I'm not too sure about this epilogue. I don't think it's my best work, but then again, we are always so much harder on our writing than other people. This story has been a first for me in a lot of things. First Glee/Puckurt story I've managed to finish. First Puckurt kiss. And now, another first, but you'll have to read to find out. Don't worry, you'll work it out. I don't want to give it away as to what's in this chapter... Then again, you can probably all guess :P

This is the longest part I've written for this story. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Anyway, I don't own Glee. Never have. Never will.

Six months later...

"Are you sure your ready, Kurt? We don't have to do this until you want to."

Kurt nodded. "I'm sure. I want this. I want you, Noah Puckerman."

It was currently Kurt and Puck's 6 month anniversary. They had been dating since Kurt got out of the hospital and haven't looked back. 6 weeks after that, Kurt went back to the hospital and got his stitches removed. There was no permanent damage, only a scar, which you could only see if you were looking for it.

Finn, Karofsky and Azimio went to Juvie. Finn for rape and abuse and Karofsky and Azimio for helping him. Kurt was so appreciative of Puck when he talked Burt out of killing the boys. Otherwise he would not have a dad. His dad would be in jail.

Puck obviously helped Quinn out with their baby. Kurt didn't mind. What kind of boyfriend would he be if he did? He couldn't just turn around and say that he didn't want his boyfriend looking after his daughter. When Beth was born, they gave her up for adoption. During the pregnancy, Kurt, Puck and Quinn became close and they stayed that way after. Mercedes was obviously with them and when Kurt and Puck would want to do couple things together, Quinn and Mercedes would hang.

Kurt obviously wasn't fit for glee before Sectionals, and since they also lost Finn, they were two people down. They had to forfeit Sectionals and therefore the competition season. Principal Figgin's understood they didn't have a choice and allowed glee one more year. They had to place in Regional's the next year though.

The night of their six month anniversary was one they would remember forever. Puck had it all planned out. They went to dinner at Breadstix and then to see a cheesy romantic film, one of Kurt's choice, down at the cinema. Kurt said he didn't care what movie they watched, as long as they were together. They decided on the movie, Abduction - hey, Kurt didn't always have to choose cheesy romantic movies - because, well, who could resist Taylor Lautner's muscles.

"Mine are better, right?" Puck asked and flexed his arms.

"Yes, baby. They are," Kurt said, smiling and kissed him. They no longer cared whether they were in public, when they kissed. If people had a problem with it, they could piss off.

So, after the dinner and movie, they both headed back to Kurt's place. Burt had gone out for the night to a friend's place. He had told Kurt that he just wanted a night away from Lima. In reality, Puck was the one who asked him if they could have the house to themselves. It took some convincing, but eventually Burt agreed, on the condition they did whatever Kurt wanted to do. Puck wouldn't rush him. Puck insisted he wasn't going to force Kurt to do anything anyway.

So once they got back to the house, Puck had put some music on, softly in the background as they went down to Kurt's room in the basement. That's where they were now, making out.

"Are you sure your ready, Kurt? We don't have to do this until you want to."

Kurt nodded. "I'm sure. I want this. I want you, Noah Puckerman."

Puck smiled. He started kissing Kurt down his chin and onto his neck. "Tell me if it gets too much for you." Puck was whispering huskily. Kurt couldn't find his voice as he enjoyed Puck's talented lips. He just groaned and nodded his head. "I'll make you feel alright."

The kisses were getting lower and once he reached Kurt's chest, he moved his hands up to the buttons on the dress shirt that was covering the porcelain boy. He started un-doing the buttons and kept moving his mouth down. When he reached Kurt's nipples, he took the left one in his mouth.

Kurt's back arched as he pushed his chest into Puck's hot mouth. He was enjoying everything that was being done to him. He didn't want Puck to stop what he was doing.

Once both nipples were as erect as they were going to be, Puck continued down, kissing and nipping at bits of skin. When he reached Kurt's belly button he dipped his tongue in it and swirled it around a little. Kurt shivered as he gripped the bed sheets.

After a few swirls, Puck was down to Kurt's pants.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Puck asked. He didn't want Kurt to think he has to let him continue because he'd started.

"Fuck, Puck!" Kurt exclaimed and looked at him. "I know your concerned, but don't be. I'm ready. I love you!"

Puck nodded. "Okay, just making sure. I love you too."

The button and zip being un-done took so long in Kurt's mind. He felt air on his legs as his pants were pulled down then on his cock and balls as the boxers were removed.

"Kurt," Puck said with a little cheekiness in his voice. "You're turned on. Does someone want me to handle this?"

"Fuck, yes, Puck!" Came the shouted reply.

Puck chuckled and placed his lips on the shaft. He first just bobbed his head up and down, taking a bit more in every time. When the head got to his throat, instead of pulling back, like Kurt thought he was going to do, Puck went further. He started deep-throating Kurt. That thought alone nearly brought Kurt to climax, but he held on a bit longer. He wanted this to go on forever, but at the same time, he wanted to feel Puck inside him.

"Oh my god! Puck!" The bed sheets were pulled at again. "I'm going toooo..." Before he could finish the sentence, Puck hummed, so he came right then, down Puck's throat.

Once Puck swallowed it all he looked up at Kurt. "How was your first blow job?" He smirked.

"Unreal! But that was only the beginning I hope. I want to feel you in me, Noah. Besides, your still fully clothed and haven't gotten off yet," Kurt said and winked.

Soon enough Puck was also naked and Kurt was lying on his side. Puck had a bottle of lube and was slowly stretching the smaller male. Kurt had tried to say he didn't want it, but Puck said he wouldn't enter Kurt until he was fully stretched. There were three fingers in Kurt now. He was nearly ready.

Once Puck entered the forth finger, and Kurt was used to it, they positioned themselves. Kurt lying on his side still, with Puck lying behind him, spooning him.

"Are you sure about this?" Puck whispered into Kurt's ear. Kurt just nodded and pushed his hips back, so his ass went into Puck's already lubed up hard cock.

"Do it, Puckerman."

Puck didn't need more permission. He lined up with Kurt's hole. "Let me know if it's too painful."

He slowly entered. Once he was in fully, he sat there for a bit, letting Kurt get used to it. He only continued when Kurt pushed his hips back and moaned. Smiling, Puck continued pulling back and going in. He littered kisses over Kurt where ever he could. He moved his left arm and wrapped it around Kurt's body. Kurt leaned into the embrace and kissed Puck's hand.

Soon enough, Kurt was hard again. This experience was so much different to six months ago. He knew Noah loved him. Finn just felt hatred towards everyone that day. Noah is being gentle and going at Kurt's pace. Finn was rough and was only using him. After him and Noah were going to cuddle, occasionally kissing and talking quietly. After Finn left Kurt in the locker room, letting the threat he'd just gotten sink in. Only one good thing came out of that experience. He got Noah Puckerman.

Kurt was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt Puck reach down to his hard-on. He started quickly jerking him off as he pushed in and out of him. Kurt couldn't help the moan that left his lips.

"You enjoying this, baby?"

Kurt couldn't form words so he just nodded. Puck chuckled.

Soon enough, Kurt could feel his release coming. He held on a bit longer wanting to come with Puck. After a few more pumps though, he couldn't hold any longer. He felt the first little bit come out and hit his stomach.

Puck felt Kurt's ass clench as he started coming. That was all it took for him to start. He started coming in the ass in front of him, all the while kissing Kurt's shoulders and the back of his neck.

When they were both spent, they laid there for a few minutes, just panting. As soon as Puck pulled out of Kurt, Kurt turned to face him.

"How was that?" Kurt asked and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

Puck smiled. "Better than any girl I ever had. How about you? Was that a better first time?"

"Of course. Anything is better with you, Noah Puckerman."

They fell asleep that way, in each other's arms.