Okay, so this story was only going to start out as a one-shot, then it got so long, I had to add a second chapter. Then one thing led to another and I have 4 written up with plans for a fifth. This is set during the sectionals episode in season 1.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. I do not pretend to. All I own is an over-active imagination, a computer with a keyboard and ten very cold fingers...

Warnings: Non-con, rape, alcohol abuse, physical and mental abuse, boy/boy sex. Dark and possibly sad too.

Pairings: Finn/Kurt (Non-con) Mentions of Finn/Quinn and Quinn/Puck. Possibly Kurt/Puck at the end.

Please enjoy, read, review, alert and favourite. (:

Pain. Emptiness. Confusion. Sorrow. Betrayal. That was what Kurt Hummel was currently feeling as he lay on the boys' locker room floor, clothes surrounding him. Finn had just staggered out of the room, too drunk to try and cover the evidence, assuming Kurt would do that for him.

Finn had just found out that morning that his long time, now ex girlfriend had cheated on him, with his so-called best friend. He managed to get his hands on some alcohol, probably from Karofsky or Azimio or someone else from the hocky team. Kurt was simply there. He wasn't planning anything drastic. Get drunk, forget his troubles. Then Kurt cautiously walked up to him, probably to see if he was okay, or maybe he noticed he was intoxicated. He asked why Finn was drunk.

"I'm not drunk," he slurred, his words mixing into each other.

"Finn, I've been drunk before, I know what it's like." He shuddered at the memory. He doesn't think Ms. Pillsbury has forgiven him yet for throwing up all over her shoes. "Come on, let's get you home. We can skip Glee rehearsal today."

"No!" Finn shouted, staggering away from Kurt's out-stretched arm. He chuckled and started stumbling to the boys' locker room. Kurt wanted to leave, go to Glee. He didn't really like the thought of missing out. What if Rachel took advantage of it and demanded all the solo's. He followed Finn though, just to make sure he was going to be alright. He didn't want to hear Finn had passed out or had alcohol poisoning and know that he could have prevented it.

When they finally reached Finn's destination, he turned suddenly, throwing Kurt onto the floor and locking the only door out of there. "Finn?" Kurt questioned nervously.

"Shh," Finn wetly hushed, slapping his hand over Kurt's mouth. Kurt's eyes darted around, nervously, looking for a way out of this situation. His eyes settling back on Finn when he realized how hopeless escape was looking. "Now, I know you heard." He was suddenly straddling the smaller, scared teen's hips. "Quinn cheated on me. With my ex best friend, Puck." Kurt didn't say anything as the hand was taken away from his mouth. "I needed something to take my mind off it. That's where Karofsky came into the picture, giving me a bottle of Vodka. However, I need something else. I've seen the way you look at me, don't try and hide it, fag!" Finn spat the last word in Kurt's face.

Kurt shook his head. "Please, Finn. You're not thinking clearly. Let me take you back to your mum."

"No!" Finn yelled and stood up. He started pacing, heavily before he stopped and turned back to Kurt. He stalked up to him and slapped him once, very hard, on the cheek. Kurt lay on the ground, staring up at Finn, shocked. He felt tears pricking the corners of his eyes as Finn took his shirt off.

"W-W-What are you d-doing?" Kurt stuttered out.

"Getting undressed! What does it look like?"

"Why?" Kurt didn't think he wanted to know the answer to that question.

Finn looked at him. "Just shut up, or I'll make you shut up! I need something to help me through this and you're going to help me."

Kurt just silently shook his head, stumbling up and trying to run to the door. Even though Finn was drunk, he was still too fast for Kurt, grabbing his shoulder and throwing him back.

Kurt landed on the ground, letting out a long, deep groan. Finn took this time to straddle him, ripping his shirt off his body. Kurt may have freaked over the shirt, had it been any other situation. He was, however too preoccupied on other things, such as his long time crush currently straddling him with no intention of getting off him.

"F-Finn, please," Kurt choked on a sob, threatening to rip its way out of his chest. He didn't want to cry. Not yet.

"Shut up!" Finn said, exasperated and grabbed the biggest shred of Kurt's shirt, stuffing it into his mouth. Kurt could only watch in horror as his pants were easily ripped from his legs, leaving him clad only in boxers. He had never felt so exposed and wasn't looking forward to the next 15 minutes.

Before flipping him over, so he was lying on his stomach, Finn grinned at Kurt, menacingly. He leant down to whisper in his ear; "This is all your fault. If it wasn't for your liking of me so much, I would have never even considered this. I guess though, this is really what you want. You want me, so bad in you. You'll even fight me to make it seem less obvious."

Kurt shook his head, tears freely falling down his cheeks. He felt himself being flipped over. He could do nothing to stop it. He gasped as he felt the cold winter breeze over his exposed ass when the boxers were finally ripped from his body. Finn was making it impossible for Kurt to get away without questions asked. He was just thankful only Glee students were here at this time of the day. They wouldn't come in here once Finn had finished, would they?

He heard the unmistakeable sound of Finn's zipper, unzipping. His heartbeat sped up as everything else seemed to go in slow motion. He felt Finn line himself up and that's when everything went back to the normal speed.

Pain exploded into Kurt's world. Pain he had never felt before. Burning. Ripping. The kind of pain you would not wish upon your greatest enemy. Kurt screamed into his weak gag. That was only one thrust. The second had Kurt giving the same reaction, this time, also clawing at the ground, trying to drag himself away. Away from the person who was causing him pain. Away from the person he thought could be worthy of a boyfriend, or even a step-brother.

Finn cackled an evil laugh as he went for thrust number three. Sure, he had been a virgin before, but he knew how to have sex. He didn't need some slutty teenage girl to show him the ropes. As he thrust he couldn't help but notice this was way better than his hand had ever been. Alot tighter. He might have to do this more often.

He could feel himself getting closer, so he started pumping faster. He couldn't wait to leave his load in the smaller boys' backside. As he got closer, his thrusts started getting sloppier. Kurt was still withering in pain, just as much as he had been at the start, but at least he was quieter than before.

Finn's world exploded and he saw white as he came, shooting his load. He collapsed on the smaller boys' bare back and lay there for a while. He could feel the struggling getting weaker. He wasn't sure if it was because Kurt was toughening up, or he was losing consciousness.

"Tell anyone about this, slut and I'll do it again. Understand?" Finn asked in a threatening tone. Kurt nodded weakly, just wanting Finn to leave him alone. He would just about agree to anything.

Finn nodded once, smirking as he pulled himself from the raw red ass that belonged to the young boy. Kurt groaned as he felt the pain, but just laid there. He didn't want to move, knowing if he did he would be in a lot more pain than he currently was. How could anyone be as inhuman as Finn? Just rape his classmate and leave him in the boys' locker rooms. He knew he couldn't just lie there all night. He didn't want Karofsky, Azimio and the other jocks to find him like this in the morning and he knew his dad would get worried.

He thought maybe he could just wait until his father called and tell him what happened. But then he thought of two down sides to that. Number one, Finn had just told him not to tell anyone. Number two, his phone was in his locker. He couldn't answer it over there, considering he was too worried to move.

All he could do was wait and hope he comes up with a plan.