Hi, thanks for reviewing again. Enjoy!

Chapter Four

Getting off the knight bus, nerves boiled in Hermione's veins.

She didn't know what to expect at all, when she would knock on the front door. Hell, she didn't know if Harry was still alive. But in her time, he owned the place after Sirius died so it was worth a try.

She nervously knocked on the door of 12 Grimmauld place and waited for a moment. Then, the door swung open and Hermione was looking down at a little boy.

"Hello, does Harry Potter live here?" she asked the boy, nervously.

"My daddy? He's not home right now. But my mummy is,"

Hermione smiled a bit. "Ok, could I speak to your mummy?"

The boy nodded, and yelled: "MUMMY! SOMEONE'S AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!"

"OK! COMING JAMES!" Hermione heard a familiar voice reply, and an older Ginny came to the door.

Her eyes widened so much, Hermione thought her eyes would come out of her sockets.

"Hermione? Oh my gosh…, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see Harry… or you. I just need your help. May I come in?"

Ginny still looked really shocked, but she widened up the entryway. Hermione stepped in, and Ginny closed the door.

James stared at them for a moment, and Ginny ordered him to go play upstairs with his brother. Once he left, Ginny led Hermione into the sitting room, and left her alone to go prepare some tea.

While she was waiting, Hermione went over to examine the Black Family tapestry on the wall. She went lower on it, to the Malfoy section. Next to Draco Lucius Malfoy, was Onyx Connley Malfoy. Underneath Draco's name were her children: Draco Lucius Malfoy II, and Sapphire Severa Malfoy.

She just wondered why she named her son after her husband. As far as she was concerned, Draco wasn't worthy of having a son named after him. And little Sapphire, it was a bit more understandable. Her eyes reminded her of the colour of sapphire stones, so that must have been the inspiration. But Severa? She never heard of that name before. But perhaps it was after Severus… but why?

Ginny walked back into the room, and caught Hermione looking at the tapestry.

"I couldn't believe it too," said Ginny, setting the tea of tray down on the table.

Hermione made a face. "Sorry?"

"That Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy had another child… I mean, I thought that their precious little Draco was enough for them. And they must have been nearly in their fifties when they had him!"

Hermione sat opposite of Ginny and sighed. "Yeah, possibly."

Ginny nervously smiled. "So, why did you finally come and visit me after all these years?"

Hermione was close to tears.

"I haven't seen you in years?" Hermione asked, her voice trembling.

Ginny made a face. "Yeah Hermione, I haven't seen or heard from you in almost eleven bloody years. What happened to you? I mean, the last time we talked you told me you were pregnant, but you wouldn't tell me who the father was… and you told me that you couldn't speak with me anymore. Why was that? I cannot tell you how many hours I've spent with Harry and Ron, discussing reasons why you just… decided to push us out of your life."

Hermione burst into tears. "Ginny… I'm so sorry I did that to you… I don't know what I was thinking… oh god, maybe he did something to me…,"

Ginny frowned. "Who? Who did what to you?"

Hermione gulped. "My husband…,"

"Who's your husband?"

"Dr- Draco," Hermione spluttered out, and wiped her tears away.

Ginny's eyes widened. "Draco who? No… no way. Draco Malfoy?"

Hermione nodded, and looked away.

"YOU MARRIED DRACO BLOODY MALFOY?" Ginny cried, and shook her head.

"No. The Hermione I knew would have never have married him… oh god… oh god…,"

Hermione sniffed. "Yes, I'm in shock too."

Ginny, yet again, made a face. "What do you mean by 'I'm in shock too?'"

"I… um… time-travelled to the future."

"Excuse me?" said Ginny, with a hint of anger in her voice.

Hermione sighed. "A couple of days ago, I fell asleep in the Gryffindor common room after reading a novel. And I woke up in Draco Malfoy's bed the next morning, to find out I was married to him and was the mother to his children. It's a bloody nightmare, and I ran away. I thought that maybe Harry could help me get back to my time…," she stopped seeing the look on Ginny's face.

"Who are you?" Ginny asked, shaking her head. "I mean, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Coming back here after eleven years, and telling me that you married the one person who inflicted the most pain on me and my family… and your explanation is that you TIME-TRAVELLED HERE? Gosh Hermione, I thought you would be smarter to come up with a better excuse than that."

Hermione panicked. "Ginny, I swear, I'm not-,"

Ginny put her hand up. "No, I'm finished talking to you."

"But Ginny-," Hermione protested, but Ginny looked away.

Hermione's eyes filled with more tears, and she got up to leave.

She went out the front door, back to the busy streets of London. Her tears clouded her vision so much, she could hardly see. Hermione took the subway, to the stop that was the closest to the Leaky Cauldron. Once she reached the wizard pub, her legs were almost giving up on her. She felt like being sick. She almost stumbled to the counter, and wrung the bell.

Someone came immediately.

"Can I have a room please?" Hermione asked, taking her money out of her bag.

The old man smiled, and took a key out. "Certainly, miss. Your name please?"

"Hermione Malfoy, and she won't be needing a room Dan. She'll be coming with me," Hermione spun around, to look into the eyes of her old potions professor.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked, furiously.

"The Malfoys sent me to London to search for you. Master Onyx saw you getting on the Knight Bus, which caused your husband to worry for you."

"He's not my husband. He might be on paper but he isn't really my husband."

Severus chuckled. "You're determined to make this difficult, aren't you?"

"Well it isn't the easiest situation to be in," she mumbled, slumping into a chair.

Severus sat down as well, and called Dan to them. "Dan, get me a firewiskey, and a butterbeer for Mrs. Malfoy please,"

Dan nodded, and went back to the counter.

Once their drinks came, Severus cleared his throat. "You may find this hard to believe, but I think that the situation your are in is very unfair to you."

Hermione didn't respond, and took a sip of her drink.

"You've been thrown in this wagon, that you didn't intend on being in. And I know it's a lot to deal with."

"No you don't. You don't understand me, you don't know me. I'm your student, Severus."

"That's what you may think, but over the years, we have became really good friends. I came to know you well, Hermione. And I am very shocked that you ran away. Knowing you, I thought you would have at least stayed to fix the situation."

Hermione shook her head. "I guess that in any situation I would have stayed to fight. I did after all help Harry conquer the Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries last year. But… being thrown at the responsibility of being a mother and a wife… I… don't know what to do anymore. It's been two days and I can't take it anymore. I want my life back, I want to fix what I've created for myself right now. It's not how I pictured my life to turn out."

Severus sighed. "Hermione, this is what happens, no matter what. And I must insist-,"

"But I thought that you said that the course of my life could change! If I found out what year it is, or something like that."

"But it's dangerous Hermione!" exclaimed Severus, frustrated.

"Yes, it may be. But how come it's not dangerous to find out who I married? Or how many kids I've had? It doesn't make any sense," she responded, scratching her head.

"Not everything makes sense, my dear. It may all make sense at a later date, but let's focus on the present for now. First, we have to find out why you were sent here, in this time. Usually time-travellers are sent by the stars to complete a mission that the people of the time era cannot do. From what I thought of last night, was it was probably something to do with young Draco. And in particular, Draco. Not Onyx or Sapphire, but only your boy."

Hermione looked down at her drink. "So why was I sent here? To save him? I don't understand…,"

Severus shook his head. "I don't understand either, but I guess that we will have to wait and see."

For the first time, he smiled at her. It was a nice smile, like a reassuring smile.

Hermione smiled back, and she stood up.

"So, I guess I better return to… my family," she said, feeling weird doing it.

Severus nodded, and put a tip on the table.

Hermione grabbed her purse, and Severus gripped onto her elbow. With a wave of his wand, they apparated back to Malfoy Manor.

During their conversation, they were unaware that someone was watching them.

I know, it's short. But lots of Dramione and family in the next chapter. Review please :D I love reading them, they mean the world to me.