(This story takes place before iGoodbye)
iDon't Remember
Chapter One
"Did you know that once during an MMA fight Bronson bit Waldrom's finger off?" Sam marveled in the air as she read off her bright cell phone screen in amusement. Freddie closed his eyes for a brief moment of disgust and exhaled sharply to get the image out of his mind. "apparently when the medic's sewed it back on his whole hand turned purple!" She continued not noticing the look of pure revulsion on Freddie's face and took a bite out of a fat cake she was currently in the middle of eating.
"How can you possible eat after reading something like that?" Freddie asked in complete wonder stealing a glance her way in pure hilarity. But Sam just shrugged and turned her phone off, she didn't know if it was reading things of that matter, or simply reading in a moving car on a bright little screen that was making her stomach uneasy.
"Ugh," The blonde moaned in discomfort as she threw her head against the back supporter and exhaled. "how much longer Fredork? Mama's tired." She yawned.
"Like I said before, and like I will continue to say; just over that hill and you can see Seattle." Freddie replied in an annoyed and slightly irritated state for Sam had asked him that very question numbers times before. Sam sighed and closed her eyes for a moment trying to get comfortable in the passenger seat of the car. There was a mere instance of silence in the traveling vehicle, that was, before Sam's stomach began to demand food. "Do we have anything to eat in the back or something? I'm starving." The blond inquired turning around to search the empty backseat of the car.
"Umm…first of all, there's no eating in the car," Freddie began taking a sharp turn in which forced the girl back into the comfort of her seat.
"It's not like that's stopped me before." Sam shrugged carelessly.
"I can see that." He quickly shoots back as he notices the FatCake wrapper in a cup holder.
Sam reveals a wicked smile. "and second of all, we just had dinner, you're seriously hungry?" He continued. Sam sighed and leaned into the back of the seat, rubbing her hand over her abnormally thin stomach. She yawned once more. "What can I say… Mama gotta eat when Mama gotta eat Fredly." Freddie rolled his eyes and continued to stare ahead at the empty dark road in front of them.
"Whatever then." The blond exhaled then proceed to shut her eyes. It didn't take Freddie long to realize she was beginning to fall asleep, and for a second he was relieved there would be quiet in the car. But it was too quiet. And quickly after he found himself resting his eyes for a short second in weary. But he quickly snapped out of that drowsy state as soon as he fell in it then turned to Sam, who was resting her head against the cool glass of the passenger window.
"Sam, what are you doing?" He asked softly, already knowing the answer but not wanting to anger her. He's had plenty of experience waking her up before and it was not pretty.
"What does it look like I'm doing Dipwad?" The blond retorted not even bothering to open her eyes.
"Okay, well… could ya stay awake? I'm starting to get a little tired and—"
Freddie sighed in annoyance but continued to fight it. "Come on Sam, how am I supposed to keep myself awake?" Sam shrugged from her spot. "I don't know dork, maybe one of your many imaginary friends could help you with that?" She sneered, satisfied with her comeback. Freddie glared at her in frustration. "Do you want to get home tonight? Then stay awake and make sure I don't fall asleep." He angrily spat out. It wasn't like him to act this way but he was tired, sore, drowsy, annoyed, and irritated. And he did not need to add anything else to that list.
"Okay—okay whatever, I'll stay awake, but at least put some music on to help, geez." Sam finally gave in complaining as she alined her posture to sit straight up and reached for the radio. Freddie sighed and he leaned more comfortably against the back of his seat. "Thank you, now was that so har—"
"—Talks, it started with a whisper! And that was when I kissed her! And then she made my lips hurt! I can hear the chit-chat—take me to your love shack, mama's always got a backtrack! When everybody talks babe—"
Sam blasted the radio and cut Freddie's sentence off. "Sam! Sam turn it down!" He turned his sight away from the wheel and shouted as hard as he could. From the corner of his eye he saw two pair of headlights at a distance, they were giant, but from what he could tell they were on the right lane so he had nothing to worry about.
"Sam!" He continued, still getting distracted from the wheel. "What? I can't hear you?" Sam toyed with him while she laughed and sang along to the loud music. Freddie glanced at the road for a split second and saw he was wrong, the head lights were in the middle of the two lanes. He froze and then yelled. "Sam, stop! Turn it off!" He couldn't concentrate with all the blown up music around him.
Fear overtook his emotions—he could literally feel his face getting hotter as that pressure pressed against the side of his being and tired to aimlessly calculate a solution in his mind. But Sam proceeded to ignore him and kept singing along, not realizing the grave danger they were currently in. The lights were getting closer, no time to stop and turn around. He stopped the car, and debated if they should get out. But there was no place to go; one side of the road were car-sized jagged rocks craved into a the mountain, and the other dropped about fifteen to twenty feet down to some type of steep embankment.
Panic struck him.
Sam stopped the music when she realized what was going on. "Freddie—? Freddie move the car!" She shouted in a horror.
Freddie turned to Sam. Fear embedded in his eyes. They had seconds before the semi would collide into them.
Freddie took a final look at Sam hoping she could suggest something before he started the car again, this time he tired to spin the car so that the impact would hit the back of the car and hopefully not hurt them as much; it was good, logical thinking; time seemed to be the only opponent now.
But his plan backfired.
The car was turned on his side when the semi made impacted with them; right on the driver's side. He was too late.
"Freddie—!" Sam tried to scream but the force of the impact had wind out taken out of her lungs.
The car was hit. The impact of the three-ton semi aiming straight into the driver's side at sixty-five miles per house had the force of an atomic bomb. There was a tornado of noise as Freddie lost control of the car as it began to plow straight down the embarkment. A symphony of low moans and grinding gears exploded as the car was molded to take its final shape. A chorus of hissing, and the sound of glass shattering around the car as if it was rain. But it was over as soon as it began and the quietness soon took over with the exception of Neon Trees single still eerily playing from the radio that disturbingly, had not been effected what so ever.
Sam opened her eyes seeing only mere outlines of a car and another person. She could only hear the rhythmic clicking of the turn signal, which must have been turn on when the car slid down the embankment, and the single play softly through the buzzing static from the radio. She slowly lifted her head and realized that their car was lying on its side—it was slightly tipped on its side, supported by the thick tree trunk. She was hanging in the air, trapped in her seatbelt.
The fog was beginning to lift from her brain.
Had she been driving? No… Freddie had, but she couldn't see him? "Freddie." She called out. "Freddie, answer me!" Nothing. She turned her head towards where she last saw him and she could see Freddie's still form there, in the ruins of what had once been a driver's side. The whole side of that car was in crippling condition. The door had been molded into a piece of trash, the window had been smashed into tiny pieces, there was blood, and a lot of it; all over the place, including the outlines of the broken glass.
"Freddie." Her voice started shaking as she realized what had happened. She tried to lift her right arm, but it was met with a surge of pain. "Owww!" She cried out and then began panicking, as she was slowly losing consciousness.
Freddie first felt a surge of pain along his left side. He moved is right arm to cradle his ribs and immediately wished he hadn't as a sharp pain moved across both sides of his collarbone. "Ahh." He cried out. "Sam… Sam can you hear me?" He asked softly as he tried to lift his head enough to see his best friend, but found that he couldn't. "Sam." He gasped, as she tried to move. "I need to know if… you're okay." He said gasping for air. Sam began to stir once again, uncomfortably. "Freddie?" She opened her eyes and turned her head to him.
"Hey." Freddie gasped.
"Oh god." She swallowed trying to refrain herself from crying. "You okay?" Sam asked in an alarming tone. Freddie didn't try to move this time. "I think so, just hurts... to breathe." He explained exhaling sharply. He took an uncomfortable deep breath and frowned. "You?"
Sam nodded. "Something's up with my arm but... but I'm fine." She was getting distracted by the heavy amount of blood that was flowing out of a gash in his head, and the blood that had formed and stained his lips. "Freddie you're... bleeding." She mumbled.
"You should call for help." He suggested ignoring her statement; the more he knew the extent of his injuries, though he could tell it was bad, the more he was left panicked. Sam nodded, and slowly took her phone out and dialed 9-1-1 with her left hand, it was hard to focus on the bright little numbers at first, but after a while she managed.
"No signal." Sam swallowed basically forcing herself to stay calm.
Freddie closed his eyes tightly and tried to get the pounding pain in his head to go away. "Can you get... get out of the car?" He asked between breath's, as he turned to face forward, his eye sight fazing in and out of focus.
Sam shook her head slightly. "I-I don't know, I didn't try Freddie, but I won't just leave you down here, you're bleeding... a-a lot—you need medical attention—"
"And that's why," He struggled once more, forcing his tears in, he knew something was wrong, he knew he was going to loss consciousness, and he didn't need Sam here to witness it.
"I-I…" He swallowed uneasily. "I need you to g-go get help." Sam looked at him unsure of what to do. So he tried to persuade her even more. "You're going to... have to... get back up on the road." He began to explain, swallowing back both tears and the pile of blood filling inside inside mouth. "and get a signal. Sam, please." His voice broke as he spoke. "You have to get h-help." His eye began to droop and he was in a constant battle with himself to stay awake. He swallowed down blood once more, and continued. "I… I can't get out. M-my legs are pinned to something Sam... and it's getting—it's getting harder to breathe. Please." Freddie pleaded. His breathing became noticeably labored.
I need her out of the car. I don't want her to see me like this, I have to be responsible.
Sam nodded. "Okay… just, just stay awake. Alright?" Freddie nodded to the best of his ability and mumbled. "Uhum." The blond then tried the door with her left hand and found that other than meeting the tree trunk in only a few feet, it opened pretty easily. "I might be able to get out of here but it's gonna take a while."
"Kay." Freddie muttered.
"Hey! Don't you dare close your eyes Freddork!" Sam yelled in utter panic as she noticed he was zoning in and out of consciousness.
But Freddie could barely hear her—he was trying, but it was hard. Blood continued to fill in his mouth to a point where swallowing it didn't help anymore—there was a pressure piling at his chest moving his aching ribs in the process and even him, with the extent of his medical knowledge could understand what was happening. He was bleeding internally and it had gotten to his lungs. Panic instantly set on his shoulders, the worst part was, there was nothing he could do. Soon he would not be able to breathe and he hoped it would end as quickly as it would come.
"S-sh-am." He let out barely coherently. He was going to die—he knew it—he could feel it. Tears fell down his face subconsciously in defeat.
"Yeah?" Sam asked turning her attention from the door and back to him. Once she saw him in that distraught state, her heart spiked uncomfortably as her stomach made a nasty uneasily turn.
But he didn't answer.
"Freddie?" She asked softly as she began to realize what was happening. She forced her tears back and gasped as a wall of panic formed inside her.
This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening.
His eyes were open and fully dilated to the point she could barely see the brown in them, staring unfocused into the space around him. Sam gently placed her hand on his shoulder in hopes of grabbing his attention, then after a moment slid her hand down and reached for his hand.
At this point the radio had stopped playing and the only thing Sam could hear despite her own whimpering voice cutting throughout the silence, was the sound of him struggling for air. And she could no longer hold her tears in.
"Freddie, answer me!" Sam nearly shouted.
The feeling of numbness outlined Freddie's body, slowly but surely inching it's way towards the center like a caving army. And as though wrapped in layers of adherent wrap, surrounding sounds became distorted. He could hear Sam shouting out his name, but she seemed so far away it was impossible so could be so close.
"Freddie!" Sam cried out, and although he couldn't feel it, she didn't dare to let go of his hand.
The pounding in his head along with other painful and disoriented sensations were beginning to weigh his body down, becoming heavier and heavier, weaker and weaker, to the point where he could no longer support his own head; making it fall in front of him. His vision turned from a slight blur, to a diplopan state where everything had a double, in less time than he could ever imagine. And before he realized, the world was slowly fading from his fingertips as drowsiness and unconsciousness drew it's thick, concealed blanket over him, drifting him off across a phlegmatic lake of emptiness.
So I hope you like the new and improved version of this story! Please review and let me and let me know what you think!