Life exist in other planets but it is not life like we know, one example is the planet Cybertron where the dominant life forms are the transformers robots with transforming abilities, but the Transformers are in a civil war between the heroic Autobots led by the noble Optimus Prime and the evil Decepticons led by the tyrannical Megatron for the control of the Allspark a cube that created the transformers, lets see how the war happened and ended.

"Do you think that this will really work Ironhide?" a yellow robot asked

"Just see it by yourself Bumblebee, now go back and help warpath, if the any Decepticon appear we're screwed" a red robot replied angry.

"I'm sorry I just asked a question, I did not want to annoy you" Bumblebee replied trying to calm down Ironhide.

"No I that apologize for that, is that I'm much stressed lately ... finally I'm sorry bee" Ironhide said remorseful.

"But anyway why are we doing this?" Warpath asked.

"Optimus said that we need the energon fuel to supply the ark" Ironhide replied.

"The Ark? That enormous spaceship that Optimus is building?" Bumblebee asked surprised.

"Yup, Optimus started the construction of the ark, so that we can take the cube off the planet and away from Megatron" Ironhide replied.

"You mean the Allspak?" Warpath Asked.

"Be quiet Warpath!" Ironhide whispered furiously"Did you forget that we are in enemy territory and we need to… Yes energon fuel, let's fill the containers, put on this car, so that we can get out of here."

"No if we stop you!" An acute and aggressive voice exclaimed

"Up there, are Skywarp, Thundercracker and Sunstorm" Bumblebee Exclaimed

"Yes and we think that what the big said there said about the Allspark is very interesting" Skywarp said Grinning.

Ironhide and Bumblebee looked with an angry face to Warpath"Hey it was an accident" Warpath said trying to explain himself as Skywarp and Thundercracker fire at the Autobots with his Null Ray and Sunstorm with his flamethrower, the Autobots find a shelter and return the fire.

"What we gonna do now?" Warpath asked.

"I know, Warpath you turn to your tank mode take the fuel and run away from here, we'll distract them" Bumblebee suggested.

"Are you sure Bee?" Warpath asked in doubt.

"Just get out of here!" Ironhide shouted.

"Okay… But try not to die" Warpath said a little bit worried about his friends." Warpath Transform and Roll Out!" After use his activation code Warpath turn to his tank mode, connects to the car with the containers of energon fuel with a chain runs at full speed.

"Ironhide Transform and Roll Out!" Ironhide shouted and transformed to his armed truck mode.

"Bumblebee Transform and Roll Out" Bumblebee shouted and transformed to his car mode.

Ironhide and Bumblebee go to the same way and Warpath runs on a route inaccessible.

"You will not escape, Seekers Transforms and Destroy!" Sunstorm shouted and the three Decepticons turn on they're Jet modes.

"You two go after Bumblebee and Ironhide, I will take the fuel back" Sunstorm suggested.

"It's too late to take the fuel you go back and give to Megatron the information about the plan of the Autobots, Skywarp and I will try to get them" Thundercracker Replied.

"Okay, but try not to get hurt brothers" Sunstorm said with an ironic tone in his voice as he goes back to the Decepticon HQ. "Megatron its Sunstorm and I have bad news"


"Are they alright?" A blue and red robot asked to a silver robot.

"Yes Optimus they were lucky to have found Blaster and Rodimus's units, Ratchet is taking care of them despite not having serious injuries" The silver robot replied.

"Well done Jazz we'll need their assistance, and how is the Ark?" Optimus asked.

"The ark is almost stocked sir; if not for the fuel that Warpath brought we could not take the Allspark off the planet" Jazz replied

"Yes but the pressure is greater now that the Decepticons know of our plan, so call Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Warpath when they be better, and call Ratchet also in case we need a doctor in the Ark" Optimus said


Sunstorm returned to the Decepticon HQ and gave the information to Megatron who obviously was very angry.

"We can't let those cowards run away with my Allspark!" Megatron shouted as he cute a table in two with his katana sword.

"If I were in charge we would have our hands already in the cube" A red and blue jet like robot said disdaining Megatron.

"Don't test my patience Starscream or I'll leave you like that table" Megatron threatened.

"Lord Megatron sir, Skywarp and Thundercracker are coming back; we'll need their help to catch the Autobots sir?" A dark blue robot asked.

"Yes Soundwave, and prepare the Nemesis to departure, only that ship can reach the Ark" Megatron replied.

"Can I go with you sir?" Sunstorm asked.

"No, you'll stay and assist Shockwave while I… And by the way, where is Shockwave?" Megatron said.

"I am here Lord Megatron" A purple robot with a cannon in place of his left hand answered, he also has square head and he have only one eye.

"Shockwave I leaving my troops here in Cybertron at your Command" Megatron said.

"And Cybertron will stay like you leave Lord Megatron" Shockwave said and Megatron smirked after hearing that.

"Apple-polisher" Starscream whispered to Sunstorm that simple let a low "ha" get out of his mouth.

"Lord Megatron the Nemesis is ready to fly, and I need to stay here like Sunstorm Sir?" Soundwave asked.

"No you will come with me, okay Shockwave Cybertron is all yours until I return" Megatron replied.

At the same moment that Megatron goes out of the room Shockwave starts to laugh maniacally and this confused Sunstorm.

"Are you alright Shockwave?" Sunstorm asked.

"I never felt better in this way before my friend; finally I can put my plan in action" Shockwave replied slowly.

"What plan are you talking about Shockwave?" Sunstorm asked.

"I will explain to you in parts Okay?" Shockwave asked.

"Okay" Sunstorm replied.

"Megatron will probably use the Tractor Beam in the Nemesis to take the Ark no?" Shockwave asked.

"Yes" Sunstorm replied.

"And so he turns on the tractor beam a device that in installed in the Nemesis, will electrocute both the Autobots and the crew of the Nemesis, and with Megatron dead I will become the Supreme Commander of the Decepticons" Shockwave said.

"But this is treason" Sunstorm said astonished.

"And I can make you my second-in-command Sunstorm; what do you think about?" Shockwave suggested

"My loyalty is all yours Commander" Sunstorm said while making a reverence.


"Everything is all right Sir we can departure" A red robot similar to Bumblebee said.

"Okay thanks Cliffjumper; men remember this is just a temporary mission so we find an uninhabited planet we leave the cube it out of the reach of the Decepticons" Optimus said as the Ark starts to fly and entered in a space bridge it was so magnificent to the Autobots in the ground, that mere words couldn't describe it, but one thing that the Autobots didn't know is that the Decepticons have prepared his most dangerous ship the Nemesis to pursuit destroy the Autobots and take the Allspark.


"They are going out Sir" A tank like Decepticon said

"So what are you waiting for Brawl? I want this Ship flying now!" Megatron Shouted, and the ship started to fly entered in the same space bridge and to pursuit the Ark.

"They are targeted sir" Thundercracker said excited"Can we start the fire sir? Please." He asked.

Megatron just smirked and nodded, and all the cannons of the ship started to fire at the Autobots damaging their ship


"Sir we are under attack it is Megatron's ship the Nemesis" Ironhide said.

"So we'll return the fire, men prepare our defenses" Optimus said

"Yes sir" All the crew said at the same time.

And a ferocious battle started between the two ships the in space until the Nemesis's cannons hit and severely damages the Ark's engines slowing it.

"Oh yeah! It's what I am talking about baby I hit directly in the engines" Thundercracker said happy about his performance.

"Lord Megatron the Ark is slower now; I suggest the use of the tractor beam to get them" Soundwave suggested

"Smart as always Soundwave, go to the side of their ship and activate the tractor beam." Megatron said

And the Nemesis went to the Ark's side and Soundwave activated the Tractor Beam and to attract the Ark closer so the Decepticons could enter the ship take the Allspark and destroy the Autobots, but the device that Shockwave installed was activated as soon as the tractor beam connected the two ships and electrocuted crews leaving them unconscious and the two ships the runaway and entering the atmosphere of a planet the Nemesis sank into the sea and the Ark is buried in a mountain, but both ships had fallen on a planet called Earth.


"What do you mean with this Sunstorm?" Shockwave asked angry.

"I just suggested that the shock was not enough to kill them and they could be alive" Sunstorm said a little bit frightened.

"Damned, if Megatron is alive and discovers the device he'll destroy me" Shockwave said still angry" Grrr, looks like that I have to steal the Allspark, and take down Megatron and the Autobots by myself, and you Sunstorm stay here and wait for further orders" Shockwave said as he walks to the balcony.

"As you wish" Sunstorm said making a making a subtle reverence.

"Shockwave Transform and Destroy" He said now with a calmer tone as he turns to his tank mode activated his turbo jets and began to fly into space.


"He is going out of Cybertron Grimlock; he is probably going to the same direction of the Nemesis and the Ark" A slim robot said

"Without wanting to be rude Swoop but spares me the details; Slag, Snarl can you track Shockwave's energetic signal?" A very big robot asked

"No problem buddy" Two similar robots said at the same time.

"Sludge prepare the engines we need them at full strength" Grimlock said to a bigger robot.


The interior of the once magnificent ships Nemesis and Ark are now a pile of debris and all its crew is now unconscious, severely injured and in danger since Shockwave has arrived to give them a quick and cruel death.

"So this is the Earth? This is a very primitive planet will be easy to conquer it" Shockwave said, and then he turned his attention to an oil well. "Oh look earthlings; this must be the humans; well according to my tracker the Nemesis is in the sea and the Ark is in that mountain, so I can have some fun with the humans" Shockwave said with a with a malicious tone in his voice.


"Hey Sam I need your help here" A short man with a mustache and an apron.

"Okay doc what is the problem?" A teenager asked.

"It has some kind of disturbance that is making the machines do not work" The Doctor said concerned. "And where is Sari?" He asked

"Your daughter? She was just behind me. SARI WHERE ARE YOU?" Sam shouted

"I am here Sammy" A little girl said in the top of a little size hill, she was holding a pair of binoculars.

"What are you doing here? Why do you always do things like that?" Sam asked angry as he walks towards Sari.

"Don't be so boring Sammy" Sari said annoyed, she was pointing to a specific direction with her binoculars, when she saw a very strange thing.

"What is wrong Sari?" Her father asked.

"Have something coming, a type of tank is all purple" Sari replied.

"Let me see it" Sam said as he took the binoculars and looked at the tank.

"It's the Sector Seven again?" The Doctor Sumdac asked.

"I don't think so Doc, but we'll soon discover he is coming" Sam replied.


"Forgive me but I have to ask you to withdraw" A voice inside the tank said.

"If we do not want eh?" Sari said with a tone of challenge.

"Okay I tried… Shockwave Transform and Destroy" The voice said and the Tank and turned in Shockwave.

"Oh my god Sari, Doctor; RUN!" Sam shouted, and the three started to run and the Decepticon started to wreck havoc in the Oil Well.


"Shockwave is attacking the Humans Grimlock, we have to do something" Slag said.

"I know Slag Dinobots the plan is as follows, while I distract Shockwave you reactivate the others in the Ark" Grimlock said.

"I don't like this Dinosaur alternative mode" Snarl said.

"They aren't the most usual alternative mode… But they are the best. "Grimlock said smirking.


"Let her go you monster!" Doctor Sumdac shouted to Shockwave that was holding Sari.

"You want her?" Shockwave asked "So take her" Shockwave said as he threw Sari. She was about to fall when a big hand saved her.

"Are you alright?" Sludge asked.

"Yes I think I'm" Sari said.

"Don't waste your time men, go and reactivate the others, Shockwave is all mine." Grimlock said as the other Dinobots and Sari went to the Ark.

"No, I won't let you go!" Shockwave Shouted pointing his cannon at them.

"Oh Shockfreak." Grimlock said as he poked Shockwave in the shoulder "Say good Night!" Grimlock yelled as he hit Shockwave in the head with a truck.


The Dinobots have wakened Ratchet so he could help them save their friends.

"What you can do for them Ratch?" Swoop asked

"I don't know, they are seriously injured; but if…" Ratchet said.

"If what?" Swoop asked.

"If we find compatible alternative forms for them, they can be saved" Ratchet said.

"So I, Slag and Snarl'll activate the scanner drones" Swoop said "But you will need an alternative mode as well Ratch" Swoop remembered.

"Okay, I'll prepare them for the scanners, and Sludge takes care of the Human girl" Ratchet grumbled.

"You wait here little one" Sludge said to Sari as he put Sari in the floor.

"Okay It's done" Swoop said.

And the Scanner drones flew to Detroit City and scanned many vehicles to serve as Alternative Modes for the Autobots; the drones went back and gave to each Autobot an Alternative mode.

"Ratch what happened? What the Dinobots are doing here? And who is this little Girl?" Optimus asked a little dizzy.

"We don't have time Optimus, Grimlock is taking a beating from Shockwave." Swoop said desperate.


Shockwave hit Grimlock with some punches and kicks and knocked him out in the ground with a shot from his pulse cannon.

"You really think that a truck in my head would be enough to beat me Grimlock?" Shockwave asked with an ironic tone in his voice, and he simply received a look of contempt of Grimlock, and Shockwave kicked Grimlock's head leaving him unconscious. "This aggressive and stupid reaction of yours was predictable" Shockwave said still steeping on Grimlock's head "So it is time to say goodbye my friend" Shockwave said aiming at Grimlock's head with his pulse cannon, but when he was about to finish Grimlock a rock hit his head.

"Let he go you monster" Sam shouted holding a rock.

"I didn't expect this from you human but don't worries I'll kill for this as soon as I kill Grimlock" Shockwave said still aiming at Grimlock "You can throw stones at me if you want, but it is better you know Sticks and Stones can't hit me" Shockwave said mocking of Sam, but what hit him later wasn't a stone but a powerful shot.

"Let he go Shockwave" Optimus said with a menacing voice and holding a gun.

"What the Autobots are live?" Shockwave thought "I don't care, this was not the last time we saw Autobots I'll be back, Shockwave Transform and Destroy" Shockwave said turned to his tank mode and fled from the scene.

"Come back you freak and face me, you'll pay for what you have done to my friend" Swoop Shouted.

"Yes he have seriously injured Grimlock and that is why we have to take care of Him and not hunting Shockwave" Optimus said trying to calm Swoop

Warpath and Ironhide took Grimlock and put him on a stretcher and followed some instructions from Ratchet, when suddenly Grimlock wake up.

"Optimus bring the human boy with us; he tried to save me from Shockwave." Grimlock slowly said pointing to Sam

"This is true boy?" Swoop asked and Sam nodded "So you can come with us the little girl is inside, everyone who is friend of Grimlock's my friend as well" Swoop said cheerful.

"And I sure that you have many questions to do" Optimus said.


After Optimus related all their story for the boys.

"Wow this is a fantastic story" Sari said.

"But how are you going back to Cybertron?" Sam asked.

"I don't know but this is our last concern, our first priority is to find Shockwave." Optimus said

"Yes but…give me one second Optimus" Sam replied when he was interrupted by his cell phone"Yes Doc?" He asked


"Calm down Grimlock I'm almost finishing with you" Ratchet said when he started again and Grimlock started to cry and scream in despair and pain.

"Hey Optimus the Doc said that the mayor have prepared a parade for you" Sam said cheerful.


"Dammed, if I wasn't alone the Autobots were history, but nothing that try is working" Shockwave said frustrated "What I do to wake them?" He asked to Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Ratbat, Ravage, Rumble and Frenzy who were the only activate Decepticons. "Hey If create for them alternative modes with based on the most potent combat vehicles I'll be able to fix them, so I'll use the remote control to handle the Scanner Drones and find a military Base"

And Shockwave did as he has said and he found alternative modes and reactivate the Decepticons.

"What are you doing here Shockwave? Megatron asked, and Shockwave related to Megatron everything, his arrive, the meeting with the Humans, the battle with the Autobots and how he resurrected Megatron and the others.

"So the Autobots are alive" Megatron murmured to himself.

"And they received a parade boss" Skywarp said to Megatron.

"What are you talking about?" Megatron asked.

"It's true Lord Megatron see by yourself" Soundwave replied to Megatron as he pointed to a screen, and Megatron Smirked.

"Do you have don't you Megatron?" Starscream asked grinning as well, Megatron simply nodded.

"Yes we can have some fun with the Autobots" Thundercracker said jumping of happiness.


"Prowl has something bothering you?" Optimus asked to his bodyguard.

"As you now I am just feeling that something bad will happen" Prowl murmured a bit worried.

"Just because you're a Cyber-Ninja this doesn't meant that you need to be serious all the time Prowl, look at me I' am the sergeant and I'm having fun" Sergeant Sentinel Prime said. "Look the guy in that tank wants to speak with us" He said pointing to a white tank. "What do you want to say my good sir?" He asked

"Only one thing…Decepticons Attack" A voice coming from the Tank Ordered, and other vehicles started to run towards the Autobots.

"WHAT?" Sentinel asked surprised.

"It's True look." Prowl said pointing to a symbol purple symbol in the Tank and holding his shuriken with the other hand.

"Megatron Transform and Destroy!" The Decepticon tank said and turned in Megatron.




"…Transform and Destroy" The Three Decepticons Jet said turning to their robot mode.

A police car accelerates towards the Autobots, said his activation code and turned to his robot mode "Barricade Transform and Destroy"

"Combaticons Transform and Destroy" Onslaught said and all his partners turned to their robot modes.

A navy blue military car was running towards the Autobots with a Alien Purple Tank and turned to his Robot by saying his Activation Code"Soundwave Transform and Destroy, Cassettes Attack" a compartment in his chest opened and the Cassettes transformed in Laserbeak Buszzaw Ratbat Ravage Rumble and Frenzy, and the Tank Said "Shockwave Transform and Destroy" and turned to his Robot mode, the Autobots were surrounded by the Decepticons Aiming at them.

"It's time to die Prime" Megatron said smirking.


I'll give to you readers some information.

Activation Codes:

Autobots: Transform and Roll Out

Decepticons: Transform and Destroy

Maximals: Maximize

Predacons: Terrorize

Combiner Teams: Combine (the Activation Code is said by the Leader)

The Transformer Characters introduced in this Chapter:


Optimus Prime









Sentinel Prime

















