tell me that you don't want to do this."

"I want to do it."

Reed's small voice shocked the others, who all turned to face him. He flushed, seeing all the eyes, but continued.

"I agree with Julian. We should rebuild the school. Boys should be able to go to a school like Dalton. That one night shouldn't close off the chance for every generation from now on."

Blaine nodded slowly. "Think about it. None of us would have ever met. Half of us would most likely be in jail, the other half living positively miserable lives. I'm not going to let other boys grow up to live like that. I'll help reopen the school."

Kurt sighed. "Well when you put it that way…I'm in."

"Same." Shane smiled at Reed, who beamed up at the dancer.

Wes nodded. "I'll lend a few hands."

Dwight worried his lip, thinking. "I suppose someone will need to purify the grounds, make sure nothing is haunted."

Charlie groaned. "Well if all you crazies are in, then I have to keep an eye out on you. I guess I'm in."

Justin shook his head in exasperated amusement. "Someone's going to need to keep Chaz from going insane himself."

"So is this happening?" Julian looked at each man carefully. "Are we going to reopen Dalton?"

"Back into Wonderland," Kurt said solemnly.