Here's a chappie :)

Thank you to everyone who has been reviewing, and please keep reviewing! The more reviews I get the more encouraged I am to write more (just so you knowww C: )

Annabeth POV:

Everyone headed outside, except for Grace, Nico and I. I heard a lot of scuffling and chattering, and then loud buzzing sounds, as if from an insect. It was followed by a lot of sighs and 'ew, gross!' until a loud pop sound was made and I was silent.

Nico turned to me. "You ready to go?" He asked.

I looked at Grace who was squirming out of my hold, trying to reach for the box of cheerios on the counter.

"Is she always that…wiggly?" Nico asked uneasily.

"Um, I guess. Why?" I asked him.

"Well…I've never transported a baby before." He said.

"Well is there a difference?" I asked, holding Grace a little tighter.

"Well, I guess not. I just think you should maybe get a good grip on her. We move pretty quickly." He said, scratching the back of his head.

"Um…alright." I said. "Can I grab some things for her first? I don't know how long we're going to be and I doubt she'll want to stay a hydra for the rest of the day." I said.

Nico nodded, and I quickly walked back into the nursery and grabbed a bag and filled it with diapers, two changes of clothes and a blanket. I also grabbed my dagger and put it in between the diapers and baby clothes.

I walked back to the kitchen where Nico was standing and he immediately stood up.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Ready." I said, nodding. I gripped Grace tight, and I could feel her little fists clenching to my shirt.

I placed my hand on Nico's and all of the sudden I felt like I was travelling faster than sound. It was completely dark, and I basically felt like I was riding a roller coaster, or like I was free falling into a black abyss. I instinctively clenched Grace as tightly as I could to me, until suddenly we were at the foot of Half-Blood Hill.

"That was…intense." I panted, loosening my grip on Grace, although she didn't seem to be phased much by what we had just done.

"Yeah. Is the kid okay?" Nico asked, looking at Grace.

"Yes, Grace is fine." I corrected him quickly. Overhead I saw what looked like a black plane flying over us, until I heard the screams of what sounded like Percy and they shouts of the others telling him to calm down. I immediately saw that it was the butterfly, Alfie. It landed right in front of us, and Percy was the first one to jump off. He ran towards Grace and I, hugged us both, and then he slouched over and hit the ground, unconscious.

"Oh my gods!" I panicked. I quickly gave Grace to Piper, and I knelt next to Percy's head. Thalia knelt down beside us, and touched his shoulder and gave him a little shock, and he woke up.

"What happened Perce?" I asked straight away.

"It turns out Percy here has a major fear of butterflies." Rachel said, being the last one to climb off the giant insect.

Percy blinked, and put his hand on my cheek. "I'm not afraid of butterflies." I mumbled.

"Sure you're not." I said, trying not to laugh.

"They're just so big…and scary looking…" he muttered. "Don't make me ride that thing again." He sighed.

"I promise." I laughed, and helped him up.

I could see a very unhappy looking Clarisse stomping down the hill to greet us. She looked the same as she basically always had; stringy light blonde hair pulled back in a bandana, wearing an XXXL orange camp shirt and cut off jeans, even though it was nearly November and storming outside.

"Kelp face, get off your butt and tell that father of yours to stop with all the storming." She grunted, crossing her arms. I helped Percy up, and he brushed off his clothes.

"Hello Clarisse." Percy said, in a completely artificial voice that almost sounded like one of those 1-800 numbers. "It is so wonderful to see you. How have you been?" he asked sarcastically.

"Worse now that you're here." She snarled, narrowing her eyes at Percy. I never quite understood the rivalry between the two of them, although I was a witness to when it started, all those years ago when Percy drenched Clarisse in toilet water.

"Sooo," I interrupted, "Would someone care to explain what exactly is going on? Are the gods fighting or is it something else?"

"Athena and Poseidon have it out for each other again, and Zeus is just trying to make it about him by making fists in the sky." She sighed, picking at her fingers. "Except the two of them aren't fighting this time because of Poseidon bumping uglies with some goddess in one of Athena's temples." She informed us.

"So why are they fighting then?" Nico asked, standing behind Percy.

"Oh, we don't know. That why you guys are here." Rachel said, from behind Alfie.

"Yeah, what the ginger said." Clarisse mumbled. "While the rest of us go out and whoop ass, you two," She said, pointing to Percy and me, "are going to figure out why they're bickering and why Zeus constantly wants to stick his big foot in everything." She told us.

"Hey!" Thalia and Jason said simultaneously. Thunder rumbled overhead.

"So we have no idea why they're fighting?" I asked Clarisse.

"Nope." She said. "Follow me, everyone should be gathering around the ping pong table right about now."

We followed Clarisse up to the big house, and after Percy gave Grace to Rachel Dare who took her to the play area they'd set up ever since the 'demi-tots' had arrived, we all sat down at the ping pong table. Along with Percy, Grover, Thalia, Nico, Piper, Jason, Leo and I, Connor and Travis Stoll were also sitting at the table, along with Katie and Chris. It had been a long time since I'd sat at the ping pong table in the big house to discuss a mission. Probably since right before the titan war, when Percy and I were both still 15. It seemed like a million years ago, yet sitting here again made it seem like yesterday.

"Alright, so here's the game plan." Clarisse announced, spreading a scroll out on the table. It only had two things written on it. 'We kill the bad guys' and 'let Percy and Annabeth find up what the deal is with their parents'. Clarisse read the paper aloud, and waited for reaction.

"That's it?" Connor asked, looking like he was missing something.

"Well do you have a better idea, sticky fingers?" Clarisse asked raising an eyebrow at him.

He held his hands up defensively. "Nah. I'm good."

"That's what I thought." Clarisse huffed under her breath.

Leo raised his hand, as if he wanted to ask a question. Everyone looked at him.

"Are you having a stroke or something?" Clarisse asked, knitting her eyebrows at him. "You don't have to raise your hand to ask a question, fire hands."

Leo put his hand down. "Well never mind…" He muttered incoherently.

Percy placed his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together, which was pretty funny looking since he was still dressed as Mike Wazowski. "So Annabeth and I are going to have to figure out why my dad and her mom are fighting while the rest of you go and fight off the monsters and stuff they're letting loose?" Percy asked.

"YES." Clarisse said impatiently. "Would you like me to tattoo it on your forehead? It's written on paper very clearly. There's not that much not to understand." She said, almost condescendingly.

"So where do we go? Olympus?" Percy asked.

"Sure. Go to pizza hut for all I care, just figure it out kelp breath." Clarisse said, slumping into her chair. "Anymore frigging questions?" She asked in a tone that basically made everyone decide to hold on to any questions they did have.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"First thing tomorrow, unless the fighting miraculously stops. Then we just send you all home." Clarisse shrugged.

"So we can still go trick or treating?" Leo asked his eyes big like a child's.

We all turned towards him. "Where are we going to go trick or treating in a training camp. The Hecate cabin?" Thalia asked sarcastically.

A very quiet Nico shook his head. "Their candy is not the kind you want to eat. Unless you want to turn into a spider."

I felt my skin crawl. "Yeah, don't eat their candy." Percy said for me. "I bet we could still get the nymphs to get some bowls of candy or something, and we could probably make half-baked costumes for those who don't have any." He suggested.

"You really want everyone to see your costume don't you?" Jason noted.

"Yes. It is kick ass and everyone must acknowledge it." Percy said very seriously, as he stood up, and put on hand on his hip.