AN: Hey people of the fandom! How is everybody doing? I am SO sorry that I haven't updated AT ALL lately! I've been so busy! High school sucks, and as a freshman I'm still getting used to it. I have so much homework all the time and so I just haven't been able to write.

Since I am so busy, I had to put a sudden ending to this story. I had to end it because I just have way too much work to do to write a lot more, yet I did have to at least give you guys a resolution, rather than leaving you hanging! So I hope the ending isn't too bad!

"Elliot, I've really thought about New York a lot lately," Olivia said, pulling down a plate and putting some breakfast on it, and then setting it down on the kitchen table. She forked up some of the eggs and fed them to Sabrina, who was more than eager to eat.

"Yeah, me too," he said, sitting across from her. "I miss it a lot. Actually, I don't miss New York as much as I miss being a detective."

Olivia looked down at the plate in front of her for a moment. "And...?"

Elliot stared at her. "And...? And what?" he asked, confused.

"Could we go back?" she finally blurted. "I've thought about it. I've thought about our options. These past two years have been really long years. I'll bet the CIA forgot all about it," she insisted.

Sabrina sneezed. "CIA," she repeated.

Olivia glanced over at her and smiled, but it was more a distressed smile than a smile from joy.

"Are you sure? They're probably still looking for you."

"No, they aren't. That's ridiculous. I'll tell you exactly how it went down. They were afraid that I'd leak the video and tell the public about it, but now that it's been two years and it obviously hasn't happened, they're not after me anymore. I'm sure they've all forgotten about it completely. Two years is a long time, El," Olivia reminded him.

Elliot stared at the counter and looked back up at her. "I just don't think we should go yet. Maybe we should wait another couple of months. I don't feel right about it."

"Elliot, I do feel right about it, though. I think it's time to go back. I miss it more than anything. I want to be a detective again," Olivia protested, "And I want my name back."

Elliot nodded. "I just don't want anything bad to happen, especially not to Sabrina," he said.

Olivia looked deeper into his eyes. "Is that what you're so worried about? Elliot, she'll be fine...I know you love her more than anything, I do too. Even if for some reason something went wrong with the two of us, I'm sure she'd still be okay," she said softly.

He thought about it for a long minute, and then he finally looked up at her. "All right. Let's go back to New York."

As they came up from the underground subway station, Olivia watched as Sabrina's eyes nearly popped out of her head. She had every right to have a break-down; it was 9:00 on a Saturday night in Times Square. New York was beautiful, like it always had been. As Olivia's eyes scanned over the huge billboards and all the people, she wondered how she had survived so long living somewhere else. New York was where she belonged.

Elliot and Olivia had talked the whole plane ride home, and had finally decided that they would stay in a hotel for a little while until they found a good apartment. Now that they both had a decent amount of money, they could afford a pretty good apartment. Not a house, by any means, because half a million dollars in New York was still not very much money, but they could get a decent apartment.

After a week of searching for apartments, they found the perfect one. After they had settled in nearly two weeks later, they went to the precinct to get their jobs back. Everybody was surprised and extremely overjoyed to see them. It was amazing. Fin couldn't keep a grin off of his face, and Cragen instantly re-hired them, rambling on and on about how nothing had been the same after they left.

As Olivia, Elliot, and Sabrina went home that evening, they were all as happy as they could be, because they knew that life was going to go on and they'd be happier now than they were living that illusion of a life in California.

AN: Review for me! Thanks!