
Harvey cringed as he pushed the door open, half expecting it to creek a loud warning to those inside. Water from the torrential downpour that had begun outside dripped from his clothing, and his hair hung limp and wet and all out of place. He ran a shaking hand through it, pushing it back out of his face as he squinted against dim lighting.

The whole building had the appearance of something long-abandoned, but Harvey knew better. Cameron had bought the whole place and was making use of it now. He'd played with fire for years, but now he'd lit a flame, and hell hath no fury like Harvey Specter when crossed.

Voices could be heard down the hall and the lawyer could see shadows against light peeking out from under a door. He eased past it, trying to tread lightly as to keep the boards from under his feet from squeaking. Suddenly his phone began to buzz loudly in his pocket and he reached quickly in to quiet it. Everything went deathly silent for several long, aching moments until the voices began again, questioning what they heard and Harvey sank back into a dark corner.

The door swung open and a burley man waved a gun around at nothing in hopes of scaring whatever it had been out of hiding. Harvey held his breath, feeling his entire body shake under the stress. He could see Donna just past the door, glaring defiantly at someone beyond his view. She was there and she was alive. He could feel the relief as if it were tangible.

The man finally lowered his gun, ready to turn around as the sound returned. The buzz lit through and echoed off of the old walls, signaling Harvey's whereabouts. He didn't have time to react as one large, hair covered hand reached into his supposedly safe shadows and hauled him forward. The lawyer was pulled forward and he tried to level his gun, but when had his fingers gone so numb? His dark eyes widened as he was slammed back against the wall, the weapon falling from his hand and he felt his already aching head collide heavily with the immovable object. The gun went off as it hit the floor, causing the man to drop Harvey unceremoniously to the floor.

Mike gave a nervous look at the police. They had surrounded Jessica's car that he had still been sitting in when the detective called. He'd told them exactly what Harvey had told him to: the truth. Yes, Harvey was in there. Why? Because they wouldn't pick up their damn phones. Really, what good were cell phones if no one ever answered them? Yes, he believed that Carlyle and possibly even Cameron were in there, and, hopefully, Donna. Even after he told them all that they wouldn't tell him a damn thing in return.

"What's going on?" the young associate demanded as the police began to move around in a flurry of action.

"We've had a report of shots fired inside."

Mike felt everything crash around him, "Well?" he demanded.

"We don't know. Just stay put and let us do our job."

The young man felt himself sink down on the hood of the car, eyes wide and fear creeping in. Harvey had told him to sit still. The police had told him to stay put. Everyone seemed to think that he would do better out of the way and with his mouth shut. He'd never been very good at taking orders.

Donna had imagined her escape since waking up tied to the chair. That image seemed to grow dimmer and dimmer with each passing happening. The sight of her boss had excited her beyond words at first, but then had frightened her. He looked exhausted, pale, and his features were twisted in pain. Her first captor was dragging him in by one arm, the tall lawyer appearing limp as the thicker man tossed him at Donna's feet. She began to jump up when she heard Carlyle clear his throat.

"Don't move."

Against everything that screamed inside of her she sank back to the chair, eyes never leaving Harvey's still form. He stirred slightly, groaning, and looking perfectly miserable. She'd thought she'd seen him at his worse before that day, but now she knew that she had.

"What the hell is he doing here?" It was a new voice, but Donna knew it well. Cameron Dennis entered the room, pointed at Harvey with a deep frown played out across his features. "You were supposed to keep him away from here."

"And you told me he was smart."

"How else would did he put the pieces together?" Cameron demanded.

"If he were really smart, he would have stayed the hell away," Carlyle retorted. "But since he's here, we'll make use of him."

Donna gritted her teeth together, angry tears standing in her eyes as the tall man nudged her boss with his foot, causing the lawyer to groan and roll over. Dark stains had all ready begun to form against his wrinkled shirt and vest, signifying pulled stitches with the rough treatment. Harvey's dark eyes fluttered for a moment before finally blinking open and coming to focus on the gun pointed directly at him. If he were afraid he never showed it, but continued to meet the killer's eyes without wavering.

"You may not worry about it, but you're not the one with the information." He turned his steely eyes on Donna. "Now, Miss Woods, the information."

Harvey looked up at her, eyes stern and unyielding in his own resolve. If she were about to open her mouth to speak, she never was able to as shots rang out through the building.

"I really don't see what all of Mike's fuss was about," Rachel murmured as she poured a glass of water for Mrs. Woods. She'd been speaking half-way to herself, but the fact that Jessica was standing a few feet away caused the managing partner to glance in her direction and for the young paralegal to turn her apparent attention back to the water.

"What do you mean?"


Jessica's lips twitched upwards in the shadow of a smile. "Dr. Woods scared him, didn't he?"

"I was avoiding that word."

"Don't. He scares Harvey too."

Her top boss' candid speech put Rachel more at ease and she leaned back against the wall, glass in hand and eyes fixated on the elder woman. "Harvey Specter's afraid of him? Why?"

"He has you fooled too, hmm?"

"Well, I don't-"

"It's okay. He fools most people. It's only because he's good at what he does. Yes, I think Harvey's afraid of him." She looked thoughtful for a moment, following Rachel's movements to pour herself a glass of water. "Harvey's afraid of him because he's the only man that could ever take Donna away from him."

Rachel stared at Jessica, noting the distant look and the softer appearance to the lawyer's features as if she were thinking fondly of her own son. Memories of her own conversation with Donna not long before danced through her mind and she wondered if either one of them would ever take that first step that they could never turn back from. Eventually one of them would have to or, if she had read Donna correctly and Jessica had read Harvey, it was going to destroy them both. From what had been explained about the night before and the current events that were unfolding, it might be doing that right now.

"The boy needs a good dose of fear in him," Dr. Woods said gruffly, announcing his own presence and extending his hand to collect the glass of water for his wife.

"Not in the form of a shotgun, Arnold," Jessica chided softly. "Your daughter is the best thing that ever happened to him, and getting threatened for acknowledging that-"

"I know what kind of man that little prick is," the physician growled. "He's no good for her."

"But she's made him better," Jessica insisted lowly, eyes unwavering and shoulders squared. She stood eye to eye with the tall man.

He snorted, the lines in his face deepening as he frowned. "It's only a matter of time before he goes down that path, Jessica. You and I both know-" He stopped, eyes watching the younger woman and she crossed her arms and transformed her entire stance into one that made it difficult for him to continue.

"What do we both know, Arnold? Go ahead."

The elder man cleared his throat, shooting a glance over to Rachel who looked surprised to be acknowledged. He handed the glass of water back to her. "Take this to Carol, won't you?" He waited until the paralegal was out of earshot before turning his attention back to Jessica. "Your father would have hated him."

"My father was dead before Harvey ever came to this firm."

"That wouldn't stop it."

Jessica cracked a smile at that, thinking somewhat fondly of her late father and his iron-clad will. "No, no it wouldn't." She closed her eyes, taking a deep and steadying breath. "He would respect him, though, for the way he always manages to toe that line but never cross it."

"He'll cross it."

"You don't know him like I do. You don't even know him like Donna does. Harvey Specter fights tooth and nail for what he believes in, and right now, he believes in your little girl. You know what? I think that brand of loyalty deserves a little faith from all of us." With that she turned on her heel and walked away, her heels clacking loudly and she left the aging doctor to his own thoughts.