The Little Mermaid...

On the shores of Denmark stood a magnificent castle. It stood powerful and strong upon the rocky shores. Within the castle, a red-head woman was humming a merry tune. Greeting her servant happily, the woman, known as Ariel, found her way onto the beach. Excitement arose within Ariel. "Today I'll see all my sisters and Daddy," she mused joyfully. While waiting for her family to arrive, the once mermaid became to sing, "Part of Your World." Suddenly, Ariel found no noise coming out of her throat. Frantically, the woman tried making a sound, any sound. "Oh no!" thought Ariel with fear, "I'd lost my voice! Again!"

The Lion King...

In the heart of the Savannah Plains, Simba observed his kingdom. He hoped his father was proud with his work to rebuild the Pridelands. The vegetation was finally growing. The prey roamed the land in herds of hundreds. No longer there was despair, fear, or hunger. Now, there was peace.

"Simba! Simba! Simbaaaaaa!"

The lion's thoughts were interrupted by a meerkat called Timon and a warthog named Pumba. Terror was trembling throughout their bodies.

The lion king tried to calm his friends. "Whoa, guys! What's with all the commotion?"

"It's Nala!" cried Timon.

"She's missing!" sobbed Pumba.

Agony stabbed Simba's heart. Not Nala. Not his mate. Not his love.

The Great Mouse Detective...

In the streets of London, a chubby mouse was busy trying on suit jackets. "Hmm..." thought the mouse, "I think the blue one suits me the best." With those thoughts, the mouse bought the jacket. On his way back to Baker street, the chubby mouse wondered, "I wonder what sort of adventure Basil has found today."

However, the stout mouse was stopped in his tracks by a wail of, "Nooooo!"

Dropping his bags, the short mouse raced to his home. He knew that voice very well. It was his best friend, Basil, and it sounded as if he was in serious danger.

Once he entered, he saw all of Basil's hard work, destroyed. All of his experiments, his maps, his cases, all ripped up and demolished. Sitting amongst the ruins was the famous mouse detective.

"Basil!" cried the mouse, "What happened?"

Hands shaking, Basil pointed to the shelf. "Look, Dawnson."

Seeing nothing wrong with the shelf, Dawnson proclaimed, "I see nothing wrong with this shelf!"

Rolling his eyes, Basil snapped, "It's not what's wrong with the shelf. It's what's not on it."

It dawned on Dr. Dawnson. "Oh, my, you mean the..."

"Yes," sighed Basil, "The bell of Ratigain is gone along with all of my hard efforts."

Sleeping Beauty...

Within King Stefan's kingdom, Aurora was enjoying her ride with Prince Philip. The princess sighed with lovesickness. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Aurora! Philip!" called Flora.

Still in her dreamy state, Aurora said, "What?"

"Have you seen our wands?" inquired Fauna.

"No," answered Philip, "Why?"

"Because," snapped Merryweather, "Someone stole them!"

"Merryweather!" scolded the other two fairies, "We don't know for sure."

"Well," stated Aurora, "We should search for them!"

However, no matter how hard they looked, the group couldn't find the magical wands. Now the two elder fairies admitted, "Someone stole our wands!"

"I'd told you so!"

The Black Cauldron...

Within the kingdom of Prydain, a princess, a minstrel, a creature, a pig, and her pigkeeper were celebrating.

"Hurrah!" cheered the minstrel named Fflewddur Fflam.

"The Horned King is dead!" cried Princess Eilonwy.

"Gurgi's alive!" danced the furry creature.

Taran only laughed with joy. Finally, after days of horrifying events, Taran could rejoice with his friends. Hen Wen, the pig, yawned. It was a long night and she wanted some sleep. Slipping away from the party, Hen Wen found a comfortable pile of dirt.

While the others were still skipping around, Taran cleared his throat. The odd group immediately settled down. Just as Taran was going to say something, a loud pig squeal echoed throughout the woods.

"Hen Wen!" cried Taran.

When the group reached the spot where Hen Wen was, it was too late. Hen Wen was gone.