Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or any of its characters. Those would be the property of Ryan Murphy, Fox and so on and so forth.

Author's Note: Hey guys...long time no see. I honestly have no excuse in the world that is good enough to justify abandoning this fic like I did. The endless love and support that I have received from the readers of this fic have made me the happiest author in the world and just know that I am forever grateful for all the reviews and PM's I have received. It has been 2 years and 7 months since I've last updated this fic. February 1st 2013 to be exact-yeesh, that is a long time. I am so very sorry. Life got a bit crazy for me and I had always intended to come back to this fic and keep working on it. As we can see, the endless attempts failed and I had maybe thought that it was too late for an update and many had forgotten this fic...but I just had a close friend read this and he hounded me for answers or an update even despite the fact that it's been so long since I've worked on this.

So I've decided to dig this fic up from the depths of the underworld and see if it still holds any interest to anyone to start reading this fic again. I would consider myself very lucky and extremely grateful if that is true. I've missed each and every one of you and couldn't be happier to bring you the very overdue Chapter 31.

Also, I would love to give a gigantic shoutout to ILoveKliss who is without a doubt one of the best people I have met on here in all my years. She took this fic and translated it so that French readers would be able to enjoy this fic as well. She has translated the entire story into French and I couldn't be anymore grateful to her and all of those wonderful readers. ILoveKliss, if you could pass along how much I enjoy reading their reviews as well and how grateful I am to them for their love of the story. I consider myself extremely lucky and am without words. Thank you all and I couldn't be happier to be back.

- Casey

Chapter 31. "Fighter"

"I can't help but worry," Blaine admitted as he packed the few belongings from his room. "I should be happy, I know, but what if I'm making a mistake? A monumental mistake? I just don't want to let everyone down; I don't want to let you down-I just-"

Kurt gently but firmly placed his hands on Blaine's shoulders to get his boyfriend to calm down. It hadn't been an easy decision for him to make and he had been put on the spot and given no choice but to make it very quickly. After Blaine had announced his concerns of failure, he had silently talked himself into agreeing for his release as Dr. Wainwright explained more information regarding his impending release.

Everyone in the room seemed excited at the prospect of Blaine coming home...everyone except for Blaine that is. Kurt could tell that he was struggling with endless 'what if' scenarios whilst everyone else chattered on about the details and conditions of his release. It had already been discussed that Blaine would have to attend three mandatory therapy sessions a week with Dr. Wainwright's Lima office. Mrs. Anderson had assured that she would have no problem making sure that they made the commute from Westerville for the appointments.

A few other conditions had been added to the list whilst Blaine was battling with his decision. Blaine would not only need to attend the therapy sessions; he would also be required to make Monday and Friday visits to Dalton's guidance counselor should he decide to return to Dalton. He would also be required to submit to a monthly visit from a nurse who would be sent to his house to check on his physical health. To Blaine that meant that she'd be a glorified monthly babysitter that made sure that he wouldn't be hurting himself. If he failed to meet the requirements for any of these conditions, he'd be ordered back to CBHI to resume his treatment within the facility.

The Anderson's were in complete agreement with the terms that had been set, but it was now up to the very person that all these conditions concerned: Blaine. He sat in silence as the conditions were laid out for him to digest. He could feel his head spinning at the very idea of release; all of the conditions were just an added means to surely suffocate him. He couldn't help but feel like he was some kind of a criminal that was being informed that he was being released for good behavior and was being read the terms of his parole.

Blaine knew what he truly wanted; he wanted to go home and put this entire nightmare behind him. He longed for the normalcy he had once had and above all else, he didn't want to be separated from Kurt and his parents any longer. The only roadblock on this decision was the concern of his failure. He had let down so many people and didn't think his heart could survive the risk of doing it again. The sad eyes, the pity, the disappointment; he couldn't allow it to happen again, he wouldn't.

No one was more surprised than Blaine when the words were spoken. It was enough to surprise and raise the spirits of everyone stuffed inside the small office. It came out as a plea more-so than a decision, but to everyone, it was good enough.

"I want to go home...please."

Coming back into the present, Kurt squeezed Blaine's shoulders, successfully interrupting his packing and potential panic attack. He pulled the love of his life in close which allowed Blaine to burrow into the crook of his neck and again inhale the scent that he had been missing for so long. It was practically a drug to the smaller boy as he fell into a calm state, allowing his eye lids to flutter closed and bask in the euphoric sensation that only Kurt could provide. Kurt relaxed as Blaine snuggled into his favorite place in the world. A place where he felt he truly belonged. Kurt's neck was a favorite of Blaine's and having him back there felt more right than anything else had in a long, long time.

"Now you listen to me, Blaine Anderson," Kurt whispered softly into his ear as he began to gently thread his fingers through Blaine's hair that had grown out quite considerably since he had last seen him. He couldn't help but think of the hilarity that would be Blaine once he became accustomed to being home and coming to the realization that he had been separated from his hair gel for months. "You have never been and never will be a failure. Everyone in that office back there loves you more than you'll ever know. We've missed you and never blamed you for any of these setbacks you have faced. You are the bravest, strongest, and most selfless person I know.

I have never been more proud to call you mine. My boyfriend who has suffered more things than any person should in a single lifetime is still here in once piece fighting everyday to get his life back. I see no failure; all I see is strength and I can't stress how much I love you for it. You're a fighter, Blaine-my fighter and in return, I'll be your fighter. I will fight for your happiness and recovery and I will be here through all your ups and your downs. All I ask is that you let go of all these nonsensical doubts and come home to us. I love you, Blaine, more than you will ever understand."

Kurt felt something warm and wet trail down his neck and he knew instantly that Blaine had started crying. He tightened his arms around him and held him for a few moments, allowing him to release all of the emotions that he had been loaded with in the past hour. It was a lot to take in so it was only natural that Blaine was overwhelmed by everything and needed some form of release.

"I-" Blaine began as he shuffled out of Kurt's embrace so that he could look him in the eyes as he talked. "I don't know what else to say Kurt, other than thank you. I don't know how many bus loads of puppies I had to save from certain death in another life to deserve you. I love you too, more than words can ever convey. Just-just thank you, Kurt Hummel."

With the heartfelt speeches out of the way, the couple was able to pack up the rest of Blaine's belongings with no additional setbacks, thankfully. As soon as they were certain that every item was ready for travel, they set off to find their parents and prepare the paperwork for Blaine's release. Hand-in-hand and a box under one arm each, they were making their way to the elevator for the main floor when a voice stopped them in their tracks before they even managed to press the down button.

"You're leaving?"

The boys turned and were met with Jillian headed their way. She looked at a cross between elated and despondent that Blaine appeared to be leaving CBHI. He was the only friend that she had made here and wasn't prepared to give him up yet, but she also couldn't not be happy for him. Blaine didn't belong here and she knew that from the very first day that she laid eyes on him.

"Jill? How on earth did you sneak away to the dorms?" Blaine asked in confusion. He would never forget the main rule at CBHI: Patients were not permitted to spend time alone in the dorms unless they were sleeping or were visiting with family. Blaine had spent a good month despising that rule since his only wish upon coming into the institute was to be left alone.

"Since it's family day, the nurses are a bit preoccupied and a little less aware of the whereabouts of all the patients. I can't be more grateful for the chaos that comes with visitation since I have a sneaking suspicion that you were going to leave without so much as a goodbye, Blaine. Now am I right or am I right?" She asked with a wink.

"Jill, I-"

"It's ok, Blaine, you don't have to explain, really. I'm just glad that I'll get my goodbye after all. I'm really glad that you're getting released. You never deserved to be here."

Blaine shook his head at the best friend he could have ever hoped for in such a depressing place. Without her, he never would have been able to adapt. "I honestly had no idea that they planned to release me. I thought I was going to be here for another two months at least and just so we're clear, you don't deserve to be here either, Jill. I can only hope that they blindside you with a release straight out of nowhere like they did to me."

"One can only hope," She smiled a bit somberly. "I can only hope that Dr. K is as generous with release papers as Dr. Wainwright, eh?"

Blaine swallowed a lump in his throat at the mention of Dr. K, but shrugged it off quickly so that Kurt wouldn't be concerned. Unbeknownst to Blaine, he had noticed and planned on getting an explanation for that later.

"I really hope so, Jill. Now let's prepare for history in the making. Kurt, I hope you don't get too jealous, but I'm about to give a girl my number. When all of this is over, Jill, I want to hear from you, understand?"

Everyone chuckled at Blaine's small joke as he managed to procure a pen that Jill had carried with her from her work station. He wrote his number on her hand and made her promise to contact him once she was released. They hugged goodbye...for the time being at least, because Blaine knew she'd keep her promise.

The elevator ride felt like an eternity to Blaine as he held Kurt's hand in a vice like grip. He could feel his anxiety start to build as the elevator dinged, signifying that they had reached the main floor, just one more door stood in the way of Blaine and his freedom. Kurt led him out of the elevator as they made their way to join their parents at the front desk to sign the release papers. Burt clapped Blaine on the back as he passed by and went over to join his parents at the front desk.

Mrs. Anderson upon noticing the approaching from of Blaine held her arms out to her son with tears in her eyes. Blaine handed Kurt his box and accepted his mother's embrace. He couldn't help but shed some tears of his own as he listened to his mother inform him how brave he had been and how proud she was of him for making this tough decision.

The woman at the front desk handed Blaine a form that had already been signed by Dr. Wainwright and his parents outlining the conditions of his release and all that was left was for him to sign. He shakily took the pen that was offered to him and took a deep breath as he put the pens tip against the paper. This was it, just one signature and he was free. He had been dreaming of this day for months and it was finally here. He scrawled out probably the most important signature of his life and felt like a weight had been lifted as he handed the paper back to the woman.

"OK, Blaine, you're free to go," The woman announced with a bright smile.

And just like that, Blaine could feel a different weight added. It wasn't nearly as heavy of one that had been placed on him during his incarceration at the institute; it was the weight of freedom. It had been three months since he had even been allowed outside and the very idea of it had him both excited and anxious. The outside freedom was enticing, but it also made him feel slightly less safe, but he had to put those ideas to rest. Afraid as he might be, he knew he had to do this.

Mrs. Anderson placed an arm around her son and guided him gently towards the very door that he been forced through those three long months ago. He was a very different person than the boy who had entered those doors; he was stronger and he could do this. He had to; not only for his family and Kurt, but for himself as well. Mr. Anderson held the door open as Mrs. Anderson helped lead Blaine out into the fresh air and his freedom.

Welp, it's been a little while so I may be a little rusty. It's not really as long as I intended, but I'd like to use this to see if there's still any reader interest out there. So if you're still here or if you're just tuning in for the first time and made it this far, leave me your reviews and let me know if you liked the chapter or if you're still interested and we can get this story back up and running! I've always been immensely proud of this fic and I'd really love to bring it back.

Hope to hear from you guys!
